
Chapter 18. Shon'.

   While everyone in Hastinapur is discussing about the King Sunil's incident.

   Here Yubraj Vikram' and Senapati Ravindra' planning to remove competition of the throne.

   Everything is going according to their plan, Senapati Ravindra' goes on solo journey to find assassin, and every royal is ready for Puja and Yagna'.

   Other 5 brothers of Yubraj' Vikram goes towards the Ganga' river in interval of 2 hours from 5 different locations, plan was without any loopholes. 1st brother left for Ganga river, after sometime they went inside the forest, inside of the forest soldiers got alart that something drastic is going to happen. While they finding the anomaly they saw a black shadow, that Balck shadow killed all the soldiers except charioteer and one soldier , he come near terrified 1st brother and said, " you are guilty."

     He got scared and pleaded, " please forgive me, let me live, I will chenge, I will not do bad things anymore, I beg you please."

   Masked man doesn't listen to him and swang his sword and cut his left hand.

  " Aaaaaaaaa, help I'm dieing, please help I don't want to die ,I don't want to die, aaaaaaaa, help please ."

  Masked man instructed to remaining soldiers," bandage him and, go to the capital to farther check up, and you prince, this time I took your hand , If I found you guilty second time then I will took your life."

     As the interval of 2 hours similar report come with injured prince, that masked assassin once again strikes, this time he crippled 5 prince who was walking on the path of 'Adhram'.

  On the other side Karna' have no knowledge about any of this he Rome here and there and challange warriors of different styles.

  3 months later.....

    Karna' cme across a tribe, named 'Kapipuj', who worships lord 'Hanuman'.

    He spends some time with the tribe they taught him essence of strength, control of strength, mace welding, and how to understand nature and animals.

   He also shared his traking, scouting, hunting, and stealth knowledge. Which helped them immensely because they were forest dwellers.

  Karna' accross the journey he come across different people, different cultures. He came accross good person and some bad people.

   He came accross corrosion, he cleared some of them which are not redeemable, he just warned them who are redeemable.

   His name resound throughout Hastinapur, as 'Yamdut' 'Adi'. His name brought terror on the corrpted people.


    Which helped the Hastinapur Royals, but it also brought questions among Royal court that if 'Adi' is going to do their work so how the people will believe  the Royalty, it will brought civil unrest in the society, everyone is going to loose trust in them. Thus long discussion form which one side in favour of 'Adi' doing the dirty work for them, and one side is against because it will from distrust among civilians.

    Thus a secret force construct which fully dedicated to re-examine te cases and capture of the Masked assassin 'Adi'.

This secret force lead by Mahamatim 'Bhishma', which is not published among citizens. He selected 'Ardh rathi' and 'Rathi' caliber warrior in this task force and spy network in this issue.

1 months later....

     Thare is a saying " If you fuck with Time then Time will fuck with you."

This happened with Karna', he has 'Mahadev's boon so time cannot obliterated him but Time can interfere with the memory so that time stayed on the linear path without so much disturbance that can chenge the course of entire timeline.

     Karna' has forgotten everything about his past life, little by little but he doesn't know that, and this forgotten memory cannot be regain. He truly integrate in 'Dwapar yuga'. He remembers  some common knowledge about his data panal  and something but he thought that it is the boon of 'Mahadev' and he doesn't have permission to share the Knowledge about it.  His family also got baptized by time thus forgetting some small insignificant details about Karna's behaviour.

   Karna' is now residing in 'Surasena' Kingdom which share border with 'Panchal' 'Matsha' and 'Kuru' Kingdom, and capital of 'Surasena' is 'Mathura'.

   He is residing in a village under rule of Maharaj 'Kansh', he lives in incognito. Here he meet a boy named 'Shon'. 'Shon' is 9 years old, he is similar to Karna'. He doesn't believe in caste he helps around in neighbourhood, he tries to learn by himself by spying on temples. Karna' looked his shadow in him so he approached him near river bank, and asked, " 'Shon', You are doing all of this but what drives you to doing this."

  Shon' shocked and turned around and asked in fearful voice without letting his guard down, " who are you ? How do you Know my name?What are you doing here? I never saw you in village ."

   Karna' smiled and said, " relax, I'm not a bad guy, and my name is 'Vasusena', I'm a wondering worrior. "

    He said, " you are popular in the neighborhood so I know your name."

   Shon' let his guard down and said in exited tone, " Really, you are a worrior. Will you teach me how to weild weapons no one teaches me, everyone said a 'Suta'  cannot weild weapons."

   Karna' warily smiled and said, " yes, I will  teach you but you have to tell me what drives you to do all of this."

   Shon' looked at him and said, " Brother  'Vasusena' I'm a son of charioteer from 'Suta' community, I want to prove everyone that Knowledge doesn't depend on caste but on talent. I want to fight for oppressed people in the society."

   Karna' listen to him and he felt connected to him as if he is his long lost brother.

  Karna' sit on the bank of the river and signal Shon' to sit beside him and said, " I'm also from 'Suta' ta community, my father is also a charioteer,I also do not have permission to weild weapons. So I taught myself, I also learnt from my journey, if you are comfortable to learn from me then I will teach you."

   Shon' said with exited tone, " I will  learn from you and I will protect the people around me, so Brother Vasusena' please teach me."

    Karna' looked at him and said while laughing, " Ha ha , good good, tomorrow morning before sunrise you will be present in this river bank, if you don't come then It will be over."

   Shon' said with determination, " yes brother, I will be present on time."

Next day...

   Karna' doing his morning Suryapuja and 'Shiva' Puja , while Shon' is also doing the same. As per the instructions of Karna'. Then Karna began to teach him, what all he learnt by himself.

    Shon' is an exceptional talent he learnt quite quickly. Karna' taught him How to exercise without herming himself, how to weild bow and arrow, how to aim how to release.

    He taught him about swordsmanship, Axemanship, Mace welding, close combat and unarmed fighting, Shon' learnt all the basic in 4 months. Karna' doesn't only teach him about weapons, he taught him about some 'Vedas'  which he overheard from temple by his Heightened senses'. He taught him moral, taught him how to respect women, how to help others in needs how to do Puja' and how to meditate.

8 months later....

   Karna' is now over 17 years old he is now 6 fit 3 inches tall. Have well build compact linier physic with 8 packs, well defined body ,handsome face, fair skin complexion and sun redient shine. Sholder length hair.

   In past 8 months Karna' honed Shon' to boy to a superhuman level worrior. Well versed on weapons and knowledge about the moral.

    Karna' doesn't just taught him, Shon' has became his family, a brother he cared very much about Shon'. He tried to make him better version of himself. He cooked for him took care of him.

     In past 8 months he also cleared the non redeemable corrpted people. He helped lot of people. His name brought safety among citizens.

   And also his name brought problem among royals.

   While on the hunt of corrupted people a tragedy struck. Karna' has no knowledge about the tragedy. And by the time he got news it already happened.