
Chapter 19. Beating of Society.


    Shon' is on his knees looking devastated looks with the tears in his eyes like he lost his soul, he is looking at 2 dead bodies, one in his arm samarth with blood  other is some distence away arrow plunged into the heart, soldiers are restraining him, but he has no will to resist, one is young girl age 15 other is middle age women.

  Soldiers are dragging Shon' to top of the platform to execute him by pouring molten gold in his mouth.

Few hours earlier....

   It is a nice day, peaceful atmosphere, everyone is doing their work.

    Shon' is practicing by the river bank. His family is doing their respective works, suddenly he heard sound dozon of horse running. He run towards his house, when he arrived he saw from distence that some soldiers dragging a beautiful 15 years old girl, girl is begging for mercy, begging to leave her, but her plea has no answer. Shon' knows her, her name is Janvi' she is an orphan, she lived near their house, Shon' has seen her mother helping her many time. When he was child she took care of him, she is the sister of Shon'.

     Janvi' pleading to them and asking while cring, " why are you doing this to me? Please spare me? Please!"

     Shon's mother Ambika' shouting and asking, " What are you doing? Why are you dragging her?"

    One of the soldiers looked at them and replied while laughing, " You should be proud, Raja Vinay' decided to make you his queen, you should be proud to becoming the mistress of the King."

    Raja Vinay' is the dictator rular of the that region which is the village under. He is notoriously infamous for kidnapping beautiful girls and make them mistress.

He married many girls but some of them mysteriously disappeared, Karna' is now on the capital whare Raja Vinay' lived he is investigating him and mysterious disappearance of the girls.

   Listening to the soldier Janvi' and Shon's mother Ambika' is devastated. They knew that Janvi' has no future, she ether has to die or be the mistress of Raja Vinay'.

   Shon' by the age made a impulsive desisison, by pointing the arrows at the soldiers, by the dictatorship rule there is no one from 'Suta' community has permission to weild weapons. if wielded then with him/her family will receive death sentence. Shon' doesn't know that.

   Janvi' saw Shon' with the Bow and Arrow she was terrified to see this. She signalling Shon' by her eyes to run, but Shon's eyes says another story. Shon' reassured her and had a pride in his eyes.

    Pride never been and never will be a good emotion,it is living hell if someone obsessed by pride,ego and anger. The momentary success and Karna's calling his genius and by the time of soar releasing water has made young Shon' proud and arrogant by his nonexisting strength.

   Shon' draws his Bow and Arrow to strike the the soldiers, they were on superhuman level but the sheer experience can be sometimes fetal in equal range of strength, on the top of that the team leader is 'Ardh rathi' caliber warrior.

    He strike first soldier, arrow shot straight to the left ear of that solder and penetrate further into brain by killing him, he then jumped and shot second arrow which shot to the neak of the second soldier. Thus killing him. By the time they got alart. They spotted Shon' among the crowd, they took position, by the luck none of the soldiers are Archer in the team, they took out their spear and sword to defend.

    First mistake Shon' has done is not carefully examined the situation , there are 12 soldiers and one their leader present. Second mistake he has done by underestimate the opponents. Third mistake is that he overestimate his own strength.

   When they started defending situation got bad to worse, none of the arrow is striking the soldiers. He got frustrated thus loosing his clam. When a soldier took the hostage if the Janvi' and his mother Ambika' and shouted at him,

" Drop the weapon, and surrender,If you don't drop the weapon then we will kill them."

   His mother and sister Janvi' shouted at him," Run Shon' run, we will be ok run save your life, you cannot win them they are to many , try to save your own life."

  Shon' shouted and said, " I have killed two of them, I can save all of you, brother Vasusena' told me I am a genius, I cannot loose to them, I will save you. I will protect you and prove them that a  'Suta' can also be a worrior."

    His mother and sister Janvi' terrified by listening to him, his mother pleaded to him," Please beta go.. run , listen to your mother last time beta.. please. Run."

    Shon' doesn't listen any of them, he shot a power shot at leader but he deflected the arrow by flickering the sword but arrow shot towards his mother Ambika'. And plunge to her heart . Her mother looked below and cough blood and said with the pain in her eyes, " Run... Bet...a ."

     Shon's young mind went blank he cannot process what is happening with him, why is situation is getting worse and worse, " No no no no , this cannot be happening wh..att  have I.ii..ii... done.. No no no no please ..please ..please be safe be safe."

    He started running towards his mother without looking surrounding situation, other soldiers started to surrounding him, and leader tried to killed him with his sword. When leaders sword is going to strike Janvi' got between sword and Shon', she looked at the Shon' and said, " Told you.. to run .. but ..y.oou do no..t list..en.. I love  you broth..er forgive ...us Shon'.. for bea..ing a berden to your ..li.f..e."

   Shon' hold her and howled in heartbreak, " Please forgive me please don't leave me please.... I am sorry.. I'm not anything ..please God please don't let them go. please  please please... No no no no Noooooo. "

  Others civilians who are surrounded them started to sobbing by this heartbreaking Sean.

   But the soldiers started laughing at him. " You are 'Suta', and you have audacity to weild weapons. God is punishing you. Ha ha ha "

   The Leader silence the crowd by shouting at them and ordered the soldiers to apprehend Shon', " Capture him, and put him to the stage we have to set an example of him, that lowborn 'Suta' has audacity to weild weapon."

    Soldiers dragged Shon' but he has lost all his will to struggle. Shon' lost his residence of his eyes. He is thinking,

    ' what is happening with him, why is this happening with him, when he lost his path, how proud he became by small ammount of achivement, he now understand he has became arrogant he lost his original perpose for welding weapons. He has broken his promise to brother Vasusena', his mother Ambika' his father Rajant' and his sister  Janvi' he let all of them down. He is the demise of his family. '

   They are tieing Shon' on the stage, he saw his father running towards him, he jolted awake from trance and began to struggle and shout,  " Run baba run don't  come baba , I killed mother I killed sister,  I have done grave sin, I am justified to killed, "

   He began to plead the soldiers, " Please .. please please don't do anything to father please, I am sinner I wielded weapons  .... please kill me but please speare my father he is innocent.."

   The Leader shake his head and said," You are  sure a genius kid, but you have a bad luck you born in 'Suta' community. And by the law you and your family should be sentenced to death."

    He ordered the soldiers, " Behead the man, he is the father of  the sinner.."

   Shon' devastated and shouted," no no please don't do this please let him leave.. no no no please please."

   His father Rajant' shouted at him," Look  at me Shon' , you are my and your mother pride, we love you , but.... But.. please forgive us to give birth in 'Suta' community. I hope you will forgive us.."

Thus a sholder Behead him.

   Shon' lost all his reasons to live. He was  devastated, he was heartbreak. They pour molten gold on his mouth be he doesn't utter a single sound.

   Soldiers left him on the stage. To show the consequences of the action of Shon'.

    By the time Karna' arrived in the village from investigation. All the soldiers left from different path he has no knowledge of the incidents..