
Chapter 1. KARNA and 'KARNA'

There are infinite universes and have infinite possibilities.

    In vast calculus of the multiverse if you think something out of the normal in your imagination, then you are right, it will happen or has happened.

'Kaliyuga', 2013.

      Here in India near Varanasi in remote town in orphanage a 12 year old innocent boy called Karna is watching T.V program "MAHABHARAT" from corner of the hall. In "Mahabharat" 'Pandu' putra (son of pandu) 'Arjun' with his charioteer Vagban Sri 'Krishna' fighting his arch enemy 'Karna'. That boy is fascinated to watch this grand battle. Other boys are also excited and cheering their hero 'Arjun', but Krana thinking why is everyone cheering 'Arjun' not 'Karna', but he has no courage to ask others because he is an outcast in that orphanage because he is good person an other reason he never lie and in kaliyug he who is good and he who not lie have not living well.

     We live in society based on equality that's good but we forgot about humanity. We hate eachother, cheat eachother, for jealousy we even kill eachother. Brother are betraying each other for greed . Lovers cheat each other for lust. Friends are betraying each other for envy. Higher class people making crazy money for gluttony. People forget to respect each other for their pride. For simple reason we lost control of our anger and do something drastic that is wrath. Last despite knowing all of this we do nothing, is sloth. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth this seven deadly sins driving today's society. We are going towards our doom.

'Kaliyuga' 2021, Varanasi.

     In small 1 bhk apartment, Karna sitting in front of computer researching about "MAHABHARAT" and thinking about his life. Karna is 20 years old now he has seen how cruel society can be to someone. Where we live like caged bird in society, and in 2020 we living like caged bird because of COVID. Karna now in college 2nd year studing history graduation course. He is studying on scholarship and living on part time job. He is thinking about suryaputra (son of Surya Dev) 'Karna', he is always fascinated about 'Karna'. He aspire to be a great man like 'Karna'. He trying to write a book about 'Karna' in own version. Both Karna have similarities between them like straggle to learn. Eger to prove themselves. Doing kindness to others, and also suffering alone everything.

       Karna remembering his life and feeling pain himself, because he has no one to share it. He has everything in 11 class and lose everything in 12 class in span of 1 year.

He was always a optimistic cold faced boy in life, he believes helping others. When he was in 11 class he has friends,best friend like brother and a lover. He loved her very much and she heart him the most. His trusted his best friend most he betrayed him with her. Three of them were inseparable. Betrayal of them broke him. Making him extrovert to introvert, optimistic to withdrawn.


      He almost read every fan-fiction about Karna, watch every T.V shows everything about karna.he knows almost everything about 'Karna'. His own book is almost 1/3 complete. Nowadays outside world is in chaos. Listening about 'Karna' in YouTube he falls asleep and drifting towards dream whare he is suryaputra 'Karna'.

     Living life in a dream he lives as 'Karna'. When in battle he about to die he snaps opens his eyes and wipes his sweat on forehead. Light massaging his forehead with his left hand he pulls his earphone with a jark. Looks outside of window sun is setting and last ray of light touches his face as if a father saying everything is going to be alright. A non existing smile from on his face.

      With the heavy sigh he went towards bathroom to fresh himself for evining 'Shiva' Puja.

He is a 'Mahadev' devotee. Always on morning and evening he does 'Shiva' Puja and meditation which helps him to calm himself. When he was in orphanage 'Mahadev' gave him power to move forward in life.

       After doing 'Shiva' Puja and meditation ate some tea and bread, then started to write. After writing he makes himself a small dinner and ate by himself. When he about to sleep in his dark room he remembered his school life, almost in tears his breathing became unsteady his heart is bleeding. He took deep breath and calm himself. As if fighting evil within himself.

     In 'yuga' we face evil ourselves or God helps us to face evil ,in 'Satya yuga' devil lived in narak (hell) god's lived in swarg(heven) devil try to conquer humanity and god's try to maintain balance in universe. In 'Treta yuga' war between different countries as good vs evil. In 'Dwapar yuga' evil resides within family so fighting of brother vs brother. And in 'Kali yuga' good and evil resides inside ourselves, and who bowes theirs head to evil, is evil.

     Karna faced many betrayal but tried to do good deeds throughout his life. He tried to do everything has done by 'Karna' and try not do sins by 'Karna'. As never lie for benefits of yourself,

Never loose calm, never disrespect women in life, even you disappointed to someone try to forgive them.

      Other then 'Mahadev' his driving force in his life is love for Swords and archery. He is obsessed with them he read everything about Sword and archery, he himself self taught about swordsmanship and archery. When he was in orphanage sword and archery attract him, he loves the swordsmanship of samurai most. After getting his own phone and computer he always couldn't help himself but to watch about Sword and archery anime, flim, video documentary,and archery trik shots on YouTube he tries to learn everything about Sword and archery he thought himself sword drawing, slashing defending, long distance shot, rapid shot and even bending arrow shot. With the help of own made bamboo knife and bamboo bow and arrows.

      Our birth in society never be equal, our birth is based on past life 'Karma', that is or was never in our hands. So try to do good in this life so 'Karma' will be good.

     Karna hates his life which gave him only pain and suffering, but he tries to live well. He has wish he got by any chance he wants to live as 'Karna'. His driving force of his life is loving sword and archery, non existing connection about 'Karna', and devotion of 'Mahadev'.


      Karna himself is not aware of upcoming denger. Last stage of COVID is spreading every where, everyone losing someone, and Karna got himself COVID. He was instructed to live in home. He who has no one it's very hard to living with sickness. With straggling to survive living in dark room like caged Bird he wants to fly in sky wants to get away from everything and be a free bird.

     A sunny day birds are chipping a peaceful environment outside here in horizon dark clouds coming to cover sun. In his dark room Karna is suffering taking his last moments of breath. Asking himself is he lived enough? Is he satisfied with his life? Answer is no, he is dying recalling every moment of his life, holding his tears he knows 'a man should never cry'.

     Taking deep breath in pain calming himself and a question remains am I dying? His only regret that he never able to complete his own book about his 'Karna' he never able to hold sword,bow, and arrow. A sad smile from in his cold face. He now wants to live as 'Karna'. He is praying 'Mahadev'.And in his earphone A video is playing on his phone about 'Karna' ('Karna' hara nani haraya gaya tha, 'Arjun' jita nahi jitaya gaya tha. Jis rath par tino logo ke Malik baithe ho use Jo do kadam dakel de use yoddha nahi mahayoddha kahite hai.). With a smile he took his last breath.

    At that moment outside sudden dark clouds from and it covered Sun. As if a father is very sad about his child death.