
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Fantasy
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21 Chs

His playtime

***Warning! This chapter contains Violence, Torture, Nudity***


"Ray, You are late. So, I will have to punish you now just like your mother did. It's an order from your father."

The servant walked closer to Ray and held his shoulder by looking at him with a cold gaze, "Let's go inside. Shall we?"

Ray also smiled and said, "Why not?" 

[The skill will shut down after 9:30 seconds.]

The red screen appeared in front of him with a timer. It was saying that he only had less than 10 minutes until the skill reached its time limit. So he grabbed the strings which were connected to his 10 fingers and pulled them all together. 

The lady suddenly flew above and hanged like a wooden puppet. Her arms, legs and body were all attached to a golden string. But she looked like she was hanging on something invisible. 

"What! What is going on!! Why can't I move!!! Aaahh!!! My arms are burning!!! Help!! Help!!!!" 

Ray smiled at her with tons of curiosity and said, "Didn't you say grandma was sleeping? She's not going to wake up until tomorrow. So let's go inside your room. Since it's soundproof, you can scream more loudly."

"Is this your doing!! How can you use aura!! I checked your body multiple times!!"

Ray pulled the strings and took her inside her room without answering any of her questions. He was running out of time. 

The room was bigger than his room and there wasn't much furniture. It was also very suspicious because her room was empty as if there was a small training floor in the middle of it. "Your room is pretty big compared to mine. Do you train here?"

Ray asked her question while taking a small pouch out of his pocket. He untied it and a bunch of needles and wood-cutting tools became uncovered. 

It was a nail torture kit.

He took out a small needle and walked closer to her. "Now tell me everything you know about the drug you fed me when I was an infant or accept a hole inside your nails."

But the glowing strings were so painful that she couldn't stop screaming. She refused to answer his question and at that moment, she felt a sharp pain. 

She looked at her leg and saw a long needle horizontally pierced inside her nail very deep. Her scream became louder.

"How long are you going to scream like that? Using aura won't work because my aura works as an anti-aura. Nothing can break through my prison."

He pulled another finger and one of her limbs became displaced. It was twisted to the other side. "Let me go!! It hurts a lot!! Let me go!!!! Please!!! Please!!! I will tell you everything!!!"

His cold smile was still on his face so she knew he wasn't listening to her at all. He was eager to continue the torture. "Hmmm. Okay. But not until I plug off your nails."

He put a piece of fabric inside her mouth forcefully and said, "Buckle up since it's going to hurt a little. Don't mind the fabric because I don't want you to bite your tongue and die."

Her body started to shake to see the plugger on his hand and the cold smile on his face. She immediately regretted messing with Ray and his grandma. 

The clock reached 2 Am.

The woman slowly opened her eyes and saw a glimpse of the poisons she hid under her bed. That made her come back to her senses quickly. "What happened?"

But she couldn't feel her arms and legs so she looked at them and became traumatised. Not a nail was on her fingers or her toes. They were all gone and just red and white-looking flesh was visible. 



Ray's one slap immediately recalled everything that happened a few hours ago and she started to shake. "You're finally awake. I thought you were going to take more time like normal aura less people do. So, how do you feel?"

He smiled at her while checking all the poisons she stored. 

She gulped down her dry throat and answered, "What did you do to me?"

"I believe I already asked you for the things I want. Why did you poison my core when I was an infant? Who was that bastard that ordered you to do so?"

She immediately opened her mouth and said, "It was Blake, Blake Rider. He told me to poison you and your elder brother. I don't know the reason but he gave me a lot of money! I am working as a spy for him."

'Blake Rider, What a coincidence. The Seoul wing tank leader who also killed my men a few years ago. Now, this is going to be really interesting.'

He took a chair and sat in front of her. Her body was tied up on a chair naked because the skill buried it. Some parts of her skin also had second-degree burns but her numbness was blocking all her senses. 

Ray heard her story and smiled a little. "Thanks to you, I can keep an eye on Blake now. But I will just kill you now since I got the answers."

The lady became more terrified and said, "You're joking, right? Ray? You're not going to kill me, right?"

Ray smiled with his eyes closed while preparing a lethal injection. "I bought this an hour ago from the black market. It's potassium chloride. I also bought this Pavulon 2.0 in case you choose a peaceful way of dying."

He showed her two injections and said, "The first one will hit a cardiac arrest immediately and kill you in a minute. The second one is Pavulon which is actually an overdose of anaesthetic. You will die while sleeping."

Ray smiled at her and said, "I personally recommend Pavulon. It's painless and you will get a good sleep before you see orthex lions in hell. Their teeth are very sharp so try to avoid your head getting crushed under it."

Ray held her face gently and said, "Tell me lady, which one do you want to choose?"

The woman looked at them and said, "T..the second one." Then she realised that she wasn't asking him to let her go. She was under his grave influence that she forgot to live. She was being manipulated as if she had only two choices in her life. It was to choose between those two lethal injections and die.

"Wait!! I don't…I don't want to die.. .please let me go. I promise that I will never tell anyone about this. I promise! So please let me go. Please…!!"

Her body was shaking in pain and fear but it didn't make him feel guilty. He went through so much pain for so long that other people's feelings became nothing to him. Compared to what he went through, the lady was feeling nothing. 

Ray taped her mouth after making her drink a glass of water forcefully. He took her inside the secret cabin inside the room and said, "Shush….Don't make a sound if you want to live for a day. I will be back soon."

He closed the door and pulled the wardrobe to block the door so she couldn't come outside. He stretched his arms and thought, 'Let's heal grandma and then sleep.'

The next day…

Ray woke up early and went inside the kitchen to cook breakfast for her grandma. She woke up at 10 and then came out on her own on foot. "Oh!! Grandma, where is your wheelchair? You shouldn't walk like that!"

"Hahah! I don't know but I feel so fresh today! All the pains all over my body are gone. But where is Siyerang?"

"Oh, she is feeling sick so I told her to take a week off. I can cook so don't worry. I've already prepared breakfast so take a seat."

Ray served a colourful breakfast in front of her and said, "Have a bite. These dishes are very good for your health. You're only 61 years old so you still have lots of chances to heal."

His grandma laughed a little and said, It's been a long time since I had these dishes. You're just like your grandfather. "

Ray looked at her with curiosity and asked, "How come?"

"Hohoho!!! Your grandfather might be a tough man, but he was a great cook. He used to cook me tons of dishes. Every morning, the dining table used to be decorated with tasty dishes made by him. Looks like his blood runs through your body. I am sure he is looking at you proudly from above."

Ray smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes. He must be very proud. Ahahah…" 

   'Don't even dare to look at me, old man. I don't even know you. So don't bless or curse me. I am so tired after living in hell for millions of years. Your curse won't even work.'

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