
Karma Count Infinity

Have you ever heard of a person coming back from hell after millions of years with a cheat system? Park Ray, a mass murderer who was cornered by a group of enemies where he had to sacrifice himself to protect his dignity. But the book of karma he had on his left shoulder was too heavy that it led him into hell. But an error occurred that took him back to earth after millions of years but in a 13 year old child's body. He again decided to walk the path to get his revenge with the new cheat power he acquired called 'System'. .... A.N: This is the new version of the old "Karma Count Infinity" that I released several months ago but unfortunately, my writing style was trash so I had to delete it and focus on my study. Since English isn't my first language, some of you may spot some grammatical errors and I'm not going to lie, "It's really annoying when you see a mistake but can't fix it." But I really can't hold my imagination in so I'm going to start writing again. So, have a good day and don't forget to add my story to your reading list. Note: The book frame is not mine so if you're the artist, help me because I want to turn this into comic :). And I'm also a beginner artist so don't worry I'll catch up to you.

Matsuba_Kuroe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The room was filled with trash and cords that connected to three or four computer screens. The room was so mouldy that it seemed like not a beam of sunlight had ever entered through the window. The small window on the left side of a small room was sealed with posters of anime characters. 

In that filthy room, a young boy was sitting on a chair with crossed legs with headphones on.

He was a shut-in middle schooler dropout.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The door opened and without saying anything, Kangsu entered with a bento.

"Sinu, you're still playing games."

He put down the bento on a table full of bento boxes and again said, "You're boss called me. You skipped today's part-time job. If you miss another day, he said that he will fire you."

But Sinu's eyes were still locked on the screen.

Kangsu shook his head and said, "Are you listening? How long are you going to play that game? You haven't slept for 2 days straight."

Sinu finished the quest he was busy with and took off his headphone. "Dad, how many times do I need to tell you not to come in without my permission?" 

Kangsu walked closer to him and said, "I'm your father. I don't need such permission to walk around my house. Now get outside. It will be better if you just clean your room. It's filthy inside." He walked out of the room and kept the door open.

'You can't even close the door when you leave.' A wave of white smoke came out of his back and it flew to the door to slam it hard. Some dust from the ceiling fell because the door was shut loudly. He looked behind and saw the pile of bento boxes on his table and chair. The room was filled with garbage so he said, "Looks like I need to clean this. Or it will grow mushrooms like last time."

He put his pale white legs on the floor and stood up. Some chips which were on his shirt also touched the floor. "Well, I also need to take a shower."

He walked out of the room with his towel and went inside the bathroom to clean himself up. After that, he tied his hair up and used his aura to clean all the filth off his room with white aura hands.

He was a B-tier aura user that uses wind attribute.

After his room was spotless, he took the food and went downstairs to eat it. And then, he glanced at his father's room and became stunned. 

He was studying.

"What are you doing?" Sinu asked. He slowly walked inside the room and saw his father reading articles about Li's family and their aura-less son's biography. He was looking at the articles about Ray Li.

Sinu Han knew who Ray Li was and asked. "Why are you staring at his picture?"

Kangsu looked back and saw his only son's face. A bright face with a mole under his lips. His dark shiny hair was tied up like a proper gentleman and he was dressed in a white shirt and blue shorts. 

"I almost thought that you were a stranger." 

Sihu frowned and said, "Are you making fun of me, dad? Tell me what you are doing. I'm curious."

Kangsu closed his laptop and replied, "A student of mine caught my eyes. He is so hard to read and nobody knows if he can use aura or not. He's like a blank book. Even my grandfather failed to read him correctly."

Sinu was stunned to hear an aura user who hides his aura when he's from a hero family. He sat down in front of his father and heard every detail about him. He was surprised to hear that he had been through so much outer aura circulation yet he was still walking and talking around like a normal person. His curiosity became wilder.

"But listen, don't go and provoke him. He might attack you if you say something that crosses the line."

But he had already made a plan in his head and said, "Don't worry dad. I won't go near him."

  'I will definitely go and check on him tonight.'

Ray's POV:

"Uncle, how much is this for?"

Ray took out a big box of ice cream from the freezer and asked for the price. The tag was missing.

The man looked at him and said, "Oh, that's 12,000 won."

"Here you go, uncle."

"Have a nice day kid."

Ray's eyes were sparkling because of the huge ice cream box he just bought. It was filled with chocolate and strawberries on top. It was his dinner for that night.

'Now, where should I go and sit to enjoy this happy meal? I wonder…"

He looked above and saw a nice place on the top of a 6-storied building. "I chose you!"

He jumped on the other budding wall to create momentum and then he jumped zigzag between two buildings to climb to the top.

The view wasn't big but for him, it was enough to enjoy his meal. At that moment, he felt someone's existence 2 buildings away. It was someone powerful but he had no killing intent. He was just walking closer to have a conversation.

'Tsk! My ice cream will melt at this rate.'

The boy approached the roof on which he was sitting and said, "I thought you don't have any aura." The boy asked.

"Isn't it rude to ask questions to a stranger? On top of that, you haven't introduced yourself."

"Oh, sorry. My bad. I am Sinu Han. A normal citizen."

Ray smiled and said, "It's hard to believe a person claiming to be a normal citizen who just flew 3-4 kilometres to reach here. You're good at hacking traffic CCTV footage."

Sinu walked closer and took a seat beside him. "That's a huge box of ice cream. Are you going to eat it alone?" 

Ray kept his mouth shut and kept digging into his meal. He was exhausted after a dull boring day of class so he had to recharge himself. He wasn't in a good mood. "Why are you following me?"

"Well, I was curious. That's why I followed you."

[A powerful opponent has approached the host.]

[The opponent has less aura and fighting experience than you. Do you want to annihilate the enemy?]

'No, let's hear what he says. I'm also curious about him.'

The red screen disappeared and he looked at Sinu. 'What a familiar face,' he mumbled. 

A few weeks before Ray's death, he came into contact with a kid who worked as his information collector. He didn't show his face nor spoke about his real identity. He only carried his missions and earned money from him. He was a pretty useful information collector but sadly, he lost contact with him and later he heard he quit his job because it was too dangerous.

Working under Ray Park was too dangerous for him and that's why he cut all his ties with him. He was scared. 

But who knew that'd meet again?

Ray didn't recognise him until he saw his face and then he laughed. 


Sinu frowned a little and said, "Have you gone mad?" 

Ray looked at the face of Sinu and said, "Man, this world is really small. I can't believe it. Anyway, I am Ray Li."

"You have the exact first name of the villain who died a few weeks ago. It's a coincidence that both of you talk similarly. Are you somehow related to him?"

Ray nodded his head no and said, "My family has no connection with Ray Park. But firstly, why are you talking as if we know eachother for quite a long."

Sinu smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't know what you are talking about." 

  'It will be better if I just leave. It's almost 8 pm. And I bet that bitch is plotting something over my grandma's back. I am sure she's going to add poison to my grandma's food again.' 

He finished his ice cream box and stood up on the edge of the building. "Sinu, it will be better if you leave me alone. Or you will get into big trouble."

The moment he was going to step on the air outside the building edge, Sinu grabbed his shirt from behind. "Are you committing suicide?"

"I know how to fly with my wings."

He turned back and jumped off the building and vanished immediately by using his assassin skill. Sinu was left alone in the building.

"I couldn't even feel any aura out of his body when he jumped. And on top of that, he knows how to hide his presence. Not even a C-class hero or villain can't do that. He's more powerful than I thought. Looks like I will have so much fun."

Ray reached his home at 8 and saw the woman standing in front of the door. She wasn't happy at all. "Where have you been all the time? Your school finished at 3."

Ray took off his backpack and asked, "Where's grandma?"

"She's not feeling good. So she fell asleep quickly. I'd recommend you not to wake her up or go inside her room before 10 am."

Ray suddenly wore a scary smile on his face and said, "She will not wake up no matter how loud I scream, right?"

"That's correct."

"Then… let's have fun tonight."

[Skill: Hell's Authorization (S) has been activated. ]

[Branch skill: Puppet dance(S) has taken effect on the target.]

[The host has 100% control over the target's body]

"I will see how loud you can scream."

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