

Are you grateful for the things in your life? A kind-hearted girlfriend, an abrasive, but caring friend, and a loving mom that would do anything for him. Akira Fuyuki has everything he could possibly want. The normal day to day life he had grown accustomed to suddenly begins to change when he one day meets a homeless man by the river bed. Uninterested in the strange advice the man tries to give him, Fuyuki ignores the man at first. However, he quickly finds himself troubled when past trauma starts to resurface alongside arising school drama when he realizes he has no one to turn to for advice. As time passes, Fuyuki begins to find out that he has far more in common with this mysterious man than he initially thought. And simultaneously he realizes that he’s been making detrimental mistakes that might cost him big time. What advice could someone that has nothing possibly offer to someone that seemingly has everything? And what do these mistakes mean for Fuyuki’s past, present, and even his future?! Hello everyone, Thank you all for checking out my story Kansha! This is my first time writing a novel, but I wish to write a story that will leave an everlasting impression. I typically try update at the beginning and end of every week. However, real life circumstances may entail that updates will be inconsistent. I apologize in advance and thank you all for your continued support. *Note: Credit to Cqingwei for cover Illustration

KuriMaki · Realistic
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 2: The One I Love Very Dearly


"And…. Perfect." I smile as I finish brushing my hair in the mirror.

I tie my now silky hair into twin tails with blue ribbons and apply some light perfume.

"I wonder if he'll like this one." I hold the bottle of perfume in my hand and look at the label.

It reads "Sakura fragrance."

"Onee chan! Breakfast is ready!" A voice calls out to me from downstairs.

I turn my head toward the bathroom door.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I call out to my little brother.

I look back at the mirror and begin staring intently at my reflection.


My gaze moves from the top of my head, then down until…


"They still haven't grown much even though I'm a second year already."

I put my hands over my chest dejectedly as I let out another deep sigh.

"No, no, no!" I vigorously shake my head from side to side.

"Keep your head up Kyoko!" I gently slap my cheeks with both hands.

I start putting up the supplies I was using to get ready this morning.


I put up the final supply and close my eyes as I let myself visualize him.

"I'm sure Akira-kun likes me just the way I am."

A smile creeps up on my face and my cheeks tint red as I begin to picture his face.

"I wonder if we'll be in the same class again this year. I sure hope so, ehehe," I giggle happily as I imagine the two of us sitting next to each other in class.

"Ohh! I just got a great idea!" I pull out my smartphone and check the time. "7:30."

"Alright, I can make it if I hurry." I put my phone back into my skirt pocket and head downstairs enthusiastically.

My name is Yuzuha Kyoko, and starting today I'm officially a second-year student at Kitahara High. I had been looking forward to the first day of school because I get to see the two most precious people to me today.

I live with both of my parents and my adorable little brother Haruomi. I love my family very much and we all get along really well. I'm grateful to be in such a loving environment, but honestly, I think my parents get along a little too well. They're practically always in their own world together flirting. I wish they'd think about how Haru and I feel watching them….

Although, I do kind of understand how they feel.

"After all…"

I feel my cheeks flush red as I crouch down and cover my face with my hands bashfully.

"I also have someone that I love very dearly~"


April 3rd, 10 years ago

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

It was a sunny day during our golden week vacation, and a bunch of kids from the neighborhood were gathered at the park to play.

"Alright guys, today we'll play cops and robbers," a boy with a shaved head and missing front tooth exclaimed.

He seemed to be the leader of the group of kids.

I was standing on the outskirts of the circle standing on my tippy toes to try and make myself more noticeable.

"YAYYY!" a bunch of kids cheered, thrilled by the idea.

"Y-Yay," I whispered in a barely audible voice.

"First, we have to decide who's gonna be on which side," a scrawny boy with glasses said as he pushed up his frames.

"Hmmm… I got it! How about we have boys on one team and girls on the other?" The leader proposed to the rest of the kids.

"Ehhhhh," the girls protested in disagreement.

It seemed like they weren't too fond of the idea, but to be honest, I was just happy to be playing with everyone.

I had always been a very shy and reserved person, so I didn't fit in too well or leave a strong impression on others.

Today was different though. I decided I would try to play with everyone and fit in with the group.

"Looks like we have an even amount of girls and boys so it would work out perfectly," the glasses boy said as he gestured to the rest of the kids.

I began counting the number of kids in the group, then it finally hit me…

"They aren't counting me…"

I lowered my head and felt my heart sink after realizing they hadn't even noticed I was here.

"We can switch sides after each round so it's fair for everyone," the leader said to everyone.

"Sounds good to me!" a few kids agreed.

"Wait, hold on!" a girl amongst the group called out to the leader.

"What's up?"

"What about her?" She pointed towards me.

I looked up as the kids all looked in my direction, seemingly surprised by me being present.

Seems like they didn't notice me after all...

I suppose I can't blame them, I don't stand out amongst other kids...

"Ahhh, I didn't even notice her! Sorry about that… um, what's your name?"

"K-Kyoko, Yuzuha Kyoko," I looked toward him and said in a low voice.

"Hmm that's problematic," the glasses boy said with his hand on his chin.

"Including her, we would have an uneven number of people."

"What should we do then?" one of the other girls asked.

I lowered my head and turned to the side as I began to think of a solution.

"Hmmm…" the group of kids contemplated in unison.

I looked up at the troubled faces of the kids and started to feel my spirit waning. I didn't want to cause trouble for everyone…

"I-I'm fine, don't worry about me…" I said with my head lowered and face covered by my hair.

"For real? Alright, then there's no problem!" The leader happily stated.


The girls all shot him sharp glares.

"Eek, s-sorry," he quickly repented.

"Are you sure Kyoko?" The girls asked me with looks of worry.

I couldn't cause trouble for everyone.

I would be fine playing by myself..

That's how it always was after all…

I could always just try again another day….

"Really, it's alright." I looked up and forced the biggest smile I could manage, desperately holding back the tears I felt welling up.

"Well if you say so…" the group of girls reluctantly decided that I was fine.

"Alright, let's flip a coin to decide which group will be on which side first!" The leader pulled out a 5 yen coin.

I began to walk away as the sounds of the kids playing become more and more distant.

"This is for the best…" I said as I sadly smiled, looking at the ground.

As I was walking, I saw a boy reading a book by himself on a bench nearby.

He has messy brown hair and for some reason looked kind of tired.

I walked over and sat on the opposite end of the bench as him.


Watching the group of kids run around playing together, I started to feel bleak and slumped my shoulders.

"You didn't want to play with them?" the boy asked me without looking away from his book.

"There was an uneven number of people so…" I slumped my shoulders even further, now with tears forming in my eyes.


"Hmm, is that so?" The boy muttered uninterestedly.

I continued to watch the kids play and started to wonder if I should just go home for the day.


Suddenly, the boy closed his book with a light thump and stood up.

I looked at the cover of the book he was holding at his side.

"How To Be A Superhero" was the title.

I then looked up at the boy.

He was scratching his head with his eyes closed.

I must've bothered him. He probably didn't want to be around someone like me…

I felt a tear fall from my eye as I lowered my head, getting ready to apologize for disturbing him.

"HEY GUYS!!!" the boy shouted toward the group of kids.

They all stopped playing and turned toward the boy.

"What's up Akira!?" the leader shouted back at him.

So that's his name.

"Akira-kun…" I mumbled under my breath.

"Is it cool if I join you guys?" he asked whilst scratching his cheek.

"We don't mind, but we would have an uneven number of people," the glasses boy called out.

"It would be even if she joined too right?"

I looked up at him surprised.

He was pointing towards me.

"Ohhhh, that's true. Alright, we'll start the game over then," the leader tells the group of kids.

The boy turned back toward me.

"Now you don't have to cry anymore right?"

I quickly tried to wipe my tears, now feeling flustered.

"I-I'm sorry for causing you trouble…." I bowed my head to the boy.

"My dad told me that if a girl is ever in trouble or crying, it's a man's duty to help her," the boy said, puffing out his chest and placing his balled-up hand on it.

"I-Is that so?" I asked him, lifting my head.

"That's right. So c'mon, let's go." He placed his book on the bench and gestured for me to follow him.

"Mmm," I nodded smiling slightly, and got off the bench as we began to walk toward the group of kids.


He suddenly stopped in front of me, causing me to tilt my head and give him a confused look.

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked without turning around.

"K-Kyoko, Yuzuha Kyoko."

He turned around and looked me directly in the eyes.

I felt a bit embarrassed by this, but I tried my best to meet his gaze.

"Listen, Kyoko if there's something you want to say, then you should just say it."

"If you wanted to play with the kids, you should've just said so from the start," he doubled down.

"B-But…" I tried to protest.

"Stop being so reserved and just do the things that you wanna do!"

He raised his voice a bit, still looking at me directly.

I turned my head away, unable to respond.

"A girl shouldn't be making a sad face like that. I think you're much cuter when you smile like you did earlier."

I felt my cheeks flush red and my eyes widen as I turned back toward him.

He had already turned around and started walking toward the group of kids again.

"H-Hey, wait up."

Still flustered, I ran after him.

I looked at the boy in front of me and felt myself starting to smile brightly.

"Thank you Akira-kun."

"Hmph, don't mention it. I'm sure he would've done the same thing…he's my hero after all." He shrugged off my gratitude and continued walking.

I didn't catch the last part of his sentence, but I was grateful to him nonetheless.

He may have said those words on a whim, and they may not have had any special meaning behind them…

But to me, those words resonated with me and gave me courage. Those words made me want to do my best to change.

Those words truly saved me and I will never forget that day because…

On that day, I fell in love for the first time in my life.


I've loved Akira-kun ever since that day.

I didn't know how he felt about me so I hesitated to tell him how I felt for a long time; I was content just being by his side.

However, when I first started high school my mom told me that if I didn't go after what I wanted, I would surely regret it. Those words sounded similar to ones I had heard once before. But…I was afraid. Afraid of him turning me down, and just the thought terrified me enough to make me want to cry. But what scared me even more than rejection was the thought of someone taking him away from me. I couldn't bare the thought of another girl stealing him away. So I gathered my courage and decided to tell him how I felt.

He agreed. He actually agreed to go out with me. My first love actually felt the same way about me, and I couldn't have been happier. I was a little worried because he seemed nonchalant when he accepted, but when I saw his ears turn bright red while he was walking away I remembered.

I fell in love with Akira-kun because he's like that.

"Onee-chan, what're you grinning about?" My little brother says as he gives me a quizzical look."

"Huh? O-Oh, I must've been zoning out, ahaha."

Looks like I ended up getting lost in thought.

"What's got you smiling like that, my daughter?" my dad inquires.

"I-It's nothing really…"

I turn my head with my cheeks slightly red as I continue to stand at the bottom of the staircase.

"Now now, don't tease her too much, Yuji-san. Kyoko, come sit down and eat, dear."

I walk over and sit down at the table next to my little brother across from both of my parents.

For breakfast, we're having steamed rice, grilled fish, miso soup, and tamagoyaki.

"Everything looks delicious, mom!" I compliment.

"Why thank you, dear. Eat as much as you want."

"Thank you for the food", we all say with our hands together.

I pick up my chopsticks and begin to eat.

"Your cooking is amazing as always, Seri-san, I've fallen in love with you all over again," our dad remarks.

"Oh you~," mom blushes slightly and leans against him.

"Ugh," my brother and I both sigh in unison.

There they go, entering their own world again.

I continue to eat my breakfast hastily as I alternate between looking at my plate and the clock.

"Onee-chan guess what!" my little brother calls out to me.

"What's up Haru?" I put down my chopsticks, giving my full attention to him.

"I got a hundred on the first test of the new semester!" he puffs out his chest and places his hands on his hips, making what I assume is supposed to be a victory pose.

"Fufu, great job Haru, you did well," I say as I pat his head.

He smiles satisfyingly as I pat him.

"Is that so, Haru-chan?" our mom asks him.

"Yep!" He smiles proudly.

"Ara, that's wonderful news, I'm so proud of you Haru-chan!" she walks over and gives him a big hug.

"Alright! Let's cheer to Haruomi's amazing performance!" my father exclaims while standing up and holding a cup of coffee.

"It's not that big a deal…" Haru turns away, clearly embarrassed by all the praise.

I pick up my chopsticks and continue eating as I watch this interaction.

"Nonsense, my son! We're all very proud of you!"

"That's right Haru-chan, we're all super duper proud of you," my mom chimes in.

I smile whilst watching them praise Haru.

"Now everyone, Cheers!" my dad raises his cup.

"Cheers!" Mom and I grab our cups and join in.

"Thanks, everyone," Haru says while scratching his cheek.

We all clap for Haru before going back to eating.

I think about how much I love my family and treasure these moments.

I look over at the clock.


I stand up, now finished with my food, and head to the sink to wash my dish.

"Oh don't worry about it dear, I'll wash all of them when everyone is done eating." Mom waves for me to just leave it in the sink.

I feel a bit bad for not helping out with the clean-up after what happened last night…

I'll make it up to her later.

"Well alright, I'll be heading out then." I place my dish in the sink and head to the living room to grab my school bag.

"You're heading to school already?" Our dad asks.

"Yeah, but I'm making a stop first."

I head over to my little brother and hug him.

"See you later Haru."

"Ehehe," he giggles happily.

"Hmmm?" my mom looks at me as if putting something together in her head.

"Is something wrong mom?" I ask her, confused.

She then smiles and takes another sip of her coffee.

"No, nothing at all, fufu."

"Is that so? Alright then."

I walk to the front and put my shoes on.

"I'm heading out!" I call out to my family.

"Take care," they all reply.

But just as I'm about to leave…

"Kyoko dear, come here for a second," my mom calls out to me.

I peer back into the kitchen with a questioning look.

My mom smiles and closes her eyes as she takes another sip of her coffee.

"Give my regards to Akira-kun, you're going to see him now, right?"

I stand there dumbfounded as to how she knew.

"AH!!! So that's why you were leaving early, my daughter!?" my dad loudly exclaims.

"O-Onee-chan is that true!?" I-I won't hand you over to him that easily.

I scratch my cheek, now feeling a bit bashful.

"Now now you two, don't tease Kyoko too much."

"Does that mean it's ok to tease you in her stead, my love?"

"Oh you~"my mom gently pushes his shoulder with her cheeks a bit red.

"There they go again…"

"There they go again…"

My brother and I both sigh in perfect sync.

My mom turns back to me, presumably done with her flirting.

"Just give him our regards dear and remember what I told you."

"Yeah, I will." I brightly smile and head out.

The morning breeze hits my face as I walk out and close the door behind me.

I take out my cell phone and check the time.


Akira-kun lives about 10 minutes away from me and school starts at 8:30.

"Alright let's go!" I put my phone back in my skirt pocket and start walking toward his house.

It's a beautiful day and I can hear the cicadas chirping.

As I make my way down the street I realize that there is but one thought filling my mind….

I place my hand on my chest as I vocalize what I'm feeling deep in my heart at this very moment.

"I can't wait to see Akira-kun~"