

Are you grateful for the things in your life? A kind-hearted girlfriend, an abrasive, but caring friend, and a loving mom that would do anything for him. Akira Fuyuki has everything he could possibly want. The normal day to day life he had grown accustomed to suddenly begins to change when he one day meets a homeless man by the river bed. Uninterested in the strange advice the man tries to give him, Fuyuki ignores the man at first. However, he quickly finds himself troubled when past trauma starts to resurface alongside arising school drama when he realizes he has no one to turn to for advice. As time passes, Fuyuki begins to find out that he has far more in common with this mysterious man than he initially thought. And simultaneously he realizes that he’s been making detrimental mistakes that might cost him big time. What advice could someone that has nothing possibly offer to someone that seemingly has everything? And what do these mistakes mean for Fuyuki’s past, present, and even his future?! Hello everyone, Thank you all for checking out my story Kansha! This is my first time writing a novel, but I wish to write a story that will leave an everlasting impression. I typically try update at the beginning and end of every week. However, real life circumstances may entail that updates will be inconsistent. I apologize in advance and thank you all for your continued support. *Note: Credit to Cqingwei for cover Illustration

KuriMaki · Realistic
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Semester

I see a figure in front of me. A tall and bright figure that's walking straight ahead with its head high.

I walk toward this figure with my head down, unable to meet its gaze.

Time slows and we walk past each other, with not so much as a glance in the other direction.

I turn around and see the figure's back; it seems much larger than life as if it's carrying the expectations of many people.

"Hey !"

I call out to the figure.

"How… how can I become someone like you ?"

There's desperation in my voice and I can feel my heart aching.

The figure turns around; it appears to be saying something.

"Huh ?"

I can't quite make out what it's saying.

The figure once again turns around and begins to walk away.

"Wait !!! Please wait !!!"

"I-I just want to become someone as great as____."

The world begins to fade to white and I can no longer see the figure.

" -ke up", "-ki wake -p", "cmon A— get u- ."

I can hear a voice in the distance, but I can't quite make out what it's saying.

I slowly feel my consciousness coming to.

"WAKE UP or else you'll be late Aki !!!"

My body is enveloped by a blinding light as the curtains in my room are swung open.

"Mmmm 5 more minutes…", I protest groggily as I wrap the cover over my head.

"No can do mister, as your mother, I cannot allow my favorite son to be late on his first day of school."

She yanks the covers off my bed, allowing the morning sunlight to beam all over my body.

"I'm your only son though…" I say grumpily as I rub my eyes.

"Oh, I suppose that's true, fufu."

She lets out a playful laugh quite unbefitting of a woman her age.

"Hurry up and get ready, I made your favorite breakfast today."

After she leaves the room I stare at the fan on my ceiling for a bit.

"That dream again huh ?"

I try to recall the dream I just had not too long ago, a radiant figure walking in the opposite direction of me.

"I have no idea what that dream even means…"

Deciding I don't want my mom to come back

upstairs, I put the dream aside and reluctantly start getting ready for school.

My name is Fuyuki Akira and I'd say I'm a pretty average high schooler. To give you a quick rundown, I'm about 175cm, I have messy brown hair and brown eyes, and apparently, I always look like I'm tired. I'm pretty lazy and I find most things to be bothersome. I guess the only notable features I have are the beauty mark by my mouth and my somewhat well-shaped jawline. Aside from that, I'm really nothing special at all.

By the way, the noisy woman that woke me up earlier was my mom, Fuyuki Ayase.

Starting today I'm officially a second-year student at Kitahara High, but I had forgotten that today is my first day and intended on sleeping in.

"Man what a pain in the ass…" I sigh, feeling dejected.

Once I finish getting ready I make my way downstairs where I am greeted with a pleasant aroma.

"Hm ? Smells like Bacon and ....(sniff sniff) Is that Pancakes ?" I mumble as I make my way into the kitchen.

"Ding Ding Ding, Correct!" my mom exclaims cheerfully.

"Today I made a western-style breakfast, I'm quite proud of how it turned out", she puffs out her chest proudly with a look of accomplishment.

Laid out on the table are two plates filled with Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes, and toast with strawberry jam.

I had always loved western-style breakfast, so even someone as un-energetic as me would get a bit excited at the sight of the delicacies in front of me.

I make my way over to the table and sit down opposite of my mom.

"Thank you for the food", the both of us say with our hands together as we get ready to dig in.

I happily take up my utensils and begin to eat.

The food is delicious, so much so that I can't help but eat with a look of bliss on my face.

The bacon is crunchy but not too greasy, the toast is cooked evenly on both sides, the eggs are extremely rich as well as soft, and the pancakes are so fluffy it feels like each bite leaves me wanting more with how delectable the taste is.

My mom watches me eat with a bright smile on her face as she also continues to eat her breakfast.

"Sooooo how does it taste Aki?" She asks with an impish grin as if she already knows the answer to her question.

"It's alright I guess, it isn't the worst food I've ever eaten at the very least."

"Jeez, you could at least say it's good, you're going to hurt your poor mother's feelings."

She rests her cheek on her left hand and starts to sulk with tears forming in her eyes.

"W-Well what I meant was um…." Feeling guilty, I hurriedly try to express my true feelings to her.

"Ahahaha, I'm just teasing you, I know how you really feel Aki. It was obvious just by looking at your face while you were eating.

"Tch", I murmur under my breath to hide the embarrassment of having been completely seen through.

"I guess I just can't win against you Mom" I sigh whilst continuing to eat.

"But of course. I've been with you since you were an embryo silly" she smiles while nudging at my arm.

While eating I blankly stare at my mom. She is currently in her office attire. She is wearing a black suit with a knee-length skirt and brown stockings. She also has on gold hoop earrings, as well as her glasses which compliment her yellow eyes, and light brown hair which she has in a bun.

She works for a company that specializes in producing and selling beauty products.

She's beloved by her co-workers because of her likable personality and efficiency while working.

"Hmm ? is there something on my face ?" She asks, tilting her head quizzically.

"It's nothing."

"Oh it seems like it's about time for me to go" she looked at the clock which read 7:40.

She stands up, puts her plate in the sink, and heads for the door, but not before kissing me on the cheek.

"H-Hey?!? I told you already to stop doing that! I'm 17 for crying out loud!"

She shrugs my complaints off with a playful laugh.

"Your dad always liked it when I kissed him on the cheek, and he was twice your age."

"That's definitely not the same…." I grumble.

She stands up after putting her shoes on and looks back at me and speaks in a more serious tone.

"When you're finished with your breakfast, head straight to school and don't be late, alright?"

"Yeah yeah I will, don't worry" I respond nonchalantly.

Seemingly satisfied with my response she nods and opens the front door.

"Have a good day at school Aki, love you."

She closes the door behind her and heads off for work.

"Gah, why does she have to say such embarrassing things all the time…"

I look down at my plate as I allow myself to get lost in thought.


If any of you were wondering about my dad he passed away when I was a little kid.

He had gotten into a construction accident while protecting a child.

He was always shining so bright, to the point that I thought he was invincible. He was a tall and muscular man who was very kind. He was respected and adored by so many people. Such a radiant figure. To me, he was like a hero, and I wanted to be like him when I grew up.

However, after he died I was devastated to the point that I cried almost every day. I had lost the person I looked up to, the person I wanted to be like, and yet I still had no idea how I could become a person that could live up to the standards he set. How could I exceed the expectations of everyone? How could I earn the admiration of so many? How could I shine so brightly and smile even in the worst situations? And how could I live with myself if I disappointed those who placed their hopes in the son of ____?

I didn't know the answer…

So I gave up and began to feel like I was falling into a dark hole, one that I would never be able to climb out of.

The person who saved me from that darkness was none other than my mom.

She consoled me and stayed by my side.

She made sure I ate properly and spent time with me.

She took me places and bought me many things.

She did everything in her power to make sure I wouldn't fall into that darkness and she never stopped smiling.

Even though she was probably hurting even more than I was, she kept a smile on her face so that one day I could smile the same way she did.

I will always be grateful to her and because of that, she is the person I respect most in the entire world.


Not that I would ever tell her something as embarrassing as that though.

"Come to think of it, did I thank her for today's breakfast?" I think to myself whilst still staring at my now empty plate.

I contemplate the question for a few seconds.

"Well whatever, I'm sure she knows I appreciate it",

I look up at the clock. 7:55.

I get up and bring my plate over to the sink so I can wash the dishes.

Anyway, back to what I was saying, it's because of her that I'm able to live such a fulfilling life now. Not to sound pompous or anything, but I feel like I have everything I could possibly want.

Last year I even managed to get a cute girlfriend.

(Ding Dong)

"Did mom forget something ?"

I put up the dishes and head for the front door

(Ding Dong)


I open the door and….

"Good Morning Akira-kun", she greets me in a sweet and energetic voice.

Speak of the devil, there she was standing at the front door with a bright smile and an alluring fragrance.

Yuzuha Kyoko, my Girlfriend.

"Morning Kyoko, I'm surprised you aren't already at school."

"Hmm normally I would've been there already, but this morning I had a great idea."

I give her a slightly confused look

"And what exactly was this great idea?"

"Well, that is….Akira-kun, let's walk to school together~"


I let out a small sigh, followed by a slight smile.

With that my day kicked off with not 1, but 2 pleasant surprises.