
KanoKari: A Different Life

What would happen if Kazuya died on the day that Mami broke up with him? The beta fucker choked on instant noodles and died alone in his apartment. A college student who was partying with his friends got alcohol poisoning and died. The soul of that college student takes over Kazuya’s body and inherits a scant few memories of that guy along with a system. A system that would support him in his journey to do whatever he wants. ============================================= I'm just writing this for funsies and romance practice. I want to see how I write pure romance and want to work on feelings development. There's a system but it's far from being that useful. It's there for the sake of adding some fun supernatural elements if I feel like it. Don't expect too much. I'll try to keep the story as grounded as possible. I'm open to criticism so lay it on me if you have any genuine problem. Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. https://discord.gg/c3kCBE32vn If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post 10 advanced chapters of the book on my Patrèon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out! www.patrèon.com/addyctive (Replace the è with e) ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Role-Play Dinner

Happy New Year everyone! 🎉🥳


Kazuya dropped his shopping bags at his apartment and went to the university to pick Chizuru up.

"Hi, babe."

"Kazuya~" She happily hugged him when she saw that he was waiting for her at the university gate.

"How was your day?"

"You know, same old same old. Your friends were asking me why you haven't come for the past few days. I told them that you're busy with something. Will it be fine if you take so many leaves?"

"It's fine. I've already talked to the administration about my leaves. It's not going to be a problem."

"I see…" She seemed almost disappointed that he wouldn't have to come to college regularly anymore.

"Don't think unnecessary things. We're still going to stay together every day. If I come to college or don't, it's not a big deal."

"I know… but."

"What? You miss having adventurous sex in college?" He smirked.

"What! No!" She looked away with a blush on her cheek.

"You're so cute…" He kissed her on the cheek.

"Let's go home. I'll show you all the freaky adventurous sex that you want."

"Can we go out for dinner today?" She looked at him with an anticipatory look.

"A date? Sure, why not? Let's go home first though. We can change into classy clothes. As fun as going to a restaurant in a t-shirt…" Kazuya trailed off and gave Chizuru a look that said, 'What do you say?'

"No! Let's go home. If I'm going out with my boyfriend to a restaurant, the least that I can do is wear good fancy clothes."

"Fine… You're no fun."

They both went back home and Chizuru changed into a sexy black lace top and a tight denim skirt that went down to the mid of her thighs with her favorite red strappy heels. Her hair was styled in her usual Kazuya hairstyle.

"Hey, you want to get some acting practice in while you're at it?" While walking to the restaurant, Kazuya asked her.

"Sure, why not?" Chizuru had been on quite a few dates with Kazuya and had understood that he knew his stuff very well. She'd found out quite a few habits that she had which were wrong and already fixed them with Kazuya's help.

He was an amazing teacher to her.

"I'm your lecherous boss. I've threatened you with your job to bring you out on a date. You can't quit the job since you have to pay your bills and I can make it impossible for you to get another job. All you can do is endure my advances and tactics."

"That's… elaborate."

"Of course it is. It wouldn't be fun otherwise."

"…So, where are you taking me, you lecher?" Kazuya was a little surprised at how quickly she got into the role and took a few seconds to reply.

"My dear, that's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Just get this farce over with." She crossed her arms and looked to the side.

"Well, there's no need to be that hurtful. Who knows… I might just end up mixing up some of the reviews."

She visibly stiffened up and said, "My apologies, sir."

"Loosen up a little. It's not like I'll eat you up."

"That's exactly what I fear." She mumbled under her breath and Kazuya pretended not to hear.

Though he did slide his hand over her butt and gave it a squeeze. She was startled and jumped to the side, away from him.

She didn't say anything and silently kept walking with heavy steps, seemingly with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

When they reached the restaurant, Kazuya pulled back the chair for her and invited her to sit. She hesitantly walked to the chair and was about to sit on it, but Kazuya's hand again got a bit further and trailed along her butt while she sat.

She silently endured and made an expression that seemed normal but anyone who would look into her eyes would notice her predicament.

Kazuya went to his own chair and called the waiter. He ordered dinner for both of them without consulting Chizuru.

"I don't want to eat that…" That was exactly what she would've ordered and Kazuya knew, but she had to maintain character.

"Well you're too late, That's what you're eating, and I don't like people who waste food."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why? Because I like you, of course."

"It doesn't seem like it to me."

"That's because you don't understand what you want. You'll get used to me in no time. And if you don't… well, I don't need to tell you, do I?"

She bit her lip and looked down in desperation as if hoping for a miracle to save her.

"Nothing's going to save you, my dear. You might as well get used to me and stop trying to resist." Kazuya kept his hand over hers in mock comfort.

She pulled back from him in silent disgust.

When the food finally arrived, they ate it up.

Chizuru was having a lot of fun while role-playing as the helpless employee that was being taken advantage of by her boss. Especially since Kazuya was perfectly balancing the act between being the lecherous boss and his usual self.

Even when he was being an asshole, he took care of the little things like making sure that she had everything that she needed.

At no point during the date did she feel annoyed. Even though she was acting like that, in her heart she had a lot of fun.

Finally, when they finished with dessert, Kazuya called for the bill and paid for it.

"Are we done?" Chizuru asked him impatiently, curious about what he was planning now.

"Oh, baby. I don't think that we're even close to being done." He smirked evilly.

"What do you-"

"You must be feeling the heat by now no?"


"I had the waiter mix some extremely potent aphrodisiac in your food. Within minutes, you'll be a horny mess and will be begging for cock."

"Y-You scumbag!" Her eyes were red as if feeling the effects of the aphrodisiac kicking in.

Inwardly though she was thinking, 'Okay, this is a very cheap plot. This fucker is just doing this because he wants to enact a rape fantasy with me…'

"That I am, my dear. Now let's get you back to my place."

"Never. I will not let you defile me." She tried to get up from her seat but ended up falling back down due to the 'weakness' that she was feeling.

"Let me remind you, my dear, that your career is completely dependent on tonight. If you don't please me, you might end up losing more than just your job."

"Y-You…" Chizuru knew that this line wouldn't have worked if she wasn't under the effects of the aphrodisiac so she acted accordingly.

"Come now, the night is young." He went over to her and helped her up from her seat, walking while holding her waist.

Chizuru acted as if every single one of his touches was making her feel jolts of electricity. All of their talks were done very subtly and in a hushed manner so people around them just assumed that both of them were a couple. A lot of people were looking at them jealously though.

"Let me go!" She struggled in his hold while they were going back.

"Impossible. Do you think that I'm going to let some random dude take a swing at you? That aphrodisiac cost me quite a bit."

"Let me go." She struggled weakly in his arms.

Kazuya didn't reply to her and led her into his apartment. Her protests were no more than mewls by that time.

"Finally… You're all mine."

"Lemego~" She tried a last-ditch effort of pushing him off of her.

Kazuya didn't pay her any heed and threw her on the bed.

He wasn't planning to have gentle sex today. He almost ripped off her shorts and pulled up her lace top before taking off her panties.

"Look at what we have here, you're perfectly ready to take in my cock."

The role-play had gotten Chizuru hot and bothered too so she was no less excited about this than Kazuya.

"No~" She couldn't even lift her arms to resist him.

Kazuya roughly pierced her and had his way with her for hours.

Halfway through, their role-play broke and they did it normally.

When he was finally finished with her, Chizuru melted into the bed as if too tired to even move a muscle.

Kazuya hugged her to his chest and cuddled her while telling her some of her mistakes during the roleplay.

"I gave you an aphrodisiac, babe. Not an anesthetic. You were acting as if I'd given you some sort of anesthetic to weaken you. That's not how aphrodisiacs work."

"Whatever. It ended in you fucking me didn't it." She was too tired to listen to his criticism.

"Fine… Let's just sleep. I'll tell you about the stuff later."

"Mhm. Good night." With her eyes still closed, she gave him a light kiss and snuggled her face into his chest.

Gimme those power stones!

Some constructive criticism would be helpful. If I made any mistakes please let me know, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes.

I post 10 advanced chapters of the book on my Patréon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out.

I'll do a 5 Chapter mass release when I reach 50 patrons.


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