
Kami's life in Ua

My life was as simple as anyone’s but you’ll find out how my life got turned upside down later.“Hey Dad, when do you start your hero job?” I asked him “Oh that I start next week so I can drive you to school today. Also I heard Naruto, Ino, Shikamaru, Kida, and Choji got invited to UA so you’ll have some friends”.

I_love_Myself0219 · Anime & Comics
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Kami’s Life at UA

16 years ago two nine-tailed foxes came to destroy the hidden leaf village.

People running, screaming, kids crying so much was happening. Some of the ninjas were trying to stop both of the foxes but they were too powerful and that's when the third Hokage came and was trying to hold them back until the fourth Hokage came to seal them away.

Everyone is trying their best to fight them off. The fourth Hokage came and had a baby in his arms and ran to a sealing table put the baby down and told the anbu black ops to watch him and went to his student house and said "Hey Kakashi how are you doing" The man replied "I'm doing good Minato sensei trying not to help the fight because I have to watch her" Kakashi says gesturing to the baby he's holding "aww she looks just like you but Kakashi I have something to tell you your baby has a massive amount of chakra and so does my son so my plan was to seal both the nine tails in them because it's the only option we have".

Kakashi knows he's right but doesn't want his newborn daughter to go through so much but agrees to it "alright I'll do it but please keep her safe until it's done'' he says smiling at the baby girl "I promise you she's going to be safe Kakashi''. "Her name is kami Hatake" "Well I'll keep Kami safe" and with that, he left with the baby.

16 years later

Beep beep,(mhmm ahh it was just another dream) Kami thought as she looked at her clock that said 6:01 (shoot I'm going to be late and it's my first day at UA and I'm new to Japan gosh now I'm getting nervous well it's whatever)

30 minutes later

(alright I did my hair and showered and got dressed what am I forgetting oh right my lunch) I ran downstairs and saw my dad in the living room watching tv "Good morning Dad" "Good morning Kami" my dad says doing what he always does which is smile at me with his eyes closed."Hey Dad, when do you start your hero job?" I asked him "Oh that I start next week so I can drive you to school today. Also I heard Naruto, Ino, Shikamaru, Kida, and Choji got invited to UA so you'll have some friends". I smile "Really that's great cause I was getting nervous cause I'm new and it's one month after the school year started" Then I remember that I came downstairs to grab my lunch (right I gotta get my lunch).

15 minutes later

They arrived at the gate to UA and Kakashi said to his daughter "Hey try your best to be the best and have a great day at school love you" i smile at my dad and say "ok I'll try my best Dad I love you too".I got out of the car and walked inside UA I was walking around the school with my AirPods in viding to my music until I bumped into someone, I took out one of my AirPods and looked up at the person since they were taller than me "Sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going here let me help you with your stuff" I say picking up the persons books and papers and hand it to them.

"Oh no you're fine it's kinda my fault too, oh hey you're one of the six new students that were invited to UA," he says grabbing his things out of my hand. (jeez so much for a good impression) "yea I'm one of the new students my name is Kami Hatake nice to meet you," I say smiling at the redhead, and a blond head who looks pissed off.(I Think he's mad at me). "Oh well nice to meet you Kami my name is Eijiro Kirishima and he's Katsuki Bakugou," Kirishima says's pointing to the blonde.

"Umm hey, Kirishima can you show me where class 1-A is?" I ask "Oh yea guess we have the same class" and with that Kirishima, I, and bakugou walk to class together.

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.Also, this is my first story so please comment to support me and let me know if you think it's good so far.

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