
Kami's life in Ua

My life was as simple as anyone’s but you’ll find out how my life got turned upside down later.“Hey Dad, when do you start your hero job?” I asked him “Oh that I start next week so I can drive you to school today. Also I heard Naruto, Ino, Shikamaru, Kida, and Choji got invited to UA so you’ll have some friends”.

I_love_Myself0219 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Background Info

All of Kami's powers who trained her and more

Alright so as you know Kami is the daughter of Kakashi so your hair color is silver, and your eye color is black sharingan in both eyes Height is how tall you are

Personality: can mean if needed and is kind when you want to be

Alright on to power/quirk

Byakugou Seal

Copycat cat, of course,genjutsu, can see through deception,

can predict people's movements,

kamui raikiri,sage mode,

Mangekyou, Susanoo

Infinite chakra has a nine-tailed that is different from Naruto's and can control it

Can go into tailed beast mode and state (Also the name of your nine tails is Aoi and is a girl)

And you have monster strength that Lady Tsunade has

Chakra nature



Has a kekkei genkai and the nature is silver

Who trained her

Kami was trained by Master Jiraiyaa and Lady Tsunade

More info: They are at UA to stop the Akatsuki and find Sasuke because it is rumored that the Akatsuki is working with the LOV to find some of the jinchuriki.So that you understand you lived in the leaf village all your life then you came to UA. ALSO SINCE YOU ARE KAKASHI'S DAUGHTER YOU WEAR A MASK.

Hey everyone it's me and chapter 7 is on its way. Also, I'm so so sorry for the long wait I had to visit some family and school was coming up it was a lot but I'm back.Love y'all and stay safe <3

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