
Kamen Rider Wizard x MHA: A Mage in My Academia

In a world where 80% of the global population has superpowers called "quirks," there has been a surge in crime. As the government struggled to update laws to accommodate these powers, brave individuals started using their abilities to fight evil and protect the public. These "heroes" gained acceptance and official recognition, with top performers earning government salaries and public acclaim. The world had become a true superhuman society, where dreams of heroism had become a reality. However, in a distant past, magic was once studied as a science. As time passed and civilization advanced, the arcane arts were gradually forgotten. Now, a terror once thought vanquished had returned, and there was one man who would wield magic to confront a threat that science or even quirks could not overcome. This mage was known as "Wizard."

Najicablitz626 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 1

Izuku's heart races as he rushes toward the commotion at Tatooin Station. The sight that greets him is a startling one - a massive, hulking figure stands amidst the chaos, its sheer size dwarfing the surrounding buildings.

"A Giant Villain!" Izuku murmurs to himself, eyes widening with a mixture of fear and fascination.

As the villain wreaks havoc, Izuku watches with bated breath, taking in every detail. Suddenly, a steel column breaks free, hurtling toward the gathered crowd of civilians. But before Izuku can even react, a figure in a distinctive black and green costume leaps into action.

"Death Arms!" Izuku gasps, recognizing the Pro Hero instantly. With incredible strength, Death Arms catches the falling column, shielding the civilians from harm. The crowd erupts into cheers, their admiration for the hero palpable.

Izuku's gaze shifts to another figure, clad in a flame-patterned suit, who is swiftly clearing the area, guiding people to safety. "Backdraft," Izuku murmurs, his analytical mind cataloging the Pro Hero's movements and Quirk usage.

Izuku watches, enraptured, as the two heroes work in tandem, their coordinated efforts to contain the situation leaving him in awe. He can feel the excitement bubbling within him, his heart racing with a mix of admiration and a growing desire to one day stand alongside these heroes.

Izuku pushes through the crowd, his eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. He finally reaches the front, just in time to witness Kamui Woods leap into action.

The Pro Hero's wooden tendrils shoot out, wrapping around the Giant Villain's massive wrist. "Gotcha!" Kamui Woods exclaims, his expression determined.

But the giant's strength is immense. With a mighty swing, he flings Kamui Woods away, sending the hero sailing through the air. Izuku's breath catches in his throat as he watches Kamui Woods gracefully land on his feet, his composure unwavering.

"Incredible," Izuku murmurs, his admiration for the heroes' skills growing with each passing moment. He can't help but be in awe of their abilities, the way they move and react with such precision and confidence.

Izuku watched with bated breath as Kamui Woods prepared to unleash his special move. But just as the Pro Hero was about to strike, a powerful kick came out of nowhere, knocking the giant villain back.

"Canyon Cannon!" a booming voice declared, and Izuku's eyes widened as he recognized the towering figure of Mt. Lady.

The crowd erupted into cheers as the giant villain was sent crashing to the ground, defeated. Izuku couldn't help but be impressed by Mt. Lady's sheer power and presence.

Suddenly, a swarm of men with high-definition cameras rushed towards the scene, eager to capture the aftermath. Izuku watched as Mt. Lady struck a confident pose, addressing the crowd with a dazzling smile.

"Piece a cake for the world's next hottest hero," Mt. Lady declared, her voice dripping with confidence. She then turned, pushing out her hips and flashing the crowd a coy look. "Hi there, everyone; I'm Mt. Lady. And you don't have to worry about this bum anymore."

The crowd cheered enthusiastically, captivated by Mt. Lady's charismatic performance. Izuku found himself caught up in the excitement, his admiration for the Pro Heroes growing with each passing moment.

Izuku watched in awe as the Pro Heroes effortlessly subdued the Giant Villain. His heart raced with excitement, and he couldn't resist the urge to document his observations.

Quickly, Izuku pulled out his trusty "Hero Analysis for the Future" notebook No. 13 and began jotting down his thoughts on Mt. Lady's performance.

"Mt. Lady," he wrote, "Quirk: Gigantification. Allows her to grow to an enormous size, granting her incredible strength and durability. Her 'Canyon Cannon' attack was incredibly powerful, easily knocking the giant villain back."

Izuku paused, considering the pros and cons of Mt. Lady's abilities. "Pros: Immense physical strength, can easily overpower large opponents, and her size makes her a formidable presence on the battlefield. Cons: Her size also limits her mobility and makes it difficult for her to navigate tight spaces."

Izuku tapped his pen against the page, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Mt. Lady's performance was undoubtedly impressive, but she also seems to have some limitations. Her tendency to seek attention and the spotlight could also be a potential weakness, as it may distract her from the task at hand."

Satisfied with his initial analysis, Izuku closed the notebook and tucked it safely back into his backpack, his mind already racing with ideas and strategies for how he could one day become a hero like the ones he had just witnessed.

Izuku felt a knot form in his stomach as a random bystander suddenly called out to him. The man's gruff voice and accusatory tone made Izuku's heart race.

"What's that fanboy? You takin' notes there? Wanna be a hero, too, huh?" the man shouted, drawing the attention of the nearby crowd.

Izuku felt a surge of self-consciousness wash over him, but he refused to let it dampen his spirits. Straightening his posture, he gave the man a big, earnest smile.

"Ah! Yes! More than anything!" Izuku exclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

"Oh no! I'm going to be late!"

Izuku stuffs the notebook back into his backpack and runs to his school Aldera High School. His heart pounds as he rushes down the crowded streets, weaving through pedestrians. Izuku can't afford to be late; he needs to get to class on time.


It all started in Qingping City, China. A baby was born who could emit light - the first sign of the superpowers that would soon sweep the world. Over time, these special abilities started popping up everywhere, until the extraordinary became commonplace. Around 80% of the global population now has some kind of Quirk.

With these powers came a surge in crime. As the government struggled to update the laws, brave souls started taking matters into their own hands, using their abilities to fight evil and protect the public. These "heroes" quickly gained acceptance and even official recognition, with the top-performing ones earning government salaries and public acclaim.

The world had become a true superhuman society, where dreams of heroism had become reality.


In an age long past, magic had once been studied as a science. But as time passed and civilization advanced, the arcane arts were gradually forgotten. Now, a terror once thought vanquished had returned, and there was one man who would wield magic to confront a threat that science or even Quirks could not overcome. The people called this mage "Wizard."

Izuku dashes under the bridge, hoping to make it to Aldera High on time. "I'm going to be late!" he mutters, quickening his pace.

As he rounds the corner, Izuku is suddenly stopped in his tracks by a towering, beastly figure. The man stands well over six feet tall, his muscular frame covered in coarse, dark fur. A massive bull's head crowns his shoulders, complete with sharp, curling horns that gleam menacingly. Izuku's eyes widen as he takes in the creature's fearsome appearance, momentarily mistaking it for a Mutant Quirk.


Before Izuku can react, the Minotauros-like man raises his hands, and a surge of flames erupts from his palms, hurtling towards the young boy. Izuku's heart races as he scrambles to evade the searing fireballs, his mind racing to comprehend the situation.

The fireballs explode in front of Izuku's feet, blowing him away. "What is happening… Could it be a villain?!" he cries out, stumbling to regain his footing.

Minotauros approaches Izuku, his heavy footsteps shaking the ground. "Now be obedient, kid. And give in to despair!" the towering figure bellows, his bull-like head looming over the young boy.

Just as Minotauros reaches out to grab Izuku, a sleek, motorcycle-like vehicle suddenly appears, ramming into the villain with tremendous force. The Machinewinger, its wings retracted, skids to a stop between Izuku and Minotauros.

A barrage of silver bullets then streaks through the air, striking Minotauros and forcing him to stagger back. Emerging from the Machinewinger is a figure clad in a striking armored suit, the Wizardriver belt at his waist glowing with power.


Kamen Rider Wizard emerged from the Machinewinger, his striking armored suit gleaming in the sunlight. The ring-shaped visor of his helmet glowed a brilliant ruby-red, and the Wizardriver belt at his waist pulsed with power. His long coat billowed at his waist as he gripped the WizarSwordGun, the blade shimmering with magical energy.

Minotauros's eyes narrowed as he recognized the armored figure before him. "A mage? You're Wizard?!" he growled, his deep voice rumbling like thunder.

Izuku heard the exchange and his eyes widened. "Mage? Wizard?" he muttered, watching the scene unfold with rapt attention.

Wizard turned to Izuku, his voice calm and reassuring. "Young man, are you okay?"

"Ah, yes! I'm okay!" Izuku replied, relief evident in his tone.

Wizard nodded. "Stand back, leave this monster to me." With that, he faced Minotauros once more, raising his hand to reveal the Flame Ring adorning his finger.

"Now... it's showtime!" Wizard declared, his voice ringing with authority.

Minotauros roars in rage, his beastly features contorting with fury. Brandishing his massive Bull Ax, the hulking villain charges at Wizard, the halberd's blade gleaming wickedly.

Wizard grips the WizarSwordGun tightly, shifting it into its sword mode. With a fluid motion, he brings the glowing, elemental blade up to meet Minotauros's attack. The two weapons clash, the impact sending shockwaves through the air.

Sparks fly as Wizard parries Minotauros's powerful swings, his agility and precision allowing him to evade the brute's relentless assault. The Rider's footwork is nimble, his movements a graceful dance as he weaves around the towering villain's strikes.

Minotauros roars in frustration, his massive strength unable to overwhelm Wizard's technical mastery. "You meddlesome mage!" he bellows, his bull-like head lowering as he charges forward, the Bull Ax poised to cleave Wizard in two.

Wizard plants his feet, the Flame Ring on his hand blazing with power. As Minotauros closes in, Wizard unleashes a flurry of slashes, the blade of the WizarSwordGun igniting with searing flames. The fiery strikes collide with the villain's weapon, the sheer force of the impact causing the ground to tremble.

Izuku watches the battle unfold, his eyes wide with awe and disbelief. "Incredible..." he whispers, captivated by the display of magical prowess and heroic determination.

The clash of steel and the crackle of flames fill the air as Wizard and Minotauros continue their fierce duel, neither side willing to back down.

Wizard turns the WizarSwordGun into Gun Mode, the barrel extending with a mechanical whir. He steadies his aim, then squeezes the trigger. A blast of searing fire erupts from the muzzle, streaking towards Minotauros.

The fiery projectile strikes the villain's left horn, shattering the bony protrusion in a shower of fragments. Minotauros howls in pain, his massive frame recoiling from the impact.

"Argh! My horn!" the Phantom bellows, clutching the now-broken stump. Wizard's precision strike has dealt a blow to the towering beast's pride and power.

Sensing his advantage slipping away, Minotauros glares at Wizard with undisguised fury. "How dare you! I won't be defeated by you again!" he roars. Reaching into the folds of his dark cloak, the Phantom produces a handful of glowing, crystalline stones.

With a sweeping motion, Minotauros hurls the magic stones to the ground, where they shatter and release a dark energy. From the shards, skeletal humanoid figures begin to materialize, their eerie forms coalescing into a swarm of Ghouls.


The mindless minions, summoned by Minotauros's dark magic, turn their glowing eyes towards Wizard. Minotauros lets out a booming command, his voice laced with malice.

"Go!" he orders, and the Ghouls surge forward, their bony limbs and clawed hands reaching towards the Kamen Rider.

Wizard quickly shifts the WizarSwordGun back into Sword Mode, the blade glowing with magical energy.

Wizard calmly faces the swarm of Ghouls as they charge towards him, their bony limbs and clawed hands grasping for him. With a swift, practiced motion, he brings the glowing WizarSwordGun up, the blade slicing through the air.

In a flurry of precise strikes, Wizard effortlessly fends off the mindless Ghouls, his weapon becoming a blur of motion. The skeletal creatures are no match for his skill and agility, their attacks easily parried or deflected.

As the Ghouls surround him, Wizard remains unfazed, his movements calm and calculated. He pivots on his heel, the WizarSwordGun carving a path through the horde, sending the Ghouls tumbling back.

One Ghoul lunges at Wizard, its gnarled fingers reaching for him. Wizard deftly steps aside, the creature's attack missing its mark. "Please don't get in the way," he says, his voice level.

With a swift motion, Wizard disarms the Ghoul, knocking the creature's clawed hand away. In the same fluid movement, he delivers a powerful kick, sending the Ghoul flying back into the swarm.

The Ghouls falter, their numbers dwindling as Wizard's relentless defense holds strong. His mastery of the blade and his unwavering determination are a testament to his skill as Kamen Rider Wizard.

Wizard turns the WizarSwordGun into a gun. He opens a mechanical hand near the guard.

[C'mon Shooting Shake Hands]

The mechanical hand on the WizarSwordGun whirs to life, the fingers spreading wide as if beckoning. Wizard calmly brings his Flame Ring up to the open palm, the gemstone glowing with a fiery intensity.

[Flame, Shooting Strike]

Wizard scans the Flame Ring over the hand, the Wizardriver announcing the activation of the attack. The end of the gun barrel of the WizarSwordGun begins to glow, a magical circle of flames forming at the muzzle.

Wizard steadies his aim, the WizarSwordGun's barrel pointed directly at the swarm of Ghouls. His expression remains focused, unwavering in the face of the encroaching skeletal creatures.

[Hii-Hii-Hii, Hii-Hii-Hii]

Wizard squeezes the trigger, and a torrent of searing flames erupts from the gun's barrel. The fiery projectiles streak towards the Ghouls, engulfing them in a blazing inferno.

The Ghouls' bony forms are consumed by the relentless flames, their eerie screeches drowned out by the roar of the fire. One by one, the mindless minions are reduced to ashes, unable to withstand the power of Wizard's Flame Shooting Strike.

Wizard watches as the Ghouls burn into a fiery explosion, their eerie screeches silenced. He relaxes his grip on the WizarSwordGun, the weapon's barrel still glowing from the intense flames.

Izuku Midoriya, who had witnessed the entire confrontation, stands in awe, his eyes wide with amazement. He had never seen such a display of magical power before, and his notebook is clutched tightly in his hands, as if he's ready to start documenting everything he's observed.

Wizard turns and begins to walk towards Izuku, his steps steady and purposeful. Izuku, sensing the Kamen Rider's approach, quickly bows his head in respect.

"Thank you for saving me," Izuku says, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.

Wizard nods slightly. "Don't mention it. I was just doing what must be done."

Izuku looks up, his gaze filled with curiosity. "I've never seen you before. Are you a new hero?"

Wizard shakes his head. "No, I'm not a hero."

Izuku's brow furrows in confusion. "Eh? Then, are you a sidekick?"

"Nope," Wizard replies, his tone neutral.

Realization slowly dawns on Izuku's face, and his eyes widen. "Th-Then, you're a vigilante!" he exclaims, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

Wizard watches as Izuku's expression shifts from awe to confusion. "EEEEh!" the young boy exclaims, his voice rising with surprise.

Izuku steps closer, his eyes shining with admiration. "Why?! With your amazing Quirk, you can be a great hero!"

Wizard sighs, his gaze steady. "Let's just say there are a lot of reasons for it, kid."

Wizard looks down at Izuku, his expression calm and composed.

"Anyway, what is your name, young man?"

Izuku straightens up, his nervousness evident in his voice. "Eh? Um, Izuku Midoriya."

Wizard nods slightly. "Then, Izuku-kun. Shouldn't you be in school right now?"

Izuku's eyes widen as he glances at his watch, panic evident on his face. "Ah! That's right!" He bows hastily. "I'm sorry, I have to go! Thank you again for saving me!"

Wizard warns Izuku as he rushes to school. "Be careful, and run away if you see that monster again."

Izuku nods quickly, his eyes wide with understanding. "I will! Thanks for the warning!" He turns and sprints towards the school, his backpack bouncing against him.

Wizard watches as the boy hurries off, his expression neutral. He knows the dangers still lurking, and feels a sense of duty to protect those unaware of the true threats.

"So, he is a Gate..."


Izuku rushed through the school gates, his heart pounding. He hurried down the crowded hallways, trying to slip into his classroom unnoticed. But as he opened the door, all eyes turned towards him.

"Midoriya!" his teacher barked. "You're late."

Izuku winced, his face flushing with embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, sensei," he stammered, quickly taking his seat.

As the lesson droned on, Izuku found it impossible to focus. His mind kept drifting back to the incredible battle he had witnessed earlier that morning. The mysterious Kamen Rider Wizard and his incredible display of power consumed his thoughts.

When the bell finally rang for the end of the day, Izuku was still scribbling in his notebook, analyzing and observing Wizard. "That weapon," he muttered, his pencil moving furiously across the page. His notebook had a drawing of Wizard and the WizarSwordGun. "It's not like any support item I've seen. And those rings - they must be the key to his abilities."

He paused, staring at the page, his brow furrowed in concentration. "How does he use them? What kind of Quirk does he have?" Izuku wondered aloud.

"What was also that villain? He said he will bring me to despair..." Izuku's thoughts were interrupted when someone snatched his notebook. He looked up to see his childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo, or as Izuku called him, Kacchan.

Katsuki Bakugo towered over Izuku, his spiky blond hair and piercing emerald eyes exuding an intense, almost intimidating presence. A smug grin spread across his face as he flipped through Izuku's notebook, his gaze filled with a mix of curiosity and contempt.

"What the hell are you doing, Deku?" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain.

Izuku shrunk back, his fingers twitching nervously. "I-it's just hero analysis," he stammered. "I was...I was writing about what I saw this morning."

Bakugo's lips curled into a sneer as he flipped through the notebook. "Hero analysis for the future? You're still doing something useless, Deku!" He let out a harsh laugh, his two followers quickly joining in.

"Look at this guy, trying to be a hero," one of them sneered, elbowing the other. "As if a Quirkless loser like him could ever become a hero."

Izuku felt his face flush with embarrassment, his eyes downcast. He knew Bakugo would never understand his dreams, but the cruel laughter still stung.

Izuku pleaded, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and desperation, "It's fine, isn't it? Give it back!"

Bakugo's powerful Explosion Quirk incinerated Izuku's precious notebook, the edges blackening and curling under the intense heat. His Quirk allowed him to create powerful blasts of fire and concussive force from the nitroglycerin-like sweat in his palms—a powerful and versatile ability that Bakugo took great pride in. He tossed the notebook out of the window.

"What?!" Izuku cried out in panic.

Bakugo sneered, his explosive Quirk still crackling in his palm. "Stop doing such useless things, Deku," he spat, glaring down at Izuku. "You're just wasting your time. There's no way a Quirkless nerd like you could ever become a hero."

"I heard you're applying to U.A., too," Bakugo said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Don't bother. The only one who's gonna get in is me, and I'm gonna be the best hero there is."

Izuku flinched, his eyes downcast. He knew Bakugo would never understand his dreams, but the words still stung. "But, Kacchan, I—"

"Shut up, Deku!" Bakugo interrupted, his voice rising. "You're just a useless Quirkless loser."

Izuku grits his teeth in frustration as Bakugo's cruel words cut through him. His fists clench tightly, nails digging into his palms, but he knows better than to retaliate against his childhood friend's relentless taunts.

As Bakugo leaves, he turns back and says to Izuku, "If you want to be a hero that badly, there's a quick way to do it. Believe that you'll be born with a Quirk in your next life and take a last chance, dive off the roof!"

Izuku's eyes widen in shock, his heart racing at the implication of Bakugo's words. He opens his mouth, ready to speak up, but the sight of Bakugo's hand crackling with small explosions makes him swallow his words in fear. Izuku knows all too well the power of Bakugo's Quirk and the danger he poses when provoked.

Bakugo lets out a derisive laugh, his expression filled with a twisted sense of superiority. "What's wrong, Deku? Too scared to even try?" he taunts, the explosions in his palm growing stronger.

Izuku flinches, his body instinctively shrinking back. He wants to defend himself, to stand up to Bakugo's cruel words, but the fear of retaliation holds him back. Instead, he lowers his head, his green hair falling over his eyes, as he struggles to control the swirling emotions within him.

Izuku watched as his precious notebook landed in the pond, being nibbled on by the curious koi fish. His heart sank at the sight, his hands clenching into fists.

"That's not fish food, stupid..." he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. Steeling his nerves, Izuku cautiously approached the edge of the pond, eyeing the water warily.

"That's my notebook..." He took a deep breath, trying to quell the rising frustration within him. "Stupid..."

Carefully, Izuku reached into the pond, wincing as the cold water touched his skin. His fingers grasped the soggy, tattered edges of the notebook, and he gently pulled it out, shaking off the excess water.

As he inspected the damage, Izuku felt a pang of sadness. His meticulously detailed notes and analyses were now smudged and waterlogged, the pages clinging together. He had poured his heart and soul into this notebook, and to see it in this state was truly disheartening.

Izuku sighed, running his fingers over the cover. He knew he couldn't give up, not when he had come this far. With a renewed determination, he tucked the notebook safely into his bag, resolving to salvage what he could.

Izuku remembers the day he found out he was Quirkless. He sits on his bed, his eyes fixed on the TV screen as he watches video after video of All Might's heroic exploits. The powerful hero's broad smile and unwavering determination captivate Izuku, who dreams of one day becoming just like him.

Tears well up in Izuku's eyes as he watches All Might rush into danger, fearlessly saving civilians from villains and natural disasters. All he can think about is how amazing, how incredible, how cool the Symbol of Peace is. This is the hero he aspires to be, the one he wants to emulate more than anything.

The door to his room creaks open, and Izuku turns to see his mother, Inko, standing there with a pained expression on her face. She approaches him slowly, her footsteps heavy with sorrow. Izuku can see the tears glistening in her eyes as she sits down beside him and wraps him in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry, Izuku," she whispers, her voice trembling. "I'm so, so sorry."

Izuku's heart sank as he realized the meaning behind his mother's words. They were not the words he had hoped to hear from her that day.

"No, Izuku! You decided back then, didn't you? That's right. Don't worry about what other people think! Hold your head up high and plunge forward!" he told himself, his voice filled with determination.

Izuku straightened his posture, a newfound resolve burning in his eyes. He may be Quirkless, but that wouldn't stop him from pursuing his dream. With a deep breath, he steeled himself, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Izuku suddenly felt a presence behind him and saw the Sludge Villain emerge from the shadows. His eyes widened in fear as he recognized the monstrous creature.

"A villain?! Again?!" Izuku exclaimed, his heart pounding in his chest.

The Sludge Villain's hollow eyes fixed on Izuku as a twisted grin formed on his amorphous face. "A medium-sized invisibility cloak will do nicely," he hissed, his slimy tendrils reaching out towards Izuku.

"Don't worry, it'll only hurt for about 45 seconds," the villain taunted, his grip tightening around Izuku's body.

Izuku struggled against the Sludge Villain's grasp, his limbs flailing as he tried to break free. The viscous sludge wrapped around him, slowly enveloping his body. Panic surged through him as he realized he was trapped, unable to call for help.

"Someone, please! Help!" Izuku cried out, his voice muffled by the Sludge Villain's form.

Izuku's mind started to become hazy as the Sludge Villain's grip tightened around him. His vision blurred, and he thought he was going to lose consciousness. Just when all hope seemed lost, a familiar voice boomed behind the villain.

"It's alright now, young man. I am here!" All Might declared, his massive frame casting a shadow over the scene.

Izuku's eyes widened in relief and disbelief as the Symbol of Peace himself arrived on the scene. All Might's powerful presence filled the air, and Izuku felt a surge of hope despite his perilous situation.

Sludge Villain lashed out with his slimy tendrils, aiming to envelop the towering figure of All Might. But the pro hero's reflexes were lightning-fast. With a powerful pivot, All Might dodged the attack, his muscular frame coiled like a spring. In one swift motion, he cocked his fist back and unleashed a devastating punch.

"Texas Smash!" All Might roared, his voice booming with authority. The shockwave of his strike created a powerful gust of wind, dispersing the Sludge Villain's body and sending him hurtling back. The villain's amorphous form scattered, unable to withstand the crushing force of All Might's attack.

Izuku lost consciousness and woke up soon after.

His eyes fluttered open, and the first thing he saw was the towering figure of All Might standing before him. Izuku's heart raced as he realized this was no dream - the legendary hero was truly there, in the flesh.

"Thank goodness you're awake, young man," All Might said, his voice booming with relief.

Izuku backed away, still in disbelief. "I-I... I must be dreaming," he stammered, his voice shaky.

All Might let out a hearty laugh. "Sorry 'bout getting you caught up in my villain fighting. I don't usually make mistakes like this, but I was in high spirits on my day off in a new place. HAHAHAHA!"

Izuku stared at the pro hero, his mouth agape. All Might's casual demeanor and laughter only added to Izuku's overwhelming sense of awe and confusion. He couldn't believe he was actually in the presence of his idol, the Symbol of Peace himself.

Izuku stared in awe as All Might proudly displayed the two bottles containing the Sludge Villain. "I captured him safely!" the pro hero boomed, his infectious enthusiasm filling the air.

"The number one hero...All Might..." Izuku breathed, his eyes wide with wonder. "He's the real thing. He looks completely different in person!"

Izuku hastily reached into his backpack, searching for his treasured notebook. His fingers brushed against the familiar leather cover, and he quickly flipped it open, scanning the pages for a blank space. But as he turned the pages, Izuku's eyes widened in surprise.

The pages were already filled with All Might's unmistakable signature, each one a testament to the hero's generosity and kindness. Izuku ran his fingers over the autographs, a smile spreading across his face.

"Thank you, All Might," Izuku said, his voice filled with gratitude. "This notebook will be a family heirloom. I'll cherish it forever."

All Might let out a hearty laugh, his booming voice echoing through the alley. "I'm glad you'll treasure it, young man!" he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with pride.

Izuku watched in awe as All Might prepared to depart, the Sludge Villain safely contained in the bottles. The pro hero's massive frame towered over him, a testament to the power and presence that had captivated Izuku for so long.

"Well, I need to take this guy to the police," All Might said, tapping the bottles holding the defeated villain. With a confident stride, the Symbol of Peace stretched his legs, ready to make his signature leap.

Izuku's eyes widened as All Might's words sank in. "Wait, already?" he blurted out, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment.

All Might turned to the young boy, his booming voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Pros are constantly fighting enemies and time. There's no rest for heroes like me." He flashed Izuku a reassuring smile.

Izuku watched as All Might prepared to depart, the Sludge Villain safely contained in the bottles. The pro hero's massive frame towered over him, a testament to the power and presence that had captivated Izuku for so long.

"Well then, I'm counting on your continued support!" All Might boomed, flashing Izuku a reassuring smile. With that, the Symbol of Peace leapt away, his powerful strides carrying him into the distance.

However, as All Might took flight, Izuku suddenly found himself gripping tightly to the hero's legs, his mouth and eyes flailing in the wind pressure. He had so many questions he wanted to ask, so much he yearned to learn from the legendary pro.

All Might's booming voice echoed through the air as he tried to pry Izuku's fingers from his leg. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Let go of me! Your fanaticism is too much!"

Izuku clung on for dear life, his eyes wide with fear. "If I…let go now…I'll…I'll die…!" he cried out, his voice trembling.

"That's true," All Might admitted, his expression shifting to one of concern. He knew he couldn't simply shake the boy off without risking his safety.

"I...have...a lot of things...I want to ask you directly!" Izuku exclaims, his voice quivering with excitement.

All Might lets out a resigned sigh, realizing he cannot simply shake the eager young fan off. "Okay, okay! I get it, so close your eyes and mouth!" he says, his booming voice carrying a hint of exasperation.

All Might and Izuku landed on a rooftop. Izuku was wheezing. His eyes and mouth dry from the air pressure.

"Th-That was scary…" Izuku managed between heavy breaths.

All Might looked down at the boy, his expression stern. "Good grief. If you talk to the people downstairs, I'm sure they'll let you down. I seriously am outta time, so I must really go."

Izuku's eyes widened as he realized All Might was preparing to leave. "Wait! Um…" he stammered, desperate to prolong the encounter.

"No! I will not wait!" All Might boomed, his voice brooking no argument. He turned, his massive frame tensing to leap away.

Izuku's heart raced, a thousand questions swirling in his mind. This was his chance, his one opportunity to speak directly with the legendary hero. He had to think quickly. However, his mind only remembered Bakugo's words: "You're just wasting your time. There's no way a Quirkless nerd like you could ever become a hero."

Izuku's hands trembled as he asked All Might, "Even if I don't have a Quirk, can I become a hero?!"

All Might stopped in his tracks, taken aback by the boy's determined question.

"Can even someone without a Quirk be like you?" Izuku pressed, his eyes tightly shut as he awaited the hero's response.

All Might pondered the question, "Without a Quirk...?"

Unbeknownst to Izuku and All Might, a flying, bird-like Plamonster with red-and-gold coloring watched from above.



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