
Hypocrisy of wasting time

Ceaser narrates:


Here we go again... Why does this guy always have to give me such ambiguous hints as to where I have to go?! Speak up a little, stupid!




Well... No use bitching about it now.

The "Clown city" is a pretty obvious hint, anyways. Though, he has described another city than the one I have in mind with those same words before...

It had nothing to do with clowns, I'm pretty sure he just didn't like people there.

No use in focusing on it for too long, let's ask around town.


She decides the best place to look is the "bar-like" place in the same "street".

I don't know whether to call it "authentic" or "cheap" but the interior is pretty much the line between the two. It's as packed as... Well, a bar with no alcohol. Do with that what you will. Of course, there is something along the lines of a depressant. I wouldn't touch the stuff personally. The walls are not decorated, the bar is just a long table and the bottles are not bottles at all, they're just weird liquids floating around.

Carrying her luggage with her, she walks on down to the bar.


What a pain...

"Hey, Ceaser! What a pleasant surprise!" I hear from the front desk. Very formal, this bar is.

It's obviously the keep.

Cause people don't really like me around here, after that one time...

Eh, who gives a rat's ass about them! I'll drink again if I want to!

I shouldn't, but I will!




Not now though, I'm on duty. Damn.

"You're taking really long to reply here..."

"Oh, I got distracted. Hey, keep, how's business?"

"You're saying my name wrong. It's Keip."

"That's what I said."

"No, you said keep. It's Keip."




"So, uh, I need you to tell me what you know about a 'clown city'"

After taking a much larger pause than I thought he would- cause I thought he wouldn't take one- he finally lets out, "Are you really gonna ignore them? They've been making a ruckus ever since you walked in."

"Ignore? Oh. I guess I learned to tune them out."


She says while thinking that a talent such as that is "useful".

To clarify, Gardolf has been screaming things like "UNHAND ME YOU WITCH!" and "I WILL STAB YOU, I SWEAR IT!". The usual... Though, one has to wonder what in hell he is swearing to.

Yvon has been punching Gardolf and other people walking by in the face. At 40 second intervals, of course.



I mean Gardolf is being a real ass. Force of habit I guess.

"Oh pipe down already!"

I sit him down on a desk chair.

"Here, get yourself a drink. Anything you want... just shut up, PLEASE."




After being distracted by the colourful drinks, Gardolf takes a moment to realise what I said, I guess:

"huh? Wait... No! I will NOT shut up!"

The drink is finally in this guy's hands.

Onto the other one...


Without giving it a second thought, Ceaser lets go of Gardolf after he drinks whatever vile thing is given to him, and punches Yvon straight in the face. Of course, knocking him out.

Ceaser gets ready to get back to business but, Gardolf is hogging "Keip".

"This tastes bad... Hey, why do I feel..."

He closes his eyes, promptly asking, "What do I feel again?"


"Yeah, good!"

He opens his eyes.




Keip: "Why do you feel what?"

Gardolf: "I SAID GOOD! Listen for once, stupid!"

So much for feeling "good".

Gardolf: "What is this stuff, anyway? It tastes disgusting"

Keip: "Water"

What? Just normal water? I knew it was some sort of grime-y substance, but I don't know the specifics of it.

Gardolf: "How's it made? Wh-"

Gardolf shuts up, but only as a result of being interrupted:

Keip: "Well, water has a 0% chance to make you happy- unless you're into that- right?"

Gardolf wouldn't know, but he nods his head as though he does.

Keip: "So I just changed the 0% chance to a random number between 0 and 100."

Gardolf: "You know... Back when you asked what I felt, I didn't really like you... but I was wrong all along about you, man. You're like a guy! That is smart!"

Keip seems to be lying through his teeth. If "happiness" was all he changed, why would Gardolf be different than usual?

Well, no use dwelling on it...

Ceaser narrates:


Gardolf just keeps asking questions.

After a while, he asks "Why are there so many variations?" and the like.

"You're not going to explain the whole system to him, are you? This could go on forever, you know."

Keip ignores me and says, "There are different kinds because that's just how it is."




Hmmm, I guess he didn't ignore me.

Now that I think about it, there's a drink missing...

"Hey, wasn't there some swamp water you worked really hard to get? Where'd it go?"

Damn this place has weird drinks.

"Yeah, I had to throw it away after George got a hold of it..."

"Oh, George! What a drunk he is!"

Keip laughs and says, "I know right!?"





"may he rest in peace."

"Where did you get it anyway?"

"Well, I got it from the shrine but it kept killing my guests..."




These people never focus, do they?

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