

People say they will remember you, that you will live on in their hearts. You won't. Slowly, a bit too fast for one's liking, you are forgotten. bit by bit people only see you as one thing You turn into just a memory; maybe as "the person who was too greedy", "the failure" or even as "someone great". When you die and all these things disappear, they make their own world. Everyone who exists in the world you see before you are a representation of an aspect of the same person. And so, I implore you. Fight.

Udnnn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Easy to please

The fresh smell of the early evening! The buildings casting their shadows- sinfully, of course- upon the unwanting ground! Why assume that the ground holds any strong opinions on whether or not a shadow is left on it? Well, why would I assume it has none?




I can't tiptoe around it any longer.

Simply and clearly put, I hate narrating. If I could, I would stop entirely.

Why oh why do I keep going...

The early evening is as beautiful as it sounds. Take that how you will.

If you took that to mean very;

The sounds of people going along their day fill the streets. Calamity- or what is as close as one can get to calamity- is rampant and ever frequent, but, these fools have the gall on them to walk freely.

If you don't, or if you'd like to ignore the hypotheticals; the scenery is bland. Boring, even. Please, realise some details for once!

Ceaser is spearheading the group, practically dragging herself and the two other idiots to a small little office near the closest thing to a restaurant. Even though a city like this carries itself with an aura of necessity overall, a broad concept such as luxury exists- sparingly placed around the aforementioned office. Call them pubs, a good place for socialising, what have you... They're abundant. Though something such as alcohol probably doesn't exist here as you know it.

Carried up what I can only call stairs- as that is the closest thing to the strange structure they use- Gardolf and Yvon are quickly introduced to the man that will be directly ordering the three: Aide.

From the first glance, the man seems to already dislike Gardolf... Very good taste.

Gardolf obviously recuperates the glare because- as a child thinks- one must hate those who hate them.

With a tone that doesn't match the initial awkwardness of the room, "Ceaser! Just the woman I wanted to see... Have you gotten stronger? You look like you've gotten stronger... It must be because you managed to catch these dashing men here," Aide mouths whatever compliment he can think of. Of course, I add in the "man", "woman", etc parts in dialogue. Such things don't exist here, remember? To be frank, I add all things in the dialogue.




Fine! I hear you loud and clear! I will put the focus back on them.

Ceaser promptly shuts him down, "stop patronizing me. What do you want?" she says, visibly annoyed by whatever the other guy just said.

A moment passes, with Aide having the blankest look one can have while still maintaining a smile. In a tone more scared than friendly, he lets out an irresolute "So! Introduce me to the newest members of my little family." In turn, making Ceaser groan. In what? I don't know, I'm not her! We're eager to get this over with today, aren't we?





"Oh come on! It's nice to be nice, you know?"

Aide keeps trying to make this interaction...

Well, I have no idea what he is trying to do but, it's not working. Not a soul wants to talk to him, hell, Yvon hasn't been concentrating since morning.

And I find it important to point out that Gardy is still hung up on that one stare Aide gave him. It did not even last a second, yet he is still hung up about it:


"It's nice to be nice." psh! I'll show you niceness...

I don't even know you! Yet you look at me like that? ME?! I'll teach you a thing or two about eyes!

I close my eyes.

"That didn't make any sense, you know."

Oh shut up! Look at his stupid face, I bet he likes to do embarrassing stuff!

"Can't think of something he might do, eh?"

You're not safe either you know! I'll kill you both right now, watch!


Gardolf opens his eyes, letting out an angry "Damn!" as he does so.

After a few more ill feigned attempts at whatever he was doing, Aide cuts to the chase; "Fine! I'm Aide, I'll be your supervisor from now on. I-I guess your names don't matter for now. I initially needed Ceaser to go do something alone but now I have you so, try not to fuck up too hard, please."

"Oh yeah, this guy here might have killed 'Stubborn', on top of that, his extension is a bit hard to grasp," Ceaser starts. Briefing, that is.

"HEY! I am NOT stubborn! You want to go again? I can go again you know?! You still have to pay for-"

Interrupting old Gardolf, Ceaser says "My God, shut up already! I'm having a conversation here, yeah?!" Before he can start his whining up again, Ceaser continues, "Anyway, his extension is unclear but it's probably no good either way. He needs to be separated from 'stubborn' immediately."

"Hey! I'm right here! I already know what you're scheming, don't you think I'll stop it?!" Gardolf... Well, Gardolfs. That's easier, isn't it? No?


Ceaser is not too worried either way.

Aide: "A-alright, I guess we could do that... To be honest, I already have it under control... One of the people that were on the scene told me about it already is all."

Gardolf: "Exactly, you don't need to do any of that. I was wrong about you, you seem like a capable, smart man! Just send me away, duty-free."

Aide: "Oh, why thank you... Wait, wrong about me? When were you right about me?"




"But, I guess I could send you with them for now..."

Ceaser: "Don't fall for such transparent lies! Grow some balls!"

Gardolf: "No, no, no, he made his decision. His decisions are final... Or what, are you going against the word of your superior?"

Ceaser: "How the hell would you know whether or not he's my superior?!"

Aide: "Well, I am but... Uh- no! As this dashing man just said, my word is final! I think..."

Quickly changing his mind about Gardy, the man in question- or should I say naivety- thinks "This guy's pretty nice!"

Having no other option, Ceaser accepts whatever just happened. Aide continues his briefing, "The city with uhh... All the clowns? Whichever one that is... Yeah, I need you to go there. One of our soldiers went over to take it down by herself. I know there is a request to take the city down but, we can't afford a full-scale battle right now... Go and stop the soldier. If you take down the city entirely too, I won't complain."

Like always, and to Ceaser's dismay, Aide has forgotten the exact name of where they're supposed to go.

What? Yes, this is the first time you have met this man. It doesn't mean there isn't an "always" that happens where you aren't.