
Kakashi Time travel

Kakashi time travels back to the past. He finds himself in his five-year-old self. He is determined to survive and protect those he failed the first time around. This is a bit different then the cannon ~Kakashi won't be with anyone no pairing~

lladnall · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

All Kakashi could feel now is glee that his father is alive and he didn't take the mission that will kill him. His father won't commit suicide and leave him again.

"Kakashi my son do you want to go eat now?" Asks Sakumo while pointing at the basket.

"Let's eat dad!" Kakashi answers a bit excited. Sakumo sets up the blanket and sits and starts taking out their lunch.

Kakashi POV


I look at my surroundings once more and he could see kids running around. He smiles there is hope now! He will not fail this time around! He knows that he is acting weird but he wasn't normal anyway. He also didn't know how to be a kid again he is acting how he thinks he should. He couldn't just be him again and read a porn book now, could he?

"Kakashi?" His dad calls out. I turn to him and give a big grin that Naruto would be proud of.

"Next time make sure you tell me when you feel down," He says softly.

"I know now" I answer softly. If I told you how I felt in the past could he have stopped him? If I was more open would he have stayed? If I told him that I needed him back then and I loved him. I shake my head and wipe those thoughts it doesn't matter now his dad is alive and well! His sensei is alive his team is alive.

"Sakumo!" Calls out a familiar voice. Kakashi turns to see Jiraiya. Kakashi felt a burst of sorrow rush in his heart. He failed to protect their student he couldn't keep his promise. Kakashi immediately puts on his cold facade. He saw his dad flinch to the change but he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Jiraiya it's good to see you today! How have you been?" Sakumo says to Jiraiya cheerfully.

"Never the better! Is this your little prodigy? He is much bigger since I last him!" Jiraiya asks while he observes me. I do my absolute best in keeping my emotions check.

"Yes, he is," Sakumo says proudly. I look at my dad and smile. Distracting myself from Jiraiya another person he failed.

Third Person POV


"Hey kid here," Jiraiya says as he gives Kakashi a book. Kakashi looks at the book in confusion.

"Jiraiya that better not be your" before Sakumo could finish.

"It's not I swear I wouldn't give my research away! It's an actual novel I wrote!" Jiraiya announces. Kakashi looks at it and sees the name Naruto.

"Naruto like ramen topping or Maelstrom?" Kakashi asks while looking at Jiraiya.

"Whatever the reader believes" Jiraiya states truthfully. He likes to let the reader think about it.

"Maelstrom then he seems unpredictable and full of surprises," Kakashi says softly remembering his student Naruto. He however in his heart knows Kushina did it for the ramen. Jiraiya smiles when he sees Kakashi get interested in the book after a couple of pages.

"It didn't do very well but I'm proud of it," Jiraiya says proudly.

"Hmm, not many people believe the cycle of hate can be broken" Kakashi states as he looks at the summary. Jiraiya looks at Kakashi like he grew another head.

"What do you believe?" Jiraiya asks Kakashi with a curious look.

"It might be possible but discord will always be there. We just have to curve it into a more peaceful resolution than fighting. Also having someone to help guide the way to prove it's possible to change and peace is not just fiction" Kakashi states bluntly. Sakumo looks at Kakashi proudly. Jiraiya's eyes brighten up and ruffles Kakashi's hair.

"Smart kid! Are you in the Academy?" Jiraiya questions.

"Yes but it's easy" Kakashi responds. Sakumo smiles proudly that his son is great.

"Oh? Why is that?" Jiraiya asks curiously?

"I already can do what they taught. I can already walk trees with chakra. I also learned the basic combat jutsus. I already learned some minor lightning jutsus" Kakashi states. Sakumo has the biggest smug look in his face.

"What?! Why are you in the Academy still?!" Jiraiya questions astonished that they kept in the academy. Kakashi shrugs not really caring.

"I actually was recently called to talk about Kakashi. So maybe it's about graduation?" Sakumo says softly. Kakashi looks at his dad and takes his hand. When he noticed a bit of sadness in Sakumo eyes.

"Well if he does he will probably be placed in different groups to fill in. Hmm how about this maybe sometimes I can help to train him? My teammates might be interested in as well. Would you like to learn some medical jutsus?" Asks Jiraiya curiously. Sakumo couldn't believe that the sannin would like to teach his son.

"Hm I'm interested in it but I wouldn't want to be a full medic" Kakashi answers truthfully. He actually already knows a lot of it because of his student Sakura who taught him. She wanted him to be able to stay safe.

"Sakumo I know that I'm weaker than you but would you let me sometimes teach your son?" Jiraiya asks when he saw Kakashi he could tell he is smart and kind even if he is a bit moody.

"If my son accepts" Sakumo answers as he looks at Kakashi.

"After two weeks I'm going to spend time with my dad" Kakashi cheekily responds. Jiraiya laughs but nods in acceptance.

"At that time I will try to convince Tsunade-hime and Orochimaru-teme~" Jiraiya gleefully says.

"Convince me into what?" Orochimaru pops into the conversation. Jiraiya turns in shock why is Orochimaru out in about instead of being holed up?

"Oh right to convince you to sometimes teach this kid a thing or two! He already knows some minor lighting jutsus at age 6!" Jiraiya exclaims with his thumbs up. Orochimaru looks at Kakashi with a glint of interest.

"I'm 5," Kakashi says in a deadpan voice.

"He's 5" Jiraiya exclaims again. Orochimaru looks him up and down.

"Makes sense that the strongest shinobi beside the Hokage, son would be a prodigy. Well, I won't be free for a month but maybe once I'm back" Orochimaru answers. Kakashi nods in acceptance. The man in front of him was once his enemy but not anymore. He will find a way to convince him to stay. He is a great shinobi no matter what others say.