
Kakashi Time travel

Kakashi time travels back to the past. He finds himself in his five-year-old self. He is determined to survive and protect those he failed the first time around. This is a bit different then the cannon ~Kakashi won't be with anyone no pairing~

lladnall · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 2

Sakumo POV


I look at my son's eyes once more and all I see is the pain in them. He doesn't even know why they hold so much pain and how can he make Kakashi feel better. The Hokage wants me in his office soon it seems urgent from the look the Anbu gave him. Whatever it is I'm declining I should stay with my son.

"Pup I need to go but I'll come back I promise. Breakfast is on the table "I explain to Kakashi he looked at me and nodded. He gets up slowly and heads to the kitchen. I run out and head to the Hokage office. I enter his office and the whole council was there.

"You called?" I ask the Hokage who nods everyone became serious. I wasn't informed about the meeting even though I'm a clan head as well.

"We want you to take a mission which may stop the war" explains the Hokage.

"I can't sir if it was any other time I would've done it. This time I can't do it" I decline loudly. This shocks everyone in the room.

"Why," asks Danzo, I felt shame that I was gonna let down the village but my son is more important now.

"My son something is going on with him. I put the village ahead of my family many times. I missed it when Kakashi was born. I also missed Kakashi's first birthday and his 2nd. I came very late on his 3rd and 5th. I wasn't in the village when my wife died of sickness. This time I won't fail my son. I'm sorry Hokage-sama but I have to decline" I explain clenching my fist. Everyone's eyes widen a bit they probably didn't know how much he sacrificed for the village.

"I see Sakumo-san we will send someone else" the Hokage responds I smile and nod gratefully.

"Thank you Hokage-sama and can I put in my vacation days," I ask the Hokage eyes widen.

"Something must be wrong with your son. If you are using your vacation days. You haven't used any since you became a shinobi" said Hokage I nod.

"Yes my son was acting strange today" I explained

"Alright just take your seat on the council and we will discuss who to send" the Hokage orders. I nod and sat and started discussing who to send. In the end, Orochimaru is being sent. When the meeting was done I ran home. I enter and find Kakashi sitting on the couch reading a book of chakra theory. I sit next to him.

"I put in my vacation days which is a lot as I haven't used any before" I explain to Kakashi turns to me in shock.

"Really!!" Asks my son excitedly I nod.

"So you can show me how to cook and to write better. Also, can we go to the park and I'm acting weird again aren't I" rumbles Kakashi I hug him.

"No it's fine we can do all that and more" I say softly Kakashi relaxes in my hold.

"So we can go to the park?" Asks Kakashi I nod and gave thoughtful look.

"How about we make some food to take to the park. So we can eat lunch there" I suggest Kakashi nods and ran to the kitchen. I followed and made simple rice balls with Kakashi. We packed some tea and some chips. Kakashi looks excited I never knew my son can look so cute and able to make an expression like that. I remember to also pack a blanket to sit on. We headed to the park. I grabbed Kakashi and put him on my shoulders. I put the food in a basket and carried it with me. I look around and see people look at me in awe. We made it to the park I put Kakashi down. He drags me to the swings.

"Father can you push me?" asked Kakashi I nodded I pushed him and my son is very happy. I haven't seen him so happy in a long time. When was the last time he has taken him out like this before?