
Kakashi: A new life another world

Kakashi is taken to the world of The Witcher, follow him interacting with the characters from the work, his presence in that world will change canonical events and the way the characters interact with each other.

Aphis · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs


At dusk, Yennefer went to her mentor Tissaia's room, and when she opened the door, Yennefer could see the place.

It was a place she had been to many times in the past, and little had changed over the years.

Tissaia's room had a simple and cozy appearance, it was not a place that a sorceresses of her power would normally use.

Her room gave the impression of someone who didn't care about extravagance and material luxuries.

It conveyed an image of a serious person, who would be the ideal leader of a powerful movement like the Brotherhood.

For Tissaia, the Sorceresses community was the most important thing in her life, she always did everything to strengthen the Brotherhood, and make a place that the Sorceresses could trust and that would always support them.

Even with some not very altruistic intentions on her part, Tissaia could be considered a good person.

She was the only sorceress who took Yennefer under her wing, when everyone else abandoned her, she helped Yennefer become the woman she was today.

It was Tissaia who helped concentrate on her appearance and guided her on the path of sorceresses, for these facts Yennefer was very grateful to her.

Leading Yennefer to the place where she prepared for her conversation, Tissaia left some good wine on her table.

Looking at Yennefer, she invites her to sit on the sofa with a wave of her hand.

Filling a glass for Yennefer, Tissaia had a small family smile, she was feeling happy with Yennefer's presence.

"As it is a special occasion, I picked one of the best wines in my collection for this meeting."

Handing the wine glass to Yennefer, Tissaia tried some of the wine.

"My wine collection was prepared for a special occasion, but as my most talented and esteemed apprentice returned, I had to make an exception."

Smelling the delicious smell coming from the wine glass, Yennefer took a small sip of it.

"Delicious, isn't it? That 1203 vintage was one of the best of all time, it's a shame it's so rare to find a bottle from that year nowadays."

Yennefer nodded, she didn't expect her mentor to use such a unique bottle of wine tonight.

She knew that her mentor had other jewels like these in her personal collection.

But Yennefer didn't know that Tissaia would use this to create a friendly atmosphere with her.

This attitude from Tissaia made Yennefer even more suspicious of this situation.

Even though she wanted to, Yennefer couldn't trust people completely, she was very grateful for everything Tissaia did for her, but Yennefer still remained suspicious of the reasons behind Tissaia's actions.

Kakashi was the only exception, he is the only person who completely gained her trust, gaining her trust was very difficult.

However Yennefer didn't let her suspicions show on her face.

With a small smile on her face, she took another small sip of the wine, enjoying its flavor.

"A really good wine."

"You can enjoy the wine, the night has started now, we can leave the more serious conversation for later."

Tissaia wanted to make Yennefer as relaxed and at ease as possible, she knew that the easiest and quickest way to gain the boy's trust would be with her support.

She was doing everything possible to increase Yennefer's sympathy, because it would be easier to bring her to her side.

Yennefer, in addition to being a great sorceress, also had great influence, so having her by her side would only bring benefits to Tissaia.

Currently Yennefer was like most powerful sorceresses, she would remain neutral in this power struggle.

They would not go headlong into a battle, which would do them little favor.

The gains did not compensate for the risks, which is why most of them knew about their struggle for power.

Most of them did not want to get involved, since this impasse situation was favorable for the majority of the sorceresses who were part of the Brotherhood's council.

It's easier to deal with the Brotherhood when central power was divided between the three.

That's why when one was in difficulty or lost political power, the sorceresses came together to help her.

All sorceresses had one thing in mind the Brotherhood could not weaken or fall.

Brotherhood should remain firm and strong, this was the only place where the Sorceresses could support each other.

It was also the place that gave them most of their political influence.

They depended on the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood depended on them, it was a complicated situation.

For many, Irmandande was the only home they knew in their lives.

The Brotherhood was their home so the Sorceresses didn't want it to be destroyed by infighting.

But beyond Yennefer's power and influence, Tissaia wanted her close by, because Yennefer is the closest thing to a daughter she's ever had in her life.

Even though she didn't want to admit it, Tissaia was very attached to Yennefer, she adopted Yennefer into her heart.

The atmosphere in the place was good and comfortable, they spent the night talking about the past.

Their time together and their time away from each other was a big topic of conversation at that moment.

Tissaia didn't bring it up, but she was very curious to know more about how Yennefer met Kakashi.

She wanted to know the story behind their meeting, Tissaia realized that Yennefer had changed a lot, and from what they talked about recently, nothing explained her change.

In Tissaia's eyes, Yennefer seemed like a totally different person, who sometimes couldn't recognize her.

Yennefer had changed a lot in the time they hadn't seen each other and in a way that Tissaia would never have expected.

Not wanting to be rude, Tissaia didn't ask directly about her change, she was subtly talking about some differences in the way she acted.

Wanting Yennefer to talk more about her change herself, so she didn't feel pressured to reveal anything she didn't want to.

"My dear Yennefer, what was it like living in that small town? It must have been difficult"

Tissaia let the disdain for the place appear in her voice, but it wasn't the contempt for the small town itself, most of the soreceresses didn't like Rêndania.

Yennefer was not offended by Tissaia's tone of voice, she herself had the same feeling when she decided to go to that place.

If she didn't have a goal in mind, Yennefer also wouldn't want to stay in a place where people had prejudices about her.

It wasn't just the Sorceresses who despised the kingdom of Redania, most sentient species that weren't human didn't like the place.

Redania was one of the few places in the known world where sorceresses were frowned upon.

They were discriminated against and treated as sub-humans, even with the efforts of King Vizimir II, to change this perception in his Kingdom.

He was making an effort to lessen prejudice against the Sorceresses and some other non-human species.

VIizimir II knew of their potential, and wanted to incorporate them into his forces, he was propagating them and even encouraged these species to move to his Kingdom.

But a prejudice that had been spread for many years was something difficult to change, it would be difficult to change the image that had been spread for generations.

So even with the efforts of King Vizimir II, Redania was still a very hostile place for sorceresses.

That's why it was surprising when Philippa became an advisor to the king, despite all the pressure the nobles put on them to block her presence.

Philippa achieved something that seemed impossible, she entered the center of influence of a kingdom hostile to her kind.

By doing this she influenced other sorceresses to do the same and give the capital of the kingdom of Rêndania Tretogor a chance.

Because of this, Philippa became one of the Brotherhood's most influential and respected sorceresses, making her gain a lot of political power.

The two's conversation lasted a little longer. Yennefer didn't complain much about the place, since that small town was the place where her life improved.

She narrated her experience in Rinde City, until the subject of how she found Kakashi was mentioned.

Tissaia was quite curious about the boy, and it seemed to her that Yennefer didn't want to get into the subject, so she had to ask him directly.

"Yennefer, you and Kakashi seem to be quite attached to each other."

Taking another sip of wine, Tissaia looked into Yennefer's eyes, she let curiosity appear in her gaze.

"How did you two meet?"

"Kakishi found me, I was in a difficult situation when he appeared and saved me."

Yennefer reported a little about that experience, but did not go into details of what happened.

Not wanting to reveal too much information about Kakashi and his abilities, Yennefer did not directly address the subject.

In Yennefer's mind, this meeting was probably an excuse for Tissaia to find out more information about Kakashi.

She was very cautious when it came to Kakashi, so it would be difficult for Yennefer not to distrust other people, even when those people had true affection for her.

That was the case with her friend Sabrinha, Tissaia and her almost lover Istredd, they really liked her, but Yennefer couldn't trust them.

Yennefer's goal was to reveal as little as possible about Kakashi, she was afraid that Kakashi's greed would be fueled.

She also did not want to report information about her possible discovery of a Djin.

Yennefer didn't believe that Tissaia would steal her Djin.

But if any other sorceress discovered any of the information, that wouldn't be a good thing for Yennefer.

Djins were coveted beings, so much power was a great weapon for anyone.

So Yennefer was telling half truths, hiding most of the facts.

Tissaia, was not fooled by these half-truths, she had known Yennefer for a long time, so she knew when she wanted to hide something.

"So the boy Kakashi got hurt when he was saving you?"

Yennefer thought about letting Tissaia believe that Kakashi's injury happened that way, but she knew that this lie would be easily seen through by Tissaia.

"He was injured later, in fact it hasn't even been three days since Kakashi was injured, I brought him as quickly as I could."

Noticing Yennefer's affectionate tone when he mentioned Kakashi's name.

Tissaia was surprised by this fact, she finally realized that Yennefer wasn't with the boy just to take advantage of his lineage.

Yennefer had really grown fond of the boy, Tissaia was surprised by this, she knew how difficult it was to win Yennefer's affection.

Knowing what Yennefer was like, and knowing the great distrust she had, Tissaia knew that she would do everything to protect the boy.

When people like Yennefer met someone important, they would do anything for that person, not caring about the price they would pay.

Not wanting to become Yennefer's enemy, she decided to proceed cautiously and not try to recruit the boy at this time.

Postponing her plan to bring Yennefer to her side, Tissaia decided that she would gradually gain trust and over time bring the two to her side.

First she would try to win the boy's affection, the idea would be if Kakashi became a student at Arentuza, that way she would have more time to get closer to him.

Changing her plan of action, Tissaia put a smile on her face she was happy for Yennefer, even if it made her goals difficult.

"It seems like you're attached to the boy, I never thought I'd see you, getting attached to someone like that."

Using a friendly tone, Tissaia continued.

"That boy must have something very special for you to act this way, I'm glad you found what you were looking for."

Nodding at Tissaia, Yennefer showed a small trace of pride on her face.

Kakashi really was very special and unique, there was no other person like him in this world.

Feeling lucky to have met Kakashi, Yennefer lost herself in his world.

Something that Tissaia noticed, "Yennefer by any chance, did you adopt the boy as your son?"

Tissaia knew about Yennefer's dream of being a mother, she had already asked for his help to treat his infertility.

A condition that affected the greatest number of sorceresses, most of whom were born infertile.

But the other part lost its ability to have children when it underwent the transformation in its body.

Just like the transformation of a normal human boy into a Witcher, the sorceresses' bodily transformation made their body change completely.

This process was accompanied by enormous pain, but it was necessary to become a complete sorceress.

The transformation process aimed to correct imperfections and defects in human bodies, in addition to improving the magical capacity of apprentices.

Sometimes the person just didn't have the necessary beauty to be approved by them, the Brotherhood believed that all sorceresses should be beautiful.

The soceresses would have to convey an image of perfection, this was their growth, the fact of not being able to have children did not affect the majority of the soceresses.

They had a much greater longevity than that of normal humans, so they did not see the need to make heirs across the world.

Yennefer was a very rare case among sorceresses, she was the only sorceress that Tissaia knew personally who wanted to have children.

She had heard reports of sorceresses having children before, but it was so rare that little was known about these children.

But most of these children would be born deformed or with serious health problems, in rare cases the children would be born healthy and with great potential for magic.

Tissaia knew Yennefer's story and knew of her desire for true affection, she did everything to be a motherly figure for her, but she was unable to enter Yennefer's heart.

As much as Tissaia tried, Yennefer never truly trusted her, so the most he could do was Yennefer's.

It became one of his friends and mentor, no one ever managed to gain Yennefer's true trust and affection, the first exception was Kakashi.

After the clear display of affection that Yennefer showed for Kakashi

The only explanation that seemed plausible to Tissaia was that she adopted the boy as her son.

These cases were not rare of adoption among the powerful, when they found someone talented, they gave them a name and a home.

Usually these relationships were based on interests, but Yennefer's affair with Kakashi seemed to be based on affection.

Yennefer didn't show any signs that made it seem like she wanted to use the boy for any gain.

That question from Tissaia left Yennefer surprised.

She didn't expect that her relationship with Kakashi would convey this kind of idea to Tissaia.

Shaking her head, Yennefer replied, "I don't see Kakashi as my son."

"He's more like a troubled brother who insists on making his sister worry."

It may have been the influence of the friendly atmosphere and the alcohol, but Yennefer didn't realize that she started talking about how she felt about Kakashi.

"Kakashi is annoying sometimes, but there is no person more loyal and kind than him."

With a small smile on her face Yennefer continued speaking.

"Every time I need help or support, he's always there for me."

"Sometimes he's overprotective of me, but I understand that it's just his care and affection speaking louder."

Kakashi was like a trustworthy and kind older brother in Yennefer's eyes.

He acted like a father figure at times, but Yennefer didn't mind, she even found his actions funny and comforting.

It was still clear in her mind how he acted when a man approached her with ulterior motives.

His interrogations and veiled threats to anyone who dared try to play with his little sister's heart.

"Kakashi is special to me, he was the one who showed me the meaning of the word family."

Listening to Yennefer's rambling, Tissaia was surprised.

She wasn't expecting their relationship to be like siblings, but what also confused him was that Yennefer spoke as if they had been together for years.

Tissaia had hoped they had only known each other for a few months, but the way Yennefer spoke about Kakashi.

It made it seem like they grew up together, and that they had known each other for many years.

From Yennefer's tone, it seemed like they were more united than many blood brothers.

'Is this really the Yennefer I know? If they told me it was a Doppler that took his place, I wouldn't be surprised'.

Noticing the confusion and surprise on Tissaia's face, Yennefer woke up from his talkative state.

She knew that her rambling made Tissaia very suspicious of what was going on.

Knowing that it wouldn't be good to have Tissaia investigating them more incisively, Yennefer decided to alleviate the situation.

"Even though we've only known each other for a few months, it feels like I've been with Kakashi for decades."

"It feels like we have a special bond, it's a strange feeling that I can't quite explain."

With a serious face, Yennefer no longer let any feelings appear on her face.

The only thing she kept in her expression was his typical fake smile.

"But leaving that matter aside, I would like to know, when will Kakashi's treatment begin?"

Tissaia was unable to respond immediately, she was still surprised by Yennefer's unusual attitude.

Thinking a little Tissaia calmed down, she returned the smile on her face and continued the conversation.

"Tomorrow we will make a more precise diagnosis, I called some trustworthy providers to help us treat the boy."

This information didn't make Yennefer happy, she didn't want any more sorceress to get close to Kakashi.

But she didn't show her dissatisfaction on her face.

"Who would these sorceresses be that you called?"

"You know them well Yennefer, one is Margarita and the other is Philippa, both are skilled sorceresses who could help us."

Yennefer knew them both, she wasn't against Margarita helping them, but she didn't like Philippa.

She wanted to refuse her help, however since it was about Kakashi's health she would support Philippa for a while.

I would just be more cautious with her, Philippa was known for being captivating and manipulative.

Using her beauty and intelligence she managed to recruit several people into her group.

"Okay, we'll start the treatment tomorrow."

Standing up Yennefer, she placed her glass on the table, she was ready to return to her room.

"I would like to spend more time talking to you, but unfortunately I will have to return to my room."

"We'll meet again tomorrow, see you later Tissaia."

"It was nice talking to you after so long Yennefer, I hope for more moments like this in the future."

Still in her place Tissaia, she responded to Yennefer as she left.

She started thinking about her long conversation with Yennefer that night.

Even though she didn't get much information from Kakashi.

Tissaia found out a lot about his relationship with Yennefer.

And this information left many questions in her mind.

Bringing these two to her side would be more difficult than she initially imagined.

Yennefer would never let the boy put himself at risk or be used by anyone.

The way he acted demonstrated that she would protect him from anyone who intended to use him.

That night Tissaia didn't sleep, she kept replaying the conversation she had with Yennefer in her head.

Looking for any little information she might have missed.

Kakashi and Yennefer had a little talk that night.

She reported her conversation with Tissaia, but there wasn't much relevant that had been said.

Their conversation was brief and they soon went to bed and slept.

But not before Yennefer warns Kakashi to be careful around Philippa.

That night passed peacefully, the next day after Kakashi and Yennefer's breakfast.

Three women appeared, Yennefer recognized them immediately.

"How long has it been Yennefer, it's been since our last meeting."

Philippa tried to appear as friendly as possible, even though her posture and gaze showed her pride.

In fact, Kakashi noticed that pride seemed to be an inherent trait in most witches.

Even the friendliest and kindest ones had a bit of this trait in their personalities.

Kakashi could understand them, few people in the world wouldn't show his pride.

Having the power that sorceresses possess.

Observing the women who arrived, Kakashi began to analyze them.

He had already seen Tissaia the day before, but Kakashi was unable to analyze her the way he wanted.

Now able to analyze her in a better way, Kakashi would try to discover the true objectives of these three.

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