
Kakashi: A new life another world

Kakashi is taken to the world of The Witcher, follow him interacting with the characters from the work, his presence in that world will change canonical events and the way the characters interact with each other.

Aphis · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Knowing the enemy.

Yennefer, while holding Kakashi's arm, tried to open a portal, but something blocked her spell, something prevented her from opening a portal, and she felt that this registration began when the crypt door closed.

The place became a prison, for them and for the creature, the door would only open when the ordeal was overcome.

She was trying to open a portal anyway and to any place other than that place, but she realized that she had some powerful magic that wouldn't let her complete her spell.

Yennefer knew that there were places where portals would be affected by the magic present in the place, but she had never heard of a place where it was not possible to open portals, and this took her by surprise as in the previous two tests.

She could open a portal, even if she couldn't keep a portal open for the necessary time, due to the loss of energy that her portal had.

This time she no longer felt the place draining the energy she gathered, Yennefer knew she could use any other spell other than her portal, which was the only spell she really needed to use, and that was desperate for her.

Realizing that the creature in front of her was something she could not defeat, she began to despair.

Even though she had more knowledge than many Sorceresses and was one of the most talented Sorceresses in existence, Yennefer had no idea how she could defeat this creature, she couldn't think of anything that could kill a superior vampire.

Noticing Yennefer's strangeness, Kakashi, without taking his eyes off the being that came out of the coffin, asked her, "Yen, are you okay?" His question took her out of her contemplation. She didn't know what to do, nor what to say to he.

Yennefer put them in this situation, where their death was certain, she was very afraid that Kakashi would end up dying because of his kindness, but what ended up killing him was his arrogance and extreme confidence, she believed that she would not be caught by surprise by Kakashi's trials. Djin, and that was his undoing.

Trying to calm down to think of something she could do to get them out of that situation, Yennefer thought about the information they knew about the higher vampires, she knew that their situation wasn't very good, but she didn't want to give up there had to be something what she could do.

Thoughts raced through her head, she remembered the stories she heard about higher vampires.

They have an ancient and distinct culture, but the exact details are well hidden from the eyes of mortals, no one really knows how they live and who they are, much information about their abilities is uncertain.

Reports of vampire sightings are not uncommon, many people report how they saw and ran away from a vampire, but this information is not reliable or inaccurate, so it cannot be considered as something serious.


What can be said with certainty, however, is that all intelligent vampires celebrate full moons as an important holiday, on which they tend to attack villages and get drunk on blood.

Entire small villages disappeared overnight, blind and lifeless bodies were scattered around the place, the good thing was that these events were relatively rare, there were usually reports of one or two victims per year from their attacks.

Due to the rarity of higher vampires, as well as the unique abilities they often possess, classification can be extremely difficult.

Sorceresses and scholars of the subject speculate that each superior vampire is unique and has its own abilities, but some of these abilities are shared by the entire group.

The extent of a vampire's powers is not known exactly, but some abilities that have been observed and acquired through research include superhuman strength, high speed, transformation into a bat, mind control and becoming invisible.

One of their greatest abilities is true immortality, many report that only a higher vampire can truly end the existence of another higher vampire, and that there is no other means that can definitively kill a higher vampire, not even the efforts of a Witcher. With your abilities or a Sorceress using her powerful magic, you could end the life of a super vampire.

Instead, these creatures would enter a coma-like regenerative state, slowly healing over a prolonged period of time, which is what happened in a kingdom that managed to capture one of the specimens alive.

The king ordered them to do what they could to put an end to the beast, but no matter what they did the vampire didn't die, they tried hanging, decapitation, mutilation, murder, drowning and tried to blow him up with barrels full of flammable drink, they did of everything I could think of, but nothing had the expected result.

Even with this ability, a sufficient degree of bodily destruction could knock them out for a long period of time, from years to decades, and leave them greatly weakened even after complete regeneration, but this was not the ultimate solution.

Fortunately, encountering a higher vampire is an incredibly rare occurrence, with most people going their entire lives without encountering one in their lifetime.

Not all higher vampires are dangerous to humans, many even avoid human contact completely, and some even work altruistically, albeit clandestinely, to help humanity.

She went through all the information she had about the higher vampires in her mind, she wanted to find a way to defeat him, but nothing came to mind, all she knew was that vampires couldn't be killed.

Regretting her choices, she tried her best to think of a solution to the problems she put them in, she didn't know what to say to Kakashi, the guilt she felt was overwhelming "I'm sorry."

Kakashi was alert when he noticed that Yennefer was acting strangely, he also knew that Yennefer wasn't one to apologize normally, so something very serious was happening.

Suspecting that his situation was even more dangerous than he initially thought, Kakashi heard the guilt and hopelessness in Yennefer's voice as she apologized to him.

Yennefer was not a person who apologized like that, when she knew she had done something wrong she apologized for her actions, she did not use her words for that, Yennefer was too arrogant and shy for such an action.

Knowing that she had these feelings, it was because Yennefer for some reason would not be able to get them out of that place, and she felt that she had put them in a no-win situation, Yennefer was not one to give up easily.

Kakashi didn't know if it was just her portal ability that was being affected, and he didn't know what the creature in front of her was, so he didn't know exactly what the extent of her problems were.

His medallion didn't warn him about anything, it seemed like the creature wasn't transmitting magical signals.

Stepping in front of her, Kakashi knew Yennefer was blaming herself for putting him in danger, but she didn't blame her so it was normal to make mistakes, "It's not your fault, you didn't expect something like this to happen."

He also knew that this was not the time to blame themselves or someone else for their situation, they would have to act calmly and prudently and feelings such as guilt and remorse always affected decision making.

Wanting to divert Yennefer's attention from her guilt, Kakashi tried to draw her attention to the battle that was about to occur.

"Yen, do you have any plan or crazy idea that can get us out of this place?" Noticing his kindness even in this situation, Yennefer felt even more guilty about her choices.

Yennefer couldn't think of any spell she knew of that would have the possibility of killing the vampire, her best chance was to escape with Kakashi, but she no longer had that possibility, "Kakashi, I can't think of anything we can do, we don't have no ability, that can kill a higher vampire."

"They are immortal, little is known about their abilities and strength, but one thing that everyone who studies them agrees on is that there is no known way to kill a higher vampire."

Kakashi had researched the magical creatures and monsters of this world, and what surprised him while researching was that the other magical creatures and monsters themselves had a lot of information about the general characteristics of their species and subspecies, as well as information about the abilities, advantages and weaknesses of the creatures, but with vampires everything was different, little was known about them, the information was very scarce and unreliable.

Most of the information about vampires came from commoners' fantasy stories, little was known about their habits, abilities and weaknesses, Kakashi didn't get much information about them, and from the way Yennefer spoke she didn't know many things about superior vampires either, but she believed they could not be killed.

Unlike Yennefer, Kakashi was calmer, he had faced two immortal beings before, and his group managed to kill them both with calm and a well-executed plan, so he believed that hope had not disappeared.

"Yen, you need to pull yourself together, it's not over for us yet, believe me, I will get us out of this situation, even if I have to kill an immortal."

Yennefer wasn't confident in Kakashi's words, but she decided that she would do everything in her power so that they could get out of this together, she wouldn't give up without trying.

Kakashi hadn't taken his eyes off the vampire for even a second, he was watching him even while talking to Yennefer, Kakashi knew he couldn't let his guard down for even a minute.

Observing the creature, it seemed that Kakashi was asking for the first move so he could counterattack.

His experience showed him that if it was not a surprise attack, giving the first blow was very risky and dangerous and could cause his death, if the opponent was well prepared.

So he stood there waiting for the first movement.

"Yen, wait, don't attack now, there's something strange about the creature", Kakashi stopped Yennefer who was going to take the opportunity to make the first attack and launch a powerful spell in the vampire's direction.

The creature was standing still, it looked more like a statue than a monster, the vampire didn't do anything, it seemed like he wasn't even aware of what was happening.

Thinking about the possibilities of this type of vampire behavior, Kakashi began to speculate about it.

Kakashi thought about the possibility that perhaps the creature had no rational thought and only reacted to things happening around it, out of pure instinct like an animal, it could also be that the vampire was being controlled by the Djin and only moves when ordered, Kakashi had which confirms what the answer would be since if it were the first it would be good news for him, but the second would be worrying since he would have to worry about external intervention.

With this new information, doubt hovers in Kakashi's thoughts.

He was thinking about how he should act, whether it would be better to start and attack or whether it would be right to wait for the vampire's first move, Kakashi didn't know much about vampire abilities so he was unsure of what would be the best approach to this matter.

Normally when he was facing someone whose abilities he didn't know, Kakashi usually sent his clones to do the first check, but this time something told him that the clones would be useless in this battle.

Sending the clones directly to face this being didn't seem like a good idea to Kakashi, something was telling him that it would just be a waste of chakra.

Kakashi's survival instincts screamed (Danger), Kakashi was sure that this being he was going to face would not give him an easy battle.

'What the hell am I feeling, my body gets tense just looking at that being, it's as if my subconscious decided that I shouldn't face that being', he felt a shiver going up his spine, Kakashi felt butterflies in his stomach.

Kakashi couldn't remember the last time he felt so overwhelmed facing an opponent, he knew the feeling he was feeling was similar to the one he felt when facing Orochimaru for the first time, Kakashi had never fought someone so powerful, it was one of the few times , in which he felt powerless when facing an opponent, and it happened right when he had just joined the Anbus.

This time it would be different, against Orochimaru, Kakashi did not have the same experience and skills he currently has, he then calmed down and began to control his chakra flow throughout his body, causing his body to work normally again.

Kakashi was trying to shake that feeling from his body, he was still feeling bad about the situation, but he was prepared to defend himself when necessary.

His eyes were still focused on the vampire until the moment he simply disappeared from his sight, Kakashi didn't understand what had happened, the creature's body gave no sign of moving and it happened in an instant.

Kakashi hadn't been able to see where the creature was moving, until his instincts warned him, and moving as fast as he could, Kakashi ducked at the same moment his instincts warned him, he felt the wind rush past him, through his hair.

The creature was invisible, Kakashi could see the vampire with his Sharingan, 'That attack wasn't the creature that moved quickly, the vampire disappeared and reappeared next to me very quickly, and without making any sound of movement and the only sign that what he did when he attacked me, I've never faced anything like that speed in my life, the people who came closest to that speed were Guy and the Raikage, but they weren't so discreet I could hear their footsteps.

If it weren't for the sound the creature made when it attacked, Kakashi wouldn't have been able to defend himself, but this situation caught him completely off guard, he didn't expect the vampire to have this kind of ability.

He focused his gaze on the vampire, Kakashi was not going to stand still and wait for the creature's next attack, he concentrated his chakra at his feet and shot at high speed towards the vampire, quickly approaching his target Kakashi used his silver sword who was imbued with the wind blade jutsu to attack him.

Kakashi aimed to test this so-called immortality of the vampire, he was trying to cut off the creature's head, but this did not happen as expected, when Kakashi approached the creature, the vampire disappeared before his eyes once again.

This confirmed Kakashi's doubts, he thought the creature used a movement ability that teleported him, Kakashi thought it was a magic that made him disappear and reappear elsewhere, almost instantly, but that wasn't the case this time Kakashi was able to see your movements.

This time Kakashi would not be caught by surprise he could already imagine where the creature could have gone according to the movement of its muscles, turning its body skillfully Kakashi was almost certain that the vampire would appear on his back to attack him.

Turning his body Kakashi also attacked the vampire with his sword, he released his wind blade jutsu at the place where he expected the vampire to appear, Kakashi knew he wouldn't be able to turn his body completely in time, so he would have to attack without checking if he was attacking in the right place, he decided to trust his instinct and attack.

His wind blade was cutting through the air, Kakashi heard the sound of his wind blade hitting something, and from the sound it sounded like it hit a hard stone wall, the sound left Kakashi confused as to what had happened.

Kakashi didn't stop his movement, he kept turning around to check what had happened, surprise hit him and he realized that his technique had hit the vampire, but hadn't done much damage to him, his wind blade only left a small mark on the vampire's face. neck of the creature that was already starting to regenerate.

He knew that the vampires' regeneration power would be impressive, but he didn't expect this type of defense from the vampire.

'The information I learned about vampires didn't say anything about them having a body of steel, this type of ability had never been mentioned anywhere before, could it be a completely different subspecies, or was this an ability the Djin gave them?' 

That caught him off guard, but that didn't matter at that moment he would have to prepare himself to be able to defend himself from the vampire's attack.

Realizing that the vampire's attack was already coming towards him, Kakashi placed his sword in front of his chest using it as a shield, the creature's nails collided with Kakashi's silver sword, the sound of metal colliding sounded from the vampire's nails. They seemed to be made of steel, Kakashi felt an enormous pressure on his body, the vampire's physical strength was much superior to his own.

Kakashi wasn't in a good position to defend himself so he was thrown back, by the power of the vampire's attack, Kakashi hit his back against the wall.

A loud thump sounded, that sound scared Yennefer who was taken by surprise by the quick exchange of blows between the two, she couldn't see exactly what was happening, it was all too fast for the eyes to follow.


Yennefer screamed desperately, she didn't know what had happened, but when she saw Kakashi being thrown against the wall and hitting his back hard, Yennefer wanted to run towards Kakashi to check on him.

She knew that she would have to stop the vampire before he continued his attack against Kakashi, if she were to help Kakashi at that moment, Yennefer knew that the chances of both of them dying were very high.

Launching a wave of fire towards the vampire, Yennefer wanted to draw his attention to her, giving Kakashi time to recover. The attack was so broad and unexpected, that the vampire was taken by surprise and was hit by her spell.

The smell of burning flesh could be felt everywhere, a good part of the vampire's body was burned by Yennefer's flames, that scene did not go unnoticed by Kakashi who noticed that the vampire was greatly affected by her flames, he received more damage than normally the attack Yennefer would cause.

Yennefer did not attack with her most powerful spells, instead she focused on the range of the attack as she noticed the vampire's speed, and a more powerful attack, but with a small range, would have no effect on the creature.

Kakashi's attack was more powerful, even though it had a shorter range, Yennefer's was wider and was less deadly, but Yennefer's attack did more damage to the vampire than his attack.

Knowing that this wasn't normal, Kakashi quickly analyzed the situation in his mind.

'It seems that the creature has a weakness against flames, its body seems to have little resistance to this type of technique' Kakashi decided to investigate further and wants to see if his flame jutsus would also affect the vampire, in the same way as Yennefer's spells .

Kakashi got up with some difficulty, his back hurt from the impact he suffered, but before Kakashi could recover, he realized that the vampire had already recovered from the damage Yennefer caused to him.

The vampire changed targets and did not attack Kakashi again, the creature appeared in front of Yennefer attacking her, this decision took Kakashi by surprise as the most reasonable move for the creature would have been for him to have continued his attack against Kakashi who was unable to move correctly.

He was worried about this situation, Yennefer didn't have the skills to be able to react to the vampire.

Yennefer was already prepared, she knew she didn't have Kakashi's speed and reaction time, so she wouldn't be able to react to the vampire the moment he attacked her, Yennefer had already prepared her protection, so Yennefer wasn't agitated when she realized, that this would be his next target.

Attacking with his nails towards Yennefer, the vampire used all his strength and speed in this attack, but was unable to reach her, a barrier appeared and stopped his attack, taking the little one by surprise.

Kakashi, seeing the vampire's attack, and realizing that Yennefer wouldn't be able to escape that blow, became desperate, and went as fast as he could towards them, but he didn't have enough speed to be able to reach him, to prevent him from completing his attack.

The two cared so much for each other that sometimes they even forgot how skilled they were and could protect themselves on their own, but Kakashi's rationality returned when he realized that Yennefer had managed to defend herself.

But even though he saw that she was able to protect herself, he didn't slow down, and continued going as fast as he could towards them, Kakashi realized that Yennefer's barrier was greatly affected by a single attack from the vampire, so he sped up, Kakashi ran as fast as he could, he withdrew a tool from his ball.

'What strength is this? The records about superior vampires did not report this type of strength', Yennefer, even prepared to defend herself, was surprised by the result, her barrier began to crack after a single attack from the vampire, she concentrated and restored the barrier again. 

She didn't attack him Yennefer knew that with the speed the vampire presented, it would be almost impossible for her to hit him, her only chances of hitting him would be by coordinating with Kakashi, so she could launch her spells, catching him off guard.

The vampire didn't stop his attack he continued and delivered his second blow, which once again caused serious damage to Yennefer's barrier.

Kakashi took his chance, while the vampire was focused on attacking Yennefer, Kakashi was no longer acting on impulse to try to save her, he realized that Yennefer could defend herself, Kakashi could then act more strategically.

With a well-crafted silver thread in his hands, Kakashi already had an idea that could work in his head.

Kakashi asked Yennefer to make this silver thread, precisely for these occasions when he would face a powerful monster, Kakashi would like the thread to be thinner and more malleable, but he knew that blacksmiths were limited by the technology of his time, so he would have to settle for this less refined version.

Passing a flammable oil all over the thread, Kakashi was ready to put his plan into practice, he made a shadow clone and placed one end of the thread in his clone's hand, while he held the other end, Kakashi then looked at Yennefer.

He realized that soon she would no longer be able to defend herself from the vampire's blows.

Her barrier managed to defend her, but Yennefer had a limit at which she could continue restoring her barrier, and she was clearly reaching her limit, not wanting to risk her safety further, Kakashi advanced together with his clone towards the vampire.

Acting in a skillful and agile manner, the two passed by the vampire and tied him with silver thread, Kakashi took the opportunity and engraved a fire-resistant Senbo, on the vampire's body with a small bell, this small bell would give an advantage to Kakashi who was facing an enemy that had extreme speed.

Kakashi and his clone pulled the thread, causing small trails of blood to appear on the vampire's body, but they didn't stop at just trapping him Kakashi and his clone made hand positions on the same and used the same jutsu, enhancing the result.

Fire Style: Fire Dragon Technique, spitting wild and aggressive fire through the thread that took advantage of the flammable oil it passed, a very powerful flame went towards the vampire who tried to escape, but he was unable to move, his movements were restricted by the wire.

Kakashi and his clone concentrated, chakra in their hands and feet, they didn't want the vampire to escape.

The vampire tried to use his strength and speed, trying to escape his prison, but unlike what the creature expected, his ability to move was affected by his new physical restrictions.

The vampire had injured his body with his attempts, but it wasn't him who suffered, Kakashi's hand was bleeding because of the cuts that the friction with the thread caused, he took most of the impact, since if the If the clone was injured, he would disappear and his attack would have been useless.

The vampire's attempt to escape was not enough to escape Kakashi's attack that hit him.

A bloodcurdling scream came from the creature's mouth, which burned slowly and painfully. The flames consumed its body continuously, fleshless parts slowly appearing all over the creature's body.

Forcing his body in all directions, trying to escape his bonds, at the same time as he tried to free himself from the flames, the vampire was acting in a disorganized way. He wasn't trying to attack, he was just trying to escape his prison, every time he the creature moved Kakashi felt like the thread was being stretched.

Kakashi did not stand still, he was observing how the creature acted and confirmed his doubt, the creature did not have the intelligence that a superior vampire should have, the vampire acted like an animal that was guided only by its instincts.

He also realized that the creature had a weakness against flames, and this could be his advantage and chance against the vampire.

"Yen, are you okay?", Kakashi asked worriedly while trying to confirm, if she could continue helping him, with her help his chances would increase a lot.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, what do you need me to do?"

Yennefer also noted the creature's weakness against fire, "Do you have any fire abilities that can completely consume the creature's body?" Kakashi was well aware of Yennefer's abilities in the world of illusions, but he didn't know Yennefer's limits.

"Unfortunately, pyromantic skills are not my best spells," Yennefer was thinking about what skills she could use to take advantage of the vampire's weakness, but few spells come to mind.

Kakashi thought of a possibility that he could put an end to this creature once and for all, which would be to use magma, if Yennefer could use portals he could pour magma onto the creature, or she could transport the vampire to an active volcano.

"Yen, do you have any spells that conjure magma?"

Yennefer denied her question, "I don't know of any spell that uses magma."

"I see, then let's use our classic formation, only this time replace the lightning spells with your stronger fire spells", the classic formation he was referring to was a combination of blows that the two of them went back to fighting side by side. For years, Kakashi and Yennefer used this technique only a few times, and always against formidable enemies.

They would attack until they overpowered him, causing as many mortal wounds as possible, all in just a few seconds.

The vampire already showed signs of improvement from the moment the fire stopped, and in a few seconds he was almost completely recovered.

Kakashi began his combined attack, he quickly advanced towards the vampire along with his clone, the two had their silver swords imbued with Raikiri in their hands, they did not wait for the vampire to completely recover from his injuries.

The two advanced towards him.

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