
Kaiju King Among Bijuus

A Man Wished to have all the powers of every fictional kaijus created in a humanoid body, his wish was granted... kinda. Watch as Gosura takes world of ninja’s and becomes King of the Bijuu’s. *All rights to characters mentioned in this novel belongs to their respective owners.* Revamping with a small widdle bit o romance. A tiny bit o love never hurt nobody... I hope. ---- Cover Art not by me. Hate to do this, but I'm poor and shit at drawing. Don't know the original artist.

Nublyss · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Black Rock & Naruto

Gosura often trains in a forest outside of Konoha. It is a small forest and a relatively safe place. It was also a forest filled with giant rocks and boulders. As a result, most ninjas that don't have an affinity to earth tend to avoid this area. That changed after Gosura began slashing boulders around to get used to the sword essence and fuse it properly into his Wild Blade Sword Art. Through this, he learned that every technique in the sword art had an odd synergy with his sword essence.

"Liger Slash!" Gosura chopped downwards using his Katana, which would normally be too big for an eight-year-old child, but Gosura's monstrous cells enhanced his growth rate, making him 5.2' or 158.5cm tall.

The Liger Slash was simply a modified vertical slash, but when sword essence mixed in. The slash came to life and the boulder split into five as if it was attacked by sharp claws.

"I understand now, Sword Body isn't the Wild Blade Arts' final technique, Wild blade Arts was instead designed to better use the sword essence made from Sword Body. That is why all of the techniques in the Wild Blade Arts are based on nature or animals. To make to sword essence even more natural." As Gosura had this epiphany he kept attacking the poor boulders in the forest.

"But that would also infer that someone had achieved Sword Body in the past, but Agetha said that no one had ever done so... What the hell, I'll think about that later."

"Hawk Point!" He aimed at a boulder roughly 50 meters away and stabbed forwards, this caused the boulder to have a small slit-like hole that pierced all the way through it. Cracks then appeared all over the rock, diverging from the initial point of impact.

"Damn, anyone who tries to run away from me now are getting "sniped". Hehe, I'd like to see people try." This time, aiming at a nearby 'ominous' black rock, he cries out "Humming Blade!" It was one of the most powerful attacks he knew.

"Bzzzzt," the blade started to vibrate with sword essence, reverberating at a baritone like hum, he struck the rock. The speed of the vibrations allow his blade to cut into any defense, unless the opposition vibed at the same/higher rate. At least it, that's what should have, but once he cut a fourth of the way into the rock, the blade got stuck and the humming faded away. With son effort, pulled the blade out, and observed the rock with distain.

"I have destroyed countless rocks, shredded a vast amount of boulders. This (clearly not shameless plot armor) 'ominous' black rock will not stop me!"

So, he attacked again, and again, and again... and several times more. Unusually motivated to not lose to a rock. Luckily, his efforts were not in vain, as he cut out bits of the stone. But the rock was changing rapidly, the more he chopped off, the harder it got. Another thing was the fact that the rock was showing signs of eating up his sword essence. That was why the vibrations disappeared in the first place.

After several hours was spent chipping away at the 'random' rock, he had revealed a laaaaarge black Katana hidden within it. Though the end of the blade was still stuck inside the lower part of the ex-boulder. Not being a man to leave things half finished, he let go of his now worn down and shredded Katana, and grabbed the new black blade one by the hilt. Gosura pulled the blade with one hand, but it didn't budge.

"Of course it won't be that easy, it's never that easy." Gosura uses his right hand to grab part of the long handle, but he had to grip the blade with his other, as the blade was too tall for him to grab with both of his hands. Using all his strength to pull the sword, he felt it continue to absorbed his sword essence as the blade cut into his hands. The blood pooling out of the cut seemed to be absorbed by the blade as well. After several seconds, the blade seemed to have gotten enough, and popped out of the rock easily.

"Huh, all it took was a little bit of blood. That was surprisingly simple." Gosura thought, but fails to realize that he had just lost 4 gallons worth of blood, his Kaiju cells just healed faster then the sword could drain out. Observing the Black blade, it seemed to give off a blue glow. "Did my blood cause it to glow blue?"

After he was done admiring the sleek black 6ft long katana, "If it could be called a katana... would zanbato be more accurate?" Gosura had noticed that the sun was setting, and rain clouds were forming above his head.

Since Gosura was already a Sage,through cheating, he already knew it was going to rain tonight as his body was so intuned with nature. (Also because the weather forecasted 40% of rain, as you all know, you can never completely trust the weatherman.)

He grabbed an umbrella he had on the side and opened it up as it began to drizzle. With a worn-out katana on his left and the long black katana on his right, he looked more menacing than usual.

Gosura had always looked fearsome, even as a child. It got worse when his permanent teeth began to grow in, as they were sharp like the Hoshigaki clan members. Gosura thought they were hella cool, Agetha on the other hand, had thought the teeth look cute.

Walking through the wet village, Gosura made his way to his house. He casually looked at the people who would occasionally walk by. Smelling something good, he walks up to a food stall and buys a couple of skewers of Yakitori (small pieces of chicken skewered by a bamboo/steel skewers, mostly season with tare sauce or salt).

Gosura no longer needs to eat due to his [Self Sufficiency] ability, but food is delicious, so he still ate once or twice a day. Munching down on one of the skewers, he came across Naruto being kicked out of the orphanage.

"Get out you demon, you and your 'foxy' tomfoolery will no longer be tolerated. Rot in hell, bastard." The door slams shut, as Naruto stares at what was once the closest thing he had to a home, be taken away from him.

Watching this take place, Gosura was planning to ignore it all knowing Naruto makes it through this.

"He is a tough kid, he's only a year younger then me. The Hokage will show up and fix this after all"

With all these excuses in mind, he began to walk away, but then Agetha's face came into this mind. He took a deep breath, turned, and walked towards Naruto.

"Damn, I'm about to be so cliche right now." He approaches Naruto, sensing the life of Naruto's 'last resort' Anbu guardian watching him carefully. He spoke

"Hey kid," Gosu looks down at Naruto. "Want one." He offered his second skewer of Yakitori.

"Why, are you giving it to me?" Naruto askes while he grabs the skewer with some hesitation. He didn't trust this "man" a lot.

"Because used to be an orphan like you, and I want to help you out."

"No one, wants to help me. How are you any different?" There was a deep sense of sorrow in Naruto's eyes.

"Then let me show how. Grab your stuff and follow me." Naruto looked apprehensive but decided to follow along anyway. This kinda nice man did give him food, and if he turns out bad. Naruto could always scream out for help. For some reason, there always seems to be a ninja near by when ever Naruto was in some really bad trouble.

Gosura leads Naruto to his house. The size of which caused Naruto's jaw to drop.

The house pretty big after all, it has 1 master bedroom, 7 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, a dining room next to the kitchen, a large basement, two kitchens, a large attic that could allow two people to live in comfortably, a porch up the front, a deck at the back, two large bathrooms, a small bathroom in master bedroom, and a large utility room. This house and majority of the land surrounding it was owned by the Araki family. Due to the third great ninja war, Agetha was the only survivor, the last Araki. Now that title was passed down to him.

"Hey kid, take off your sandals. Then go into the bathroom over there and wash yourself up," Gosura tosses a towel over after pointing out the location of one of the bathrooms.

"You live here all by yourself, in this big place?" Naruto questions as he carefully caught the towel.


"Isn't it lonely."

"Really lonely."

"..." Naruto went silent for a while until his belly rumbles. He blushes in embarrassment, he had just eaten, but his hunger wasn't satiated.

"Haha, go get cleaned, I'll get some food ready." Naruto went off to the bathroom, Gosura grabs some leftovers and heats them up in the microwave. Puts his swords away in his room. Then he heads outside.

"Hope I didn't make you wait too long, Lord Third," Gosura spoke out in the, now, pouring rain. Hiruzen then shows up with an umbrella above his head, sporting his Hokage cloak as usual.

"Perceptive as always, it's like you're a chakra sensor."

"I wish, what brings here."

"I was wondering if you could rent out a room for Naruto? I'm willing to pay you quite a lot."

"No need, I was planning to take him under my wing. Be like a big brother to him." Hiruzen's eyes widen at my response.

"I know you are far more mature then your age, Gosura, but can you handle him?"

"Positive, but I'll ask if he wants this to happen first. Wanna come inside?"



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