
Talent Audition II

In the production room, things were getting lively. The producers and director leaned forward, their looks focused on monitors' screens.

"This is good," whispered one of the producers excitedly. "Mun Kang-dae really knows how to shake things up."

The director nodded with a faint smile spread across his lips. "It's that spark, it's just perfect. The audience will swallow this up. Our ratings are going to shoot up for sure."

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Byul-ho watched the scene unfold on the screen with a mix of concern and anticipation.

He could feel the nervous energy radiating from his group, even through the television. His fingers gripped the armrests of his chair tightly, silently willing his members to stay composed.

Around him, other contestants whispered and murmured, their voices a low hum of curiosity and speculation.

"Did you hear that? The judge doesn't think they belong here."

"I wonder how they'll respond..."

"Maybe they'll crack under the pressure."

Byul-ho tuned out the chatter, his focus entirely on the screen. He had prepared his group for this possibility, but facing it in reality was different. Now, it all came down to how Ascend would handle this unexpected challenge.

'Come on, guys,' Byul-ho thought, his jaw clenched. 'Show them what you're made of.'


In the tense atmosphere of the stage, the other judges exchanged uncomfortable glances. They knew Kang-dae's harsh words were partly for show, but the discomfort on the young performers' faces was all too real.

Just as they thought Ascend might crumble under the pressure, Jae-sung stepped forward, his voice steady despite the slight tremor in his hands.

Excuse me sir," Jae-sung began respectfully before continuing, "we very much believe that this show can be a platform for our aspirations and dreams. The fact that we were allowed to audition means it's not against the rules for K-pop groups. Isn't 'Korea's Rising Stars' meant to showcase talent in whatever shape it comes?"

Min-jae chimed in, his voice quiet but firm. "We may be idols in training, but we're artists too. We compose our own songs and choreograph our own dances."

Sung-ho went on, "Just like everyone else here, we're here to prove ourselves."

This made the panel raise their collective eyebrows in awe of how calm and composed the boys were. Even Kang-dae seemed surprised by their eloquent response.

However, determined to maintain the drama, Kang-dae scoffed. "Pretty words, but can you back them up?"

Jin Hak-kun, another judge known for his biting humor, jumped in. "Yeah, let's see if you can do more than just look pretty and recite rehearsed lines."

Despite the continued jabs, Ascend maintained their poise, their expressions a mix of determination and respect.

Cheon Sung-min, sensing it was time to move on, cleared his throat. "Well then, let's see what you've got. The stage is yours."

As Ascend took their positions, a hush fell over the studio.

The judges leaned forward in interest. In the waiting room, contestants gathered around the screen, curious to see what this K-pop group would bring to the table.

The track started, and Ascend burst into motion. Their choreography was unlike anything the judges had seen before - a blend of sharp, precise movements and fluid transitions that seemed to defy gravity. It was fresh, energetic, and captivating.

As they danced, their voices rang out clear and strong:

"Nune gamchugo usji (We smile while hiding tears)

Uriui duryeoume chumchune (Dancing through our fears)

But we rise, we fight, we shine

Jeojeshimyeon andwae, we aim for the sky"

The judges' eyes widened at the unexpected depth of the lyrics. The song continued:

"Pyeongyeonui byeogeul buseugo (Breaking walls of prejudice)

Uriui gireul gaecheokae (Pioneering our own path)

From zeroes to heroes, that's our destiny

Urin Ascend, watch us break free"

The performance was a perfect blend of powerful vocals, sharp rap, and intricate dance moves. The English phrases seamlessly integrated into the Korean lyrics added an international flair that set them apart.

As Ascend moved through their routine, it became clear that this was no ordinary audition. The energy they exuded, the precision of their movements, and the passion in their voices held everyone transfixed.

In the production room, the director smiled, knowing they had just captured something good.

In the waiting area, Byul-ho couldn't suppress the smile that spread across his face as he watched Ascend's performance on the TV screen.

The other contestants had fallen silent, their eyes glued to the monitor. Byul-ho felt a surge of pride; his group had managed to shake off the judges' intimidation and deliver a stellar performance.

As the performance progressed, Byul-ho could see the impact it was having on the room. The fresh choreography, the unique style of the song that deviated from typical K-pop love ballads – it was all creating a stir among the other contestants.

When the performance finally ended, the waiting room erupted into hushed conversations.

"Well, that was... not bad," one contestant muttered, trying to sound unimpressed.

"Yeah, not bad, I guess," another added, though their tone betrayed their true feelings.

A young woman with a bright smile couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Oh, come on! That was beautiful. Did you see how graceful their movements were?"

A dancer in the corner nodded thoughtfully. "You know, those dance moves looked simple enough that anyone could do them. But don't be fooled – that kind of precision takes serious practice."

As the discussions continued, Byul-ho could sense a mix of admiration and concern from the other contestants. Ascend had set a high bar, and it was clear that many in the room were reassessing their own chances in the competition.

Byul-ho turned his attention back to the screen, eager to see the judges' reactions. He knew that while impressing the other contestants was good, it was the judges' opinions that would truly matter in the end.


As Ascend caught their breath, the judges exchanged glances, their expressions thoughtful.

Mun Kang-dae, the intimidating judge who had earlier questioned their presence, leaned forward. "I have to admit, that was... unexpected. You've certainly proved you're more than just another idol group."

Jin Hak-kun nodded in agreement. "There's a refreshing quality to your performance. It's not often we see something this... different."

Cheon Sung-min added, "Most K-pop songs we hear these days are about love, heartbreak, or party anthems. But you've brought something with more depth. It's quite impressive."

Another judge chimed in, "And that choreography! It's intricate yet accessible. You've managed to create something visually striking without alienating the average viewer."

The members of Ascend bowed deeply, gratitude evident on their faces.

"Thank you so much for your kind words," Jae-sung said, his voice slightly breathless from the performance.

The head judge, Cheon Sung-min, cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "Now, it's time for us to decide whether you'll be moving forward to the competition stage."

As the judges deliberated, the tension in the studio was palpable.

The Ascend members stood with bated breath, their hands clasped tightly together.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Cheon Sung-min spoke. "After careful consideration, and in light of your exceptional performance, we've decided... Ascend will be moving forward to the competition stage!"

The members of Ascend broke into wide grins. They high-fived each other, pulling into a group hug.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" they chorused, bowing repeatedly to the judges.

As Ascend exited the stage, still riding high on their success, they were greeted by Byul-ho's proud smile. He patted each member on the shoulder, his eyes shining with pride.

"Well done," he said quietly, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "You've made it past the first hurdle."

The group's celebration was short-lived, however, as a camera crew and interviewer quickly approached them.