
Just wanted peace

A leader that tried to get revenge for his fallen friend, slayed the gods that opposed him. Only for him to die by an unknown force. He woke up without his memories, but with the same heart. A protector that swore to protect her team, managing to even block the powers of the gods. Only to see her best friend, and leader dying in front of her, she used her life and protected the only friend she had left. She rebirth without any memories, but swore the same thing. A swordsman, seeing all his friends died in front of him. Took a step back, and trained. Killing those that was related to the gods. Giving up on his humanity for his team. But never giving up on searching for them, even if they couldn't rebirth. A mage, used all his life energy to complete their mission. To protect their homeland. Only to be cursed when he died, never being able to break free of it. He awoke his memories, yet he can't contact any of his teammates. A smiths that helped her teammates to craft all their equipment was left alone. She didn't want to pull them down more, leaving something that will only let them remember her when they grow strong enough. She could only hope for them, to grow stronger. Yet, all of them only wished for one thing. They wanted peace. Will they find peace? Even after all the things they been through? From chapter 3.5 onwards, I have a editor to help me, @Melody_Night Currently chapters is on hold. Due to never ending exams and homework. Thank the teachers for that...

razyro · Fantasy
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15 Chs

chapter 4: Allies or Foe

"Someone wants to speak to you!" They said in unison, while passing him the house phone.

"Thank you." He answered. Receiving the phone, he held it against his ear, "Hello?"

"Is this the silver family?" A voice came from the other side.

"Yes, what is the reason for you calling?"

"Mr Silver, I am calling from the hospital, we have some bad news." The voice spoke slowly.

"Which hospital?"

"The capital hospital. Please hurry, we are unsure how long the patient has left to live."

Hearing that few words, Wilford felt his heart pounding rapidly.

[System self given quest: Hear Ayub's last words.]

[On the step of death, he is not able to make it. He wants to share information that the user needs to survive.]

[Time remaining: 1 Hour 37 minutes 21 seconds]

[Reward: New skill, unknown]

[Penalty: Guilt +5]

"Mr Silver?" Before the voice even sounded, he was already up on his feet. Carrying his sibling and running out of the house, he quickly locked the main door and went down the steps of the apartment.

Not spending much time thinking, Wilford quickly hailed for a taxi through his phone.

Rushing down to the taxi stand.

"Capital hospital?" The driver asked as they entered the taxi and closed the doors.

"How long does it take to reach there?" Wilford asked nervously, as he helped Willa and Willard to fasten their seat belts.

The driver smirked at Wilford. "Are you doubting my driving skills?" He asked, as he started driving. He then coughed and replied, "It will take two hours."

Hearing that, Wilford felt his heart getting heavy and sank.

"That's for the slowest speed. Fastest speed, you better tighten your seatbelts and be ready for a ride." He looked in the rear mirror at Wilford.

Wilford helped his siblings tighten their seat belts before tightening his. Immediately after, they felt the car move faster.

Wilford looked at the driver, he was about to use observation but he felt his eyes starting to hurt.

[Target information has been blocked by the target]

'System, what happened?'

[Target block the skill. Obviously]

He felt a tad bit annoyed by that straight forward reply, 'How did the target block it?'

'Trying to figure out why you can't use your skill?' He heard another thought, he saw the driver smile proudly at him.

'You can hear my thoughts?'

'Haha! Cool right?!'

'How?' 'Who are you?' He used two different thoughts, as the driver

'If you're trying to use two or three thoughts at once, don't worry. I can't hear it.'


'Yeah. Now, you might be wondering who am I right?'

Wilford didn't reply, as he used his second thoughts to think, he stared at the mirror which reflected the driver's eyes.

'Someone once said to me.' He glanced back at the road, as everything was going faster, 'I want you to go faster.' His eyes were filled with nostalgia. 'Become my ally. I need your speed to run away from potential dangers.'

When the driver said that, Wilford was lost in his memories. Or more specifically, his past life memories.

He felt himself underwater again. However, this time he saw a soft light.

He saw himself in third person.

He could only see his past life's back, but he saw the driver. The driver was in his early days.

They were seated in a room, the driver was seated opposite of him.

"Chase, Chase Tracey." His past life said, he placed down the file he was holding, "Let me give you a proposal."

"Just hand me over to the fu***** police. Why am I even here." Chase grumbled in annoyance, he looked shorter and younger than when Wilford saw him now.

"Hehe." His past life chuckled at Chase as he saw fear in Chase's eyes. "Listen to me before you say anything." He pulled down the hood he was wearing on his head. A set of messy spiked hair shot up.

The colour couldn't be seen due to the lighting in the room.

"You've been on the run for five years, when I just stepped foot into this side of the world."

"Yet you managed to catch me."

"What did I say about interpretation?" Chase kept quiet, "I want you to go faster."

Chase looked confused, he was about to say something but he stopped himself. Fear in his eyes was obvious when he looked at the demon in front of him.

"Become my ally, I need your speed to run away from potential dangers. You are sensitive to danger right?" He picked up the file from the table and started flipping through it. "I can clear the crimes you committed since you haven't taken anyone's life yet."

"What do you mean by yet?" Chase narrows his eyes, noticing how that specific word was being amplified.

"Let me be honest with you, Chase." A deep sigh was heard in the room. "This job, I have killed many people with my guns by myself many times before." He slowly put down the file again, "I can't use any stupid excuses such as self defence. Because the moment I even think of shooting the person, I am already considered a murderer."

Chase's face became complex.

"You know, USB are very important for computers. Backup is also still as important." He paused for a moment before looking at Chase in his eyes. "Become my backup USB.."

"Why me?" Chase asked, feeling doubtful about the person sitting in front of him.

He chuckled, then his chuckle turned into a laugh, "I am selfish. That's all."

The memory ends.

All that happened in less than a second in the outside world.

Wilford used his observation skill again.

Target information

[Chase Tracey] {Escapist}

Age: 28

Job: Detective (??)

Alias: Unknown


Stamina(142) | Strength(122) | Agility(130) | Intelligence(85)| Wisdom(110) | Dexterity(90)

Special skills

Camouflage(Advanced) Lv Max | Danger sense(Advanced) Lv Max | Lock Pick(Intermediate) Lv 43 | Energy transfer(Natural born talent)(??) Lv ?? | Shooting(??) Lv ?? | Unknown skill(??) Lv unknown

"We are here." He said, as Wilford realised something.

"How did you drive past two towns in less than an hour?!" Wilford felt shocked.

"Hurry out before you feel regret on your decision." He said, as the door opened itself and the seat belts released.

"Lets go." Wiflord said, as he carried Wilma and Willard out.

As he ran, a system notification came from behind his back with no sound.

°Hidden mission: Unknown°

Time limit: 2 Years

Completion: 3.2%

Reward: Unknown

Penalty: Past memories gone, system erased, user current family death, user past life allies death.


Target information

[Chase Tracey] {Escapist}

Age: 28

Job: Detective (??)

Alias: Unknown


Stamina(142) | Strength(122) | Agility(130) | Intelligence(85)| Wisdom(110) | Dexterity(90)

Special skills

Camouflage(Advanced) Lv Max | Danger sense(Advanced) Lv Max | Lock Pick(Intermediate) Lv 43 | Energy transfer(Natural born talent)(??) Lv ?? | Shooting(??) Lv ?? | Unknown skill(??) Lv unknown


Editor: Melody Night