
Just wanted peace

A leader that tried to get revenge for his fallen friend, slayed the gods that opposed him. Only for him to die by an unknown force. He woke up without his memories, but with the same heart. A protector that swore to protect her team, managing to even block the powers of the gods. Only to see her best friend, and leader dying in front of her, she used her life and protected the only friend she had left. She rebirth without any memories, but swore the same thing. A swordsman, seeing all his friends died in front of him. Took a step back, and trained. Killing those that was related to the gods. Giving up on his humanity for his team. But never giving up on searching for them, even if they couldn't rebirth. A mage, used all his life energy to complete their mission. To protect their homeland. Only to be cursed when he died, never being able to break free of it. He awoke his memories, yet he can't contact any of his teammates. A smiths that helped her teammates to craft all their equipment was left alone. She didn't want to pull them down more, leaving something that will only let them remember her when they grow strong enough. She could only hope for them, to grow stronger. Yet, all of them only wished for one thing. They wanted peace. Will they find peace? Even after all the things they been through? From chapter 3.5 onwards, I have a editor to help me, @Melody_Night Currently chapters is on hold. Due to never ending exams and homework. Thank the teachers for that...

razyro · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 3.5: Endless chain

When Wilford opened his eyes, he saw himself trapped in between a wall. However, when he took a closer look, it seemed to be a layer of fog.

No matter where he turned or looked, he was trapped, with no way out. He took a step and he was not in the same place as before.

Feeling an urge to clear up the fogs, he swung his arms around in a circular motion. His swings got harder and harder, until he ran out of breath.

It was like the fog was testing his ability. He clutched his hand into a fist, and ran into it.

Yet, as he ran, he felt his head hurting more and more with each step he took.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

He saw a memory, but it was too much of a blur. He could only hear the familiar yet distant voice.

He didn't bother with it as he kept running forward.

"You score well again *!¥$^." He couldn't hear the last part. It was as if someone had censored the name out.

"Mom! Dad!" He heard a different voice, it sounded like his own so he stopped for a moment, trying to see what was happening but all he could hear was sobbing.

He felt his eyes turn moist too, but he shook his head and kept on running.

"You fool! Why the hell did you do that?!!" He heard the same voice but deeper. Coincidentally, he fell down.

"Live well, !¥$^." When he heard that voice, something triggered him to feel buzzing in his ears. He felt his cheeks become wet as he sniffed.

He then saw something for the first time in the mysterious fog. It looked like there was a second person in front of him. No, wait. That was just a reflection of himself.

He could see what seemed to be his past life's eyes. Those eyes were filled with hatred, with anger. But a small part of loneliness also filled it. He saw the reflection crack. "He won't like seeing me like this." He heard a voice, as he felt himself standing up.

But he also felt like he was being dragged down at the same time. He looked down to see some red liquid from the ground pulling him down.

He felt his breath running out fast, gasping for air, he tried to scream out in hopes for someone hearing him. "Aghh!" He tried to hold onto the ground. Feeling blood coming out of his nails, the blood seemed to be helping itself into his body.

It covered his fingers, pulling it down too.

"The hell!?" He used his arms for support but it proved to be no avail.

"F¥$d, stop being an idiot!" He heard the same voice, as he saw another memory flash by.

The person's face was really blurred, but the mysterious figure was holding his own arm.

"He killed my them! I am going to kill him!"

"Stop this!!"

Before Wilford realised it, he was drowned in darkness.

He felt a strange sense of calmness wash over him. Seeing that a few bubbles escape from his mouth, he realised that he was underwater. However, he wasn't struggling to breathe, in fact he could breathe normally. Feeling his eyes getting heavier, he slowly closed them, engulfing himself into reality.

He suddenly felt a pull on his shirt. He opened his eyes and was greeted by a bright light. He got up to a sitting position and saw his siblings bright smile.


Editor: Melody Night


razyrocreators' thoughts