
Just Us Now

Ravenpaw’s family faded away. As did, Bushpaw, Sparrowpaw, Blazepaw, Snowpaw, Shadepaw, and Dawnpaw. All of their families and friends. Clanmates and acquaintances. They have the chance to start over anew and make things right. Together, they will combine their clans. Or will an insider stop them? Will they be able to combine their intelligence and stop the enemy?

erii_eesu · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Sparrowstar of LightClan

"Everyone's here so let's go!" Sparrowstar got excited once every cat had stepped into the clearing, happy to finally be setting out for their adventure to save the Mountain Clans.

"Do you even know where we're going?" Bushstar asked nervously.

Blazestar nodded. "The voice told me that they were on the shortest peak. It said that all the prey had died from too much hunting. They were big. They had to have hundreds of cats in just two or three clans."

"Wow," Ripplekit muttered. He was unusually quiet today and he usually pretty hyper and excited.

"Hey," Bushstar nudged him lightly. "It'll be over before you know it." Ripplekit nodded, acknowledging that he heard her.

"Let's go, everyone!" Sparrowstar yowled. Why is everyone so down? She thought. Bushstar nodded to Blazestar and Sparrowstar and they started their journey.


"Are we there yet?" Ripplekit complained. He had gotten too tired from walking to the base of the mountains, so he was now catching a trip on Bushstar's back. The cats had taken camp last night below a tree and had left early the next morning. They would switch between Sparrowstar and Bushstar and take often breaks for the tiny gray tom-kit.

"We're almost there," Blazestar muttered. Sparrowstar was excited to finally meet the Mountain Clans. 'I can't believe there are more clans,' was the first thing she thought of when the voice had visited her.

"Are they going to keep their clans, or join ours?" Bushstar timidly asked Blazestar. He was in a mood from the journey all day and getting tired, so Sparrowstar could tell she was trying not to upset him.

"I don't know," He snapped back. It obviously failed.

Bushstar looked at Sparrowstar expectantly, looking for some kindness. Sparrowstar nodded and trotted to catch back up to Blazestar and had stormed off.

"Hey! We're almost there! Aren't you excited?" Sparrowstar asked. Blazstar nodded curtly but other than that, he continued to ignore her. Sparrowstar huffed and fell behind the group. She trudged along, full of disappointment. 'Are we ever going to get there?' The thought kept running around in her head like it was chasing a fat squirrel. That was until she heard a yowl of excitement and saw a black cat with amber eyes running towards the group jumping and leaping.

"Snowstar! They're here!"