
Just Us Now

Ravenpaw’s family faded away. As did, Bushpaw, Sparrowpaw, Blazepaw, Snowpaw, Shadepaw, and Dawnpaw. All of their families and friends. Clanmates and acquaintances. They have the chance to start over anew and make things right. Together, they will combine their clans. Or will an insider stop them? Will they be able to combine their intelligence and stop the enemy?

erii_eesu · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

Bushstar of SeaClan

"Hello, Sparrowstar! Blazestar!" Bushstar shouted as she entered the clearing with Ripplekit trailing behind her. She noticed the leaders looking at him with confusion written on both of their faces. "I'm sorry. I couldn't leave him behind," She muttered.

"That's all right. I understand. My mother, Tinystone, couldn't leave my younger littermates alone in the nursery for the life of her," Sparrowstar chuckled, thinking back to the days when her family was still alive.

"Is Ripplekit going to be coming with us?" Blazestar asked.

"Yeah," Bushstar said sheepishly. "I couldn't leave him behind. I'm sorry."

"It's alright, but you're in charge of him," Blazestar said. "I'm not taking care of that little scrap of fur."

Bushstar was taken aback by his statement. In the little amount of time they had known each other, Blazestar had been a kind and professional tom. Sparrowstar looked at him questioningly before sighing and looking back at Ripplekit, who was busy swatting at a butterfly.

"Back to the quest," Sparrowstar interjected. "How do we know where the Mountain Clans are? Which mountain do they live on? There are way too many to check!"

"Didn't the voice tell you?" Blazestar asked with a confused expression on his face.

"No," Bushstar answered for both her and the other she-cat. "It only said that they were on one of the mountains."

"It said to me that they were on the shortest peak," Blazestar informed them.

"That'll narrow it down a bit. When are we leaving?" The cream she-cat asked.

"I was hoping we could leave today," Sparrowstar interjected. "If it's really important and urgent, we should leave as quickly as possible."

"Alright. We don't know any herbs besides the training that you have." Blazestar looked over at Bushstar and motioned to her with his tail. "Do you know how to prepare travelling herbs?"

"Bushstar nodded. "I had to learn how to make them when my brother, Lightfall, went off with a few others for a while. I think they were on a quest."

"Can you get some of those together by next sunrise?" Sparrowstar asked her.

"Sure," Bushstar nodded. She looked down at Ripplekit. "Do you want to help me find some herbs tomorrow? I can show you around the territory."

"Sure! That sounds fun!" Ripplekit exclaimed. 'He's always so energetic,' Bushstar thought.

"It's time to go See you both at sunrise," Sparrowstar said with a nod to both of the leaders.

"See you then," Bushstar replied. She beckoned Ripplekit with a small movement of her tail as both cats made their journey back to the SeaClan camp.

Hey I just wanted to interject a little author’s note here to ask what POV’s you wanted to see! Drop your choice in the comments and I’ll take a look in the future!

erii_eesucreators' thoughts