
Just This 0nce

In an extraordinary twist of fate, May and her entire class find themselves transported to a distant realm on the brink of catastrophic war. Each student is entrusted with a mission: to prevent an imminent global conflict that threatens to engulf this foreign world. As they arrive, they are scattered to various embassies, each representing a different race in this complex and enigmatic society. May, however, finds herself alone in an ominous, sprawling dark forest. The dense canopy casts eerie shadows, and the forest conceals ancient secrets that may hold the key to both her survival and the world's salvation. In this hostile and untamed wilderness, May must summon all her courage, resourcefulness, and resilience. She grapples not only with the challenges of a perilous environment but also with the knowledge that her actions may influence the outcome of a war that could shape the destiny of an entire world. "Just This 0nce" is an epic tale of a young woman's journey into the heart of darkness, where she discovers her own strength and uncovers the hidden forces at play in a world on the brink of chaos. May's fight for survival becomes a beacon of hope in a world desperately seeking peace. —————————————————————— Before you start reading this know I am leaving the first couple of chapters unedited as they show how far I came as a author Upload is 5 times a week English is not my first language, so if there are any mistakes, please comment, and I will fix them and I am writing this on my phone as I can't afford a PC That is all so enjoy.

AshW0If · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Chapter 44 Conflict

In front of May was a giant mouth that belonged to a very angry lizard that was ready to eat her whole.

Time seemed to slow down as May wached the mouth slowly approaching her but May was not frozen in fear no, she used her full strength and some magic to launch herself up into the air causing the earth drake to miss.

The earth drake was furious that a small ant managed to escape, so it jumped and tried to catch May out of the air but May using her last remaining mana was able to maneuver out of the way again causing the earth drake to miss once again.

May landed on the ground some distance away from the earth drake so she tried to take a minute to assess the battlefield.

Using that minute she was able to see the blond woman and the Knight fighting againts the kid earth drake and she also saw Drag some distance away from them hiding behind a corpse of the first earth drake she killed.

Her analysis came to a end when the earth drake she was fighting rushed at her with its mouth wide opened again but this time May was not going to run no she had enough of running so when the earth drake came close she dropped onto the ground ready to punish the naughty lizard.

The earth drake was unable to stop its momentum so it continued running, now changing strategies and trying to mow her down with its powerful legs but May did not give it the chance when it's snout was right bellow her, May used her legs to deliver a devastating blow that caused the earth drake to be lifted a few meters off the ground.

Getting up quickly, May followed up her kick with a punch to the shin, May's blows didn't seemed to do anything to the earth drake but May knew that they were effective for she managed to already kill one even tho it took he some time she will manage to do it again

The earth drake regaining its senses tried to tail swipe May.

As May wached the tail coming towards her she mentally commanded Amira to put all her status points into strength

[Current Strength 101 Congratulations for achieving the first milestone]

'Not the time Amira pause th-'Before May was able to finish her sentence the tail ended up making contact with her.


[-22 Hp]

With her new found strength she was able to stop the tail from advancing and using her newfound strength she started spinning in a circle with the earth drake on the other end of the tail.

When May was sure to hit her target she let go off the earth drake causing it to go flying through the air and hit its own kid.

The woman and the Knight were equally shocked to see a two ton giant lizard flying and were momentarily stuned in place, but that was a mistake as when the parent earth drake hit the other one it caused all of the kinetic energy to go to its tail, flicking it and hitting the Knight sending his flying back from where he came from, seeing what happened to her knight the woman employed a barrier of wind around herself that blocked another tail flick.

The parent earth drake was dizzy and momentarily stuned as well but May was not going to give it the chance to recover no the moment she let go she started running in its direction and when she was close she dodged the tail flick and jumped up onto its head.

The earth drake opened its eye lids it looked at May with its cloudy eyes and May stared back for a few seconds untill she acted and she put her whole hand into the beasts eyes

The beast screamed in pain and begun to thrash around but May did not register it as she willed every last drop of her mana into her hand and she let out a final 'fall'

[You Have killed Earth Drake Lv21]

[+700 Xp]

The beasts thrashing came to a end and with the notification that followed May was sure she killed it so from a family of 3 that only left the kid alive and May was planing to remedie that so with wobbly legs and a empty mana pool she faced the young enraged earth drake.

The earth drake came running towards her not carrying about any strategy it only wished to kill May


A green blade made entirely of wind flyed passed May's head and made its way towards the running earth drake, due to the momentum of the earth drake and the sharpness of the wind blade the two front legs of the earth drake were cleanly sliced off

May looked behind to see the same blond woman she landed on standing with the same cold face she looked completely fine it even looked like she had mana to spare and May had only one thought at the moment that she was unabel to shop herself from voicing.

"Why didn't you do that before ?"


All that May got in return was silence and her cold green eyes staring at her amber ones, May unsure how do deal with the awkward silence chose the only option that came natural to her.

"Good talk loved to do it again but I have to go" May pointed her index fingers at her and proceeded to click her tongue

'Clk' 'Clk'

May turned her back towards the woman and started walking towards the injured earth drake May wanted to finish it and get the xp but before she was able to even take ten steps her Danger Sense kicked in telling her that some one was trying to kill her from behind with her increased strength she stomped on the ground causing spider like cracks to appear from her position, with her counter attack her Danger Sense stoped pinging meaning the attack stopped.

May used this breathing room to turn and make some distance between herself and her attacker

Her attacker went back to the side of the blond woman it was plain to see that she was a noble and he was her knight

"Guess our talk didn't go as well as I thought?"

End of Chapter 44



Name: May Parker

HP: 34/100% | MP: 3/340 | Level 13 EXP: 1380/4000

Race: Amazonian | Sex: Female

Status: [Corrupted]

Strength: 101(-15%)

Agility: 42 (-15%)

Vitality: 31 (-15%)

Endurance: 56 (-15%)

Dexterity: 25 (-15%)

Intelligence: 17 (-15%)

Wisdom: 9 (-15%)

Luck: 25 (-15%)

Status Points: 5 | Skill Points: 4



Secondary:All Elements/100%

Skills: Math Lv 6, Cooking Lv 5, Cleaning Lv 4, Bite Lv 1, Sprint Lv 5, Stealth Lv 9, Sword Mastery Lv 1,Skinning Lv 3 , Danger Sense Lv 1,Throwing Lv 2 , Dumb Luck Lv Max, Fire Resistance Lv 3 , Pain Resistance Lv 5,

Mana Manipulation Lv 4, Fire Magic Lv 3,

Elemental Magic Lv 1, Unarmed Combat Lv7,
