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Chapter 1545: Who Bullied My Man?

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Ye Xiao stood up without making a sound, and he was ready to go.

Bu Xiangfeng was terrified. He said, "Lord Monarch, you can't go now. The enemy is too powerful!"

"Powerful?" Ye Xiao looked at him and said, "How powerful are they, compared to you?"

"I am afraid those are all great cultivators in top levels. I can feel it from the energy flow. Any one of them is much stronger than me…" Bu Xiangfeng bitterly smiled and said, "I could kill one if I give up my life to fight… I could try… but most likely, I would get killed instantly."

Ye Xiao said, "You are the best we have in the Monarch's Hall, and you would probably get instantly killed. The Monarch's Hall is never going to survive a fight against those people. I am going, because that is what I should do. If not, the Monarch's Hall is already dead before the fight begins."

After that, he left without hesitation.

It seemed he was quite at leisure, and he looked calm and steady.

Bu Xiangfeng watched Ye Xiao's back and got shocked and impressed.

The Monarch knew that it was hopeless, yet he was still casual, confident, and calm. That was extraordinary!

At this moment, somebody shouted loudly, "Guan, Song, Ju, and Yun, show yourselves now!"

An angry shout responded to it, and it was Meng Youjiang talking, "Who is it? Who is yelling? How dare you? Nobody plays tough in the Monarch's Hall!"

Ye Xiao was worried, so he moved over fast.

Whoever came to the Monarch's Hall, they came fiercely. That couldn't be a friend of the Monarch's Hall. Meng Youjiang wasn't weak, but compared to these people, he was just a shrimp. If a fight broke out, Meng Youjiang would be killed within five steps.

As Ye Xiao expected, somebody got hurt. Ye Xiao had just accelerated, he already heard the sound of a fight. Soon, somebody groaned.

Ye Xiao flew over and saw Meng Youjiang falling down, spitting out blood. He got hit and flew back toward Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao rushed forward and held Meng Youjiang with his arms, but the blast had hit him through Meng Youjiang's flying body. The attack that hit Meng Youjiang still had an aftereffect.

Ye Xiao could let go of Meng Youjiang and get away from it, but in that case, Meng Youjiang would definitely die!

How could he? He made a shout and forcibly resisted the power from the attack in full power.

Although he was already at level six of the Dream Origin Stage, he was severely blasted by that powerful attack, but Meng Youjiang was safe in his arms. He felt like getting shocked by a bolt of lightning and then spat out a mouthful of blood immediately.

There was no time to check himself. He hurriedly took out a dan bead and put it into Meng Youjiang's mouth. Meng Youjiang was groaning and then spat out a mouthful of blood again. As he opened his eyes, he couldn't stand up by himself anymore. He didn't look like a tough man as he used to be anymore.

From the moment Ye Xiao moved to the time Meng Youjiang got hit, it was just a few seconds. It was only one hit in the fight, and Meng Youjiang, a Saint Origin Stage cultivator, got lethally wounded. If Ye Xiao did not come to save and catch him in time before feeding him the dan bead, then Meng Youjiang must have been dead already.

The powerful attack did not only hurt Meng Youjiang but also severely injured Ye Xiao. That was an attack from some incredibly powerful cultivator for sure!

Even though Ye Xiao knew how unbelievably powerful the enemy was, he wasn't afraid. He did not step back but angrily rushed forward instead!


He spat out a mouthful of blood again and shouted at Rong Ke'er, who had been moving forward to the enemy.

Ye Xiao got severely hit, and he was badly injured. He didn't have time to eat the dan beads yet, so he spat out blood again and again.

The enemy was too powerful. No matter how many people Ye Xiao had, they couldn't win this fight. The Monarch's Hall people were like a bunch of ants fighting against a giant tree. If they kept fighting, none of them could survive!

What mattered the most at the moment was to stop them from getting killed!

Ye Xiao gave an order, and the others all stopped. Rong Ke'er ran over to Meng Youjiang instead and helped him up. "Youjiang, how do you feel?"

Meng Youjiang smiled bitterly and said, "I just ate the dan bead Lord Monarch gave me… I am going to live… Don't worry."

His voice was so weak. There was no power in it anymore.

Rong Ke'er was shedding tears with a heartbreak… She turned around, looking at the enemy with flame in both eyes.

There were over twenty people who came to attack. In the middle of them, it was a young man who was in white clothes. The two guys who stayed on each side must be his guards.

The four guards were in black clothes with a pair of sharp eyes on a calm face. On their sleeve, there was a pattern of a leaf that showed their identity. They were from the Great Ye Clan!

Behind them, there were three old men in oversized robes, who had white and long beards. They were standing there. They were calm and steady like a mountain. After that, there were over ten people in different styles. These men were all powerful and great cultivators!

"Who did this?" Ye Xiao stood straight up, with a pair of cold eyes, and asked coldly.

Before anybody answered the question, there was the sound of a cloth flapping in the air. Master Guan and the others arrived at this place. The four old men didn't come alone. They had brought all the members of their clans as well. All these people arrived and immediately occupied the place.

It was crowded all of a sudden.

Almost eighty percent of the people in the Monarch's Hall were from the four clans. As they all showed up, the rooms in the Monarch's Hall were all empty.

Master Guan and the other three old men showed a complicated expression. They looked at the three old men on the other side while the other three were looking back at them. Nobody talked.

"My guard did that." The young man who stood in the middle coldly smiled and raised his head. In his eyes, there was only sneer. He looked at Ye Xiao and said, "What is this? Do you have a problem? You are a fake!"

Ye Xiao looked at the domineering young man with a pair of sharp eyes. In a cold voice, he said, "A fake? I have many titles. People give me many names. I am not surprised by any of them, except this. It doesn't seem to be right. May I ask… To whom am I a fake? Or if I put it this way… Who on earth should I bother to pretend?"

"Oh, that aside." Ye Xiao's eyes shined with pushing cold lights and he said, "I don't care who you are. I don't care who is behind you. I don't care what you come here for. I need an explanation from you since you're the guy who bullied my man!"

"Hah hah hah…" The young man reacted like it was the most hilarious joke he had ever heard. He was laughing and then said, "An explanation? You want me to give you an explanation? You actually want me to give you an explanation! Really? Hah hah hah…"

Ye Xiao's eyes were sharp and he blandly said, "Are you not going to give me one?"

"Give you one?" The young man sneered and said, "Why should I? Who do you think you are? You are just a shameless, contemptible, and pathetic liar! Who are you that I should give an explanation to? Come on. You are exposed. Hurry up! Find something that can cover your embarrassment. Why waste your time on asking some explanation that you could never get? You are such a moron!"

Ye Xiao nodded and then his eyes turned red. He shouted and said, "If you want to condemn somebody. You can always find out a charge. If you want to offend somebody, you better think of a good reason first! I guess only a stronger power can bring justice! If you don't want to give me an explanation, I guess I have to take it on my own! Let's see who is a moron!"

After that, he made a long shout with anger and grudge.

"No, don't…" Master Guan hastily shouted to Ye Xiao.

A white shadow flashed over as if something had just gone through the barrier between time and space. A long stream of white light flashed right before all those powerful cultivators' eyes.


Everybody heard a clear sound of a cat that didn't seem to be fierce at all.

It shocked them.

That was something beyond everybody's recognition…

On that white-clothes young man's shoulder, there was a white and small cat, which was just as big as a man's fist. It looked so adorable!

However, the cat was doing something the least adorable in the world.

One of his claws was glittering with cold light, and it was right on that young man's throat!

Its sharp claw was sticking into the young man's throat. It pierced through his throat, and the vein on his throat was right in its hand. The cat looked so weak, but everybody knew that it had grabbed the main artery of the young man's throat.

Nobody would doubt that the cat could easily kill this young man by slightly pulling its claw out and cut his throat! No matter how powerful the young man was, he wouldn't escape death!

Everybody was shocked.

'Where did the cat come from? When did it appear? When did it make its move? How did it go across a long distance and reach the young man's throat? The man's life is in its hands!'

Nobody, no matter how powerful these people were, had seen how Erhuo did it.

The blood stained the young man's throat, which looked frightening.

His facial expression immediately changed. His arrogance was gone.

What was on his face was calmness and coldness.

It seemed like he didn't care about the blood and the claw on his throat.

Perhaps, when things had become dangerous like this, the descendant of the Great Ye Clan finally revealed who he was to the public.

"I have a word for you. Do not move." Ye Xiao coldly said, "My cat… This little cat… is unbelievably timid, and it has an ill temper. If you made any reckless moves, the little thing would take it as a threat, and it will do whatever it feels like doing, which could be really cruel."

"For instance, it may just tear your throat." Ye Xiao blandly said with both of his eyes glittering in a cold light.

The young man in white clothes looked at the cat on his shoulder, and he started to smile warmly. "What a lovely pet. How much did you pay for it? Is it for sale? Would you like to sell it to me?"

The descendant of the Great Ye Clan was truly an extraordinary figure. His life was in danger, yet he still had a good mood to try to buy the cat from the enemy.

Was he too bold or too arrogant?

Ye Xiao laughed and said, "For sale? I am sorry. According to what I know about this spiritual animal, nobody in the Human Realm Upon Heavens could afford its price, not to mention you!"

The young man smiled and said, "Well, just say a price. I don't think there is anything too expensive for my clan, the Great Ye Clan!"

Everybody else nodded. The Great Ye Clan had left the martial world for one hundred thousand years. They must have accumulated a huge fortune during those years. There was no pet that the Great Ye Clan could afford!

Ye Xiao said, "I don't see why I should care about what clan you are from. The Great Ye Clan, so what? To be honest, even the five sky kings together can buy this little thing from me!"

As Ye Xiao said so, everybody was surprised. The young man had spoken of the name of his clan, and his clan was not weaker than any of the five sky kings. What Ye Xiao said was even domineering. 'Your clan is as powerful as one of the sky kings, perhaps, but the five sky kings together cannot buy my cat!'

In fact, Ye Xiao wasn't lying. Erhuo was powerful, and it had an incredible background. Since Erhuo started to follow Ye Xiao, it had been the most powerful support. It made supreme dan beads. It helped Ye Xiao with his cultivation and saved him from danger several times. It was an important part of Ye Xiao's life. The five sky kings together couldn't take Erhuo away from him, not to mention just a clan!

He had all the reasons to refuse it.

Ye Xiao knew it. The readers of the novel knew it. However, nobody else, especially not the men on the young man's side knew any of it. Even the Monarch's Hall people didn't believe it!

The Great Ye Clan was more than a great clan. The five sky kings were the most powerful men in the world. Ye Xiao clamored just because of a cat, and it was obviously a dishonest lie to them!

Erhuo, who felt delighted at the moment, felt really happy about this moment. 'Well, that is the truth! Who am I? The five stupid sky kings and the so-called Great Ye Clan are way below my league! How could he ask to buy me? What a moron!'

The young man was a little surprised, but then he said, "I see. It seems Master Ye is getting quite well along with this little cat. Forget it then. By the way, your arrogance is going to an extreme…"

Ye Xiao half-closed his eyes and said, "Am I arrogant or not? Oh, that is none of your business, and it doesn't matter right now. Let's talk about something that matters. Who bullied my man? Please show yourself. You don't want innocent men to get hurt because of you, do you? I really want to know what kind of powerful cultivator dares to swagger in my place!" 123

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Chapter 1546: No Surrender

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The young man in white clothes blandly said, "You do not think that this little thing can control us all, do you?"

Ye Xiao coldly said, "A little cat? No way. It controls you, and that is all. I think it is enough."

The young man in white clothes coldly smiled. "Do you really think it can threaten me? Do you know that if anything happens to me, this place will turn into a bloodbath?"

Ye Xiao laughed and said with a sneer, "I know one thing. You are not going to see the bloodbath!"

The young man calmly said, "I am new to the martial world. I don't know these men so much. They won't stay back just because of me!"

Ye Xiao said, "I don't care. What I want is simple. I want justice for my man. That is all. If your men don't care, I am happy to have your companion to hell. At least I won't be lonely. Oh, you will go first. I guess you have to wait for me down there!"

The young man in white clothes was surprised, but then he bitterly smiled. "You are such a ruffian. I was careless."

That was an elegant reaction.

Ye Xiao nodded.

'That is right. He was careless.'

The young man obviously had a powerful background. It was so powerful that he didn't need to tell everybody he was. If he hid behind the crowd and didn't show himself, no matter how fast Erhuo was, it couldn't find him. Whoever Ye Xiao eventually controlled, it wouldn't threaten the young man and his people!

The young man's carelessness gave Ye Xiao the opportunity.

Erhuo was fast, and it killed within seconds. That saved Ye Xiao's ass in the mess!

"Normally, when a man's life is in another's hands, he should cave immediately. However, as you know, I am a Ye. I never surrender to any threats!" The young man blandly smiled and looked at Ye Xiao with a pair of sharp eyes. "Look, here is my advice to you. Think carefully before you do anything stupid."

"I can't say you are wrong." Ye Xiao blandly smiled and said, "We, who are named Ye, will never surrender to any threats! No matter what it is, we don't fear death!"

Ye Xiao ignored the young man. He coldly raised up his head and stared at the people around the young man. "I won't say this again. Who hit my man? Stand out now! I will count to three, and if you don't show yourself, I will kill the young man!"

He raised three fingers up and counted. "One! Two!"

He didn't give the enemies time to react.

He counted fast, acting like he just wanted an excuse to kill the young man.


On the left side of the young man, a slim, tall guy stood out. He coldly said, "I did it! So what? What would you do?"

The man was tall and skinny, like a bamboo pole. His face was long, and his eyes were narrow. In his eyes, there was coldness and viciousness!

"That's simple. Go to my man and give him some proper treatment. Apologize to him, on your knees. Beg for his forgiveness! That is all!" Ye Xiao slowly put both of his hands behind his back and said, "At last, to show your sincerity, beat yourself up. You must hurt yourself as bad as you did to him. Finish these, and I will let it go!"

That was not simple at all! It was harsh!

The skinny man was shocked. He raised up his eyes and stared at Ye Xiao coldly. His strong vibe suddenly raged up with anger, "Are you sure?"

Master Guan was frightened, and he talked to Ye Xiao, "Lord Monarch, please give it a second thought!"

Ye Xiao neglected Master Guan, and he said, "I am sure! This is the Monarch's Hall, my place! I don't care what you are. Even if you are a dragon, you have to bow! Even if you are a tiger, you must kneel! My man looks fierce, but he is a good man. Show him your sincerity and apologize to him. I am sure he will forgive you!"

Master Guan hastily walked over and said, "Lord Monarch, please don't… We can't push them too hard… Show them some respect… If they start the fight, we…"

Ye Xiao coldly said, "Really? Are you sure? Do you really think I am pushing it too far, Master Guan? Fine. I know your choice now. When they set their feet on the Monarch's Hall, I know this is never going to end in peace. I don't see why we should step back!"

"The Monarch's Hall would rather die than surrender!"

Ye Xiao blandly said.

That was determined and loud.

"Wait!" The young man shouted and said, "Ye Xiao, do you know what you are doing? You are pushing us to an absolute opposite side!"

Ye Xiao half-closed his eyes and said, "As you know, I am a Ye. I never surrender to any threats!"

That was it. It was done.

Master Guan was anxious, but there was nothing he could do, nor anything he could say.

He had never thought that things would develop this way. He always thought that Ye Xiao was a smart man who knew how to make the best choice in any circumstance. Now he knew, Ye Xiao was also a tough man who was full of honor.

The young man stared at Ye Xiao. His eyes became calm and cold. He then said in a peaceful tone, "Monarch Ye, I started all this. I think it is better that I apologize to you than my man apologizes to your guy. I think it shows my sincerity better. I will take responsibility for no matter what it needs to cure your man. I would also like to apologize to him in person. What do you think? Am I sincere enough?"

Master Guan took a breath of relief. The young man was too powerful to cave in this conflict. Now, the Monarch's Hall got the respect Ye Xiao wanted. That was great. After all, the young man was seizing the upper position in this conflict, but he stepped back first, which showed his generosity.

However, unexpectedly, Ye Xiao said, showing a cold face, "No!"

Ye Xiao actually turned it down. He was not just stubborn! He was going to make things extremely difficult for both sides! Even though the young man had made a concession, Ye Xiao still didn't give up. It was in a deadlock again.

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Chapter 1547: Obduracy

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Ye Xiao understood that what he was doing was to bring the Monarch's Hall into an extremely dangerous situation.

He clearly knew that if he stepped back a bit, things could end with a peaceful result.

The young man of the Great Ye Clan was a leader who would give in for his own men. That was honorable.

However, Ye Xiao just didn't want to give in. He knew it was not a wise move, but he still refused to step back a bit.

Nobody had thought that Ye Xiao would give such a reaction to the young man's kind compromise!

In fact, the more honorable and kind the young man was, the less Ye Xiao would like to give in!

There were those words in Ye Xiao's mind.

'Ye Clan's Blood; Red Sky!'

'The Bloodline Jade Plate!'


It was touching his nerve.

He knew what he was doing would lead to a horrible ending, but he decided not to give in!

He even pushed even harder!

'I am not just a man who was abandoned! I can be something great!'

'I, Ye Xiao, have suffered a lot! I suffered so much to make it here not to make a compromise to the so-called descendant of the Great Ye Clan!'

'I am not stepping back! I am pushing forward!'

'Everything counts in a limited life. If I can't follow my heart, why would I march to greatness?'

Ye Xiao knew himself the best. He was not just stubborn. In fact, he was like a child, who had been mistreated, and now it was his time to take revenge!

'I know what I should do to end this in the best way. I just don't feel like doing it!'

'I want to end this with the most efficient and easiest way!'

'You have made me suffer. Don't you decide my faith!'

'The Great Ye Clan!'

'Humph! The Great Ye Clan!'

Erhuo's sharp claw casually touched the young man's throat, and it quietly lied on the young man's shoulder. It looked so adorable.

Everybody, especially the men on the young man's side, was powerful enough to realize the danger. If they could fight, they would have done it in the beginning. Nobody had the confidence to save the young man from Erhuo's sharp claw, so nobody dared to make a move.

The young man surely knew the best about the situation. He could clearly feel his life under the little cat's control. As the claw moved, he died.

It was death!

Nobody could save him except the cat itself. Erhuo was more horrible than he could imagine. The young man doubted that even the five sky kings and the Great Master Ye together could save him from the kitty's claw!

He was so confused.

He wasn't confused about the cat. Sending out the cat was Ye Xiao's only way to save himself, so it was understandable!

What confused him was that Ye Xiao obviously had other options to make now, and any other options could save his people from a deadly fight, yet he refused!

The young man was here to reveal Ye Xiao's fake identity and take over the Seven Golden Lotuses back. He might try to take over the Monarch's Hall as well, but he didn't want to kill Ye Xiao.

Who was Ye Xiao? He was the prime leader of the Monarch's Hall, but more importantly, he was the marvelous doctor of the Hall of Life and Death! He was a great dan-maker, who brought the supreme dan beads back to the Human Realm Upon Heavens. The young man knew that Ye Xiao made those dan beads himself, even though he told everybody the dan beads belonged to his clan!

Ye Xiao did not have a clan! The young man knew that the Great Ye Clan did not have any supreme dan beads like those!

For the young man, a great dan-maker like that was more important than the Seven Golden Lotuses. Anyone with profound views knew how important a great dan-maker was, especially for the future!

Ye Xiao was a weak cultivator, and it was a good thing for the young man. It would be easier to force Ye Xiao to work for him. The young man came fiercely, but he just wanted to show his prestige. He wanted Ye Xiao to be frightened so that he could recruit Ye Xiao!

As the young man expected, Ye Xiao should feel sorry and apologize to the real descendant of the Great Ye Clan. More importantly, Ye Xiao should pledge loyalty to the young man, and the young man would promise him great treatment. The two of them should become good friends, brothers, and create a bright future together!

Wasn't that a great plan?

If Ye Xiao refused to join him, he could use the four clans to persuade Ye Xiao. When he took over the four clans, Ye Xiao's organization would be too weak to have a say in any negotiation. The young man could accept that too!

The worst situation would be Ye Xiao refusing to admit failure, resulting for a fight to break out. The Monarch's Hall was too weak to fight the Great Ye Clan after all, so it would be easy to destroy Ye Xiao's force. In the end, Ye Xiao would be an isolated leader with no followers. Ye Xiao was a smart man, and he would surely pledge loyalty in the end!

In fact, the young man's plan was thorough. He had seen all the possibilities. However, Erhuo was something he could never have thought of!

Because of Erhuo, things became worse than anybody could expect!

In fact, the young man still didn't understand. Erhuo was a secret weapon that brought Ye Xiao the advantage in the conflict, so Ye Xiao didn't need to play tough anymore. There were other options Ye Xiao could make to peacefully end this mess, yet Ye Xiao refused to do it! Why?

'It doesn't make sense.'

'Why does Ye Xiao going to such extremes? This is a deadlock, but it won't last long. Once the deadlock is broken, death won't be avoided!'

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Chapter 1548: Fraud?

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

"It is not as difficult as you think to solve the problem. For instance, if we catch you to make an exchange and save our young master's life, how difficult could that be? What do you think, Monarch Ye?" Master Qin, the chief of the Qin Clan who stood on the young man's side coldly said.

"I don't think so!" Ye Xiao laughed and said, "You are free to try. Let's see if you can save him by catching me. Oh, let's see if he is still alive when you get me!"

Everybody knew that it was not going to work. The cat was able to catch the young man when all those superior cultivators were around him. Nobody was faster than the cat!

Nobody dared to try because it would put the descendant of the Great Ye Clan in danger. If they failed, he would die. Even if they made it, Ye Xiao wouldn't get hurt, anyway. Nobody dared to become a subordinate who would put the master's life at risk!

At the very least, Ye Xiao was too stubborn, and he would probably refuse to exchange for his life.

A life for a life?

Ye Xiao would rather die than making such a stupid exchange. After all, losing the young man was too much a loss for the Great Ye Clan!

If Ye Xiao cared for it that much, he wouldn't be so stubborn, would he? He would definitely kill the young man!

The guard who started all this was in difficulty. He gritted his teeth. He opened his eyes wide, but there was nothing he could do.

He didn't want to be threatened, and he would never kowtow to Meng Youjiang, who was as weak as an ant. However, if he wanted to save his master from the cat's claw, he had no choice.

In the end, he had to cave. He must suffer the humiliation!

"It seems your man needs some time to think. Well, why don't you give me your names while he is wasting his time?" Ye Xiao held both of his arms on his chest and indifferently said, "Let me see who the hell are you; a group of great cultivators who came to the Monarch's Hall and made trouble!"

He stared at the young man with both of his eyes that were as sharp as needles. He then blandly said, "Let's start with the leader. Shall we?"

These great cultivators were standing right before Ye Xiao. Any of them could kill him by waving a hand. They could easily destroy the entire Monarch's Hall. However, Ye Xiao didn't seem to be afraid of them. He didn't turn soft at all.

The young man realized that this prime leader of the Monarch's Hall did not want to end this peacefully. What Ye Xiao wanted was to humiliate that guard.

The young man's eyes turned cold.

He had to solve the problem, or his great plan would become nothing!

He coldly said, "I am Ye Changqing. My clan gave me this name. However, I want to be a man beyond the clouds in the Human Realm Upon Heavens, so I named myself Ye Yunduan. You can call me Ye Yunduan. I am not famous because I am new to the world. I guess you haven't heard about me ever."

Ye Xiao nodded and blandly said, "The Great Ye Clan lives forever. Your heart is beyond heavens, and you walk over the clouds. Pretty good. It seems your clan has done some hard work to decide your name. You must be important in your clan."

Ye Yunduan coldly said, "The Great Ye Clan has left the martial world for one hundred thousand years, but our bloodline never stopped. My name is just a normal name. You seem to be interested in my name because you don't like yours. Well, your name is low indeed. I guess your clan doesn't care much for you, Brother Ye. Oh, that is just my opinion though. It could be wrong."

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "I never get much attention from the clan. Not as much as you do."

After that, he stopped talking to him but turned to the other guys. "You, why don't you tell me your names too? Let me know who broke into my place."

"The Seven Golden Lotuses of the Great Ye Clan. The seven clans are together now." The old man, who had a pair of vicious eyes, blandly said, "I am Qin. This is Qi, and this is Yue. The other four, I think you already know them."

"Oh, my pleasure to meet you in person." Ye Xiao indifferently said.

"I wonder why the seven clans came to my place together? There must be a reason." Ye Xiao kept talking with indifference. His voice was flat like he didn't care at all.

"We are here to solve a problem." Master Qin said, "You pretended the descendant of the Great Ye Clan, and the four of us followed you because of it. You used us to expand your own territory. That is dishonorable! Luckily, the true descendant of the Great Ye Clan has come to us and told us the truth. You plotted a fraud, and you should see this coming someday. We are here to take our people back, and also to take over the Monarch's Hall, in which we have put our effort in doing so. It is a reasonable request. What do you think?"

"What do I think? I surely do not agree! How can I?" Ye Xiao coldly laughed and said, "Let's begin with the fraud. Let me ask you, the four old masters. Have I ever told you that I am a descendant of the Great Ye Clan?"

Ye Xiao looked at the four old men.

The old men looked aside and avoid eye contact.

"I did not know until now that I deceived the four old masters to join the Monarch's Hall! Didn't you come to me first? Well, I did invite Master Guan to come because I need his help to get the resources I need to build the Monarch's Hall. However, remember this. I went to him because he was Guan Tiemian, not a clan chief of some lotus. I am an honest and honorable cultivator. I am not powerful, but I am not shameless!"

Ye Xiao coldly smiled and said, "One more thing. I recruited good men because I need them to join my organization. I have done nothing wrong about that! A new organization always needs to recruit new members! I was recruiting good men from the entire Limitless Ocean! Have I done something wrong? When I first met Master Guan, I have shown my respect and sincerity! He was touched, so he decided to join me! I did not deceive him, did I?"

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