

Chapter 1549: Burning Flame of Anger

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

"The other three old masters came to me afterward. They came to me and asked to join my organization! I liked them, so I let them in. How is that a fraud?" Ye Xiao blandly said, "I am the leader of the Monarch's Hall, and also the marvelous doctor that everybody knows. I am never a fraud! I am simply not interested in it!"

Ye Xiao's words were sharp. Everything he said was the truth. Nobody could argue with that. The four old masters were all quiet. Their big face turned red because of embarrassment!

Master Qin abruptly said, "You have a sharp tongue, Monarch Ye. You kept telling people your name is Ye, so people mistook you for a member of the Great Ye Clan. That is the truth. You talk like you don't care about the name of the Great Ye Clan, but you never told the public that you were not from the Great Ye Clan. You have been using the name!"

"Nonsense! How do you know? You believe I am the descendant of the Great Ye Clan because you have something that proves it! Did you want me to deny anything? Did you ask for my opinion on your judgment?"

Ye Xiao coldly said, "You know what? I did not know that the four old masters joined only because they thought I was the descendant of the Great Ye Clan."

"I kept telling people I am Ye… Hah hah hah… I am Ye! Do you want me to change my family name? I don't care about my family name, but I have been using it for my whole life! Do you want me to change my name just because of the Great Ye Clan? Is that reasonable?

"You slander me and accuse me of fraud. How could you? The seven clans, the Seven Golden Lotuses of the Great Ye Clan are such disgraceful men! You are pathetic!" Ye Xiao blandly said, "Let me ask you one more time, leaders of the seven clans. Do you still think I have ever fraud you?"

The four old men didn't dare to speak.

Ye Xiao was telling the truth.

He never knew there was a Bloodline Jade Plate. The old masters made a mistake.

They came to Ye Xiao and followed him because of their wrong judgment. Now they turned against Ye Xiao and accused him, even tried to take everything from him for their new master! That was shameless!

All they wanted to do was to tell Ye Xiao they wanted to leave, and they wanted to take everything with them.

The four old men didn't want to be that shameless.

Even Master Qin didn't have a word to say.

Was it a fraud as he said?

No. It was completely the old men's own mistake. It was not Ye Xiao's fault!

What did Ye Xiao do to be accused of fraud, anyway?

"Master Qin said you are going to take the Monarch's Hall from me. That is a surprise." Ye Xiao stared at Master Qin and said, "What is the reason, Master Qin? Since when did the Monarch's Hall become yours? As you all know, I built it!"

"Master Qin, why don't you explain to me. When did you build the Monarch's Hall? How did you develop the Monarch's Hall? Why is the Monarch's Hall yours? As the prime leader of the Monarch's Hall, I have no idea what you are talking about!"

"For what reason you have the right to take it from me?" Ye Xiao disdainfully said, "Tell me what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it!"

Ye Yunduan smiled and said, "Brother Ye, you are lying to yourself. The name of the Great Ye Clan is the only reason why the Monarch's Hall developed so well. You are weak. If you didn't get the support of the four old masters, how come the Monarch's Hall can develop so fast?

"You never make it clear to the public about who you are. They all believe you are the descendant of the Great Ye Clan. That is why they decided to follow you. Now that you can't lie about it anymore, who would continue to be loyal to you? Your Monarch's Hall is a sinking boat!"

"I don't care about what you think, or what you do. You used the name of my clan to develop your own force. Now the truth is right in front of us. The Monarch's Hall belongs to the Great Ye Clan! If you really care about the name of the Monarch's Hall, you can take it with you, and leave!"

Ye Xiao nodded and blandly said, "Oh, really? I have never heard that the Monarch's Hall is so deeply connected to the Great Ye Clan!"

"That is simple then. All the members of the Monarch's Hall are here. Why don't we let them decide? Whoever wants to go with you, I won't stop them! The rest of the people can stay in the Monarch's Hall. The Monarch's Hall belongs to me, and they are my men! You can't hurt them because you don't have the right! Or else you must pay the debt!"

"I don't have much to tell you anymore." Ye Xiao said, both of his eyes full of killing intent, "If you want to live, have your man apologize to my man! Have him treat my man! And he should beat himself up! That is all I want. Before that, we have nothing to talk about! My time is precious, and I won't waste any on you."

The truth was clearly told. Ye Xiao had no interests in doing chitchat. The flame of anger in his heart was burning up and nearly put off his rationality.

'You abandoned me! You made me suffer! You left me to death! Now you are here to take the Monarch's Hall from me! Really?'

Ye Xiao looked calm and steady, but in his head, he was furious!

'You are the leaf that lives forever. You are the person beyond the clouds! Why should I be the man on the ground?'

'That is not right!'

"Wait!" Ye Yunduan stopped him and said, "I have an idea, which may solve the problem perfectly."

"My guard will apologize to your man. We will cure him. That is what we should do, anyway. We can do something else to send our apology instead of kneeling and kowtowing. That shows our respect and sincerity, and it won't hurt the feelings of both sides."

Ye Yunduan asked, "What is your opinion, Brother Ye?"

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Chapter 1550: Took Leave

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Ye Yunduan smiled and said, "At this moment, my life is in your hands. You control me, and you control my men. He won't disobey you. No matter how much he hates to do it, he will. Brother Ye, you must understand though. You can't always have my life in your hands. When things are out of your control, you won't like it."

"Perhaps, you don't care. You can ignore it. Is the Monarch's Hall going to ignore it?"

Ye Yunduan was frank, and he said, "So please give it a second thought."

Ye Xiao stayed quiet for a while. He then looked at Meng Youjiang and Rong Ke'er.

Meng Youjiang tried to stay spirited and then said in a deep voice, "I am fine. I will follow no matter what decision you make."

Ye Xiao stayed silent again.

Ye Yunduan was glad, so he added, "Monarch Ye, listen. I will give your man a bottle of dan beads. That is a secret formula of my clan. There are three dan beads in one bottle, each of which can save a man from death one time. I will also give you a hundred thousand purple spirit coins as compensation for what my man did. I am sure this horrible accident has created a barrier on your man's path of cultivation. I promise, whenever he needs help, he will get it from the Great Ye Clan! We will use our special technique to help him get a breakthrough!"

Ye Yunduan looked so sincere. He then continued, "Monarch Ye, I think these are enough to show my sincerity. If you are still unsatisfied, just tell me what you want. I will do my best… All I am asking is not to let my man kneel!"

"It is a man's dignity!"

Ye Yunduan said, "Please, Monarch Ye."

The skinny and tall guard was shocked. He was emotional. "Master!"

He obviously didn't know that his master would pay such a big price to keep him from being humiliated, so he was moved.

"I started all of this. If I didn't make such a reckless move, things wouldn't be this difficult." Ye Yunduan paused and said, "I will wait for your decision."

"Thank you so much, master!" The skinny man knelt down.

Ye Xiao coldly smiled.

Ye Yunduan played well in this.

First of all, he would like to pay that much to buy his man's loyalty. After this, the skinny guard would be absolutely loyal to him and die for him. Second, if Ye Xiao accepted the terms, he would have to send Erhuo back, and Ye Yunduan would be free. At last, Ye Yunduan was doing all this for Meng Youjiang, not for Ye Xiao.

If Ye Xiao refused it, he would keep Meng Youjiang from getting a great profit, and the chance to have a breakthrough!

Ye Xiao thought even deeper than that. Ye Yunduan had sent a message to everybody. 'I care for my man! I can give up that much for just a guard of mine, so how could I mistreat any of my followers!'

'If you join me, I will do the same for you!'

That was his strategy.

Ye Yunduan's life was in Ye Xiao's hands, yet he could still make such a brilliant move. He had said several things but never asked to be let go of. That was clever.

Ye Xiao was angry, but he had to admit that this descendant of the Great Ye Clan was incredible! He had power, schemes, and grace!

"Why not?" Ye Xiao smiled and said, "Please, keep your word, Master Ye."

After a while, Meng Youjiang stood up. He was completely cured.

Ye Yunduan had helped him a lot, but Ye Xiao's dan bead also made a big difference. That was why Meng Youjiang could be well again in such a short time. The Hall of Life and Death had given treatments to a lot of people during those days, who got injured differently. Erhuo had developed many new dan beads. The dan bead Meng Youjiang got from Ye Xiao was great at curing injuries. Without Ye Yunduan's help, Meng Youjiang wouldn't be well so soon, but he would be fine sooner or later!

However, since Ye Yunduan was willing to help, why should they refuse?

As Meng Youjiang became well again, things weren't so intense anymore.

Ye Xiao called for Erhuo, and the cat left Ye Yunduan's shoulder.

Nobody saw how it moved. That was unbelievably fast. If these people didn't see it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe a cat could be that fast.

"Now, it is done. Problem solved. We can talk about serious business. We came here for a reason after all." Ye Yunduan touched his throat, and his face looked colorless. He was bleeding.

"I will keep the scar on my neck." Ye Yunduan softly smiled and said, "It will remind me of what happened when I was careless. If anybody gets to do this to me again, I must be an idiot."

Ye Xiao blandly said, "Master Ye, you are an incredible man indeed, who always learned from his own failure."

"Life is full of surprises. There is always something I should learn." Ye Yunduan said, "You have spoken for yourself, and you are right. We won't take the Monarch's Hall from you, but we will take the seven clans back."

"Everybody has his own thoughts. I won't stop anybody who wants to leave. If anybody wants to stay, I can't kick them out either." Ye Xiao said.

"Thank you, Monarch Ye." Ye Xiao slightly nodded.

The two of them started to look at the four old men and the men behind the old masters' back. They had gathered together now. These people were elites of the four clans, and now they felt it was difficult to make the decision.

"What are you thinking? Come on! The Seven Golden Lotuses must stay together!" The chief of the Qin Clan shouted and said to the four old masters. "You idiots! Are you going to keep being stupid?"

Master Yun made a sigh first and then waved his hand. "Let's go then!"

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Chapter 1551: I ain't Convinced!

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Master Yun made the first step, and over two thousand men behind him move along. They were like a river rushing ahead.

Bu Xiangfeng, Meng Youjiang, and Lei Dongtian felt angry when they watched those men leave.

They had stayed together for several days. How could they turn against each other just because of a mistake?

Master Yun looked upset. He walked over to Ye Xiao but didn't look at Ye Xiao's face. "Monarch Ye, I am sorry."

Ye Xiao smiled and nodded. Nobody knew what was in his mind. He softly said, "Master Yun, take care."

Master Yun nodded and sighed. He then walked away.

The Yun Clan had left the Monarch's Hall.

There were over ten thousand men watching this. Nobody made a sound.

People of the Department of Battle watched those men leave, and they were all angry.

Master Yun was the first. Master Ju followed. Master Ju sighed and started to walk to the other side.

Master Ju's people were leaving as well.

Ye Yunduan watched Ye Xiao's face.

He could see how frustrated Ye Xiao was.

For the first time, Ye Yunduan couldn't hide the gloating in his eyes. He said, "Brother Ye, I wonder how it feels to watch all these people leaving you?"

Ye Xiao blandly said, "I have no special feelings. I must let go of whatever that doesn't belong to me. It is the right thing to do!"

"How open-minded, Brother Ye!" Ye Yunduan looked at him and said, "Don't you feel upset? Frustrated? Your men are leaving. I don't see why you should embrace this!"

Ye Xiao smiled and slightly shook his head to Ye Yunduan.

His eyes were full of disappointment. He said, "When you wear a mask long enough, it becomes your face!"

Ye Yunduan humphed and stopped talking with both of his hands behind his back.

As the Ju Clan left, Master Song was still thinking about something, keeping his head low. Master Qin kept urging him, and he eventually moved with a sigh.

"Old Song!"

Master Guan abruptly shouted. His voice wasn't as clear as usual but hoarse.

Master Song turned around and looked at Master Guan. Master Guan was shaking, staring back at Master Song.

Master Guan was breathing heavily, and his face seemed to have more wrinkles.

"Old Guan, we were wrong!" Master Song said. He didn't dare to look at Master Guan's eyes. He turned over, and said, "It is time to go."

"No!" Master Guan suddenly shouted. "We are not wrong! I have no idea why it came to this, but the Bloodline Jade Plate is never wrong!"

"We have worked so hard! Somebody showed up and said we were wrong! Why should we listen?"

Master Guan shouted and said, "The Bloodline Jade Plate is an instruction of the Great Ancestor! It is an instruction of our clan! We are not wrong! There is something wrong here!"

Master Qin said in a solemn voice, "Old Guan, stop this nonsense! The truth is before our eyes. You can't deny it! Master Changqing is the descendant of the Great Ye Clan. Our ancestors proved it! We all recognized it! Don't be silly!"

"I don't believe it!" Master Guan raged up and said, "What did the Bloodline Jade Plate show us? Was it wrong?"

"The Bloodline Jade Plate doesn't prove anything! Master Changqing is the true descendant of the Great Ye Clan. He is the man the seven clans have been waiting for!" Master Qin frowned and said, "Everything about Master Yunduan proves him the descendant of the Great Ye Clan! That is the truth!"

"I haven't received the message from the ancestor of my clan. I won't leave without his order!" Master Guan was shaking, and he refused to move.

"Why do you have to get a message from the ancestors?" Master Qin was impatient. "Old Guan, we all see the truth. Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

"Stubborn? I am simply insisting on my principle!" Master Guan said to the other old masters and said, "You noticed the sign on the Bloodline Jade Plate first, and you wanted me to do this!"

"Didn't you tell me to support this young man?"

"Didn't you tell me to treat this young man as our nephew? Didn't you want me to care for him and help him?"

"Didn't you say that the Guan Clan will make the first move and become a part of the young man's organization."

"Here I am. I have devoted everything my clan has to the Monarch's Hall!"

Master Guan was angry and sad. He said, "I watched the Monarch's Hall grow. I have seen it develop into a great force today!"

"I watched Ye Xiao, a level-two Faery Origin Stage shrimp, become a level-six Divinity Origin Stage cultivator within half a year!"

"I saw him getting through all the difficulties, struggling under the oppression of those powerful forces. I know how the Monarch's Hall developed!"

"I witness everything here. I felt his struggles. His efforts. His sadness… I can still feel it! I didn't believe a young man could do this in such a short time."

"I am impressed. I am happy for him. I think I have met the right man. I think the Seven Golden Lotuses are going to rise again!"

"I watched him. I cared for him. I worried about him. I felt happy for him. It is like I was watching my own child improving step by step! Do you understand how happy that feels?"

"I still feel it!"

"I have given all I have to this place. I love this place. I want to keep it going. However, you told me this was wrong! Now you want me to leave this place and join the other side!"

Master Guan shouted and said, "Are you all morons? Can't you at least think clearly?"

"Whenever I went back and told you how things were going in this place, you all praised and applauded for it. What did you say? 'He is the descendant of the Great Ye Clan indeed! How incredible!'"

"Now you changed. Just like that! You changed easily!"

"What is this? This is betrayal! This is dishonorable! This is infidelity!"

Master Guan angrily shouted. His voice was like a thunderclap, striking everybody's ears.

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Chapter 1552: Merciless

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

The angry shout was resounding in everybody's heart.

The six old masters on Ye Yunduan's side all felt ashamed. They knew that Master Guan was right. They pushed Master Guan out to do all the works in the Monarch's Hall. The six other masters had been hiding behind the scene. They were supporting Master Guan.

Now, they urged Master Guan to give up on Ye Xiao.

Ye Yunduan's appearance had changed everything!

The Seven Golden Lotuses should support the real descendant of the Great Ye Clan. They wouldn't deny it. In fact, the six old masters were doing their jobs. Even though Master Song, Master Yun, and Master Ju did not really want to do this, they had no choice. Besides, they weren't as close to Ye Xiao as Master Guan. Master Guan had done so much, and it wasn't easy for him to give it up right now.

In fact, what he gave to the Monarch's Hall was not that important. What hurt him was the love and care he gave to the Monarch's Hall. It wouldn't be easy for him to just leave!

This might not be a good metaphor, but it showed a part of the truth. He was like a young lady who loved a young man and had been through a lot with him. While the lady and the man finally had their sweet days to come, somebody came to tell the young lady, "You made a mistake. That man is not your Mister Right. Leave him, and go to your fiancé over there."

How did the lady feel?

It was not a good metaphor, but that was the truth. It showed how Master Guan felt at the moment.

The other six old masters knew that it was difficult to calm Master Guan.

They truly had done wrong to him. However, it was a matter of the Seven Golden Lotuses. They had been waiting for a hundred thousand years for this descendant to come. Now the six of the seven clans were together on the right one's side. No matter how unwilling the Guan Clan was, they must stick to the right choice…

None of them dared to say it though. If any of them dared to say it out, Master Guan would fight with his life against it!

Ye Xiao was touched. His eyes were full of emotions. He took a deep breath and held the emotion back to the bottom of his heart. He stepped forward and coldly said, "Master Guan, I know what you mean. I am grateful for what you did. However… your clan is one of the Seven Golden Lotuses. Nobody can deny it. I am not the man you want. We are not the same… So…"

"Go now." Ye Xiao said.

"Lord Monarch… Even you… Do you want me to go?" Master Guan stared at Ye Xiao and said, "Do you know that after I leave, the Monarch's Hall will collapse? Do you know after what you just did, the seven clans would never let the Monarch's Hall live? This is not a joke. You must know."

Ye Xiao peacefully said, "I know. However, I don't want to be slandered. I don't want to mislead somebody else to keep myself safe. I would rather die with dignity than live dishonorably.

"I, Ye Xiao, would rather die standing… than live by bowing under another's roof!"

Master Guan was shaking harder. His white beards were flickering. After a while, he shouted and said, "I want to check the Bloodline Jade Plate again!"

Master Qin was annoyed. "Old Guan, this is insane. Master Yunduan is the true descendant. The ancestors of our clans proved it. What do you want? What do you want to prove?"

Master Guan's eyes were full of anger. He said, "Qin Wudao, now I know how vile you are! When you got benefits from Lord Monarch, what did you say? Didn't you enjoy those dan beads so much? Who never stopped praising the young man? Now that one thing changed, and you pointed at me! Do you think those dan beads were free? Master Ye gave them to me, and that was the only reason you were lucky to have some! I didn't keep them to myself, and Master Ye wasn't a fool to let me keep so many dan beads to myself!"

Qin Wudao's face turned red, and he humphed. "That was a different time. Things have changed. What is the point to live in the past?"

Master Guan bitterly smiled and angrily said, "A different time, huh? Live in the past, huh? Qin Wudao, you are such a shameless sh*t! Give me back the dan beads then! I don't want them all back. Just give me one! Can you do that?"

Qin Wudao's face turned really red as if his face was bleeding. However, he couldn't say a word. The dan beads he obtained from Master Guan were perfect cures for his illness. He ate them when he got them. Those dan beads were all in the supreme level. He could never find one supreme dan bead to give back to Master Guan. Everybody knew the truth, so he could not lie about it!

In fact, the dan-making industry in the Human Realm Upon Heavens was the same as the Land of Han-Yang and Qing-Yun Realm. Supreme dan beads only existed in tales. Any supreme dan bead could drive all the dan makers in the Human Realm Upon Heavens crazy.

Qin Wudao talked like the dan beads were not that important, but he knew it was not true. Ye Xiao gave these people too many supreme dan beads, which made people thought that a supreme dan bead wasn't that rare!

Ye Yunduan did not want to wait anymore because he wanted Ye Xiao to make dan beads for him. He knew that Ye Xiao was a great dan maker. That was why he showed himself and did all this!

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Chapter 1553: Yue Youyou

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Master Qin realized it immediately. It was fine to have a quarrel with his old brothers, but he couldn't disgrace himself by chicanery in speaking. He knew he did a wrong thing, and he couldn't deny it because it would truly hurt the other's feelings!

Master Guan coldly said, "Why stop? Didn't you feel so right about yourself? Why stay silent? You got such a great thing from him, and now you are so eager to turn against him! How could you? Does silence make help you escape? I never know you are such a shameless man, Qin Wudao! If your cultivation is as good as your shamelessness, you will be invincible in the world…"

Master Guan kept scolding him, and he didn't dare to talk back. His face turned red, blue, green, and then colorless. What a play of face changing!

Master Guan was still angry, and he even started to blame the other old masters. Suddenly, somebody said something loudly.

"Stop this now. As you wish, let's check the Bloodline Jade Plate!"

A silver lane of light shined in the sky.

A long stream of light was tearing the sky apart.

A middle-aged man suddenly showed up, who was in white clothes, looking down at the crowd with a pair of cold eyes.

"Great Ancestor." People of the seven clans knelt down at the same time.

Ye Yunduan was respectful too. He slightly bowed and said, "Ancestor Yue."

The middle-aged man paced down to the ground casually from the sky, as if he was stepping down the stairs. Every step he made, a moon and a golden lotus would appear and hold his foot.

Everybody felt peaceful and calm as this man showed up.

Ancestor Yue seemed to walk pretty slowly, but actually, he was fast. Within seconds, he had reached Ye Xiao.

That was incredibly fast. He wasn't faster than Erhuo, but he was special!

Ye Xiao looked at the man, without fear in his eyes. He was calm.

Ancestor Yue looked at Ye Xiao and then turned around to look at Ye Yunduan. He seemed to feel difficult.

As he looked at Ye Xiao again, he smiled and said, "I haven't shown myself to the public for a hundred thousand years. Now here I am, for what happened a hundred thousand years ago. There is always a reason for something. You have done something I never expected, young man. This is complicated now."

Ye Xiao blandly smiled and said, "That is not true. The young Master Ye over there is recognized. I, the Monarch Ye, is simple too. However, it is surprising."

People of the seven clans all felt frightened. They obviously never knew that Ye Xiao dared to be so unruly while talking to Ancestor Yue. They wanted to shout and stop Ye Xiao, but they didn't dare to even talk loudly in front of their Great Ancestor.

"I am Yue Youyou. Have you heard of my name?" The middle-aged man smiled. He wasn't angry at all. When he asked the question, he seemed to be quite interested.

It was so strange. Everybody felt like the world had just gotten through another one hundred thousand years within a few seconds!

Everybody felt blank.

"I do." Ye Xiao stood straight up and smiled. "The Seven Golden Lotuses and the Great Ye Clan. You are the Phantom Moon, Yue Youyou."

"You have crossed the entire Limitless Ocean with one step and slaughtered the three Sky Immortals in the old days. You have guarded the south gate of the East Sky with one sword in your hand for ten days. A moon over the north of the city. Nobody could get in or out the south gate of the capital of the East Sky. That is legendary. Of course, I know."

Ye Xiao talked with respect, but in his eyes, there was only indifference.

Yue Youyou made a sigh and said, "That is a long time ago…"

He asked, "Master Ye Yunduan, one of the things Ye Xiao just said isn't true. Do you know which one?"

Ye Yunduan was surprised. 'One of them is not true? What?'

'How do I know?'

'That was over a hundred thousand years ago… How am I supposed to know? Nobody told me about it ever anyway.'

However, he was the descendant of the Great Ye Clan, a child of the Great Master Ye's bloodline. If there is any secret about his clan, he must know about it. Yue Youyou didn't intentionally make trouble for him.

Ye Yunduan bitterly smiled and respectfully said, "I don't know."

Yue Youyou humphed and casually said, "Well, so be it. How many of the things that Ye Xiao just mentioned do you know?"

Ye Yunduan was surprised again. He knew that lying was never going to work while talking to a powerful man like Yue Youyou. If he lied, it would disgrace himself. Even though he didn't want to, he answered with honesty, "I haven't heard much about it. In fact, I know none of those things."

Yue Youyou nodded. He was still calm, and he just blandly said, "Right."

After that, he didn't ask Ye Yunduan anything anymore. After a while, he broke the silence and asked Ye Xiao again, "Ye Xiao, how did you get to know all those things? They could be some stories in the old days. I believe they should be forgotten after all these years… It was over a hundred thousand years ago after all. Men forget. They always do."

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Chapter 1554: Bloodline Test

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Ye Xiao blandly said, "People tell stories, but they are eventually forgotten. The pen that writes history is sharper than a knife. It writes stories and creates legends. There are books that have recorded the stories of great people like you. When I was drinking with Master Guan and the other old masters, I got to know the Seven Golden Lotuses and the Heaven's Leaf. After that, I have been collecting information. I guess it wasn't a waste of time in the end.

"After collecting enough information, according to the information, I roughly know the personalities of the seven great cultivators of the Seven Golden Lotuses… In fact, if my information is correct, I even know how many wives they had and what they feared for… Let's say I know many personal things about them…"

Ye Xiao blandly smiled.

Everybody saw the gloating behind the bland smile. What he meant was obvious. 'I even know their personal issues, which means I surely know those big events about you!'

"Forgetting is a man's nature. All men forget. A hero is a hero. The story of a hero will be forgotten, but there is something that can keep the stories, which is a history book."

Ye Xiao smiled and said, "There are some ancient books that have recorded the stories of the heroes in the old days. People should remember the heroes! People who have no great ambition will never step on the road beyond clouds."

Master Yun was shocked. As he looked at Ye Xiao, he was touched. In his eyes, there was fire.

'People who have no great ambition will never step on the road beyond clouds!'

The ancestor of the Yun Clan was Yun Duanlu. The name Yun Duanlu meant the road beyond clouds.

What Ye Xiao said was a famous saying of Yun Duanlu. The ancestor made it the creed of his clan to warn his descendants, from generation to generation.

There was a story about that saying too. Yun Duanlu's brothers got to know the creed, and they all thought that it sounded like he was showing his own weakness to people.

Stepping on the road beyond the clouds was fine. It was not a problem to encourage others to do so. However, because the man who said so was named Yun Duanlu, it was a problem. How could Yun Duanlu, their brother, be stepped on by anybody?

However, Yun Duanlu explained to his brothers and said, "A road is a road. Even though it is beyond the clouds, it is still just a road. People have to step on it, and it has to be stepped on. I am not belittling myself because I am not exactly a road. It is just the truth! However, not every man can walk on the road beyond clouds. Not every man could step on me, Yun Duanlu."

That happened in the ancient days. Even people in the Yun Clan didn't know the story because the story was too old. Even the old Master Yun did not know the full story either.

However, what surprised Master Yun was that Ye Xiao, a young man, actually knew about it, and he actually heard the story from the young man's mouth.

Ye Xiao had just gotten the seven masters' names a few days earlier. Within such a short time, he actually dug out all the information! It was astonishing!

At the moment, Master Yun was frightened and shocked, and he couldn't calm himself down easily.

Yue Youyou made a long sigh.

After a while, he talked to Ye Xiao again and said, "Ye Xiao, Monarch Ye, my six brothers asked me to come and solve this problem today. I will do the Bloodline Jade Plate test again. Do you have a problem with it?"

Ye Xiao heard him and then laughed and said, "There is no need to do it. Why bother? It will be just a waste of time. I am never even close to the Great Ye Clan, and I have never thought I was from the beginning! No matter what this is about, I can't shamelessly recognize somebody else as my ancestor, can I? I am not that hopeless!"

Yue Youyou blandly said, "That is open-minded. However, it concerns the future of the Seven Golden Lotuses. The seven clans have to stick together, and this is something we must do to reach the same conclusion. We need proof, and we have to do this. Please, forgive me."

Ye Xiao bitterly smiled and said, "Please, don't be sorry. I am flattered. What can I say? I am too weak to make the decision here. Even if I said no, nothing would change. My opinion doesn't matter. The bigger fist has a bigger power. My opinion doesn't matter, so I guess the only choice I have is to accept it. Go on then."

Yue Youyou was surprised, and then he nodded. After that, he took out a jade plate which was completely white like snow from his pocket. As he operated his energy from inside his body, the jade plate started to shine in colorful lights. Nobody saw the white color of it anymore.

After a while, the lights slowly blacked out, and it was a normal jade plate again.

He held the jade plate in one hand and made a step ahead. Suddenly, his eyes turned sharp. His face turned dark. It seemed he saw something somewhere far away that he didn't feel good about, so he humphed strongly!


That humph sounded like a thunderclap, shaking the entire place.

With that shocking sound, it seemed the energy of the entire world was gathering over to this place!

Even though the energy flow was so incredibly powerful, nobody in the Monarch's Hall sensed it. However, those who were on their way to the Monarch's Hall were affected. They were some itinerant cultivator and people of other forces, who were coming over to the Monarch's Hall after getting to know something interesting was happening in the Monarch's Hall. They felt like a huge mountain was falling down on them at the same time.

Those who were flying in the sky got hit by the powerful energy wave that was oppressive like a huge mountain, and they fell to the ground!

All those who got hit started to spit out blood as if they would die the next second! Blood came out from their mouth and nose, and their inner organs were severely damaged.

Within hundreds of miles, nobody was able to stand up again!

"Go away!"

Yue Youyou shouted.

Ye Xiao and some men sent out their spiritual mind to check what was happening outside.

All they could see was that around the Monarch's Hall, within hundreds of miles, a lot of men were flying backward, moving fast away from the Monarch's Hall.

They seemed to be kicked away.

In three hundred miles from the Monarch's Hall, all cultivators were cleaned out. Animals and other living creatures were all killed!

The death of all the living creatures was not the most astonishing thing. There were some ordinary people in the area other than cultivators, animals, and other living creatures!

However, these people, who knew nothing about cultivation, did not hear anything or feel anything. The horrible power wave did not affect these ordinary people at all.

That power wave was incredible, unbelievable, and horrible.

With a shout, the entire area was shaking, and the sky and earth were changed! How magnificent!

"What a great power, ancestor!"

People of the seven clans all knelt down and started shaking.

Since the Great Master Ye lost the fight back to the old days and disappeared from the world, the seven ancestors of the seven clans refused to step on the soil of the martial world again. Yue Youyou hadn't made a strike like this for a long time. As he casually made such an incredible strike to this area, the world was shocked. It was legendary… Nobody could have even imagined things like this.

Yue Youyou slowly sighed. His peaceful heart was shaken.

He wouldn't have done this, but he had a slight flame of anger in his heart on this day.


He didn't want to think about it. He pointed at Ye Yunduan, but Ye Yunduan didn't notice it. From Ye Yunduan's forehead, a drop of blood came out and flew over to the jade plate.

The blood moved extremely slowly.

It was getting closer and closer to the jade plate.

Yue Youyou blandly said, "There are two methods to use the Bloodline Jade Plate of the Great Ye Clan. First, when the descendant is close to the jade plate, it turns hot and red. It happened twice. First, when it was close to Ye Xiao and second when it got close to Ye Yunduan. The sign proved a man's identity as the descendant of the Ye Clan. That is why we thought Ye Xiao was the descendant, and the four clans did much to support him."

"Second, we can use the other method… The blood of the Great Ye Clan echoes with the jade plate. When the blood goes along the jade plate, Brother Ye's image will appear."

As people heard what he said, people were all filled with deep esteem.

Ye Yunduan was too.

Except for Yue Youyou, none of these people had ever seen Ye Hongchen.

Ye Hongchen was a legend, an epic hero!

Nobody had thought that they could see Ye Hongchen on this day. The Great Master Ye, who was as powerful as the five sky kings.

Ye Yunduan's blood was getting closer to the jade plate. The jade plate was in the air, and it started to turn red… Other than that, it started to emit heat! It was real.

Ye Clan's Blood; Red Sky!

The second method to test the bloodline wasn't finished yet, but the first one was already done. The jade plate had turned red and hot!

Ye Xiao was staring at the Bloodline Jade Plate. He seemed to be calm, but both of his hands had made fists.

He clearly felt his heart beating fast. He wanted to shout out to vent the grudge, and it was harder and harder to hold the impulse.

He could feel the desperation!

The blood was moving slowly, and it would eventually touch the jade plate. When the blood just touched the jade plate, the jade plate shined an enormous blow of red light. An energy flow suddenly covered the entire world!

Everybody felt like kneeling down to kowtow!

In the red light, the shadow of a man appeared.

The man was wearing a purple robe, standing right up in the void. The image was getting closer and closer until it finally revealed the man's face.

It was a handsome young man with pretty eyebrows, like two straight swords pointing to two sides of the sky. His eyes were profound and deep like the years were passing through them. It felt like time was like nothing to him!

"Brother Ye, it has been quite a while!" Yue Youyou couldn't stay calm anymore. He knew that it was just the image of his old brother, yet he was still thrilled. He stepped forward, and his eyes held tears.

'It has been a hundred thousand years, Brother Ye!'

Ye Yunduan made a sigh.

He was the descendant of the Great Ye Clan, and he believed nothing would change. As the image of his great ancestor appeared, he was still nervous. After a while, he finally calmed down.

Ye Hongchen's image appeared in the sky for just a few seconds and then became some purple smoke scattering away.

"Ye Yunduan is the descendant of the Great Ye Clan." Ye Yunduan took a deep breath and said.

The others must be soaked into the enormous power because none of them heard that Yue Youyou's voice was weird.

Yue Youyou was a little disappointed.

Master Guan knelt on the floor, and he looked hopeless.

Yue Youyou looked at Ye Xiao and pointed out a finger.

Ye Xiao sighed and closed his eyes. He said, "It is what it is. There is no need to do any test again. The Great Ye Clan will never send two descendants out for this… I am not a descendant of the Great Ye Clan. Master Yue, it is enough. Don't you agree? Do you want to humiliate me again?"

Yue Youyou stopped in shock.

He looked at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao was talking to him helplessly like a man without a soul. Yue Youyou was upset.

He didn't spend much time with Ye Xiao, but he liked this young man a lot!

As Ye Xiao said, the Great Ye Clan wouldn't send two descendants to fight each other. It was enough to test one man!

Yue Youyou knew it, but he really liked Ye Xiao. The Bloodline Jade Plate showed a sign before anyway. Yue Youyou still hoped that things were not as people expected. Perhaps, Ye Xiao was a descendant of the Great Ye Clan, too. Perhaps, Ye Xiao didn't know it for some reason!

Yue Youyou knew that it was almost impossible, but he still wanted to try it for Ye Xiao. However, Ye Xiao gave up. As Ye Xiao said, if Yue Youyou insisted, it would be a humiliation to Ye Xiao!

Yue Youyou made a sigh and took over the Bloodline Jade Plate.

When he took the jade plate back, he felt bored and upset.

'Why should we push everything to the edge? Why should anybody humiliate him to the edge? Isn't that enough?'

'This is it. The truth is the truth. We all saw it coming. Why am I so anxious? Why am I so annoyed? Why am I angry?'

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Chapter 1555: Pressing On At Every Stage

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

"Now this is it. We have the truth. The Seven Golden Lotuses must fight for one goal. We must stick together." Yue Youyou suddenly felt anxious for no reason. He did not want to stay any longer. After what was said, he left the place and became a long rainbow across the sky.

When the long rainbow appeared and Yue Youyou was leaving, Yue Youyou found that the purple smoke in the air started to gather once again. The image was coming up slowly again.

Yue Youyou was shocked, so he stopped. The long rainbow disappeared and he fell from the sky, nearly hitting himself on the ground.

Ye Hongchen appeared in the air one more time. Yue Youyou had a stronger feeling this time. It seemed his old brother was truly hiding in that purple smoke, looking at him with a blurred face.

The smoke blurred the image, but the man's face was vivid and clear in Yue Youyou's eyes.

"Brother Ye!"

Yue Youyou's heart was beating, and he spoke loudly with an exclamation, "What is it that you want to say to me? It has been so many years… We miss you so much!"

A soft flow of wind blew over and the purple smoke scattered. The image of the man was gone as well. The purple smoke was rising up and scattering away. This time, the image appeared quietly and the smoke disappeared silently. Nothing was left.

Yue Youyou stayed in the sky. He was lost for a while. All of a sudden, he made a long shout and disappeared with a flash!

His voice was resounding in the air behind him. "Brother Ye! The great name of the Heaven's Leaf will never fall!"

That shout was from the purest power of Yue Youyou. The entire City of Chaos was shaking when the sound rang in the air. The city was almost breaking down because of it.

Everybody's ears were ringing, and they felt dizzy.

That was it. They had a conclusion now.

One of the seven great ancestors, Yue Youyou had shown himself to prove the truth. Even though Master Guan was stubborn, there was nothing he could do. In the end, he could only make a long sigh. It seemed he was aged dozens of years. He stayed on the ground and was too weak to stand up.

His heart was broken, and he was like a dead man!

Ye Xiao made a sigh and walked over to Master Guan. He held Master Guan up and gently said, "There is a reason, and there is the outcome. I am grateful for your help, Master Guan… Thank you for what you did… However, I can't pretend the descendant of the Great Ye Clan. I am not the guy the Seven Golden Lotuses want. This is the truth. Please, old master. Don't feel bad. We will meet again someday."

Master Guan shakily stood up. In his hand, there was a warm jade bottle. He knew that Ye Xiao had put it into his hand. It was a farewell gift. He closed his eyes and sighed to the sky. Tears fell off his eyelids and crawled over his face.

He stood there and didn't move.

He didn't move, but the people of the Guan Clan were walking over him to join the other side one by one.

They were all silent.

The great ancestor had come to help, and the truth was proved. Even though Master Guan was the clan chief, these men knew what was right to do. There was nothing he could change. That was it!

After a long time, Master Guan kept his head down. It seemed his energy was all gone. He staggered step by step ahead to the other side. While he was still walking, he suddenly stopped to shout sadly. He abruptly flashed and then disappeared in the sky!

Ye Xiao watched the old man leave, and he felt heavy in his heart. He felt like a big heavy rock was put on his chest and pressed his heart.

The old man was hurt. The worst wound was the wound on one's feelings. He hoped that the dan beads he gave Master Guan would help him out of the sorrow…

Ye Yunduan watched Master Guan leave, and saw people of the Guan Clan walking slowly over to join him. His eyes were filled with coldness.

However, the coldness soon disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

There was a thought in his heart, and he was lost in it.

'The Seven Golden Lotuses of the Great Clan Ye. What? Can't it be six golden lotuses instead? The Guan Clan doesn't seem to be loyal. Do I really have to keep them with me? Humph. Maybe not.'

As the four clans left the Monarch's Hall, the Monarch's Hall was like an empty shell. Meng Youjiang and his men in the Department of Battle were all they had.

The management system of the Monarch's Hall was gone, and there used to be more people in the management system than the cultivators. Now there were only cultivators.

These people stood there and watched everything happen. Many people had been drinking and laughing with them before this day, yet now they all left the Monarch's Hall. The Monarch's Hall, which was known to be full of capable men, was now an empty shell. There was nothing they could do. Many people were angry and grudge-bearing, but they had to endure it.

Would the Monarch's Hall collapse just like Ye Yunduan said?

Ye Yunduan was confident when he arrived. He thought his plan was easy and great, but unexpectedly, troubles kept happening. Now, everything was settled. Although it didn't end as well as Ye Yunduan expected, he still felt happy about it. He looked at Ye Xiao like looking at a clown. In a soft voice, with a warm smile, he said, "Brother Ye, that is it. The truth is the truth. I told you, the Monarch's Hall is going to… Hah hah…"

Ye Xiao coldly said, "What are you talking about? The Monarch's Hall is not going to collapse. The four clans chose to stand on your side, not because of you. You don't have the power and capability. The Monarch's Hall is still the Monarch's Hall. It won't collapse just because they left!"

"I am here. I, the Monarch, am here. The Monarch's Hall stands!"

Ye Yunduan looked around the people behind Ye Xiao, and he was disdainful.

Those were all middle-level Divinity Origin Stage cultivators. There were over two thousand of them.

However, they were not good enough.

'A bunch of stupid dogs and chickens. That is all!'


'All you have is a bunch of weak shrimps now. Why don't you give in? Do you really think you can expand your territory and increase your influence with these men?'

'Well… I don't need to have more men to join me, no matter how weak they are. There must be something they can do. If I can recruit some of these itinerant cultivators, I will have better fame at least!'

Ye Yunduan tried to be friendly. He smiled and said, "Brother Ye, as I said, the truth is the truth. The Monarch's Hall doesn't have enough people. Your organization is an empty shell. Why do you have to keep those men with you and lead them to nothing? They don't have a future staying with you. You may break down at any second. After all, you have gotten quite some enemies during the past few months. Now the four clans have left you… If your enemy comes to attack, you are very likely going to be destroyed… Look… You don't need to wait for destruction. You always have a choice. I think you are all good men, so I would love to give you a choice. No matter who you are, as long as you join me, I would love to fight your enemies as they are mine."

What Ye Yunduan said was unluckily the truth. The Monarch's Hall had expanded greatly, so they had made lots of enemies during the expansion. The Monarch's Hall was developing as fast as the House of Chaotic Storms. Both of them had destroyed many other forces. If the enemies came to start a fight, the Monarch's Hall might not be able to defend themselves. After all, the help from the seven clans was the main reason why the Monarch's Hall could win so many fights in a short time. The Monarch's Hall was now eighty percent weaker than before!

Ye Xiao calmly said, "Thank you, Master Ye, for your kindness. The Monarch's Hall will never be destroyed, as long as I, the Monarch, stand… It takes time to prove my point. You are offering a good opportunity, and I won't stop anybody else to join you."

He thought for a while and talked to his own men. "Brothers, if any of you want to follow Master Ye, I won't stop you! I will hold a feast for you, to memorize the days we have stayed together. There is one thing you must remember, though. You have made a vow to me. You can join whoever you want, but you can't turn against the Monarch's Hall. Someday in the future, you must do one thing for me to return the debt. That is enough!"

Ye Xiao was not being narrow-minded. It was a deal they made in the Hall of Life and Death after all.

Ye Xiao could let them leave, but he couldn't save people for anything!

Ye Yunduan had planned for a long time on dealing with Ye Xiao, so he knew the deal. He smiled and said, "That is true. That is fair."

And then he took a breath of relief.

He did not really care about the men of the Monarch's Hall so much. Those men were too weak. However, if he could get these itinerant cultivators, it would be a good start to recruit more powerful itinerant cultivators from the Limitless Ocean. He was going to get a good reputation because of it!

He was worried that Ye Xiao might stop these men from joining Ye Yunduan, but Ye Xiao turned out to approve it. In Ye Yunduan's opinion, it would be easy as a cake to recruit these people, because he was the descendant of the Great Ye Clan after all!

It was not something these people needed to hesitate about. The right choice was obvious. Nobody would make the wrong decision!

In fact, Ye Yunduan always saw Ye Xiao as a clown. He was impressed when the Monarch's Hall expanded incredibly fast, and he was surprised by how magnificent Ye Xiao's dan beads were. However, he believed one thing. 'If not for the Seven Golden Lotuses, Ye Xiao was nothing.'

That was why he never looked Ye Xiao in the eyes.

After that, when he finally met Ye Xiao, he started to hate Ye Xiao!

There was a strong hostile feeling.

No matter who Ye Xiao was, what he did, how he was, Ye Yunduan didn't feel right when Ye Xiao was around.

He did not want those people in the Monarch's Hall, but he wanted to take them over. He knew that if he did this, Ye Xiao, the great dan-maker, would never work for him, but he still wanted to hurt Ye Xiao!

Taking over Ye Xiao's men was a strike in Ye Xiao's heart, and it made Ye Yunduan happy.

Ye Yunduan was never a narrow-minded man. However, since he met Ye Xiao, he was. The strong hostility in his heart was impossible to get rid of.

He used to plan to recruit Ye Xiao and be good friends with Ye Xiao. He wanted Ye Xiao to be like his brother. However, he didn't want him anymore!

It was weird, but that was how it was. Sometimes, when two people liked each other, they became friends forever. Sometimes, when two people hated each other, everything seemed to be wrong about them!

"Guys, I am Ye Yunduan of the Great Ye Clan. Please accept my respect." Ye Yunduan softly smiled and looked at the men. He said, "A man never gets to decide his own fate in the martial world. I guess you all feel that."

The people he was talking to were all silent.

Ye Yunduan said, "Life and death, wealth and poverty. How do we get what we want? How do we reach the position beyond the clouds? I think you all know the answer."

"You know what this is about. You know how the Monarch's Hall is like. Powerful forces are rising in the City of Chaos. Competition is everywhere. I don't think you want to die in vain. The best way to make your effort count is to find yourself a strong background. You know what is the best to choose. Will you stay with the Monarch's Hall, which is going to end, or come and join me to embrace a new life? I think you will make the right choice.

"I am not the best, but I am a descendant of the Great Ye Clan. You know why I am here. To be honest with you, I would love to have you as my own men. I would love to fight for the glory with you on my side. I wonder if you trust me."

He paused, giving time for the men to think. After a while, he blandly smiled and said, "Make one step ahead if you want to join me. Let's create a legend that belongs to us. The Great Ye Clan had companies in the old days. You can be our companies in the future."

That was some fine speech.

He was giving a good speech to inspire the crowd. When he was talking, he sounded friendly and soft, like the men of the Monarch's Hall were already his brothers.

However, when he looked at Ye Xiao, he couldn't hide the gloat in his eyes. That ruined the sincerity he pretended to show.

Ye Xiao pretended not to see him. He just stood aside in silence. He was watching Ye Yunduan's poor performance.

'You have taken away the four clans, and now you are going to take over my men…'

Ye Xiao sneered.


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Chapter 1556: Severe Competition

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Ye Xiao wasn't worried about whether the rest of the people of the Monarch's Hall would leave or not.

In fact, he didn't care!

For him, those who could resist the lure and chose to stay were the men he truly needed.

What happened at the moment was a severe competition, so he could select those he needed the best!

The Seven Golden Lotuses gave him the biggest support, but Ye Xiao had never seen it as a part of the Monarch's Hall. After all, the power came from others, and he never truly relied on it!

Those who chose to leave him easily meant nothing to him. How could he put his trust in people like that?

What Ye Yunduan was doing actually helped Ye Xiao select the good ones from the masses. Ye Xiao wouldn't try to stop it. Why would he?

Even if all the people of the Monarch's Hall were gone, he wouldn't be any more frustrated.

At the very least, he could start over again, with his own hands. If one thing didn't work, he would find another!

Ye Yunduan had finished his speech, but people of the Monarch's Hall were still in silence.

Bu Xiangfeng, the Dark Evil Spirit, Bai Long, Qiu Luo, and Meng Youjiang all showed a dark and sullen face. They were staring at Ye Yunduan. They wanted to kill this guy, and they were holding the impulse down!

As the descendant of the Great Ye Clan, it was understandable that he would go against the Monarch's Hall and Ye Xiao. After all, he had to take back the four clans of the Seven Golden Lotuses!

However, he had taken them back now. He won the conflict, and he had brought hostility to the Monarch's Hall. He should stop now, but he didn't. He kept making further moves, trying to take over the rest of the people of the Monarch's Hall. That went too far.

'You talked like you are so sincere and kind, but we are not blind. Look at your gloating eyes. We can clearly see it! Look how you keep looking at our Monarch, trying to provoke him! That is disgusting!'

'You have taken what you wanted. Why do you have to humiliate people like this?'

'We can't follow a man like this. He may sell us immediately someday!'

Ye Yunduan was surprised that nobody responded. He thought the men felt embarrassed to leave, so he said again, "Aren't you interested? I can give you more things to show sincerity. Whoever leaves with me today will be a member of the team under my direct leadership. Each of them will get three dan beads that can save them from death. Other than that, each of them gets a divine weapon. How about that?"

As he was speaking, he raised up his wrist and turned over his hand. A saber was in his hand, and it created a glittering stream of light that drew an image of a lotus. The light glittered in the air like a rainbow.

The guards who stood around Ye Yunduan took out their iron rod and threw them into the lights. As the rods touched the saber lights, they became pieces of scraps.

"This is one of the divine weapons that I promise you. You won't get a weaker one. You have my word." Ye Yunduan was so friendly and humble, but it didn't deny the fact that he was trying to buy people's loyalty."

The men of the Monarch's Hall were still in silence, but some of them started to be moved.

"I am patient. I can wait." Ye Yunduan sincerely said, "As long as you can be absolutely loyal to me, and join me to the greatness in the martial world, I can wait. I can wait as long as you need. A fine bird chooses a solid tree to perch in. A good man chooses the right leader to follow. I would like to spend more time on the right ones."

At this moment, a big tough guy abruptly stood out and said in a deep voice, "I am only at level three of the Divinity Origin Stage. Will you accept me?"

Ye Yunduan was delighted. He just wanted somebody to step out and be the first. The guy was at level three of the Divinity Origin Stage, and even if he was at the Faery Origin Stage, Ye Yunduan would be glad to accept him. "Brother, I am grateful for your approval. Of course, I accept you! Come over, join us, and we are brothers!"

That man nodded and then walked ahead.

However, the man who stood right in front of him did not make way. In fact, the man even moved a bit to stand in his way.

"Please. Excuse me." The tough guy said.

"What? Who do you think you are?" Several men who stood in front of him turned around. One of them was Du Qingkuang, who disdainfully said, "You? A disgusting man like you? How dare you ask me to make way? One more word and I will kill you right here, right now!"


He spat on the tough guy's face. Du Qingkuang kept talking disdainfully, "Ungrateful piece of sh*t! F*cking traitor! How dare you speak to me?"

The tough guy was so awkward. His face turned red and he didn't know what to say.

"Qingkuang, move aside. Let him go." Ye Xiao calmly said, "Let him leave! Do you want to keep a man like this around us?"

Du Qingkuang was enlightened and said, "That's true. I should have seen it. What an idiot I am! Sorry, that was my fault. Please, go now. Move!"

The tough guy walked out of the crowd then staggered to Ye Xiao. He said with embarrassment, "Master, I am sorry… I… I dream of a divine weapon that belongs to me… I… Well…"

Ye Xiao blandly said, "Go now. You don't owe me anything. All men fight for themselves. Just keep the words that you gave me in the beginning. There is nothing else I want from you. Go now."

Li Erleng, the tough guy, bowed and ran to Ye Yunduan, with his head low.

Li Erleng was the first, and it was only the beginning. Over one hundred men of the Monarch's Hall went to Ye Xiao, bowed, and ran to Ye Yunduan with their heads low.

People kept coming to join him, and Ye Yunduan was more and more delighted.

The Monarch's Hall people were shouting abusive words. Some of them even attacked those who chose to leave.

"Bastard! You ungrateful dogs! How could you do this?"

"Son of a b*tch! Are you a man? Does your vow not count?"

"Lord Monarch saved your life, and yet you do this to him? How dare you?"

"Lord Monarch taught us not to hurt those who turn away from us. You and I are no longer friends anymore. I would like to call you a bastard, and I hope we will meet again because I will beat you up to death whenever I meet you! Wait for me!"

"I am going to kill you now! You ungrateful son of a b*tch!"

Ye Yunduan watched those men running over to join him. He was so happy, enjoying the moment and stared at Ye Xiao. That was obviously provoking!

However, Ye Xiao was calm, standing there without moving a bit. In fact, he seemed to feel relieved while watching those people go. He truly wasn't annoyed at all.

"Why are you happy about this? I have no idea what is it that amuses you. Could you share it with me?" Ye Yunduan asked with a smile.

"Oh, you got me. I thought nobody could tell I was glad. I guess I am still too young, so I am not good at covering my true feelings. This is delightful, what is happening now. How can I not feel happy?" Ye Xiao seriously said, "A righteous man has nothing to hide from the public. Since you asked, I would love to answer. Thank you for what you did, Brother Ye. It is always difficult to tell the disloyal follower from the loyal ones. When the wind blows strong enough, the gold under the sand will come out. Brother Ye, what you are doing is helping me a lot. This helps me select the men I truly need. However, you do not ask for the credit. What an honorable man! What a shame we are not at the table with drinks. I should drink for this!"

Ye Yunduan's face was twisted. His delighted face froze immediately.

It was so awkward as if he had just realized what he had been enjoying turned out to be a piece of sh*t in his mouth.

Ye Xiao was right. What he did helped him select the loyal ones!

What did Ye Yunduan need those disloyal men for?

Ye Yunduan was mad, and he loudly said, "Meng Youjiang, you are clever enough to see the truth. I would love to have you on my side to reach greatness in the future! What do you think?"

The hostility was obvious now. Ye Yunduan decided not to pretend to be humble anymore. In order to recruit some powerful cultivators of the Monarch's Hall, he directly talked to Meng Youjiang.

Meng Youjiang was the head of the Department of Battle and the most powerful man under Ye Xiao's leadership. He used to be the leader of the Dark Wind Mountain, and it made him famous.

The Monarch's Hall had lost the four clans, and most of its men were gone. Over ten percent of the people who stayed were from the Dark Wind Mountain. Other than that, the Dark Wind Mountain was a sub branch of the Monarch's Hall, in which all the people followed Meng Youjiang's command!

If Meng Youjiang joined Ye Yunduan, most of the Monarch's Hall people would leave with him. It must be a severe strike in Ye Xiao's heart, and it might cause the collapse of the Monarch's Hall immediately!

If Meng Youjiang left for Ye Yunduan, this was not a selection to Ye Xiao anymore!

Ye Yunduan was confident that Meng Youjiang would join him because he had given Meng Youjiang three great dan beads, a hundred thousand purple spirit coins, and a chance to have a breakthrough in cultivation. He had promised to give whoever joined him more great things, and he thought nobody could resist it.

At least, he thought that Meng Youjiang couldn't resist it, because he was just a leader of a second-class local force!

Meng Youjiang stepped forward and said loudly, "Thank you for your invitation, but I don't think I am good enough to join you. I am weak and foolish. I don't want to be a sandbag to your Saint Origin Stage cultivators."

He laughed and then said, "In my opinion, it is always better to be the head of a group of weaklings, than to be the bottom of a group of strongest. I am nobody. I believe you agree with me!"

"I can't say that I am an honorable man, but I am definitely not a contemptible person. I don't think I can do this!"

"Besides… I have my own principle…" Meng Youjiang looked around and suddenly spoke loudly, "I would rather die with honor than live with shame! I would rather die with my brothers than live alone!"

"Well said!" Over one thousand and six hundred men of the Monarch's Hall, who decided to stay, shouted at the same time to support him.

That shook the entire world.

Those who had left for Ye Yunduan kept their heads down and didn't dare to look at the others in the eyes.

"Let them go. Let them leave!" Meng Youjiang said, "People like that are dishonorable! They are traitors! How can we trust them with our lives? How can we let them stay with us in the Monarch's Hall? It is a good thing to let them leave! Whoever wants to go, move now!"

"That is correct! Those who want to go must go now!"

People cheered.

Master Ju, Master Yun, and Master Song realized that the Monarch's Hall was still spirited up, yet those who left and came to join them were frustrated. The three old men sighed.

Ye Yunduan was a young lord of a great clan. He was excellent in many parts when compared to ordinary people. However, when compared to Ye Xiao, he couldn't win.

The three old men were experienced and cunning, so they could see what Ye Xiao was doing. Ye Yunduan was a lot worse than Ye Xiao at playing schemes.

The three old men sighed.

If they hadn't met Ye Xiao, Ye Yunduan would be good enough to impress them. However, Ye Xiao was right opposite to them now. Ye Yunduan insisted to compare himself with Ye Xiao, trying to oppress Ye Xiao. That was awkward because he only got to humiliate himself in the end.

It was a difference between the clouds and the mud!

It was a difference between the sky and the earth!

Ye Yunduan made his promise, trying to take over most of Ye Xiao's people. However, in the end, he got only one hundred and forty-three. It meant nothing for the Monarch's Hall because they had over two thousand Divinity Origin Stage cultivators.

Li Erleng was an example. The one hundred and forty-three men were all weak cultivators who did not have a strong will.

These men were useless!

The outcome was not as Ye Yunduan expected, and that pissed him off. He felt disgraceful, and he had an impulse to destroy the Monarch's Hall immediately. However, he kept pressing down the impulse, because it was not a good time to do this yet.

The Seven Golden Lotuses had finally gathered together to stand on his side. Master Guan of the Guan Clan left with anger.

If Ye Yunduan killed the Monarch's Hall right now in front of the four clans, what would happen?

Ye Yunduan wasn't sure. He couldn't take the risk.

It was never too late to kill. He was going to have the opportunity to kill Ye Xiao and the Monarch's Hall someday!

When Ye Yunduan was going to give the order to retreat, Bu Xiangfeng suddenly stepped out. He walked to Ye Xiao and bowed.

Ye Yunduan was excited. 'Is Bu Xiangfeng going to join me? If he comes to my side, it will be such a pleasant surprise!'

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