
Just Let Me Live In Peace- Teen Wolf

A teen wants nothing more then to just relax and keep up his interest that he has always had, but why does this system keep stopping him from doing what he wants to do? I own nothing but my OC and my Ideas, everything else goes to the creator.

Leaving_Life · TV
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27 Chs

Season 1 (CH23):

Previously on Just Let Me Live In Peace- Teen Wolf:

Ryan went bowling with his mom, while there they bonded over talking about stuff going on in their lives. Also Lydia and the rest appeared for their date giving insight to the girls minds. Now back to Ryan!!!


"So you aren't going to go over and say 'hi' to them?" His mom asked as she had been drinking a little more she had been wanting to talk a lot, which he wasn't having much of a problem with.

"Nope. It is mother son night tonight, so I will be spending all my time with my beautiful mother tonight. Friends can wait until school tomorrow." He said with a smile while grabbing his ball since it was his turn.

She smiled at him while shaking her head but she didn't bring it up again, she wasn't going to force him plus thought it was a good idea herself for them to have a little space. As his mother she just hoped that he found a good girl for himself, she didn't want him to find someone who didn't put him first or use him.

As the others moved to start bowling they started their third round, Ryan wasn't paying attention to them but he could hear some of the things they were talking about. It seemed that Lydia played the helpless girl again, that is until Allison encouraged Scott telling him to imagine her naked, which hurt him a little.

Shaking it off he didn't pay it anymore attention, it seemed that nothing between them would change, he would just stop trying he was tired of being desperate. Although he had just gotten into his feeling about them he squashed them, he was going back to being the guy who kept his feelings on the inside, from now on they were back to being just friends.

"Seems you are going all out this time." His mom said while giving him a high five as they passed one another.

He laughed a little, he was finally remembering that he was here with his mom, "Yeah, can't lose this bet. I really want the mustang all to myself this week, just so you can't drive it."

She laughed while picking up her ball, "Oh we will see about that, who doesn't like being pampered and having their meals waiting for them when they get home."

He laughed taking it more seriously, without the weight of thinking about his relationship with the girls he didn't need to feel any pressure, which he loved. His mom was also smiling a lot, he was happy to see that she was happy, he was growing up more and the more time she spent at the hospital they didn't see each other much.

Taking a drink of his soda he couldn't help but side eye where they were playing, when he did he happened to clash eyes with Lydia who was looking over, she wasn't even paying attention to Jackson. The two paused staring at one another, Ryan's eyes were locked on her and he really didn't want to look away.

She sent him a small smile and a wave, which he responded too, without a second thought he actually sent her a small text before getting up and taking his turn. When he turned back he saw that his mom was looking at his phone, "So you messaged Lydia huh? Thought he weren't going to think about them?" She said with a teasing tone.

He blushed and coughed into his hand, "Well we connected eyes and I just thought I should say something to her, at the same time I wasn't going to leave you just to go speak to them."

"Please you just can't ignore that girl. I know you, just cause we don't talk about relationship's doesn't mean I don't notice. I won't say to much but be careful, and actually talk to the girl, it is obvious you both like each other, don't play games before something happens." She said while patting him on the shoulder and going to take her turn.

For the next thirty minutes Ryan thought that over while messaging her and playing the game, he actually ended up winning, well hardly winning by just three pins. It actually got pretty intense there in the end, the two both were smiling and laughing as they got ready to go though, overall they were just happy that they could have a night out like this.

"This was a fun night mom. We should do it more, or at least you should get some friends and go out with them to do this, or you know get a boyfriend." Ryan said as they were changing their shoes out.

"Har Har mister. I know you are right though, we should get out and do this more or at least I should invite the girls out for a girl night. Melissa has actually been asking me for a wine and movie night but I haven't responded." She said while putting on her ankle boots, they always brought extra shoes because bowling ones got uncomfortable after they were done.

"Well do it then. Your next off day you should set that up, you shouldn't need to spend all you free time with your son, you already see me everyday." He said while shaking his head.

She nodded, "Yeah you are right. I am going to finish off these last couple of wine coolers and answer emails. Go ahead and do something at the arcade or talk to your friends."

He nodded but didn't go to them since they were still in the middle of the game, instead he did go to the arcade, there was a Pac-Man machine that he wanted to play. Walking over he stole a glance at Allison and them, Lydia was typing away on her phone since it wasn't her tone, hopefully replying to him.

When his pocket vibrated he knew he was right, he checked it smiling a little before sending something back before he went to play Pac-Man. He didn't get another message but he did get caught up in the game, it wasn't until level fifteen that he felt someone next to him.

"You are doing pretty good." Lydia's voice said in his ear as she leaned next to him watching him play the game.

"Thanks. So how is your date going tonight? I can't help but notice that you are here with me rather then over there with your boyfriend Jackson." He said while running away from Blinky.

"Well yeah, I just figured I could come over and--" She stopped talking as someone else stood on the other side of him.

"Hello there Ryan, and who might you be? Haha just kidding Ryan already told me who you were it is nice to meet you Lydia, my name is Penny Stevens Ryan's mother." His mom said from next to him with over protective but friendly mother voice.

"Ah, Ummm, It is nice to meet you Ms. Stevens I am Lydia's friend.... I mean Ryan's friend Lydia." She stuttered out while blushing at her mess up.

His mom giggled while looking at Lydia with a fond smile, he saw it out the corner of his eye as a new level started, he actually wanted to see how Lydia would act around his mom. Although he was focused on the game he was playing that didn't mean that he didn't listen to what they were talking about.

"So Ryan tells me you are really smart? I know he is placed third in your class but where are you?" His mom asked moving around to stand next to the girl.

"Umm First, it has been hard work but I am really hoping to get into a good college." Lydia said a little nervously.

"That is amazing do you know what you want to do already? Or are you still undecided, I mean you are only in sophomore year so it isn't a surprise if you don't know what you want to do." His mom asked.

"Something with the sciences I haven't really thought about what exactly but I do know that it will be something in the field of science." Lydia said sounding unsure of herself some.

For another twenty minutes they talked about random things like that, it wasn't until he died at level twenty-five that they stopped talking. Ryan moved away from the machine seeing that Allison and the two boys were also making their way over, Lydia and his mom were speaking in hushed tones while smiling at one another.

"Ready to go Ryan?" She asked seeing that he was done.

"Yeah let's head out." He said nodding to the other three that finally joined them.

"Alright. Well you kids should head home too, you parents are probably worried about you, and there is a curfew out so you all need to head home." His mom said while looking at all of them, it seemed they had no thoughts of playing more rounds of bowling anyway.

"Yeah that is where we are going, we are done playing for the night." Lydia answered for them all.

His mom nodded before walking away first not before she handed him the keys, "Well I am the driver tonight so I am need to go. See you all later, enjoy the rest of your evening."

No one said anything though he did get a small nod from Lydia, Allison looked like she wanted to say something but with Scott next to her she didn't, Jackson looked indifferent. Walking out he saw his mom leaning against the car, when they got in he turned the heat on low and drove off, half way to the house she fell asleep with a small smile.

He laughed parking the car and carried her inside, she didn't wake u even after he took off her shoes, shaking his head he put her into the bed and kissed her cheek before leaving. Going back to his room he checked his phone seeing he got a message from Lydia, he looked at it for a moment before making a decision.