
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 591

Chapter 591 On a whim, I want to be a rope!

This meeting finally appeared, and it was even bigger than he imagined.

"It finally came in handy."

Su Xuanji said with great relief.

There is still a bit of impatience in his eyes.

This made the bloodthirsty bat with a low intelligence on the opposite side, feeling puzzled and angry.

The human race in front of me is not afraid of it at all.

That kind of eyes even seemed to be looking at something that could be played at will.

It's like it's watching other weak bloodthirsty bats or maybe other beings.

But he didn't feel that he had anything to do with the weak at all.

It is also extremely disgusting that any other existence looks at it with that kind of eyes, especially a human race.

Just looking for death.

The bloodthirsty bat immediately let out a sharp cry and rushed towards Su Xuanji.

It's very fast.

Faster than all bloodthirsty bats before.

It even surpassed the speed of Jade in the Stone.

If this bloodthirsty bat went after Shi Zhongyu, I was afraid that Shi Zhongyu would not be able to stand it now.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji once again decided to stop fighting.

He had this plan before.

But after the shot, he found that not all bloodthirsty bats need time to deal with.

So he changed his mind.

but now.

His thoughts were different.

It is not that his thoughts are not firm, but that the situation is changing rapidly.

He has killed a lot of bloodthirsty bats, but the number of bloodthirsty bats has continued to increase and not decrease.

In other words, the number of bloodthirsty bats that came here is far higher than the ones he killed.

Under such circumstances, his plan to get rid of all bloodthirsty bats is somewhat unrealistic.

It's not that he can't do it, but that it is not the best choice after weighing the pros and cons.

At that time, Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu were in danger.

It's better to leave as soon as possible while there are not more bloodthirsty bats than now.

At the very least, he must first heal the Heavenly Emperor, and after he is healed, he will not be too late to deal with these bloodthirsty bats.

All kinds of thoughts raced through my mind.

But in fact, the huge bloodthirsty bat has not yet come to Su Xuanji.

at the same time.

The little bloodthirsty bats surrounding him all dispersed.

All threw the blood of the earth dragon on the ground.

As if he thought he could not be their food, but the huge bloodthirsty bat's.

Su Xuanji raised his eyebrows, and then tossed what was in his hand when the bloodthirsty bat opened his mouth in front of him.

It was an earth dragon tendon, an earth dragon tendon tied into a rope.

The loop of the rope was large enough to fit around the neck of the huge bloodthirsty bat.

Immediately after.

Su Xuanji retracted the rope with all his strength, and stuck it tightly on the neck of the bloodthirsty bat.

The bloodthirsty bat immediately struggled hard.

Such a huge bloodthirsty bat, the power is no joke.

Every time he flaps his wings, he can carry a gust of wind.

All the bloodthirsty bats around the blowing are all tossing around.

Some of the weaker ones were even directly smashed into pieces by the Gang Wind, becoming food for other bloodthirsty bats.

It caused a frantic fight.

And these giant bloodthirsty bats don't care.

He just wanted to break free from the shackles of the dragon tendon rope in Su Xuanji's hands.

But the more he struggled, the more he seemed to get tighter.

It's hard to let it scream.

This made the huge bloodthirsty bat even more angry.

At the same time, Su Xuanji was very happy.

When he was dealing with other bloodthirsty bats before, he found this earth dragon tendon from the bones of the earth dragon.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

On a whim, I wanted to make a rope and put on a bloodthirsty bat.

But this earth dragon tendon is a little long and a little big, and the common bloodthirsty bat is not heavy enough at all.

Just when I was worried, a huge bloodthirsty bat came, which just made the earth dragon tendon rope come in handy.

Shi Zhongyu looked at Su Xuanji curiously while dealing with the bloodthirsty bats surrounding him.

"What is your son going to do?"

"Why can't I understand?"5

God heard the words.

Suddenly smiled.


"Your son's work has never been unexpected. 99

"It is impossible to guess what he will do."5

"You'll know when you look at it."

at this time.

Shi Zhongyu was suddenly hit in the back.

In an instant, there was no more pain, and there was another deep pit.

This made him not dare to be distracted any more, but he was curious about what Su Xuanji was going to do.

You can only take a peek at it from time to time, even if doing so will cause you more injuries, you will not hesitate to do so.

He was just too curious what Su Xuanji was going to do.

Every time he doesn't understand what Su Xuanji is doing, it proves that a good show is about to be staged.

It is a great pity for him to miss every time.

Therefore, Shi Zhongyu would rather resist a little more damage than miss this opportunity.

The Emperor of Heaven is quite leisurely, although his face is very pale, he should close his eyes and rest.

But how could he ignore Su Xuanji's new novelty?

What is he going to do?

Heavenly Emperor and Shi Zhongyu raised the same question.

Although he was calm on the surface, he could even speak to appease Shi Zhongyu.

But in fact, his curiosity was no less than Shi Zhongyu's.

His eyes, completely, fell on Su Xuanji's body.

Chapter 592 Unexpected answer, I can't stand it!

Watching his every move closely, not letting go of the slightest bit.

at this time.

Su Xuanji moved.

He directly pulled the other end of the earth dragon tendon rope, but ran wildly in the air.


Running wild in the air.

The dragon tendon rope was continuously released in his hands, causing the huge bloodthirsty bat to get farther and farther away from him.

also getting higher.

at the same time.

The huge bloodthirsty bat is constantly struggling, trying to get rid of the shackles.

He even opened his mouth to spit out black light and hit the dragon tendon, but to no avail.

The damage of the black light to the earth dragon tendon is very limited, and it will take a while to completely destroy it.

"220" But in the current situation, it may die at any time, how can it wait so much time?

Immediately, he struggled violently, and at the same time kept spitting black light at Su Xuanji's back.

But whether it was struggling or the black light, Su Xuanji did not have the slightest harm or loss.

It was still tightly hooped by Su Xuanji in the rope tied by the ground dragon tendons, and passively followed Su Xuanji and flew.

And the connection between it and Su Xuanji is the long ground dragon tendon in Su Xuanji's hand.

The scene seems strangely familiar, yet unbelievable.

"Emperor every day..."

"Our son....is this flying a kite?"

Shi Zhongyu was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

A rope, a huge bloodthirsty bat was put down.

Isn't this what kite flying is?

But does anyone fly such an ugly and dangerous kite?

It's no use!

But the fact is in front of you, even if Shi Zhongyu doesn't want to admit it, he can't do it.

Heavenly Emperor could hardly believe what he saw.

Although Su Xuanji has been constantly shocked, this time, he can be said to be completely unexpected.

Even in front of me, I can't believe it.

But it did happen in front of us, and it was irrefutable.



"fly a kite.....

God said it was difficult.

He had absolutely no idea why Su Xuanji would do this.

This move seems a bit out of tune.

But that's Su Xuanji, and it seems reasonable to do anything.

It also seems that everything is full of meaning.

This made Tiandi still subconsciously speak for Su Xuanji even though he was still confused.

"There must be a reason for him.

"It must be so.""

"We look at it."

Heavenly Emperor said.

As a loyal follower of Su Xuanji, Shi Zhongyu naturally nodded his head.

Immediately, he didn't know what the mystery of kite flying would be.

But that didn't stop him from applauding Su Xuanji at all.

"What the Emperor of Heaven has said is very true. 35

"Our son is extraordinary.

"No matter what he does, there must be a reason for him."

"Even if it's boring, it's an excellent reason to pass the time.

"I feel in favor and support.35

Shi Zhongyu said in a deep voice.

He said it with a serious face, and did not force it in the slightest.

As a person who has been in the high position for a long time, the Emperor of Heaven knew as soon as he heard it that this jade in the stone was definitely a talent.

It has the style of the magic mountain.


Shi Zhongyu suddenly shouted.

The Heavenly Emperor was suddenly startled and looked at it immediately.

I saw that a large piece was missing from Shi Zhongyu's head.

Any bigger and the eyes are gone.

Shi Zhongyu immediately looked in the direction of the black light just now in shock and anger.

God also looked over.

It was a bloodthirsty bat that was smaller than Su Xuanji's kite-flying bat, but not too much smaller. . .

He stared at the two of them eagerly, and opened his mouth to spit out a black light again.

Go straight to Shi Zhongyu's head.

Shi Zhongyu didn't dare to be distracted anymore, he didn't want to eat any more suffering just now.

He immediately mobilized his defenses to protect himself and the Heavenly Emperor with all his strength.

This time, he was more serious than ever.

Don't dare to have any reservations.

In fact, he did not go all out before, and always wanted to keep flowing.

After all, there were too many bloodthirsty bats, and he couldn't bring himself down in a short time.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to support it for long, or even now.

After all, he was faced with endless bloodthirsty bats, even if Su Xuanji blocked most of them.

But the rest flowed over, and it was enough for him to drink a pot.

This is still in the case that many bloodthirsty bats are robbing the blood of the ground dragon everywhere.

If all the bloodthirsty bats who came here rushed over, then even if he did his best, the support time would not be enough.

But now there is nothing to do.

Can only be resisted.

Otherwise, he will explain it here with the Heavenly Emperor soon.

It was too late and then too fast, and a black light hit Shi Zhongyu 0.5's head fiercely.

Immediately after.

A dent appeared on Shi Zhongyu's head instantly.

Although it is not very deep, it can even be said to be flat.

But don't forget.

Shi Zhongyu is now in a state of going all out.

It can be said that his defense is the best at the moment.

But even so...

Traces were easily left on his head.

And the other bloodthirsty bats who kept spitting black light at him.

They failed to leave a mark on his head.

That is to say.

Go all out, it is effective for these bloodthirsty bats.

Chapter 593 Suddenly realized, the color of ecstasy!

In comparison, it shows the power of that huge bloodthirsty bat.

In the state of going all out, Shi Zhongyu is not sure how long he can support.

But he knew it wouldn't be long.

Another black light has fallen.

He hit Shi Zhongyu on the head again.

This time, it was easy to leave traces again.

The other bloodthirsty bats followed, constantly besieging him.

Even if they can't break his defense temporarily, but cumulatively, it is not a small consumption.

Can continue to shorten the time he can support.

at the same time.

The huge bloodthirsty bat screeched again.

This time, it was more high-pitched and more slender.

As soon as I heard it, I felt like I was stabbed with a long needle in my head, and it stirred up a lot.

Heavenly Emperor's face turned pale again in an instant, the whole person was shaky, it seemed that 03 might fall off Shi Zhongyu's shoulder at any time.

Shi Zhongyu hurriedly raised his hand to support him, and at the same time hurriedly looked at Su Xuanji.

I saw that Su Xuanji was waving the bloodthirsty bat kite in his hand, which was constantly smashing at those ordinary bloodthirsty bats.

The frightened bloodthirsty bats kept running away.

He even smashed the huge bloodthirsty bat against a stone wall.

And there happened to be a cave on the stone wall, and the bloodthirsty bats that kept flying out of it were all smashed back.

The huge bloodthirsty bat struggled hard, howled mournfully, and kept fighting back.

But it was always suppressed by Su Xuanji, and even the left wing was trampled off!

The crisp sound made the huge bloodthirsty bat not even dare to struggle, and could only keep flapping its other wing.

Only in this way can he keep himself from falling, but he does not dare to move wildly.

Su Xuanji didn't dare to be too alarmed at all, obviously he was greatly frightened.

Even the look in Su Xuanji's eyes was filled with panic and panic.

And Su Xuanji didn't hold back and kept smashing the huge bloodthirsty bat beside the cave.

The screaming screams continued to spread, so that bloodthirsty bats no longer flew out of the cave on the side.

In the caves in other directions, the bloodthirsty bats flying out obviously increased, which can be seen at a glance.

Obviously, those bloodthirsty bats were frightened and changed their direction.

Shi Zhongyu had absolutely no idea what Su Xuanji was doing.

But at this time, he had to speak.


"I may not last long."

Su Xuanji nodded.

"Hold on a little longer.""

"Soon. 35

As soon as this word comes out.

Although Shi Zhongyu still didn't know what he was doing.

But the natural trust made his dangling heart loose.

So is God.

Although he also did not understand what Su Xuanji did, he absolutely trusted Su Xuanji.

Since Su Xuanji said so, it must be doing something.

It's just that he doesn't understand it.

at the same time.

The huge bloodthirsty bat beside Shi Zhongyu made a sharp cry again.

Sharper than before.

It's almost like piercing a hole in the eardrum.

Then, something terrifying happened.

Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi were instantly shocked.

Originally, they were all over the place, constantly competing for the bloodthirsty bats that ate the blood of the ground dragon.

All of them gave up food one by one.

Immediately, one by one, they killed Shi Zhongyu and Heavenly Emperor, staring at them.

Immediately after.

It's just black light after another.

Keep hitting Shi Zhongyu.

Shi Zhongyu immediately roared in shock.

"You don't talk about martial arts. 39

"Come on together."

"You think I can't hide! 35

talking room.

Shi Zhongyu had already avoided.

Although there are bloodthirsty bats all around, even more and more, constantly squeezing his space.

But he still tried his best to avoid it. Now, in this situation, he could hold on for one more breath.

Dodging, he couldn't help but look at Su Xuanji.

Seeing that Su Xuanji, who was beating up the huge bloodthirsty bat, suddenly loosened his hand.

It seemed to be inadvertent, and the bloodthirsty bat burst into ecstasy when he noticed it.

Immediately afterwards, like lightning, he jumped into the cave where bloodthirsty bats no longer flew out.

That giant 220-sized body disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shi Zhongyu believes that it must be the fastest speed in his life.

But until now, he couldn't understand what Su Xuanji's intention was.

at this time.

Su Xuanji's voice suddenly appeared in the voice of Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi.

"Bloodthirsty bats are not afraid of death.

"They are not afraid of me, but they are afraid of the huge bloodthirsty bat.

"It didn't even want to get too close, so I used it to create a passage for us to leave.

"In this way, we can leave smoothly."


Shi Zhongyu and Tian Di finally came to their senses and understood what Su Xuanji meant.

There was ecstasy in the eyes of the two.

I see.

It is so!

They finally get it!

First let the huge bloodthirsty bat be afraid of him, so as to ensure that it chooses to escape.

Instead of getting out of the way, come to entanglement.

Meanwhile, pick a cave as the exit.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 594 It's not a generation that is greedy for life and fear of death!

However, he kept beating the huge bloodthirsty bat on the side, scaring all the surrounding bloodthirsty bats away.

Of course, this is not the main thing.

The most bamboo monster is constantly scaring away the bloodthirsty bats that were selected from the grottoes.

Even startled them to change directions, this is the real way to leave.

Otherwise, bloodthirsty bats will fly out of every cave.

Don't say leave, they are simply surrounded by groups.

And I want to get out of the cave in the safest way, instead of encountering bloodthirsty bats halfway.

It's better to let the giant bloodthirsty bat make the way.

In this way, it can be ensured to the greatest extent that the way to leave is unobstructed.

Otherwise, Su Xuanji will definitely be fine, but the two of them may not be.

A seemingly absurd move, there is such a deep meaning behind it.

And they thought so thoughtfully and meticulously, to ensure the safety of their departure to the greatest extent.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu immediately admired him!

If it were them, they would never have imagined it.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you think about it, you can't do it.

To the extent that it is difficult for them to protect themselves now, if they are alone here, they may not be able to get out.

Also, they haven't forgotten.

They were able to handle it before, and it was the result of Su Xuanji's efforts to attract other bloodthirsty bats.

If they were ignored from the beginning, they would be afraid...

Thinking of the result, Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu both froze for a while.

It's too late to say.

All the ideas, but they are all over in my mind.

Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi were still surrounded, and Su Xuanji was coming with all his strength.

But apart from the one Su Xuanji deliberately made before, everything else is the same as before.

Swarms of bloodthirsty bats kept flying out of the other caves.

There were even seven giant bloodthirsty bats in it.

Some of them went to Su Xuanji, some to Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi.

Right now is a dilemma.

Either Su Xuanji stops alone, Shi Zhongyu and Tian Di are still in danger.

Because Su Xuanji can't split one in two, he can only do one thing at a time.

Either Su Xuanji didn't care to save people, and the three of them would be surrounded by that time.

The situation of Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi may not be optimistic either.

This made it difficult for Su Xuanji to decide.

But he had no time to hesitate, he had to make a choice immediately.

In a hurry, he took advantage of the situation to stop the bloodthirsty bats who wanted to pass him and kill Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi.

Immediately after that, he continued to shoot, attracting more bloodthirsty bats to attack him.

The pressure on Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi did not decrease because they were still surrounded.

But they saw the bloodthirsty bats crowded around Su Xuanji, and their eyes were full of worry.

In particular, there are seven huge bloodthirsty bats, even if they can't fathom Su Xuanji's bottom.

It also made them feel worried, and their hearts were hanging.

At the same time, bloodthirsty bats continued to fly out of the densely packed grottoes.

There are many of those huge bloodthirsty bats, and there are even bigger ones.

As soon as it appeared, everyone was attracted by Su Xuanji.

At this moment, Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi couldn't even see Su Xuanji's figure.

Because he was completely surrounded, he couldn't find it.

But they soon didn't have the time to pay attention to Su Xuanji.

Their situation is already precarious.

One after another black light fell, and Shi Zhongyu's defense could not hold up no matter how powerful it was.

The gray light on his body continued to weaken, and finally swayed, like a candle that was about to go out.

It seemed that it might disappear at any time, and Shi Zhongyu immediately roared, and instantly curled up into a big stone ball again.

This time.

He also did not forget to protect the Heavenly Emperor in it.

The protected Heavenly Emperor instantly understood Shi Zhongyu's intention.

He is using his own life to protect him and fulfill Su Xuanji's entrustment.

Although Heavenly Emperor did not want to die, he was not a person who was greedy for life and feared death.

It will not hide behind the old patriarch of the stone people and let him sacrifice.

He struggled immediately, but because of his serious injuries, he was no match for Shi Zhongyu.

at the same time.

Shi Zhongyu suddenly screamed.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of stone breaking suddenly sounded.

Although Tiandi couldn't see anything at the moment, he thought he knew what happened.

His defense was broken, and he was completely under attack from bloodthirsty bats.

If things go on like this, Shi Zhongyu won't be able to last long.

Heavenly Emperor felt despair and guilt in his heart.

Yet at this moment.

He suddenly felt an extremely domineering force, lifted him and Shi Zhongyu together, and then threw it out.

When he saw the light again, he was already at the edge of the cave.

And this cave is the safe one that Su Xuanji made not long ago.

He sat on the shoulders of Shi Zhongyu, who was scarred.

"It was the son who saved us."

"I saw him in a rage, instantly killing the huge bloodthirsty bats that blocked him.

Chapter 595 Appears in time, more choices!

"Then just ignore it and let those bloodthirsty bats attack him, and then they come to us."

"Then they threw us here.

"I was surrounded by a lot of siege myself. 39

Shi Zhongyu said with difficulty.

His eyes were full of shock and emotion.

In fact, since he followed Su Xuanji, he was ready to sacrifice for the Lord.

Although no one wants to die, since he has become a follower of others, the whole clan must look up to him to live.

Naturally, it is necessary to do everything the master explained, even if it is death, it must be done.

He just planned to sacrifice himself, and he was able to protect the Heavenly Emperor for a moment.

And without hesitation, he was willing to give his life for Su Xuanji's orders.

But he never imagined that Su Xuanji would actually see him after his defense was broken.

He was furious and rushed over to save him regardless.

He said so many words to the Emperor of Heaven, but when it actually happened, it was only a moment.

But in that instant, it gave him an extreme shock.

Even in his mind, 220 continued to replay the scene just now.

When Su Xuanji rushed at him, it was like a hero of the world.

The violent murderous intent and power, as well as the invincible sharpness, are all unforgettable.

He sat here with an unreal feeling.

As if in a dream, dreaming of a peerless master.

But he clearly knew that this was the reality, and the people he followed were so powerful, how could they care about the life and death of their subordinates.

Such a person seems to appear only in a dream.

"Follow your son in this life.

"It's the blessing that I have cultivated in my ten lifetimes."

"It's the great blessing of our entire stone people.""

Shi Zhongyu looked at Su Xuanji's direction and muttered.

at this time.

Su Xuanji looked at him with a frown.

"What are you doing?"

"Let's go first with the Heavenly Emperor. 35

"Don't be long-winded, I'll be there later.""(adaf)

Shi Zhongyu just opened his mouth to ask.

He was repelled by Su Xuanji's words.

Although he didn't want to leave Su Xuanji alone, he absolutely had to listen to Su Xuanji's words.

In desperation, he could only carry the Heavenly Emperor and turn around and run wildly.

When many bloodthirsty bats saw him escape, they immediately chased after him.

But Su Xuanji dodged directly and blocked the entrance of the cave.

He looked at the bloodthirsty bats coldly.

"With me here, none of you will try to catch up today. 35

at the same time.

Those huge bloodthirsty bats all surrounded the road.

Su Xuanji snorted coldly and took the initiative to greet him.

the other side.

Shi Zhongyu carried the Heavenly Emperor and ran wildly.

Almost a bloodthirsty bat was not encountered along the way.

Occasionally encounter two or three kittens, and he easily solved it.

It can be said that the road is very clean.

"Sister Su, he...

Heavenly Emperor said.

But before he finished speaking, Shi Zhongyu was interrupted.

"Young Master's order is to let me take the Heavenly Emperor away."

"Then I will do the same, as long as we are safe, the son will come back."5

Shi Zhongyu said in a deep voice.

This time, he was extra serious, with a bit of the style of the patriarch in the past.

Tiandi nodded when he heard the words.

He knew that by staying behind, Su Xuanji was blocking the countless bloodthirsty bats.

Not only that, there will be more bloodthirsty bats from other caves to the caves.

The number is so huge that it is unimaginable.

But without where they are, Su Xuanji has no regard for it.

I believe that I will get out and return as soon as possible, and the emperor is also confident in this.

But even though both of them believed Su Xuanji, their eyes looked back uncontrollably.

I haven't seen Su Xuanji for a long time, so I can't help but feel anxious.

At this moment, they came under the long stone steps before.

There are some bloodthirsty bats here, but not many.

They were all heading towards the burrow, and when they saw the two of them, they immediately killed them.

Obviously it was the blood of the Heavenly Emperor that attracted them.

Although Shi Zhongyu was also injured, it was far less serious than that of the Heavenly Emperor.

Three to five and two to solve the cats and dogs among these bloodthirsty bats.

But then, he saw that the stone steps were in trouble.

He passed through here, who was not tall enough, but he rolled down before.

"Just destroy it directly.

Heavenly Emperor said.

Anyway, what's going on below has been figured out.

Destroying this stone staircase has no effect at all.

Shi Zhongyu nodded immediately after hearing the words, and then picked up the Heavenly Emperor and jumped up the stairs with great strides.

Every two steps, the space is not enough.

He punched it directly, punching out more space, until it was enough to accommodate him.

At the same time, with a sudden jump, he came directly to the highest point and walked out.

As soon as it came out, it was in the stone room where the limestone moth was located before.

There are also quite a few bloodthirsty bats here, and there are even two huge ones.

Shi Zhongyu had a solemn expression on his face, and immediately put down the Heavenly Emperor and spoke firmly.

"I'll deal with it."

"Heavenly Emperor, just stand aside, don't rush out."

"Maybe there are more bloodthirsty bats out there.""

Hearing the words, Tiandi nodded.

He knew that there were no more options at this time.

It is more appropriate to just nod rather than tangle and argue.

Chapter 596 Pick up 1 in 1 hand and jump directly!

"Be careful."

Heavenly Emperor only said this sentence and retreated to the corner.

However, at this moment, another huge bloodthirsty bat flew into this fact.

Behind it, there are also many common bloodthirsty bats.

Their arrival made Shi Zhongyu's face even gloomier.

At this moment, he is not in his prime, and the Heavenly Emperor needs him to be distracted and protected.

It's not good for these bloodthirsty bats to shoot together.

at this time.

The bloodthirsty bats all flew towards the heavenly emperor they were most interested in.

Shi Zhongyu immediately stopped in the middle, intending to fight hard.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared in front of him.

Immediately, he made a bold move, and before he could react, everything was over.


"You're finally here!"

Shi Zhongyu said in surprise.

The Heavenly Emperor also had a happy expression on his face.

They weren't just happy to be rescued.

I was even more happy to meet Su Xuanji.

They looked Su Xuanji up and down, and they were relieved to see that he had no injuries.

Su Xuanji raised his eyebrows and spoke.

"If I wasn't worried that you might be in danger, I'd have to get them all together."

Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi were at a loss.

However, Su Xuanji's mind flashed the image of the cave where he had balled up those huge blood bats and plugged them away.

If he hadn't worried about the two of them, he would have killed all those blood bats!

Immediately, he looked at the two who were all injured and sighed softly.

"Let's go.

"There are too many of them.

"Let's exit the secret realm first to heal you."

The words fall.

Su Xuanji opened the way ahead.

Shi Zhongyu put the Heavenly Emperor on his shoulders and followed with a big stride.

It didn't take long.

The three of them passed the passage they came from and walked out.

The dazzling light hit his face, making Shi Zhongyu feel like he was after a catastrophe.

But soon.

The light was blocked.

Blocked by layers of bloodthirsty bats.

Pieces of impressions are cast from their heads, making people feel that there is nowhere to escape.

If he was alone here, Shi Zhongyu felt that he could just wait to die.

But with Su Xuanji in front of him, he was not afraid at all.

Su Xuanji looked at the dense, bloodthirsty bats hovering in the air, but was surprised.

He was not afraid, but felt a little disgusted.

Too much of anything looks disgusting, not to mention ugly things like bloodthirsty bats.

"If you're so ugly, don't come out and mess around.

"Isn't it good to hide?"

"Don't come out and show your eyes."

Su Xuanji looked at the bloodthirsty bat and said.

At this time.

The bloodthirsty bats in the top space suddenly separated.

An extremely large bloodthirsty bat was revealed.

How big is it?

Putting together ten stone piers is almost the same.

Su Xuanji immediately determined that this should be the king of bloodthirsty bats.

If it is normal, Su Xuanji must know it.

but now.

If you are entangled by this bloodthirsty bat king, those dense bloodthirsty bats will also pounce.

He is nothing, but Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu are about to suffer.

Facing the icy stare of the bloodthirsty Bat King.

Su Xuanji smiled kindly.


"Aren't you happy to say you're ugly?

"You are the ugliest one!""

As soon as this word comes out.

The bloodthirsty Bat King was instantly furious.

Obviously understood Su Xuanji's words.

Immediately killed Su Xuanji.

And Su Xuanji was waiting for this moment.

The surroundings and the sky are surrounded by bloodthirsty bats, and if they want to break through, Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi will fall into it.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

But when the bloodthirsty Bat King moved, a huge gap was revealed.

At this moment, Su Xuanji directly picked up one in one hand and jumped directly.

Before Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi who were picked up could react, people had already appeared on the back of the bloodthirsty Bat King with Su Xuanji.

Just listen to the bloodthirsty Bat King suddenly scream.

In an instant, all the bloodthirsty bats rushed towards them.

That kind of scene can no longer be described as dense.

It's literally overlapping, one on top of the other.

Many bloodthirsty bats even bumped into each other.


And the target of all bloodthirsty bats is them.

If you are timid, you will definitely feel creepy, and it will be difficult to even move.

But for Su Xuanji, it's just a small scene.

Just got goosebumps in disgust.

With a slight tap of his feet, Su Xuanji leaped forward and easily came out of the smaller and smaller gap.

Looking back again, but this blink of an eye.

The smaller and smaller gap just now has been filled by the dense bloodthirsty bats.

If it just slowed down even for a moment, it would not be able to get out.

It will be full of bloodthirsty bats.

Thinking of that picture, Shi Zhongyu felt chills down his spine.

Why not let him be dressed as a stone doll by Su Xuanji!

Just at this time.

Suddenly, a hurricane whipped up the bloodthirsty bats in the gap.

All were thrown out.

Immediately after.

The bloodthirsty bat king with huge wings flashed straight towards the three of them.

"No longer.

Su Xuanji said lightly.

Immediately under his feet, he disappeared in place again.

The bloodthirsty Bat King screamed and immediately chased after Wu.

Chapter 597 Don't say a word, just shoot!

The other bloodthirsty bats followed immediately.

a time.

Like a long tail.

The mighty followed behind the three of Su Xuanji.


"How did they find out my whereabouts?"

Su Xuanji wondered.

At this time, the Heavenly Emperor spoke up.

"it's me."

"They remember the blood on me."

"They can tell the difference between everyone's blood.""


Su Xuanji suddenly realized.

But he wasn't worried.

Although he still carried two, he also did not believe that he would be overtaken by the bloodthirsty bats.

Even if the bloodthirsty Bat King was extremely fast, it was the same for "Twenty Twenty".

After a while of chasing.

Su Xuanji finally came to the entrance of the secret realm and walked out without hesitation.

The bloodthirsty bats rushed there and hesitated.

At this moment, the Bloodthirsty Bat King suddenly screamed.

Immediately afterwards, the bloodthirsty bats flew out one after another.

The bloodthirsty Bat King stared at the entrance for a long time without moving.

It seems that he does not want to leave the secret realm.

But its killing intent on the three Su Xuanji did not stop, and it kept driving other bloodthirsty bats out of the entrance.

at the same time.

Out of secrecy.

The three of Su Xuanji thought they had gotten rid of the bloodthirsty bats.

But after a while, the bloodthirsty bat came out of the secret realm.

Su Xuanji hurriedly took Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu to continue to escape.

But because the Great Emperor spar has not been retrieved, he cannot go far.

He could only temporarily choose a steep mountain, but hid in a hidden cave.

Su Xuanji would go further afield if he could.

That way you can stay farther away from the bloodthirsty bats.

But no, the Heavenly Emperor's injury can't be dragged on for too long, otherwise it will not be conducive to recovery.

It can only choose a relatively favorable place nearby, but the bloodthirsty bat recognizes the blood energy on the Emperor of Heaven.

If you don't deal with it as soon as possible, you will still be caught up and found.

Thinking of this, Su Xuanji spoke directly.


"I'm here to help you stop the bleeding and heal the wound. 99

"Please forgive me if I offend you.

The words fall.

He didn't wait for Heavenly Emperor to speak, and immediately moved his hand.


The emperor's clothes are dead.

Of course, just the robe.

Su Xuanji threw it into Shi Zhongyu's hands.

Immediately speak.

"Tear to shreds.

"The more broken the better."

"And then throw it away far along the way.

"Leave those bloodthirsty bats away first.

"You also cleaned the blood from your body and came back.

As soon as this word comes out.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu understood what Su Xuanji meant.

What a good plan!

Otherwise, they will be found sooner or later by bloodthirsty bats who refuse to give up.

Even though the Heavenly Emperor still has a blood coat on his body, the wound still oozes blood.

But as long as you use this robe stained with the blood of the Heavenly Emperor, you can temporarily lure the bloodthirsty bats away.

The rest of the time was enough for them to deal with the Heavenly Emperor's injury.

At least the bleeding can be stopped first, and then all other bloodstains can be removed.

In this way, you can avoid the pursuit of those bloodthirsty bats as much as possible.

After all, they seem to be endless, so it is better not to provoke them for the time being.

Otherwise, it is really troublesome.


"I know what to do.

"Do not worry.

Shi Zhongyu patted his chest and said.

Then turn around and leave.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Shi Zhongyu's horned head and hesitated.

Su Xuanji smiled when he saw this.

"It doesn't matter 0..."

"He'll be back to the way he was.

"This is the characteristic of the stone people, and I will reward him as well.

The words fall.

Su Xuanji suddenly turned pale.

"I'm going to start healing you now."

"Don't be afraid of pain."

Hearing this, Tiandi suddenly couldn't help laughing and crying.

He is the Emperor of Heaven, not Shi Dun'er, how could he be afraid of pain?

Then he nodded lightly.

No fear.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji shot directly without saying a word.

As soon as he got started, there was a piercing cry of pain in the cave.

Shi Zhongyu, who had just walked out not too far, scratched his head.

If Su Xuanji hadn't been in the cave, he would have thought that this was an accident for the Emperor of Heaven.

Although curious about what happened, he still took the blood coat and did as Su Xuanji ordered.

Soon, he came to the foot of another nearby mountain.

Looking far away, a large number of bloodthirsty bats are rushing towards here.

Shi Zhongyu immediately tore off a piece of cloth the size of his fingernail and threw it on the ground.

However, he turned around and headed for the mountain.

But before taking two steps, he turned back again.

0.5 He quickly picked up the piece of cloth on the ground, then folded it in half and tore it.

"That should be enough."

Shi Zhongyu lowered his head, looking at the two pieces of rags that were only half the size of his fingernails and said.

But he recalled Su Xuanji's and Tiandi's nails, and then looked at his own, it was really big.

It would be too wasteful to tear this blood-coat according to half of his fingernails.

Maybe in the end, because of the lack of blood clothes, he could not complete the task that Su Xuanji explained.

Shi Zhongyu frowned at the thought that he might not be able to complete the task.

In addition to his outstanding appearance and strength, he can become the patriarch of the Stone Human Race, and he also has an extraordinary sense of responsibility.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 598 Bring the st1 snake and look around!

He absolutely does not allow his excellent Shisheng to be in danger of not being able to complete the task.


He folds in half again, folds in half, folds in half again...

Then shred it.

This time, Shi Zhongyu was finally satisfied.

Then he threw down a piece of cloth, turned around and went up the mountain.

It didn't take long.

The bloodthirsty bats came to where he was just now.

However, he rushed towards the piece of cloth like crazy.

Shi Zhongyu, who watched this scene from a distance, suddenly felt relieved.

Before, he was worried that the piece of cloth was not big enough to attract them.

But now it seems that he is completely overthinking.

Immediately, he threw a piece of cloth on the spot, then turned around and continued to go up the mountain.

at the same time.

The bloodthirsty bats seemed to smell the cloth.

They all followed up one by one.

It didn't take long for the bloodthirsty bats to arrive at the second piece of cloth.

Immediately, they continued to chase after 03.

The jade in the stone is thrown into a piece of rags at intervals of not too long or not too short.

At the same time, he is constantly looking for a place to trap those bloodthirsty bats.

at this time.

Shi Zhongyu's ankle was suddenly stabbed by something.

He looked down and saw a stone lying on his ankle.

But there were a pair of red eyes on the stone.

Shi Zhongyu was stunned for a moment, then bent down and picked it up, picking up the stone directly.

This can not be picked up, actually picked up a bunch of stones directly.

Shi Zhongyu took a few glances before he understood.

It turns out that this string is not a stone, but a snake!

The snake looked gray, more like an ordinary stone than him.

And the pieces are coiled together, like a circle of stones surrounded together.

If you don't look closely, you won't be able to see what it is.

"Is it a stone snake?

Shi Zhongyu touched his chin and looked at the snake in his hand.

The more I look at it, the more it looks like it.

Especially the snake grinned at him with its mouth.

The sharp, hooked stone teeth were obviously the symbol of the stone snake.

Shi Zhongyu had long heard of the name of this stone snake.

Infancy is not very powerful, it is nothing, but it is more difficult to be found.

Even a person with a high level of cultivation might not notice it.

Because in terms of breath and power fluctuations, this stone snake is no different from an ordinary stone.

And this is extremely able to conceal one's own ability, after the stone snake becomes the climate, it becomes their nirvana.

As long as the stone snake wants to deal with someone, it is willing to lurch patiently, and chances are rarely missed.

Of course, that's for people who aren't too powerful compared to them.

If he went to ambush Su Xuanji, Shi Zhongyu felt that there was no chance at all.

Inadvertently, he did not find the stone snake, and was bitten.

But if Su Xuanji was here, he would have discovered it long ago.

But I shouldn't say it, I'll see if he's bitten.

In terms of love to play, Shi Zhongyu felt that he knew Su Xuanji very well.

Su Xuanji, who was far away on another mountain, sneezed suddenly.

The Heavenly Emperor, who was sitting across from him, instantly felt as if it was drizzling.

"Keep your mind!

"Don't be distracted!

Su Xuanji spoke quickly and seriously.

The Heavenly Emperor, who had his eyes closed, nodded his head in disbelief.

Su Xuanji breathed a sigh of relief.


"Which guy is calling me."

"If you let me know, hum..."

Shi Zhongyu, who was looking at the stone snake, suddenly shuddered.

He immediately turned his head and looked around with great alertness.

At that moment, he had a feeling of being stared at by some ancient beast.

But after watching it for a while, he didn't gain anything.

He had to look at the stone snake in his hand again.

This stone snake is not big, and it looks like a small stone man in the stone man tribe.

Such a guy is here, and there must be a stone snake's lair around.

A flash of light suddenly flashed across Shi Zhongyu's mind, and he had an idea in his heart.

"Little stone snake, ah little stone snake."

"Although you are young, it is true that you wanted to kill me just now."

"In this case, as the patriarch of the Stone People, if I don't take revenge on you, I will be too embarrassed."

"I have to teach you from a young age that some people are not to be messed with.

"Otherwise, it will bring an unexpected 220 catastrophe."

Shi Zhongyu shook his head and said.

Immediately, he brought the stone snake and searched around.

along the way.

He did not forget to continue to scatter the rags of the Emperor's robe.

The bloodthirsty bats kept chasing, and seemed to sense them, and the stone snake struggled even more violently.

Shi Zhongyu moved in his heart and let go of the stone snake.

The stone snake jumped out instantly, crawling quickly on the ground.

It was as fast as flying off the ground.

But such a speed is nothing to Shi Zhongyu.

He easily followed up, leisurely and leisurely.

At the same time, there are constantly scattered fragments.

Soon, he found that he was getting more and more dangerous with the stone snake.

Came to the steepest peak of the mountain.

After another cup of tea, a huge cave appeared in front of him.

The entrance is quite wide, otherwise, it would be a bit difficult for him to enter.

"Fortunately fortunately.

Shi Zhongyu smiled.

Immediately he threw a rag at the entrance of the cave.

Chapter 599 Random thoughts, wandering beyond the sky!

Then he stepped in and followed.

the other side.

Heavenly Emperor is in great pain.

In my heart, I regret infinitely what I said just now.

He was wrong.

He was dead wrong.

There are people who can treat injuries so painfully.

And he wasn't afraid of pain at all.

It's just that it's rare to encounter such severe pain.

"Hold on. 35

"Don't make any noise.""

"Otherwise, all previous efforts will be lost.

"I don't mind starting over."

"You must be unhappy.

Su Xuanji opened his mouth to remind.

Be as kind as the voice is.

But Heavenly Emperor heard chills down his spine.

Start all over again?

Experiencing the piercing pain again?

It's really not necessary!

He doesn't make any sound whatsoever.

Even if it hurts to death.

Seeing Tiandi's brows furrowed tightly.

Even looking like he could kill a bloodthirsty bat, Su Xuanji laughed.

It turns out that God is also so afraid of pain.

The rhetoric just now, he must make a good joke later.

However, he did not use such a painful method to heal his wounds for the sake of laughing at the Emperor.

Instead, he hopes that the Emperor of Heaven can recover as soon as possible, although he can't immediately recover as before, at least half of it can be recovered.

Only in this way can he maintain a certain self-protection ability in the process of retrieving the Great Emperor spar.

And the method he uses is to reverse the yin and yang.

He has already gained relatively rich experience in reversing yin and yang through his continuous experiments in the Heavenly Palace.

The higher the cultivation base, the more painful it will be for him to cast this method.

That is a method of recasting vitality, like dismantling the vitality of a person and then integrating and forging.

It is a kind of regeneration, and regeneration is accompanied by severe pain.

An indescribable pain.

Unless it was like Shi Dun'er fainted directly, there was no feeling during that process.

Either the cultivation base is very low and the strength is very weak, like the Stone Human Race that he used to test at the beginning.

Otherwise, you will suffer enormous pain, and the higher your cultivation, the more so.


He has other ways of healing.

But this method is the most effective.

Healing for a cultivation base like Heavenly Emperor requires a huge amount of consumption.

If the other party is not the Emperor of Heaven, he will never choose to help in this way.

Ordinary people don't have this treatment.

Don't even think about it.

Time passed little by little.

Su Xuanji is constantly reversing yin and yang.

The wounds on Tiandi's body are constantly recovering.

There were no signs of injury from the wound, but it was only on the surface, and the inside was still badly injured.

But even so, the Emperor of Heaven was still shocked by the power of reversing Yin and Yang.

If he was allowed to heal on his own, at this time, most of the bleeding would be stopped, and there would be no other progress at all.

Because the time was too short, he was seriously injured.

He needs more time to recover himself one after another.

It really takes a while to re-enter the secret realm.

But he didn't have that kind of patience, after all, the Great Emperor Crystal Stone was within easy reach.

As if he could reach out and touch it, how could he be willing to wait?

He will only choose to drag the serious injury and venture into the secret realm again to get the Great Emperor spar.

If there is any danger at that time, it will still depend on Shi Zhongyu and Su Xuanji.

Especially Su Xuanji, without Su Xuanji, he would not be able to survive.

Think about this.

The more Tiandi sighed his luck.

It can be said that since meeting Su Xuanji, he has simply had good luck all the way.

No matter what problem he encountered, there was always Su Xuanji to solve it for him.

I really don't know what good things I did in my past life!

Just when the gods were cranky.

Su Xuanji's cold drink suddenly appeared in his mind.


"Keep your mind! 9

Heavenly Emperor's originally scattered thoughts were instantly concentrated.

The intense pain hit him so violently that he almost screamed.

Fortunately, he still remembered Su Xuanji's advice and didn't dare to speak at all.

This is to avoid giving up all previous efforts, otherwise it will really have to be done all over again.

At the same time, he was terrified!

Just now he was thinking wildly and wandering the world.

He couldn't feel the pain for a while, the more he thought about it, the more he could not keep his mind.

Now that I think about it, he must have run away in pain.

Only then did he get away from the pain caused by reversing yin and yang, and turned his attention away.

But it is precisely because of this, I am afraid that all previous efforts will be lost.

This time, Su Xuanji reminded him aloud and made him return to his senses.

Although after returning to God, the huge pain that followed.

But for him, it was also willing to accept it.

How to recover as soon as possible without this huge pain (it's gone)?

Can't recover as soon as possible, how to enter the secret realm to get the emperor spar?

Are you waiting for Su Xuanji here?

He didn't want to do that.

He is the Emperor of Heaven after all, and he doesn't want to hide in a cave and wait for Su Xuanji to return.

He is going to apply with Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu!

Otherwise, what's the point of the three coming?

Why didn't he wait in the heavenly palace from the beginning?

Think about this.

God casts away all distractions.

Concentrate on experiencing the unbearable pain.

The more you experience it, the clearer it becomes.

It seemed to be fused with severe pain.

Constantly being torn, constantly being healed, being torn again, and being healed again...

This cycle repeats itself endlessly.

Chapter 600 Turn around and run, very fast!

Su Xuanji was relieved to see that Tiandi finally entered the state.

In fact, he wanted to remind Heavenly Emperor early in the morning.

But such reminders are useless.

Just like he realized the reversal of yin and yang, in the end, he still has to rely on himself.

If you can't comprehend or do it yourself, it's useless for anyone to say anything.

He also reversed the effect of yin and yang through continuous experiments and came to a conclusion.

That is, although he can use this magical power to save people.

But it is also necessary for those who are saved to be willing to save themselves and dare to save themselves.

If he can't do it himself, he has the means to reach the sky, so what can he do?

And the higher the cultivation, the more so, if you want to be saved by him, you have to work hard.

And he still trusts God very much.

It is only a matter of time before he can stabilize the pain caused by reversing yin and yang with his mentality that he is not flustered even when his house is taken away.

Now it seems that it is.

The Heavenly Emperor did not disappoint him, and he was completely worthy of his status as the Heavenly Emperor.

It could be said that he was the first person to sober up under his hands so quickly.

The ancestor of the stone man was unable to do it, and it took him a lot of time and energy.

However, although the reversal of yin and yang can greatly improve Tiandi's injury, it does not directly restore him to the original.

If he could do that, he would be the number one person in heaven and earth.

He can only restore the Heavenly Emperor to a relatively balanced state.

He believes that it is still possible to restore half of what it was before.

But there will still be some weakness, after all, it is normal to be seriously injured.

After that, it will take time and assistance to fully recover.

And picking some herbs is the best aid at present.

The reason why he chose this mountain before was because he noticed that there were herbs here that could help the Heavenly Emperor recover.

When the Heavenly Emperor has completely reversed yin and yang and walked out, and Shi Zhongyu has returned, he can go mining.

Thinking of Shi Zhongyu, Su Xuanji couldn't help but wonder.

That guy has been gone for a long time, why hasn't he come back yet?

Arguably it doesn't take that long.

the other side.

Shi Zhongyu, who is remembered by Su Xuanji.

Is following the small stone snake all the way.

The little stone snake kept crawling into the cave, but the cave was really big.

It was as if the entire mountain had been hollowed out, and there were constant passages circling downwards.

Towards the mountainside, go deep.

Shi Zhongyu felt that this place was too ideal as he walked, and threw out the rags in his hand.

When I got here, there were still a lot of rags left in my hand.

But Shi Zhongyu doesn't think these should be used.

On the contrary, he found the remaining rags to be of great use.


Xiao Shi, who was in front of him, turned his head and grinned at him.

The murderous intent in his eyes is better than before.

It was also mixed with anger that was about to come out.

Nothing like this happened on the way, the little stone snake can be said to be obediently hurrying.

When this happened suddenly, Shi Zhongyu was stunned for a moment, and then instantly understood.

He immediately turned his head backwards, as agile as a monkey.

The speed is also extremely fast, and it disappears in the blink of an eye.

at the same time.

On both sides of the two stone walls, two stone snakes flew out in an instant.


If it weren't for the jade in the stone to hide quickly, the two stone snakes would have been attacked by the two stone snakes.

"My dear. 35

"I didn't notice you at all before.

"I've been very careful, your concealment methods are really powerful.

Shi Zhongyu said with lingering fears.

The two stone snakes lie on both sides of the passage.

The uneven wall made it impossible for him to tell whether there were stone snakes on it.

If the little stone snake suddenly became arrogant, he would not have realized that there were other stone snakes around.

Shi Zhongyu looked at the grinning little stone snake and laughed like Su Xuanji.

But he just thinks he looks like Su Xuanji, but it's actually much more hideous.

In an instant, the little stone snake and the other two stone snakes became furious.

Although this stone snake was only a few times larger than the small stone snake, it didn't look very big.

But in fact, this size is already very large in the stone snake family.

Even if it is the Stone Snake King, it will not be very big.

Of course, Shi Zhongyu wouldn't despise the two stone snakes just because they were not as big as his arm.

On the contrary, Shi Zhongyu is extremely cautious.

He slowly stepped back, and two stone snakes immediately followed.

But Su Xuanji did not retreat, but rushed forward.

Immediately, he jumped high, his feet connected, stepping on the top of the two stone snakes, and came to the front of the small stone snake.

The little stone snake immediately turned around and ran, very fast.

Shi Zhongyu didn't care about it either, walked over it directly, and continued to go deeper.

His movements are very fast and very nimble.

Two stone snakes followed behind him, and they would not be able to catch up for a while.

But soon, Shi Zhongyu encountered the stone snake again.

Shi Zhongyu directly relied on his own defense to resist, and then ran away regardless.


Under the pursuit of stone snakes, he came to the very center of the cave.

A stone snake as strong as his arm and as long as three ordinary stone snakes came into view.


That is the Stone Snake King.

When the Stone Snake King saw that he broke in, he immediately circled.

A pair of red eyes flashed fiercely.