
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 521

Chapter 521 Injured and limited magical powers!

But looking at his chubby belly, maybe this is their best candidate.

For Kirin.

He endured.

"Stone Pier..."

Su Xuanji said.

When the words fell, Shi Duner finally nodded with satisfaction~.

"Now can you - lead the way?

Su Xuanji asked.

Shi Dun'er nodded, and immediately turned around and ran away.

That posture, it seems that there is no need to eat when it is late.

Su Xuanji and Tian Di looked at each other, and immediately followed.

at the same time.

the other side.

The unicorn slowly got up, and a group of stone people were already surrounded in front of him.

These stone people looked at him fiercely.

"We've been looking for you for a long time.

"finally found you.

"Are you just obediently grabbing it, or do you want us to do it yourself?"

"You decide for yourself, but... I advise you to be smarter..."

Elder Shi Xin looked at Qilin Road with cold eyes.

They followed the footprints all the way, and the blood of the footprints gradually faded, and it was best that there was no trace at all.

They almost lost it, but fortunately, they continued to walk forward for a while without changing direction.

Otherwise, there will be no unicorns who heal here.

"Hum. 35

"You want to take action against me while I'm injured?"

"If you do something like this, you don't have to be so loud."

"If Su Xuanji and the Emperor of Heaven are here, how dare you do this?"

"I'm so scared that I can't say a word.

Kirin looked at everyone sarcastically and said.

His tone was also unusually disdainful.

It seems that the stone people in front of them are not seen at all.

This contemptuous attitude instantly angered every Stone Human Race present.

Especially Elder Shi Xin, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

But unfortunately.

If he seriously injured the unicorn, it would be fine, but he would not be able to kill it.

They will also use unicorns to restrain Su Xuanji and Tiandi.

"You look like a wounded puppy, how dare you speak out in front of us?"

"It seems that you really don't know how to write the two words bitter. 35

Elder Shi Xin said angrily.

"Ha ha...."

"Of course I can't write it because I haven't eaten it."

"But you are different, not only will I make you understand these two words."

"When Tiandi and Su Xuanji find us, you will not only understand these two words, you will even learn one more word.

"That's the dead word."

Kirin murderous intent said sternly.

He hates being called a puppy dog ​​the most.

Especially outsiders.

Damn stone people, dare to yell at him like this.

It's unreasonable not to put his dignified beast in his eyes!

"Roar! 35

Qilin immediately roared.

The whole person keeps getting bigger in an instant, with a pair of eyes bigger than lanterns, staring coldly at the stone people surrounding him.

The stone people saw the behemoth in front of them, and their eyes were full of horror.

Even the two elders, Shixin and Shimo, were no exception.

Elder Shi Xin never believed that a unicorn was a unicorn.

Looking at it now, it really is!

In an instant, he changed from a little flower dog to an incomparable unicorn.

Although Elder Shimo believed in his unicorn, there was a huge difference between what he imagined and what he saw in reality.

That shock.

Not by imagination.

The coercion and the kind of terrifying power that came from the divine beast were unbearable and shocking.

this moment.

Who still looks down on 'Little Flower Dog'?

They are clearly divine beasts in the Heavenly Palace!

The other stone people were also horrified.

Even more fearful than the two elders.

0... ask for flowers 0・・

In the face of divine beasts, it naturally seems to be shorter than one head.

Coupled with the murderous intent in the eyes of Qilin, it is even more disturbing.

Even started to retreat unconsciously.

Elder Shi Xin noticed it and immediately shouted angrily.

"What are you afraid of?"

"With our two elders here, why should you be so afraid?

"Furthermore, he is already injured and can never be our opponent.

"Everyone shot together, as long as you don't die, you can do anything. 99

The words fell, and Elder Shi Xin shot dead.

He flew up, and his burly and unusual body was very flexible.

With a large stone hammer in his hand, he directly hit the unicorn.

The unicorn roared angrily immediately, the sound was thunderous, and at the same time, the flames flew out of his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, the fire turned into a fire dragon and rolled towards Elder Shi Xin.

Elder Shi Xin sneered and smashed it with a hammer.

The next second, I saw that the fire dragon was directly and irresistibly taken into the hammer.

Kirin was shocked.

Apart from Su Xuanji and Tiandi, he had never seen anyone who could defuse his move so easily.

Elder Shi Xin sneered when he saw Qilin in shock.

"This is a treasure refined by the previous generation of patriarchs.

"It has its own mystery.

"Also, there is more than one big stone hammer. 35

When the words fell, Elder Shimo flew over with a big stone hammer in his hand.

Qilin looked at the two big stone hammers, and felt a sudden change.

He is now injured and his supernatural powers are limited.

The big stone hammers in the hands of the two stone people restrained him.

Is it going to be planted in the hands of the stone people this time?

Do not.

how can that be.

I will not lose.

will never lose.

Kirin kept repeating these words to himself in his heart five.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 522 The wounds that healed, all opened again!

But the unease in his heart still made him raise his eyes and glance at his masterpiece on the canopy.

But he didn't dare to look at it, for fear of being discovered by the stone people.

He also pointed to the thing to lead Su Xuanji and Tiandi over.


"Are you afraid to come?"

"Didn't you still clamor for joy just now?"

Elder Shi Xin looked at the unicorn with a hidden fear in his eyes and said.

Kirin sneered immediately.


"I'm very scared."

"I'm afraid you're running too fast.

"Su Xuanji and Tiandi are here, and I can't see your shadow.

"I advise you guys better to kill me and not let Su Xuanji and Tiandi know.

"One Seven Seven"

"Otherwise, what awaits your stone people is the scourge of extermination."

This time.

Kirin's voice became unusually serious.

He is not a caller.

Not being harsh.

Rather, it is stating a fact.

His words were like a gust of cold wind, making all the stone people present feel a little creepy.

Even Elder Stone Heart and Elder Stone Mill were the same.

But this feeling made Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo very annoyed.

They are elders and now have the upper hand.

Qilin is also injured, and they have already seen that their victory has been decided.

But even so.

Qilin still ignored them.

They even said that they had the scourge of genocide?

This made the two elders really kill Qilin.

It's just because of the patriarch's orders, they can't do that.

However, in the case of immortality, try to torture as much as possible, but there is no problem.

Just take a breath, right?

Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo looked at each other and saw coldness in each other's eyes.


The two smiled coldly.

At the same time shot.

Two big stone hammers smashed hard at the unicorn.

The unicorn roared, the sound like thunder.

Two thunderbolts instantly fell in the air, slashing at Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo.

The two did not expect Qilin to have such magical powers, and immediately waved the big stone hammer to resist.

The black light flashed on the big stone hammer, which was able to withstand the falling thunder.

The arms of Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo went numb in an instant.

When they looked at Qilin again, the contempt in their eyes was much less because the other party was injured.

A unicorn is a unicorn.

Even with injuries, he is still extraordinary.

If you want to be safe, you have to be careful.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will easily capsize in the gutter.

That's not what they want to see, and it's too humiliating.

If you can't even take down the injured unicorn, what face will you have to see the patriarch when you go back.

at this time.

Elder Shi Xin's heart moved, and he immediately turned around and ordered.

"You go."

"Go and invite the patriarch over."

"Let's just say we caught the unicorn."

The person who was watched by Elder Shi Xin nodded immediately, then turned around and left.

Elder Shimo glanced at Elder Shixin and instantly understood his intention.

They have trapped Qilin now, as long as they don't let him run away and wait for the patriarch to come over, the credit will be secured.

I'm not afraid of any accidents on the way to take him back to see the patriarch.

Let alone encountering Su Xuanji and Tiandi, they will be the ones who will suffer.

Then, Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo attacked again.

Qilin roared and rushed up, and was soon surrounded by two elders.

The other stone people also immediately surrounded them.

They do not act as the main force, but will continue to disturb the unicorn.

Even hiding behind the two elders and attacking, weakening the power of the unicorn little by little...

Elder Shi Xin ordered.

"Focus on the scars on his body.

"Let him get hurt.

The words fall.

He took the lead in targeting the old wound on Qilin's body.

The same is true for the stone-grinding elders.

The unicorn was already injured, and under the restraint of the siege and the big stone hammer, it was inevitable that the old injury was lifted.

The wounds that had already begun to heal were all opened again.

Not following the attack of the stone people, bloodstains were left unstoppable.

a time.

The ground was quickly dyed red by the dripping blood, and even converged into a dazzling pool of red blood.

See here.

Elder Stone Heart and Elder Stone Mill were even more excited.

Elder Shi Xin satirized Qilin proudly.

"Aren't you arrogant?"

"Why is it getting slower and slower? 99

"How did your injury come from? Did you encounter a space storm?

"What a poor little dog, hahahaha..."

While laughing wildly, he waved the big stone hammer in his hand, constantly hitting the Qilin's wound.

Qilin looked at him with cold eyes, and opened his mouth to spit out a fire dragon.

0.5 Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo showed disdain, and this magical power was useless to them.

But this fire dragon is aimed at other stone people.

In an instant, it overwhelmed them.


"Two elders, help!

"Save us!

The stone people screamed in pain.


Elder Shi Xin did not stop.

Instead, he frowned, looked at Qilin angrily, and ordered Elder Shimo to save people.

"You can't give up on the unicorn."

"You go to save people, how much you can save, and the rest can't be controlled. 99

The words fall.

He swung the big stone hammer and smashed it towards Qilin's head.

Chapter 523 On every branch, there is a faint green fruit!

The unicorn roared wildly, and there was a sound of rolling thunder in the air.

Immediately, he fell towards Elder Shi Xin crazily, causing Elder Shi Xin to be in a hurry for a while.

While he was hurriedly blocking it, he also had to stop in front of Qilin so that he could not take the opportunity to escape.

Soon, he was also injured.

The entire left leg was charred black and was injured by the thunder.

It seems like it will shatter at any moment.

This made Elder Shi Xin suddenly startled and angry, and looked at Qilin with unusual resentment.

Kirin sneered proudly, although his body was scarred and his aura was sluggish.

But the power of the unicorn is still there, and it cannot be bullied by others.

at the same time.

Elder Shimo is desperately trying to save the people.

But his speed and ability alone are limited.

Even if he kept hitting the stone people with the big stone hammer, taking away the unicorn fire.

But it was still too late to save all of them, there were a dozen or so, and it was too late.

It turned into a pile of gravel and disappeared completely in this world. 03

This made Elder Shimo furious, and he looked at Qilin fiercely.

"How dare you hurt our stone people.

"It's just outrageous, after using you, I must kill you!

Kirin felt ridiculous when he heard this.

"You can attack me or even kill me."

"Can't I fight back? 99

"Are you full of water in your head?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Elder Shimo was even more annoyed, and instantly swung the big stone hammer and smashed it.

Qilin immediately dodged, and Elder Shi Xin came behind him and shot fiercely.

At the same time, the stone people who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe also shot with hatred.

a time.

Kirin was surrounded again.

But this time, he also felt a little less pressure.

After all, those ordinary stone people were either burned by the unicorn fire or burned.

It is normal for the strength to weaken.

Although their strength is small, if they keep accumulating, it will only become more and more unfavorable to the unicorn.

In this way, it prolongs the time he can resist.

He only hoped, before he was completely subdued.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi came to rescue him deliberately.

But he also knew that this might not be the case.

How big is the secret realm, it is definitely not easy to find someone.

More, requires some luck.


The stone people in front of him were lucky.

And his luck was not so good.

He can only hope.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi had better luck.

Otherwise, he would really be succeeded by Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo.

And Su Xuanji and Tiandi, who are missed by the unicorn.

At the moment, he is following Shi Dun'er, walking through the forest.

Shi Duner seemed to be very familiar with everything here.

When to turn left and when to turn right, turn without hesitation.

And can tell what is ahead, at first glance is a veteran.

This kind of performance, although it makes people laugh and cry.

But at least let Tiandi and Su Xuanji know that they didn't choose the wrong person.

This Shi Dun'er can indeed help them, and maybe they will find the unicorn soon.

But for some reason, the mood of the two did not become lighter.

However, I felt a little uncomfortable, and I couldn't tell the reason.

But the two of them attached great importance to this, and they couldn't help but guess Qilin.

"Shi Dun'er, where is the place you're talking about?"

"How long will it take to arrive?"

Su Xuanji couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Shi Dun'er stretched out his big hand and pointed forward.

"Just ahead. 35

"I didn't know it the last time I saw it.

"This time it should be ripe, but there are only three fruits."

"I'll eat two and a half, and you can share the remaining half." 9


Both Su Xuanji and Tian Di were shocked by Shi Dun'er's stinginess.

Although they had agreed to let them eat less, they also stated that they would not eat it.

But if you want to divide, you have to have half of each person, right? Just arrange a quarter?

"You are so generous. 55

Su Xuanji gave a thumbs up.

Shi Duner nodded again and again, as if I was so generous.

But as soon as he turned, he muttered.

"I can't eat enough myself.

"If I wasn't afraid of you killing me, I wouldn't bring you here.

"Half, 177 and half, I have suffered such a big loss in my life."

Su Xuanji and Tiandi were speechless for a while.

Shi Dun'er's IQ was re-evaluated.

You say he is stupid, and he also knows that worrying about you killing him knows the expediency.

He also pretends to be very enthusiastic to confuse you.

But if he is smart, he doesn't know how to keep all these words in his heart.

Do you think they can't hear you when you whisper it?

I'm afraid it's not a fool!

The two looked at each other, and both saw tangle and speechlessness in each other's eyes.

Immediately followed.


As Shi Dun said, they came to a boulder.

Under the boulder is a small tree.

There was not a single leaf on the small tree, only branches, and only three branches.

On each branch, there is a faint green fruit.

Before Tiandi and Su Xuanji could take a few more glances, Shi Dun'er pounced on him.

In one bite, the tree almost swallowed it.

In a blink of an eye, half of the fruit was left.

Chapter 524 Endure and endure, I didn't lift my foot and kick!

And this half is still hanging on Shi Dun'er's mouth.

It seems that he is using his teeth to divide the half strictly.

At a loss, he would not eat it.

Su Xuanji and Tian Di have a new understanding of Shi Dun'er's stinginess.

In normal times, Su Xuanji would definitely tease him.

But now, he is not in that mood.

Because there is no trace of the unicorn haunting here.

The aroma of this fruit, even they could smell it, and it smelled very good.

Seeing Shi Dun'er's expression when he was enjoying it, it seemed that he had eaten the most delicious thing in the world.

If Qilin had come here, these three fruits would not be left.

There is no trace of Qilin's activity around, obviously he just hasn't been there.

Su Xuanji looked at Tiandi and spoke.

"Maybe his location is far away from here..."

"So these three fruits were saved from his poisonous hands?"

The Emperor shook his head solemnly.

"His nose is so smart that sometimes I suspect that he is actually a gluttonous glutton instead of a unicorn.55

"Wherever he is, he smells so delicious, he will definitely come.

"And his speed is not slow. It shouldn't be that we have been separated for a long time, and we have been looking for him for a long time, but we haven't come here yet..."

"Could it be.... the space storm hurt him very badly, or maybe he encountered the people of the Stone Human Race blocking the way..."

As he spoke, the Emperor of Heaven saw Shi Dun'er who was still using his teeth to divide the fruit.

Su Xuanji also looked over.

Shi Dun'er was instantly frightened, and quickly took down half of the fruit in his mouth.

The half of the fruit in his huge hand was pitifully small.

Looking at the big teeth marks on it, Su Xuanji was speechless.

"You have eaten". ""

When the words fell, the half of the fruit disappeared in Shi Dun'er's hands in an instant.

He murmured vaguely as he tasted it with his big teeth.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't you want to eat? 35'

"Then I can only reluctantly help you eat it.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi looked at Shi Duner, not knowing what to say for a while.

didn't you eat?

Are you embarrassed to eat while eating?

What a mess!

Su Xuanji raised his hand and squeezed between his eyebrows, and then said tiredly.

"Is this the fruit that smells best to you?

Shi Dun'er nodded immediately upon hearing this.

"Didn't you smell it?"

Of course Su Xuanji and Tian Di smelled it.

After approaching, although their noses were not as good as those of Shi Dun'er and Qilin, they could smell it clearly.

Even some of them wanted to eat it, it was really fragrant.

Presumably nothing.

But they don't care about that.

Not in the mood to divide the fruit.

At this time.

Shi Dun'er opened his mouth again, with an aftertaste on his face.

"too delicious.

"This is the best thing I've ever eaten.

"Compared to smelling good, there are too many delicious tastes.

As soon as this word comes out.

Su Xuanji's mind flashed.

"Is there anything that smells better than this?

Shi Dun'er nodded immediately upon hearing this.

"Yes, I have."

"More fragrant than this. 99'

"But it tastes very sour, and it is not nourishing. 95

Su Xuanji immediately looked at the Heavenly Emperor.

"Kirin has never eaten anything here."

"He didn't know which tasted what in his mouth. 35

"He only goes for what smells best, not what tastes best!

The Emperor of Heaven also suddenly realized when he heard the words.

They and Shi Dun'er both associate the smell with the taste, or even confuse it.

They have the wrong target!

The main smell, not the taste!

"Stone Mound. 35

"Take us immediately to the one you said is particularly sour.

"Immediately! 39

Shi Dun'er didn't move after hearing this, and looked at Su Xuanji aggrievedly.

"It's Shi Dun'er. 39

"`々 Pier."

"You called it wrong again."

Su Xuanji suppressed the urge to beat Shi Duner in his heart.

She squeezed out a smile at Shi Dun'er.


"Take us. 39

"After that, we'll accompany you to find other delicious food, okay?"

Su Xuanji said coaxing a child.

Shi Dun'er was overjoyed when she heard the words.


"Are you really going with me?

"My grandfather and others never accompany me, they all find me annoying.

"But you don't eat it, do you? Right?"

Su Xuanji and Tiandi heard the words.

All want to say that we also find you annoying.

But they laughed hypocritically, and then nodded happily.

Shi Dun'er jumped three feet high.

He immediately pulled up Su Xuanji and ran.

But his hand was too big (Zhao Zhao), pulling Su Xuanji, it looked like Su Xuanji's hand was amputated.

Su Xuanji endured and endured, and then he didn't kick him.

"Sprinkle! Spread quickly!

"When I make a move, your arm may not be able to be saved!

Su Xuanji gritted his teeth.

The Emperor of Heaven held back his smile and watched Shi Dun'er let go reluctantly.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Dun'er patted his shoulder.

"Then sit here.

"Since you are so willing to play with me, I will not treat you badly."

Who wants to play with you!

What a misunderstanding you have!

Su Xuanji growled in his heart.

But still nodded on the face, this cheap must be accounted for!

Make up for his liver hurt by Shi Dun'er's anger.

Chapter 525 Not here, let them down!

He flew up and sat directly on Shi Dun'er's shoulder.

Immediately, Shi Dun'er looked at the Heavenly Emperor, raised his hand and patted his other shoulder.

"Are you going to sit here?

God shook his head.

He is not as dashing and wanton as Su Xuanji, he would be very unaccustomed to sitting on the shoulders of the stone people.

Seeing this, Shi Dun'er didn't force it.

Turn around and run away, the speed is quite fast.

Heavenly Emperor followed immediately.

After a quarter of an hour, Su Xuanji and Tiandi smelled a strange fragrance.

The smell is extremely strong, but not pungent, as if it were the best smell in the world.

This surprised both Su Xuanji and Tiandi.

One is that they didn't expect to get close to their destination so quickly.

Second, such a strong smell, if Qilin smells it, he will never let it go.

Even if he is seriously injured and dying, he has to crawl over.

The chances of finding a unicorn here are greatly increased!


180 As Shi Duner continued to run wildly.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi saw the fiery red trees from a distance, one after another.

There are red fruits hanging on it, which is extraordinarily beautiful.

But Su Xuanji knew at a glance that although this fruit was unusual, it was definitely not more valuable than the one he had encountered before.

Shi Dun'er stopped beside a tree and looked at the red fruits with disgust.


"Eat as much as you want."

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji laughed even more than him.

If you don't eat it, they can eat whatever they want, right?

Do you want to be so straightforward and hide it in your heart, Dunker!

Fortunately, Su Xuanji still remembered the business, and immediately began to search for traces of Qilin's presence with Tiandi.

Although Kirin is not here, they are a little disappointed.

But as long as he has been there, there are always traces, which can increase their hope of finding the unicorn.

"There is fruit that has been chewed and (adaf) spit out.

Su Xuanji soon found out.

The voice was also exhilarating.

In the secret realm, the only one who can do this kind of thing is the unicorn.

The Emperor of Heaven also looked happy when he saw this.

"It must be him. 99


Su Xuanji frowned.

"It smells like rust here..."

What that is, the Emperor knows very well.

But the strange thing is that there is not a trace of blood on the ground here.

If you look closely, you can also see traces that have been deliberately cleaned up.

Clearly, someone is trying to cover up something.

Both Su Xuanji and Tiandi's eyes sank.

"Could it be that the stone people found the unicorn first...

"If we found him, we cleaned up the traces left by the unicorn?

"After all, he was injured, and the smell here should come from him."

"And the purpose of the stone people doing this... I am afraid that they will use him to threaten us and make us submit..."

Su Xuanji said solemnly.

The whole process was guessed right!

These traces were indeed cleaned up by Elder Stone Heart's order.

The purpose is to prevent Su Xuanji from finding out and following up.

It's just that he never imagined that Su Xuanji would see through his trick with the Stone People at a glance.

"The traces have been cleaned up."

"It's hard to say where he went."

"I don't know if I'm in danger...

The Heavenly Emperor looked around and said worriedly.

Su Xuanji also looked around, his eyes swept over a giant tree far away.

But the next second, he turned his eyes back again.

He looked at the giant tree again, and his eyes were all on the canopy.

With his eyesight, he saw the stone on the crown of the tree at a glance.

He had seen fruit growing on a tree, but it was the first time he had seen one with a stone. Obviously something was wrong.

Taking a closer look, the stone still had three paw prints scrawled.

It didn't seem like it had any special meaning, but Su Xuanji recognized it right away.

That was the mark he left on the three elders of the Stone Human Race, that smiling face.

This matter, only the stone people and them know.

And the stone people will never do anything to portray smiling faces on other stones.

The only one who can do this is the unicorn.

In other words, the unicorn is using this stone to point out his position.

Thinking of this, Su Xuanji was overjoyed and immediately spoke up.

"I know where he is.

"let's go."

"He's in the giant tree.

When the words fell, he immediately went straight to the giant tree.

God followed immediately.

The speed of the two is not comparable to Shi Dun'er, so naturally he can't catch up.

But he didn't forget that Su Xuanji said he wanted to find delicious food with him.

Usually no one wants to play with him, but when he finally encountered one, he had to keep up.

He immediately chased after him.

Shouting while chasing.

"You wait for me, wait for me! 35


He paused and looked at the blue fruit on a tree beside him.

The saliva couldn't stop for a moment.

"Hey, new growth?

"Come after you finish eating."

The words fall.

He stretched out his hand.

at the same time.

under the giant tree.

Kirin's body is covered with scars.

more profound.

He stood there precariously, as if he might fall at any moment.

This scene fell in the eyes of Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo, and it was like announcing their victory.

"I didn't expect you to last this long."

Chapter 526 Aiming at the old injury, causing injury to injury!

"It's just that we underestimate you."

"However, you have lost."

"We lost, hahahaha..."

Elder Shi Xin looked at the scars all over his body and said happily with hatred and revenge.

Although Qilin is not strong, his mouth will never be soft.

He sneered, his eyes still full of contempt.

It seemed that even though he was besieged and bruised all over his body, his injuries aggravated a lot.

But he still looked down on the stone people in front of him, especially the stone heart elders and the stone mill elders.

That feeling of being aloof, seems to be innate, never bowing your head~.

"You are taking advantage of the emptiness, - you dare to speak out nonsense?"

"Or do you mean that your stone people's skin is so thick?

"But it's no wonder, after all, it's a stone, and it's okay to be thicker.

"But yours is extra thick.

Qilin looked at Elder Shi Xin sarcastically.

That tone, that expression, that look, the three words that are so vivid, I look down on it!

This made the elder Shi Xin, who felt very good about himself and consciously defeated the unicorn, annoyed.

"I see that you are tired of living!

Elder Stone Heart roared.

"So what?"

"You dare to kill me?"

"Aren't you afraid that your patriarch will punish you? 35

"Aren't you afraid that Su Xuanji and Tiandi will kill you and the Stone People? 35

"You dare?"

Qilin looked at Elder Shi Xin with a sneer.

The tone can be as ironic as it is ironic.

His eyes were full of playfulness, as if he were a clown jumping on a beam.

This made Elder Shi Xin even more annoyed instantly.

Qilin is clearly his defeat.

What if he slipped in?

As long as it is him who wins, then he is the winner! It is the winner!

It is the existence that Kirin should look up to, not look down on him at all!

The more Elder Shi Xin thought about it, the more angry he became, and his eyes became more and more fierce.

"What if I can't kill you?

"Just let you breathe a sigh of relief."

"I can torture you in every possible way, so that you can't survive without dying!

The words fall.

A voice suddenly sounded.

"What did you say?"

Elder Shi Xin gave a cruel sneer.

"Are you afraid?"

"I said that you can't live but die!

Just finished answering.

The smile on his face froze.

The person who asked him just now doesn't seem to be a unicorn...

He had heard that voice too...

belongs to...

Belonging to that.... Su Xuanji....

Why is he here?

Did I hear it wrong?

Elder Shi Xin, who was extremely unwilling to admit it, subconsciously denied his guess.

But the next moment.

Two figures stood in front of Qilin.

All are looking at him coldly, one of them is not Su Xuanji!

Su Xuanji looked at Elder Shi Xin with a fierce look in his eyes.

Smile extremely cold.

Open your mouth slowly.


"If you want me to live but not to die?

"Then try it, I'm very curious if you can do it.


Elder Shi Xin couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The same is true of the stone-grinding elders on the side.

They didn't think of it anyway.

It wasn't the patriarch who came here first, but Su Xuanji!

Looking at the horrified eyes of Elder Shi Xin and others, Qilin felt very happy.

"You can count!"

"Look at me, oops...

"They're going to beat me to death...

Kirin howled loudly.

Even fell down and rolled on the ground.

In an instant, the stone people were stunned.

What's going on here?

How about the arrogance that just stood there so hard?

0... ask for flowers...

What about that icy domineering just now?

Why did it just fall down!

And didn't he stand still before? He didn't seem to have any strength at all.

This will be full of joy, where do you get your strength!

The stone people roared in their hearts, but no one spoke.

All eyes widened, watching Kirin's performance.

The unicorn suddenly became smaller, and the scars on his body naturally also became smaller.

It didn't seem to ease a lot because of this, but it was more ferocious and scary.

Almost all wounds.

And the blood doesn't stop.

He whimpered as he rolled.


"You are late.""

"I can't do it anymore. 35

"You have to avenge me.

"That Elder Stoneheart and Elder Stonemill are the most Damn it! 35

"Especially that stone heart, who took his head off and played it for me!

"Otherwise I will die!

The unicorn is on all fours facing the sky, constantly fluttering.

This is not like a mythical beast, it has simply embarrassed the mythical beast world.

But this time.

Su Xuanji didn't laugh at him.

Heavenly Emperor did not reprimand him either.

Both of their faces were ugly.

Because they could see at a glance that the injury on Qilin's body was really serious.

First, unfortunately, he encountered a space storm and was already injured.

Afterwards, he encountered the Stone Human Race with injuries, and he was obviously targeted at the old injury, which caused the injury to increase.

Otherwise, two stone human elders and a group of stone human races may not cause such great damage to the unicorn.

It can only be said that Kirin is too unlucky.

But this misfortune is absolutely unbearable.

The space storm is an accident and helpless, but the stone people must pay the price.


"You take care of Qilin.

"I'm going to get the ball for Kylin."5

The Emperor of Heaven nodded when he heard the words, leaned over and carefully hugged Qilin Five with both hands.

Chapter 527 If some1 wins, they can leave alive!

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven felt the trembling of the unicorn.

he knows.

He was in excruciating pain.

"God Son Su."

"One ball might not be enough for him to play."

Heavenly Emperor's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Then take some more.

"It's just a matter of convenience.

Su Xuanji nodded in agreement with the words, and then looked at all the stone people.


Everyone in the Stone Human Race felt a chill in their heads, as if they had been taken away.

This is their head, not a ball, can we just take Elder Stone Heart's?

this moment.

Every stone man thought so in their hearts, but no one spoke.

Su "180" Xuanji's eyes swept over them one by one, although his eyes were cold, they were strangely calm.

As if looking at dead objects one by one, it makes people shudder.


All the stone people turned around and fled.

they know.

If you don't escape, there is no chance.

But Su Xuanji quickly let them know that even if they fled early, there was no chance.

When the stone people did not walk a few steps.

Su Xuanji suddenly appeared in front of everyone, as fast as if he had always been there.

"Our patriarch is coming."

"And our ancestors. 35

"You better not mess around.""

"Otherwise I'm afraid you won't regret it.

The stone people said one after another.

But although the words sounded harsh, the tone was unusually weak.

It seems like it will fall down at any moment.

Su Xuanji smiled sarcastically.

The line of sight swept across the crowd and fell on Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo.

The two elders stepped back without a trace when he stopped them.

Obviously want to use other stone people as shields, chicken thieves are very.

Such a person is also worthy of hurting a unicorn?


Su Xuanji became more annoyed.

Seeing Su Xuanji's eyes fell on himself.

Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo felt flustered.

The two looked at each other and saw fear and cruelty in each other's eyes.

Su Xuanji will definitely not let them go, and the patriarch and the patriarch have not yet arrived.

All they can rely on now is themselves.

Why don't you fight?

The two gave each other a tacit look, and then shot at the same time.

Su Xuanji smiled coldly.

He didn't think the two had the courage to fight, but they were all choices after weighing the pros and cons.


I'm afraid it won't really be one heart at all.

Think about this.

Su Xuanji also moved.

Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo suppressed the fear in their hearts, and at the same time swung the big stone hammer and smashed at Su Xuanji.

Seeing this, Kirin hurriedly opened his mouth to remind.

"It was refined with the previous stone man clan chief!"

"Great power!""

"You be careful!

Su Xuanji didn't expect Qilin to remind himself, so he gave him a funny look.

Seeing Su Xuanji distracted, Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo immediately rejoiced.

They all speeded up, wanting to hit with a single blow.

If Su Xuanji loses, they beat the underdogs.

But if they can resist one or two, they will take the opportunity to escape.

However, Su Xuanji suddenly disappeared without a trace when they were about to smash the big stone hammer in their hands.

They knew that he didn't just disappear out of thin air.

It's just that the speed is too fast, they don't see it clearly.

It could even be said that it was not captured at all.

This made the two completely withdraw their plans to kill Su Xuanji.

It's better to run away than risk it.

The two carefully kept turning the big stone hammer, and then quickly swept away towards the distance, regardless of the other stone people.

This makes those stone people who are not strong enough disappointed and angry.

"How can you escape, you are elders!"

"Come back and escape with us!"

"You are the elders in vain!"

The stone people roared.

However, no matter how they roared, the first two didn't seem to hear it.

Escaped for his own life.

But soon, the two flew back in an instant.

No one could see what was going on, only to hear two whirring sounds.

Then two screams sounded one after another, and the two elders flew upside down to answer.

directly at their feet.


"Let you escape!"

"You can't escape!""

The stone people said in succession.

Apparently, they were in a hurry, regardless of their identities, they ignored them, and only cared about their own escape.

The two elders were too lazy to pay attention to them, each holding a large stone hammer with a solemn and frightened expression.

They just kicked away before they could see what was happening.

They knew it had to be Su Xuanji.

But where is Su Xuanji, they still haven't seen it.


"This kick....I'm going to fall apart..."

"Me too.... What kind of cultivation is he..."

Just when the two were terrified and dared not act rashly.

Su Xuanji's voice suddenly appeared behind them.

"I originally wanted to take your life directly."

"But I see that your will to survive is so strong, why don't we play a game.""

"If one of you wins, you can leave alive, how?

As soon as this word comes out.

Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo turned around at the same time.

He looked at Su Xuanji in horror, when did he appear behind him.

Chapter 528 Irony, more casual!

And it was so close that they didn't notice it!

Simply incredible!

But Su Xuanji's words gave them hope.

Kirin grunted a few times in dissatisfaction, and seemed to be about to speak.

The Heavenly Emperor patted him lightly and spoke soothingly.


"Maybe this game, you will find it very interesting.""

At the thought of Su Xuanji's vileness, Kirin shut his mouth.

There was also a look of interest in his eyes.

At this time.

Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo were also thinking.

What exactly is the game that has a chance to keep them alive?

Could it be a trap?

But on second thought, even if it was a trap, they had nothing to lose.

They were clearly not Su Xuanji's opponents.

If you win by luck, won't you live?


The patriarch must be on his way.

Perhaps before the game is over, the patriarch brought people.

They will be saved, there is no need to worry too much at all.

Thinking of this, the two looked at 03 and made a decision.

Immediately, the two elders looked at Su Xuanji together.

"what game?"

"tell me the story.

The two spoke one after another.

Su Xuanji smiled kindly when he heard the words.

"It's simple."

"You two have a try."

"The one who survived, took off the head of the dead one, and sent it to the unicorn as a ball.

"And I can allow him to make three moves against me, and I will never fight back within the three moves.

"If it can hurt me, even if I break a little oily skin, it is considered a loss, and I will send him away. 99

As soon as this word comes out.

Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo were stunned for a moment.

Let them kill each other!


"I won't shoot at Elder Shimo!

"We are not only the same family, but also close friends!"

"You can't take the opportunity to play with us!"

Elder Shi Xin looked at Su Xuanji and said righteously.

When the words fell, he immediately looked at Elder Shimo who was standing beside him.

"Don't believe him, I think he's playing tricks on us at all.

"It's not really sincere to let us go."

Elder Shimo nodded when he heard the words, his eyes were full of emotion.

"You're absolutely right."

"But if we don't listen to him, I'm afraid..."

As soon as these words came out, Elder Shi Xin's face suddenly became embarrassed.

As if confused about something.

Su Xuanji didn't rush, and let them discuss.

After a meeting, Elder Shimo spoke again.

"We two are of equal strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to tell the winner..."

This is vague.

In fact, it is to imply that Elder Stone Heart delays time.

Su Xuanji heard the words, and he was very welcome to supplement the rules.

"In the time of a cup of tea, we must divide the winners and losers."

"Otherwise all will die. 99

"I count to three, and you have to give the answer and agree. 95

"If you don't agree, you will all die.

The words fall.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying power surged out of him.

In an instant, all the stone people were shrouded in it.

The first to bear the brunt of them are Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo.

The two suddenly felt imprisoned and unable to move.

It seems that his own life has been taken away by Su Xuanji.

As long as he wants, within reach.

They are definitely no match for Su Xuanji.

They have absolutely no room for bargaining.

For a time, the hearts of the two elders were like mirrors.



Su Xuanji started counting.

The two suddenly felt the power suppressed by themselves, and instantly receded.

They can speak.

But none of them wanted to answer right away.

Can be approached, is two numbers.

"Two three.""

When the words fell, Su Xuanji's murderous eyes fell on the two of them.

The two of them didn't even bother to pretend.

He hurriedly opened his mouth.

"I promise! 99

"I promise too!

"Don't do it, you speak too fast, I don't have time to speak.

"I nodded as soon as you said one, did you see that?

The panic and fear of death of the two instantly made Qilin laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"Didn't you guys talk nonsense to me before?

"It seems that they are all domineering, how will this be revealed."

As soon as this word comes out.

The stone people also laughed politely.

These two elders don't care about their lives, how can they care about their faces?

"Disgraceful stuff.

"It's a shame for the Stone People."

"It's better to just die at 180.

The stone people said in succession.

Elder Shixin and Elder Shimo were very annoyed when they heard this.

But now they have no heart to pay attention to the others.

All looked at Su Xuanji expectantly, hoping to answer after three.

Still within the time limit.

Su Xuanji looked at them and spoke kindly.

"Since you want to play this game so much. 35

"How can I fail you?"

"Let's start now, I'm waiting for the victor to challenge me. 99

"But watch the time limit, I won't give you another chance. 35

When the words fell, he just looked at the two of them in his spare time.

That look is interesting, ironic, and more casual.

It was as if he saw not two elders of the Stone Human Race, but two crickets.

There is no real look in the eyes at all.

Elder Shi Xin looked at Elder Shi Mo and spoke in a low voice with a firm expression.

"I will only pretend to shoot, and will not really hit you hard. 35

"It's just to confuse him.

Chapter 529 A cold smile, a soothing opening!

"Don't be merciful to me, we have been friends for many years, I hope you can live."

As soon as this word comes out.

Elder Shimo was very moved.

"Then how can you do it, your cultivation is a little higher than mine.

"You killed me, took my big stone hammer, and shot Su Xuanji with your own."

"The probability of him getting injured will be higher.

Elder Shi Xin heard tears in his eyes.


"You must live, there is not much time, don't waste time."

"I will definitely keep my hand, you don't have to use too much force to resist."5

"'Keep it for Su Xuanji!39

Elder Shimo was moved and trembled, nodding in tears.


Elder Shi Xin took action.

The big stone hammer smashed into Elder Shimo's neck in an instant.

Elder Shimo also shot at the same time.

The big stone hammer in his hand greeted him fiercely.


With a bang.

Two big stone hammers collided.

The sound was so loud that every stone man hummed in the ears.

And where they collided, a space crack appeared.

The great power is evident.

Elder Shi Xin and Elder Shi Mo suddenly looked at each other.

His eyes were full of murderous intent and anger.

"Didn't you say you would stay?

"Didn't you tell me to kill you?

The two of them roared horribly at the same time.


They are both lying to each other.

They were also deceived by each other.

What a brotherhood.

It's just a trap set to survive.

Su Xuanji laughed immediately, he knew it was going to be fun.

Kirin's laughter is the most earth-shattering.

The laughter almost broke out.


"You are really good brothers!"

"Best friends, no problem!"

"It's all so shameless, or it's my own! 35

Kirin laughed endlessly.

The stone people also sneered.

With these two elders, it was a shame.

At this moment.

They wished Su Xuanji would simply kill them.

Lest they lose all face to the stone people.

But for Elder Stone Heart and Elder Stone Mill.

Now life is the most important thing.

What face, what old friends, all are not important at all.

Laugh if you want, and the one who can laugh and survive in the end is only themselves in their eyes.

"Go to hell with the stone mill!

Elder Shixin roared fiercely, and the big stone hammer in his hand was so fast that Elder Shimo could not see clearly.

As Elder Shimo said before, Elder Shixin's cultivation is indeed higher than him.

Especially in this life and death, under the all-out effort, the gap is revealed.

But how could he be willing to show weakness?

Immediately rose up to resist, the big stone hammer in his hand desperately greeted him.

The two collided, and there was an unexpected sound.

Even the ground trembled.

A burst of smoke rose, wrapping the two of them in it.

But their figures can still be seen clearly, just a little more hazy and unreal.

It added a sense of absurdity to the cannibalism of the two.

Time passed little by little, and the anxious facial expressions of the two were distorted.

The speed of the shot is getting faster and faster.

Eyeballs seem to fall off at any time.


Elder Shixin's speed skyrocketed and suddenly appeared behind Elder Shimo.

Then it fell with a roar.

A click.

The sound of breaking sounded.

Immediately after.

The skull of the stone-milled elder fell down.

Rolled to the feet of Elder Shi Xin.

"Ha ha ha ha....

"I won!"

"I am the one who survived!"

Elder Shi Xin burst into laughter, and then he possessed himself to pick up the head, and with the other hand he put away the big stone hammer of Elder Shimo.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to Qilin and handed over the head in his hand.

Kirin looked at him disdainfully.

`々 The ball is for kicking.

"lay down."

Elder Shi Xin suppressed the anger in his heart and did so immediately.

After placing it on the ground, Elder Shimo's eyes were facing Elder Shixin.

His eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, which made Elder Shi Xin suddenly sneer.

If he wins, what can the loser be reconciled to?

Isn't it just a ball?

As long as you can survive, anything can be endured.

"Really boring.

"Take out your previous arrogance?

Qilin looked at Elder Shi Xin with dissatisfaction.

Only by provoking him can he continue to look for trouble.

But Elder Shi Xin was obviously thinking very much, and even smiled at Qilin, then turned and went straight to Su Xuanji (the one who got the money) in a hurry.

This made Kirin's nose almost crooked.

Heavenly Emperor smiled coldly and spoke soothingly.

"No hurries.

"Do you think he can hurt Su Xuanji?

Kirin muttered.

"Not necessarily. 35

"The big stone hammer still has some ways to go.

But even so.

Kirin's eyes flashed awkwardly with confidence.

The Heavenly Emperor did not dismantle it when he saw this.

He looked up at Su Xuanji.


Elder Shi Xin has returned to Su Xuanji.

He has a large stone hammer in one hand, and he looks menacing.

But as long as you look closely, you will find that there is uncertainty in his eyes.

Even if the big stone hammer can seriously hurt the Kirin.

Chapter 530 As soon as these words came out, every1 was stunned!

But as to whether Su Xuanji will be injured, he is obviously not sure.

If it were someone else, he would definitely not be so worried.

even full of confidence.

But although Su Xuanji made few shots in front of him, the feeling of fear was deeply rooted in his heart.

Difficult to remove. There is even an intensifying trend, and the whole person is occupied by fear.

But in order to survive, he had to give it a try.

"Su Xuanji.""

"I'm going to start.

Elder Shi Xin said.

It's like talking to Su Xuanji, and it's like talking to myself.

Su Xuanji looked at him and smiled kindly.

"take it easy.

"Within three moves, I won't fight back.

"Come on."

Seeing Su Xuanji, who seemed to be very talkative, Elder Shi Xin moved in his heart.

Then he slowly opened his mouth.

"How can the three moves reflect your magic?"

"How about... how about seven moves?"

He is not sure about the three moves, but he thinks that the seven moves must be possible.

He didn't want to kill Su Xuanji, he just wanted to injure Su Xuanji.

After all, Su Xuanji himself said that if you hurt a little oily skin, you will lose.

As long as 180 Su Xuanji agrees arrogantly, he will win.

Su Xuanji laughed even more when he heard this.

There doesn't seem to be much rejection of the proposal.

But the Qilin Emperor and the Stone People were shocked by Elder Shi Xin's shamelessness.

Isn't three strokes not enough?

Still asking for seven strokes?

how old are you?

Want a face or not?


Of course not.

If you want, you won't lie to Elder Shimo, although Elder Shimo is not a good thing.

"Seven tricks..."

Su Xuanji suddenly spoke up.

His tone was light, making it impossible to hear what his wishes were.


All eyes were on him.

There was speculation about how he would answer.


That's either stupid, or extremely confident or even conceited.


"Don't you dare?"

Elder Shi Xin sneered, his face full of disdain.

Now anyone can see that he is using aggressive tactics.

Could such a clumsy method really work?

The crowd immediately looked forward to the result even more.

Just then, Su Xuanji's head slowly nodded.

"What's not to dare."

"How about I promise you?"


Everyone was stunned.

Three strokes are fine.

That's seven tricks!

Even if it's aggressive, it's too easy to promise.

And it doesn't seem to care, this is not self-confidence, it is conceit!

The stone people were suddenly disappointed.

They wanted to see Elder Stoneheart die.

Instead of Elder Stone Heart leaving here alive.

Kirin was also worried.

It was false before, it will be true.

He had experienced the power of that big stone hammer.

With his current knowledge of Su Xuanji, the three moves are definitely fine.

But seven tricks...

Is it a little too forced?

Qilin looked at the emperor, and wanted to persuade Su Xuanji.

However, he saw Tiandi's face, full of calm trust.

It seemed as if Su Xuanji would win.


"Are you too optimistic about Su Xuanji?55

Tiandi laughed at himself.

"I've never underestimated him."

"How come (adaf) is too optimistic?"

All the while, it was Su Xuanji who surprised him.

One by one, how could he have any doubts about Su Xuanji?

As long as Su Xuanji agrees, he must be sure, and he firmly believes so.


"Anyway, they agreed. 39

"We'll find out later."

Kirin said helplessly.

Immediately, he looked up at Elder Shi Xin, scolding him for being shameless.

But Elder Shi Xin was overjoyed at the moment.

Su Xuanji promised him a surprise!

He didn't even think about it!

Just give it a try!

But Su Xuanji really agreed!

If I had known him earlier, he would have said a few more tricks!

Just when Elder Shi Xin was excited and regretful, Su Xuanji spoke up.

"How about this."

"It's better to round up a whole number and add three tricks to you.

"Ten tricks, are you willing?

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Round up a whole number?

Three more tricks?

Is it too arrogant?

Is it because you don't want to win, and want to deliberately let Elder Shixin live?

Otherwise, everyone really can't figure out why he is like this, especially the stone people.

Just don't know what to say.

The most speechless thing is that he actually asked Elder Shi Xin if he would like to?

What a fuss this is!

Could he not be willing?


Elder Shixin nodded immediately like pounding garlic.

Hastily answered, the voice was broken in a hurry.

"I do! 99


"Just ten moves, you can't go back!

Looking at Elder Shi Xin who seemed to be stepped on his throat, Su Xuanji nodded with great certainty.

"No regrets.""

"No regrets.

Looking at Su Xuanji's back, and Elder Shi Xin's excited expression.

Kirin's lungs were about to burst.

"Is he stupid?"

"Seven moves have the possibility of letting him go, but there are still ten moves?"

"And he sent it on his own initiative. Is he going to avenge me, or is he going to piss me off!"

The unicorn hammered the Heavenly Emperor's shoulder in a fit of rage, but because of the injury, he didn't have much strength.