
Just another Valentine

....... :If You were told to define or describe LOVE? What would you say? Emma: LOVE?... LOVE Is pathetic, it is weak, it so over rated and that is why, it is so last season So get over it because it doesn't exist. Ereadura Emmanuella Adetokunbo the last born out of 3. Life hasn't been a bed of rose for her and her family. Yes, she comes from a wealthy family but that doesn't mean she doesn't have the wounds that she is nursing. Go on an adventure with Emmanuella and find out what life has in store for her.

Moroti_Writes · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

Emmanuella POV

I can't believe I didn't make the team...

I didn't make the basket ball team...

And I was this close, I mean, I know I'm not a basketball guru but come on, how hard could it be to make a basket, or is it a dunk, oh I don't know what its called!! And it doesn't help that the guys made their team except me. I really feel like the black sheep right now, sitting alone on the benchers with Ebuka as I watched them practice with teary eyes.

Ebuka noticed my change of mood and came close, to comfort me. This isn't my first time trying something new, its just the first time I've failed horribly, in the most humiliating way.


Emma, you are not throwing the ball right.

Emma, your grip on the ball is not firm enough.

Emma, you have to keep the ball away from your body once the game is on.

Emma, you are not putting enough into this.

Emma, focus on the ball and the net, its all that matters.

Emma this, Emma that, Emma this, Emma that, yet I still couldn't make one single dunk. Instead, I end up flat on my face while the rest who were trying out were making fun of me. its not like they were much better than me.

At the end of the day, I was rejected by Mr Abayomi, our basketball teacher/coach and to make it worse, Victoria recorded whole ordeal on her phone.

Mr Abayomi :I am sorry Emmanuella, but I don't think you are cut out to be a basketball player. I have tried everything in my power, but it seem you're unteachable.

Me: No, Mr Abayomi don't give up on me like that. You said you taught my father everything he knew about basketball, I'm sure you can--

Mr Abayomi : yes I did but this is different, you're not exactly your father, there is a different here.

Me:so what? you are just going to let me off the hook and give up.

Mr Abayomi: not exactly... there Is an opening on the cheer leading squard---"

Me: forget it, thanks for trying.

With that, I walked out of the basketball court only to hear Vitoria and her friends' loud whispers as they talked about me. It was even more awful when she said

"Ohh poor thing, now she is never going to be on the team.. tsh tsh, too bad, her science skills are all she has"

I was going to confront her and tell her off but a tiny part of me told me to ignore her, since she was out to make me jealous of her basketball skills. I ignored her, and continued the long walk of shame to my class, packed my things and went to the school gate to wait for the drivers.


Well, its a good thing no one at home knows about this, so no one will huddle me with questions when I get home. Its still a shame though, I didn't make the basketball team. Its the one thing I've always thought I'd be great at, as my father was as well. I guess I only inherited his charming good looks but not the basketball pro part.

Its was quit disheartening because ever since, Victoria and her stupid friends have been on my case, calling me names, I felt even worse when Mercy showed me a video that Victoria had worked on, to make me look bad and feel worse than I already was.

I sighed, as a stray tear fell from my eyes, but Ebuka caught it with his thumb. I had totally forgot that he was still sited very close to me and still trying to comfort me. He gave me one of his brightest smiles and I chuckled at that. his smile was very contagious as he grinned from ear to ear, singing my favorite song 'two by two' from Sophia the first.

I'm your twin, you're my twin,

We stick together through thick and thin.

No matter what I do,

I'm always stuck with you.

And if trouble comes our way,

I know my twin will save the day.

Wherever you may be,

You're always stuck with me.

When you're feeling sad and blue,

Call my name and I'll find you.

We have a bond that's tried and true.

You and me, me and you,

Two by two.

What if I never find you?

What if I'm a twin no more?

I'd give all the kingdom's treasure

If you came walking through that door.

When you're feeling sad and blue,

Call my name and I'll find you.

We have a bond that's tried and true.

You and me, me and you,

Two by two

(the song is in the media above 👆👆)

It was a very short, yet emotional song and it did the trick since it made me feel better. I joined in to sing the song as well since we always sang the song together. Ebuka was the first friend I made before I met Kelvin, Mercy and Lydia, he was the one person that knew me like the back of his palm. I guess you could call us twins because we were born in the same hospital at the same time and day so we shared the same birthday

'14th of February'

And we hated that day for personal reasons. He smiled at me before he hugged and whispered a question into my ear.

"You feeling better?"


I said smiling at him.

Victoria POV

As the chief captain of the basketball team, I made sure to taunt Emmanuella all day, that is my sole purpose in life, ever since she stole what's mine 4 years ago. I would make sure to make her life a living hell.

I was at the basketball court practicing and perfecting my skills, as well as making Emmanuella jealous, since I noticed she was also at the benches with one of her friends, I think it was George or something.

They were watching their friend's practice and I had to take it to my advantage making sure to achieve a slam dunk at every chance I got, which would leave Emmanuella sad and depressed.

I noticed a glint of tears in her eye and I was glad my tactics were working. Seeing as I had tortured her enough for the day, I decided to hit the shower. By the time I got back, I noticed she was smiling and laughing with that friend of hers.

I was beyond pissed, as I looked around for my best friends, Tamara and Amara, they were the cutest, coolest twins in Dowen Academy. But also the dumbest, that's why they were more my minions than my best friend.

Once I saw them, I grabbed them by the ears as I dragged them to where I stood . I showed them how happy that friend of Emmanuella's made her, when she was supposed to be crying that she didn't make the baseball team.

"I told you two to keep an eye on her, she is supposed to be crying and not smiling, with God knows what his name is"

"His name is Ebuka"

"Whatever! I don't care about his name. "

I yelled angrily at their faces as they were squirmed in fear. I groaned out loud as I glared at them. I have to do something about this, to change her mood. I really hated seeing her happy, it kills me.

I thought with my clever mind how to change this, I thought of using Kelvin against her to tick her off but from what I heard, from this two dummies in from of me, they were not on talking terms, though Kelvin really wanted a chance to talk to her.

I smiled at that knowledge, though he'd probably be heartbroken to see Emmanuella having a tender moment with this guy.

"Follow my lead girls. "

I smirked evilly before walking of, with Tamara and Amara close behind me, as we all went to look for Kelvin. Surprisingly enough, he just came out of the pool looking so hot and sexy, yet charming, how he was able to pull off all three looks at once, I really don't know, but I am falling badly. I shook my head slightly before my thought made its way south. I walked forward to where he stood, with the water dripping off of him, it took every bit of discipline not to take him right there and then, as he was a spitting image of a Greek god in swimming briefs.

Once I was close enough and within earshot, I cleared my throat loudly to get his attention which startled him a bit and I smirked at that, knowing I have that bit of effect on him.

"Oh I'm sorry baby, did I startle you?"

I said, but he only gave a tight lipped smile in response. This made me give him a questioning look

"Oh... Its you, and them. "

"Hmm, is it just me or is he actually disappointed that its us "

I asked no one in particular, he made an effort to clarify himself, but I stopped him before he even had the chance to.

"Yeah yeah whatever, the name is Victoria and I didn't come here to exchange pleasantries. I'm just here to let you know that, while you are busy swimming away your insecurities, someone's busy comforting and making moves on your lady."

Immediately, he stiffened with shock written all over his face. He probably wondered how I found out about his feelings for Emma, what he doesn't know is, I have my way, once I had gotten the reaction I wanted, I said,

"Yeah, thought I should... let you know"

I smirked, I noticed his mouth was slightly ajar, I closed it for him before I flipped my now box braided hair over my shoulder as the girls and I cat walked away to find Emmanuella. Once I found her and was within earshot, I yelled,

"Hey Nerd queen, Coach Abayomi said he doesn't entertain nerds on his basketball court. Go read a book or something"

"well... maybe you should go read a book, after all, you could find a good one on manner "

"true, I could do that or tell you how disappointed your friends and family are, or how disappointed your father would be if he found out you failed... at something he is so good at. Poor shame, but don't feel bad, I'm sure your science skills can cover up for ya"

I said. After which, I busted into laughter and the crowd that had already gathered to watch my display, laughed along with me until I heard.


A rock solid slap had landed across my face and before I could react, another one had landed on my face, and this time I didn't hold back, from a simple slap, it became a full blown girls fight.

It took the intervention of Mr Abayomi and some hefty guys from the senior secondary class 3 (S.S. 3), before we could be torn apart, as we had both sustained an injury or two. By the time the anger in us had lessened, we were in the principal's office, explaining as to why we had violated one of the rules of the school. Fighting on school property.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Moroti_Writescreators' thoughts