
Just Another Op Mc With a System (Dropped)

Evan was just an average gamer reading a web novel as he was walking and got hit by the infamous Truck~kun

lSpacel · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Well I Died....

One day I was sitting in my room having a good time and I was expecting the day to go as any other day. It was a nice day and i was having a wonderful time playing rec room on my quest 2.

My Phone died and I couldn't find a charger as the quest uses a type c while my phone uaes a micro usb and I really wasn't having a fun time anymorw as I was playing pigstep on my phone.

I was walking across the street after buying a portable battery powered phone charger and juat reopened Webnovel looking for a random system story to read and out of nowhere I got directwd impacted by a delivery truck. In the process shattering both my Humerous, Femurs, Forearms, and ankles. This caused severe pain and through the blood loss and sheer amounts of pain I felt something happen. I no longer felt pain... it was almost serene and all around me was black with no outside sounds to interfere.

I know where I am... Isn't this the primordial void thing in most web novels? If so then is this better than my previous life? If so then will i get reincarnated like those protagonists?

Without much delay a bright light appeared in the endless void...

"Hello there lost soul" said the bright light "You were forgotten about in the flow of time and due to this altough it may have been seconds minutes or hours from when you arrived it has been 19 million years"

"What I dont understand how has it been that long" I asked confused

"You see time flows differently here as 1 second is half a million years as you have been wandering and you have wishes for your next life due to reincarnation" says the bright light

While I was thinking and had an idea.. "Hey are there any limits to the wishes and how many do I have?"

"You have 9 wishes as your parents gave all there wishes and you get 3" Said the white light


1: Gate of Babylon that can store anything and duplicate it infinitely

2: The strongest system to ever exist with a omniverse shop

3: A powerful bloodline able to be fused with other bloodlines

4: The ablity to not have any limits on my body, soul, or mind

5: Be able to kill without having to adjust my mindset

6: To be able to reincarnated into Akame ga kill as one of the friends of tatsuya

7: To be immune to curses and poisions with no limitations

8: No limits on my power ever even if the world is about to explode it gets reinforced and withstands no matter what

9: Infinite Luck that can be controlled

"All if that can be granted I thought you would ask for stronger wishes but okay have fun" The white light says his goodbyes and I black out and white up with a body but It is still dark

[System Integrating with host 1%....27%.....59%...89%...100% Integrated]

Cool looks like that was the system...

I think ro myself 'is there a starter package'

[Starter Quest Cleared]


Starter Package

[Would you like to open the starter pack][Y/N]

I think to myself 'Yes'

[Starter Package]



- Special Imperial Arms : Kusanagi, Bane of Mortals

- Blight of the fallen empire

- Chakra Control

- Magic Core

- Solomons book of Demons

- Solomons Seal

- Satan/Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline

-Body Creation Token

'Anyway What is the situation'

[You are being born soon as an assassin family in the woods and are going to be born in about 24 hours]

'Use Body Creation Token'

I then use the time remaining to make a handsome figure giving it poly chromatic eyes that are bright red in the center with black around the edges as well as having void colored hair with dark purple tips causing even the creator of the body to get mesmerized. The compacted muscles and Pearlescent skin.

And now for the wait for me to be born.

Hello Feedback Appriciated I need sleep i made this at like 4 AM

lSpacelcreators' thoughts