
Just Another Op Mc With a System (Dropped)

Evan was just an average gamer reading a web novel as he was walking and got hit by the infamous Truck~kun

lSpacel · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Hellish Childhood Training

[Host you are going to be born in T- 1 Minutes]

'Ughhh did I fall asleep for 23 hours?'


'Ahh I see'

Then out of nowhere there was a strong pull and like that... he was born.

(14 Year Time skip)

Growing up was hell in this family every day my father trains me in sword fighting and my mother trains me in assassin techniques and strengthening the body.

Everyday I got 4 hours of sleep then intense sword training for 8 hours, 6 hours of assassination tecniques and 6 hours of body strengthening. This was started when I was 6 years old with zero breaks.

Today is the day where Tatsumi is about to to the capital to make a name for himself with his two other friends

'System Status'

[Name: Asura Ito]


HP: 100%

Race: Demonic Primordial Human

Strength: 25

Intelligence: 20

Dexterity: 60

Agility: 65

Charisma: 15

Luck: Infinite (Uncontrolled currently)


Mana Perception (MAX Lvl)

Chakra Control (1 Tailed Beast)

Chakra Amount (1 Tailed Beast)

72 Pillars of Hell Demon Summoning

Swordsmanship (Expert)

Assassins Footwork (Lvl 8)

[Causes user to become one with the shadows and causes their peesence to be undetected unless they are aware of your presence]

Total Poison Immunity

Total Curse Immunity

Assassin Techniques (Max Level)

[End Status]

Asura was walking to the capital slightly behind tatsuya and as the danger beast went to attack a caravan Asura popped out of the woods and used Kusanagi, Bane of Mortals cut the beast in 127 pieces and walked up to the caravan and said

"Hey sorry about the mess sir but could you give me some money as I sont work foe free" Asura said " anything will be fine pay me as you see fit"

Asura was given a bag of gold which he gave to Tatsumi so the plot will continue as normal and he walked back into the woods and plot continued as normal Tatsumi paid for a certain ladies alchohol and woke up with no money and was picked up by a noble lady. This lead to him going shopping to hold her bags and going to sleep to wake up in the middle of the night as the infamous assassin group Night Raid appeared.

The mother got decapitated and everyone else except a few guards the noble lady were left alive.

Akame was staring down Tatsumi as he was protecting the noble lady instead of killing her and everyone around heard the clapping of hands sound out as Asura walked out of the woods as Asura pulled his sword out and put it in its sheathe killing all the guards around the area

'I thought all the guards would be dead.. I already changed the plot?'

Akame and Leone look at Asura and are a bit confused of his presence as it wasnt there a second ago. Akame fights Tatsumi still stopping the sword on a keepsake from his village and then a confusing request sounds out from Asura.

"Stab me with your sword" Asura Says "Stab me with Murasame"

Like that Leone was confused but Akame obliged and stabbed Asura and the curse didn't activate as he is immune.

'Thankfully that worked' Asura thought

"Anyway time to show Tataumi here what is in the shed and can I join the Revolutionary Amry?"