
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 98 - Time Goes On, Humanity’s Improvements, Leaving

Anyway, we should go back in time a little. When the five students entered my bar, they immediately fell asleep, then I levitated them and placed them in a privé, except for Rin, who I kept close to me.

"Headmaster, you are awfully concerned with these humans." remarked Sona, without even raising her head from her book.

"Well, it's on a whim. One day I might want to push civilization forward by a couple hundred years, another I might want to hang out as a teacher, another I might want to destroy a universe or two. Gods are fickle. We need to find something fun to do to spend eternity. And it's hard, you know? I mean, every time I evolve, I waste googols of years, though we usually speed up time. Do you have any idea how long a googol is? LONG. I had to wait for a few hundred googols while conscious once and, let me tell you, it gets to you-"

"You're ranting!" said Weiss, who just appeared out of nowhere.

"Sorry. The short version is: I am not awfully concerned with these humans. I simply think that they are a fun plaything. Well, Rin is more important, but the rest… Hehe, I have a couple of trials I want to put them through."

I started mixing a few drinks for my wives and friends, who were coming down to the bar one by one. Like that, a few minutes passed and the students woke up. Rin and Illya had their grown-up body. It's a secret, but Rin was way sexier now. No doubt about that.

"Wakey, wakey, Rin. We've got a Goddess of Jewels to make."

"Goddess? And why would you need me to be awake?" she asked.

"Of course, I need you to practice the cultivation method I am about to give you, so you need to be awake."

"Headmaster, you are talking about Gods as if they were something easy to make…" said Sona

"That's because they are easy to make. Just a couple of decades ago, we summoned a few billion to fight. It was quite fun, though they were weak without Omnipotence." said Jaune

"Indeed, but real Gods need to attain their power alone, otherwise they will always be weaker than they should be. That's where my cultivation techniques come into play." I said, passing the information needed to Rin. She immediately got to meditating and after a few seconds started shining. I quickly bathed her in the 'primordial soup' as usual, then sped up time. A couple of seconds later, her cocoon shattered and out came the 'Origin Goddess of Primordial Gems'.

"There we go. One low-level Goddess ready. Voice, start giving her the Skills and Evolutions."

[You finally remember about me?! You ungrateful Master! I've been lonely in the last few years!]

I ignored the Voice's complaints and the shocked Devils. Heh, seeing the birth of a Goddess right in front of their eyes must have been quite fun. Anyway, within the hour, the world had completely changed. Humanity still didn't know, of course, but everything changed for them. Rin obviously became the 'Incarnation of Gems' and got the 'Evershining, Everbeautiful Gemstone Goddess Bloodline'. Noice. Oh, and my wife. There was a little part about her wish I didn't mention: she wanted to become older so that she could be 'legal' and have an actual relationship with a certain ever so cool, nightmarishly sexy, one-eyed Headmaster. Yup, it's me, DIO! No, it's me, Tula. Get the fuck out of my world, you bi-vampire. Heh, scrub.

Where was I before my little skit? Oh, right. Rin became an Incarnation. I didn't mention the gemstone ring that 'mysteriously' appeared on her left ring finger, but she noticed, so there's that. Berserker, Archer, and Saber went back to the Throne of Heroes since the Grail War ended, but Shiki and Medusa stayed behind. Obviously, Rin didn't need to actually go to school anymore since I just gave her all the knowledge me and the gang have, which is like a 'beginner package' for all new members of the coolest gang in the Omniverse. In the end, she decided to just become my secretary, which was a good excuse to laze around while snuggling with me. Pretty crafty, my new wife.

Now then, let me summarize the things that happened next.

The humans found out that they were somehow evolving into becoming a superior species. This led to some new research, new medicines, new shit that helped people. That's nice. Humans were living longer, required less resources, were more productive, more adaptable. All in all, pollution went down, global food and water stocks increased, the economy boomed, and almost no one died of illnesses. The new scientists were actually making great progress towards things such as artificial intelligence, terraforming other planets, better energy sources that could be used in the long run, and, obviously, space exploration.

The new and improved humans obviously 'discovered' magi and started creating artificial magical circuits which could be implanted into anyone's body, though it was painful as hell. Also, alchemical products gave a massive boost to science, so that's good.

But, the big, big changes will only start in a century or so.

Anyway, the Greater Holy Grail War happened in this universe as well. It was a nice show to watch, but Jeanne was disturbed with 'her' attraction to Sieg. Jaune was laughing his ass off, on the other hand. Watching a Grail War like it was a movie helped Rin realize just how foolish mortals are. Well, at least, the new generation of magi was much more promising than Rin's, so they had hopes of reaching Akasha, one way or another.

There was a little sad news, which is that Shizuka's parents died. Well, they were already pretty old and died peacefully in their sleep. My waifu was sad, but she understood that it's 'part of the game'. She decided to always keep her memories of them dear and just make them proud. I made it so they could go to 'Heaven', which I discovered is a 'dimension between dimensions'. Basically, it's a place that exists in all universes and works for everyone. I also left them with a viewing mirror so they could observe their daughter's exploits, obviously with a privacy filter.

Oh, of course Yukino, Charles, Shirou, and Sakura graduated from high school and went on to college. Charles obviously got an SSS-rank Hunter license, so he was also raking in money for his dear waifu. What a good kid.

Me and the gang continued teaching at the school for a couple of decades since it was actually quite entertaining, watching the students mingle among each other and be oblivious of the world outside the safe confines of the campus… Well, people started wondering why we only looked barely in our thirties, so we had to 'retire' and leave the school in the hands of other people. Which meant Yukino, Illya, Shirou, Sakura, and Charles. These kids had grown up to be pretty decent adults and would make sure that the school continues on to provide a good quality education and all the possible extracurricular activities we had until now. Since I felt generous, I even tied a bank account with a couple trillion dollars to the Headmaster position, with the addition of a curse, more like a permanent magical contract, that made it so the money would only be spent for the school.

Oh, throughout the years, I have gone on a couple of trips to alternative Soul Land Universes and hunted a few 'Gods' so that Shizuka and Rin could become Origins, so there's that. Oh, Shiki became Rin's Spirit, while Shizuka got Okita Souji.

In the end, the time to leave arrived. We have stayed in this world for what? Half a century already? It's been fun and all, but I am craving some action, maybe some place where I can finally find the key to our next evolution. For that reason, me and the gang met up on the topmost floor like usual. Well, we always stuck more or less together, so we just decided to sit down there instead of the bar.

"I think that the time has come." I said, creating a bit of suspense

"Quit it with your chuuni bullshit, dear, or I swear I will destroy that private collection of yours." said Loki with a scary smile. What's my private collection? Well, obviously some books of particularly cultured nature! You can't blame me, sometimes you just find yourself reading those…

"Yes Ma'am! Anyway, this world got kinda boring, so I think we could go elsewhere. What do you guys want to do?"

"I really want to fight some interesting opponents, so maybe a cultivation world?" proposed Yang

"That or a 'fantasy' world. Those with levels maybe, so we can just add a few million levels to our enemies…" said Jaune

"Robots." simply stated Blake.

"Tula!" we then heard a scream coming from the bottom floor. And I think we found our destination, at least for a bit.

I teleported right behind the owner of the voice and found a very panicked girl. Well, she's a young woman now, but still.

"Ah, Asuna, what's up?"

"Kazuto! He's been attacked! He's in a coma now…"

"Ah, yeah. That part. Don't worry, he's fine." I looked back at the gang. "Mind if we take a quick stop?"

"Nope, let's go. Talking about that kid, how's Ritsuka doing?" said Weiss

"Oh, he's doing fine. He's about to rayshift to the seventh singularity. That might be a hard one for him. Might help him a little"

"Can we go back to the fact that my boyfriend is in a coma and has been kidnapped?" asked Asuna

"Oh, yeah. You go back and disconnect, we will be coming to you shortly. Actually, why didn't you contact my clone? And that girl I asked you to find?"

"School has ended and we graduated. I wouldn't know how to contact your clone even if I wanted to. We still haven't found this girl you are talking about." Hm… Butterfly effect.

"Phone?" She averted her eyes. "You seriously forgot such a basic thing? No, I don't even want to think about it. Go back now."

After she left, Rin asked: "How can she come here? Isn't this your own dimension?"

"Oh, that. We visited her universe in the past and I liked it, so I left some entrances to the Tower that can only be used by those I allow. This means Asuna, Kirito, and a couple more interesting kids."

Asuna was currently in her room, laying on her bed with the AmuSphere on her head. She woke up and took the appliance off, just in time to get called by her very frantic mother.

"Asuna! Come, quickly!"

"Mom? What is it now?"

"Some people who claim to be your friends came and they're armed!"

"Friends? I didn't inv- Wait! Fuck, I know who they are… It's alright, they aren't bad people."

She quickly put some decent clothes on and got presentable. Then, she went towards the entrance of her not-so-humble abode, just to find me and the gang there.

"Oh, Asuna! Gear up, then we will go and get your boyfriend back!" I said.

"Lowkey! You should be a little more lowkey, in particular with your weapons and armor! Look at him! He's scary!" She said, pointing towards Ren.

"Just go, or we'll grab Kirito without your 'assistance'. I am sure he will have several girls lusting for him. I could give him a little push as the God of Love."

"You try pulling something like that, and I'll stab you, God or not." Heh, always works.

Oh, Asuna's parents were just trying to comprehend the conversation between us, but of course they failed since Shizuka made it appear as if we were talking in some foreign language. Paranoid much? Well, seeing that Asuna was going back to her room, her parents stared at us, expecting some answers.

"Don't look at us that way. We are here to help Asuna." Hearing that, they led us to the living room and did their best to accommodate everyone. We would never fit, so I made the space a little larger, stunning the two mortals. I ignored them and took out some refreshments for everyone.

"We should collect a maid and make her the Goddess of Cooking." I suddenly said as I had an epiphany.

"Hell yeah! Just imagine how good her cooking would be…" said Jaune, salivating already.

Asuna took a couple of minutes to get ready, then came downstairs with her armor and rapier.

"Asuna! What are you doing with that stuff?! I thought we prohibited you from using it!" said her mother

"Oh? You prohibited her from wearing my gifts? Should I kill you now? Torture you? Or condemn your soul to eternal torture when you die?" Nobody can tell a mortal I set my sights on how to act.

"Stop right there you! It's not the right moment for this! How are we getting to Kirito?"

"Depends. You want vegetable Kirito, who is currently strapped to a giant VR machine, or conscious Kirito, who is currently inside a sort of virtual world that was initially built as an experiment to create artificial intelligence?" asked Ruby

"I'd say conscious Kirito, so we can have fun there!" added Yang

"Fine, conscious Kirito it is. But we should first find his real body." said Asuna after thinking a little. A wise choice. We can fuck around with those researchers, warn them about any sort of underhanded move, then go to the Underworld.

"Grand entrance?" I asked

"Grand entrance." answered Sun, followed by many nods.

I opened a portal that led directly to the Underworld control room thingy. "Let's go. We have a governmental facility to raid and a different dimension to invade!"