
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 109 - Power Couple, Drained, Evolutions

(A/N: I am not exactly too happy with these few chapters, since I wrote them in my rare breaks while studying for exams. Now, I have like an entire month of break, so I might rewrite them or just try to 'up' the chapters again. Happy reading! P.S: There was that one chapter that cut off according to two readers. I will fix it now.)

The next day, I woke up around lunch time. Eh, not like we have something particular to do. This time, Neo and Ais were sleeping normally without suffocating me, which was nice, for once. Seeing as my waifus were all soundly asleep, I didn't move. After quite a few hours, they started waking up. My eye tells me that it's because this universe's energy wasn't enough, so it took some from the gang. Oops. We might have to evolve one person per day, or there may be some complications.

We basically spent an entire day sleeping, then we woke up and had quite an abundant breakfast. I actually took a quick trip to the Food Wars universe and got all sorts of dishes directly from the source.

Weiss was more clingy. I think it has to do with my evolution yesterday, but I will only be sure after she completes her own evolution. Well, I don't mind. It gives me a sense of security, that she will be right next to me. It's strange though: I know that I love my waifus equally, but this feeling begs to differ. Why doesn't my eye help here? I am going crazy!

Well, we will start with Weiss' evolution today, so I stopped time for everyone but us and the Voice, then we headed to the meditation chamber. Along the way, I had the impulse to hold her hand… I felt that she was tense for some reason. She will be doing some serious introspection today, so she must be worried about what she will realize. Times like these make you realize that we are still human at heart. A God probably wouldn't worry and look at it objectively: it's Weiss we are talking about, she will be perfectly fine.

When we arrived we sat down back-to-back.

"Ready? Worried?"

"What do you think? You won't allow anything bad to happen, so I don't see why I should be worried…"

I turned around and hugged her from behind. Wouldn't it usually be the female that hugs the male in situations like these? Eh, who cares.

"I will be here all throughout the process. Just do your thing and let me keep you safe."

She smiled and started meditating. I checked her thoughts since I was worried she'd have some self-destructive thoughts. That would be dangerous.

'So, accepting myself, huh? Tula said that we are still human as a base… Let's see…

I know perfectly well that I was a spoiled, clueless little princess. No, a heiress, even worse. Never once in my childhood have I done something 'normal', just studying and training, either as a heiress or as a Huntress.

I was cold and… Unapproachable. I shudder thinking about what would have happened to me if I continued that way. I closed off everyone from the real me and just acted my part as the perfect Schnee. Father was an asshole, absolutely, there is no doubt about that. And I was so powerless to do anything. Killing him? He's my father, I wouldn't have been able to do that. Fleeing? To where? And so, I resorted to rebellion, doing something I knew would piss him off while helping me become free…

And then, *boom*, out of fucking nowhere comes Tula. I was already sold on him the moment I saw his smile. Quite literally my lifeline. Oh, and Ruby, Yang, Blake, and everyone else too. But, everything was thanks to Tula. I doubt that things would have been the same without him in Remnant. Yet, it pisses me off that everything we have, everything I am, he gave it to me. I didn't get freedom on my own, I didn't get power on my own…'

I sent her a mental message: 'That's not true, Weiss. You still worked hard in everything you did. I am just a catalyst. I sped up the process and helped you, but that freedom, that power… It's yours. No doubt about that.'

'And there you go. Listening to my thoughts, are you? Go on, at least it makes me feel safe.

Well, after Remnant all sorts of crazy things happened… At heart, I think I stayed the same Weiss as I was in Remnant, maybe a little more approachable. But… Ooh, how much I wanted to tear apart Ruby and Yang on the night of my 18th birthday! And pretty much every other girl you got throughout the years… Well, I comfort myself remembering that I am your first wife and that you still love me more, even if you don't admit it.

Let's talk about Glyphs though, I don't want to put you on the spot. They have been a part of me, basically since birth, as a Schnee. I was pretty much hopeless, and yet I became the Origin of them… How ironic. You helped me even with that, remember? You got me to summon that knight. I remember that I thought: 'my knight can only be Tula!' or something like that… How right I was. We met many exceptional people in the universes we visited, but all of them pale when compared to you.'

I want to kill them. I want to torture them. I want to be the only one.

'Even Jaune, Sun, and Ren are honestly 'normal'. Not that I would ever be with them. They are my friends and all that, but I love you.'

A little better. I will still find those she compared with me and kill them all.

'Anyway, I don't know what I am supposed to realize. I know that I am a human, I know that I am a Schnee, and I know that I am your wife. Glyphs are a part of me already, so what am I missing? I don't know, and it's pissing me off!'

'How about thinking about it again, from the beginning?'

'Beginning… Human, child, little girl, heiress, Schnee, your wife, Glyph user. What am I missing?'

'Your core beliefs. I won't say anything else though.'

'Core beliefs… Core beliefs. I honestly believe that anything is fine as long as we are together. Other than that, I can only believe in Glyphs, as they are a part of me and do my bidding perfectly.'

[Conditions met. Proceeding with Omni Energy calibration… Error: Impossible to measure. Searching for reason… Reason found: Energy levels are too high. Mistress' current body can safely withstand this energy. Calibrating Divinity… Error: Divinity is anchored to Mistress. No further Divinity Calibration needed. Calibrating Soul… Conditions met. Calibrating Body… Conditions met. Calibrating Bloodline… Conditions met. Calibrating Faith… Conditions met. Calibrating Mentality… Mental State satisfactory.

Proceeding with Evolution… Calculating possible evolutionary paths…

Existence: Weiss Schnee - Heiress, Huntress, Origin of Glyphs, Wife of the Satori of Knowledge and Love, Legendary Cartographer of Douluo, The Ice Queen, Snow Angel,, Fifth Ghost, Complete Being…

Best Evolutionary path found. Proceeding with Evolution.]

I redirected all of Weiss' pain to myself. It's something that comes from the Omniverse itself and I still can't control the entire Omniverse. A Multiverse? Yes. Omniverse? Nope.

Anyway, I also started releasing all of my energy, and I mean all of it, to help with her evolution.

[Warning! Detecting influx of energy from an outside source! Calculating…

Proceeding with Evolution into a Unique Species.]

Oh… That... Wasn't planned. I felt a surge of pain. Goddammit, I fucked up. I saw my fucking skin cracking and bleeding out. Oh, I have golden blood… Cool. I waited for googols for the pain to stop as Weiss was evolving. Seeing it from the outside, it's kinda creepy. I literally saw her body disappearing and reforming from fundamental particles and laws. Then, the cocoon formed around her and the pain ended. I seriously have to do this another 30 times?! Fuck me! To pass time, I resorted to training and meditating.

Oh, Weiss' cocoon started to crack. She should be coming out soon. After so many years, I can safely assume that I have probably surpassed the Concept Satori level into something new, but I will be humble and say that I mastered all the techniques in the Omniverse to Concept Satori level. After another million years or so, Weiss emerged from her cocoon. I smiled and went to kiss her. Ah, I missed my waifu.

[Welcome back, Mistress Weiss. You have become a Concept Satoru, a 'Glyph' variant. Most of your Skills fused with your Divinity and Bloodline to enhance them. Apparently, you will experience a massive boost in regards to Glyphs and other Magic.

Going by Master Tula's rudimental 'Omni power levels' system, you were around Lv. 50 or so. While Integrating with your Spirit, you were around Lv. 100. While I still can't give an accurate estimate, you should be somewhere between Lv. 1000 and Lv. 1500. Oh, you are a Unique Race now, an 'Icy Glyph Empress'. Pretty standard, just with a power boost and absolute control over temperature.

As for other good news, you are now completely tied to Master Tula.]

"Tied?" Weiss asked,

[You are connected. While close to each other, your power gains a massive boost. You are a power couple now! Oh, you also share your powers, so you can use all of Master Tula's Skills and techniques as if they were your own. The same goes for Master Tula and your Skills and techniques. A-and a couple more things...]

"Huh, cool. Now I get why I was feeling a connection after my evolution." I said. The evolution and the fact that I apparently love Weiss more than my other waifus explains many things. But, I can't help but feel that I am wronging my other wives… Guess they don't need to know about this.

"Hey…" said my waifu. I turned to face her. "Can we have a child?" She had fucking hearts in her eyes! I shit you not! And what can a man do but accept such a heartfelt request? Nothing. You just obey and enjoy.

I really don't know how much time passed nor do I care. I accomplished my mission and I am honestly happy that I can be considered an Incubus, because I came out of the meditation chamber absolutely drained. How is this possible?! I should be the sex demon out here!

Weiss came out of the chamber and hugged me. Ugh, I felt my bones creak…

"Good job, da-r-li-ng! I'm sure our child will be adorable and super-strong! But, you should get ready because my dear 'sisters' will jump on you as well!"

"If you all drain me like this, I doubt I will survive long enough to actually see my children…"

"Why are you so weak? So weak!" she said with a smirk. Why did I see a speck of orange for a sec there? And 'weak', huh?

"Oh, I'll show you how weak I am!" I said and dragged her back to the meditation room.

I… Once again lost miserably. I indeed demonstrated that I am weak… To my wife… My pride is gone.

"Let's not talk about this and get the others evolved."

All-in-all, it took me an entire month, at least to the outside, to have everyone evolve. As Weiss said, my other waifus were raring to become mothers, so I was continuously drained for years in the meditation room. This is probably every guy's dream, but I somehow feel defeated and my pride is surely shattered… Oh, I definitely impregnated my wives, so there's no need for me to worry about it again. However, I wonder why I couldn't do it until now. We've been together for an unimaginable long time, yet my wives never actually got pregnant…

Oh, Weiss also planted the idea of motherhood in the other girls' minds, so Jaune, Ren, and Sun were also thoroughly drained, in privacy, in their bungalows, under time-dilation. I offered my condolences and came up with an energy drink to revitalize us. It was pretty useless though.

But, there's a 'but': I am already getting stressed out with the whole parenthood thing. Like, what do I do? Should we go to a normal universe and have our children grow there? Maybe just take some trips around the Omniverse and leave things to Fate? Nah, Hinata isn't exactly in a much better position. Oh, I have to make a room for the kids and make it safe, and a lot of other things… I think that I will also soon experience a midlife crisis, even if I don't have a lifespan. Actually, I think that will come later. I am still young! Yeah… Definitely…

Oh well, I guess that I now have an excuse to laze around for a few months. I might take up knitting, to make my children some cute clothes… Cute clothes that will nullify any attack below Concept Satori level and return it with ten times the power. Oh, and I will remodel everything to make it 'Godly baby'-proof. Well, at least I finally have a use for the HMS Shipgirls: most of them are maids, so I will have them follow the babies around. I am sure that, if any of my sons shares my same appreciation for thighs, the Shipgirls will be quite popular. Oh, I can already see a Tula Jr. salivating for Enterprise and Belfast…

To take my mind off of the very far off parenthood, I decided to check on my adorable, little playthings. Let's start with Padme. She's still doing a pretty shitty job at being a queen and Senator, but slightly better than I expected, to be perfectly honest. Obi-Wan took on his Force-Jesus form and grew out his hair and beard. I'm not going to lie, it suits him. Oh, he also found the 'hidden perk' of my lightsaber: it would return to him if he ever lost it, plus it will regenerate from damage. He has also ventured into the Dark Side abilities a little and learned a few useful ones that will surely benefit him during the Clone Wars. Oh, they, Obi-Wan and Anakin, are about to return to Coruscant after a mission. I guess that canon is about to start again. That will be a pretty fun experience. There's the Clone Wars, the creation of Darth Vader, then quiet for a while. Oh, and Ashoka getting ousted from the Jedi Order for absolutely nothing. I will take her in. She might do well as Jaune's or Sun's apprentice. If they don't want to bother, I guess I can teach her something.

Palpatine is going crazy with the Senators dropping like flies once he tries to corrupt them, so he's desperately trying to win them over with actual politics. He isn't doing too well, to be honest. Hopefully, he can get emergency powers by the end of the year and the battle of Geonosis.

Well, it is time for me to sleep the next few weeks away.