
Just a Hero for the Hell of it

Juri will be the heroine followed in the story as she fights her way through BNHA. Followed by encapsulated "heroes in training" along the way. This character will borrow a lot from her Street Fighter self, with a bit of oc aspects, since Juri isn't exactly what I'd call a team player.

Gold2109 ¡ Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Hitoshi Shinso

Monoma POV

"Sorry about this." The girl in front of me mumbled before getting into what looked like a silly fighting pose. 'One too many kung Fu movies.' I snorted before laughing. "Standing like that is only gonna make your defeat more embarrassing!" I shouted at her, yet her tone remained the same. Her purple eyes looked so monotone, but seemed to be simultaneously staring into my soul. 'Giving me the chills..' I quickly shook my head harshly, erasing the thought. 'I'm the hero! What kind of hero gets scared before a fight?!'

Juri POV

The boy across from me laughed loudly, staring up at the sky as he did. The laugh almost sounded maniacal. 'This guy doesn't seem all the way there in the head..' Was all I could think as I watched what looked to be an internal argument, along with a conclusion, between one person. Even still, I didn't calm my stance and continued to wait for him. While I have no problems with fighting (even enjoy it to an extent), I still don't like making the first move against weak opponents. It leaves a strange distaste in my mouth.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long because it seemed like the blonde's sociopath episode had ended. "Alright Villain." He started, a sigh of annoyance leaving my lips before he continued. "I'll be putting you down like your ally here in due time. Don't think I'll hold back because you're a girl. Justice knows no gender!" He stood straight, fists placed firmly on his hips as his crowd of two hesitantly cheered behind him. I could only cringe at the second hand embarrassment I felt. "Yeah.. sure. If you're done, I'd like to get this over with." I proposed, a small yawn following close behind.

"Do I bore you villain? So much that you'll speed up your inevitable defeat? Very well!" He shouted before rushing at me. 'About time..' I thought as he quickly approached. I could see him pulling back his left hands before thrusting it towards my cheek. I simply pushed his forearm with the back of my hand to deflect the blow, throwing off his balance completely and sending him to the ground. "Y-you..!" He hissed in what I could only assume was anger. I couldn't stop a small smile from forming on my face as he looked to be on the verge of tears. "We can stop now if you wa-" I was cut off from my words by an incoming right hook which I leaned my head back to dodge, following it up with a quick kick to his side.

I effectively dropped out of my stance. The kick had sent him into a nearby slide, clutching his side and groaning in pain. I could only frown as I looked over to him. 'He beat up this other guy, but can't take a half-hearted kick?' That was all I could think. 'Giving a hit and expecting to not take one would be setting yourself up for failure.' A small sigh left my mouth as I looked at the 2 boys spectating, their chubby and thin faces in shock. Probably due to how quickly their "hero" fell.

"You guys are friends with him, right?" I asked with a raised brow. Their faces went from shock to fear as their heads moved quickly from side to side. I looked down at the purple haired boy who'd been quiet the entire time to see that he was staring back up at me. His expression told me that he wanted to tell me something, but withheld it. Possibly because of the present company.

I knelt down with my forearms on my knees and looked at the duo to see sweat dripping down their faces. "I'll believe you. But if I ask him-" I pointed towards ground boy "-and he tells me you're acquainted with the "hero" back there, you won't get off easy with a sore side like he did." My eyes narrowed as a toothy smile stretched across my face. I could tell the intimidation trick was working, due to the sweat stains covering their shirts. "That is unless you tell the truth now." I threw out offhandedly after a few moments of letting the intimidating aura settle in.

"S-So if we tell the truth, you'll let us go?"

"I've got no reason to hurt you... well, yet."

They were still visibly hesitant after the exchange and looked at one another, seemingly conversing with their eyes. 'Was assuring there wellbeing not enough?' I mused. "Fine. I guess I'll have to ask hi-" "W-WE'RE HIS FRIENDS!" The chubbier of the two cut me off. Seeing that they were both still scared, I couldn't help but give one last scare. "Really? That settles it then." I started, standing over them with an ominous glare and cracking my small knuckles. They squeaked before holding onto one another and being on the verge of tears with snot running down their noses.

"Take him home." I started, quickly replacing the glare with an amused smile. "And tell him that I let him off this time, but I won't be so nice next time." I was aware of how cocky it sounded, but I felt that it fit the moment of the blondes 'hero and villain' roleplay. After all, the villain is supposed to be a jerk.

The duo looked over to their now unconscious friend before quickly nodding their heads, picking up the sleeping blonde and carrying him out of the park. Now there was just me, the purple haired boy, and an awkward silence. We stared at each other for what seemed like minutes, every second getting more and more uncomfortable. "You uh, just gonna stay down there?" I asked to break the silence.

3rd POV

A light pink dust made it's was across Hitoshi's cheeks as he scurried to his feet, dusting off his shirt and pants before. "Th-thanks.. uh.." He paused. "Just call me Juri." The shorter girl spoke with a light smile. After a few seconds of silence, Juri once again broke the silence. "Pretty sure this is the part where I get YOUR name.." She giggled softly, amused by the fact that he obviously didn't converse much.

His cheeks turned a darker, but still relatively light shade of pink. "Y-yeah, my bad, it's Shinso. Hitoshi Shinso."


Juri won't let aizawa lite have quirk depression phase while she's around