
Just A Girl Reincarnated As A Background Character

Beatrice Ala Mode suddenly realizes she's reincarnated as a background character among a group of high-class ladies. But navigating her new life proves more complex than expected. As she grapples with her existence, Beatrice questions her intelligence and purpose. Determined to break free, she embarks on a quest for self-improvement! Along the way, she forms unlikely friendships, dodges assassination attempts, and encounters eccentric characters. But delving deeper into her world's mysteries, Beatrice uncovers a tangled web of secrets and intrigue that threatens to upend everything. "I can't believe it's not lore!"

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17 Chs

My Brother

Béatrice Ala Mode was part of our group of high-class ladies, each named after the author's favorite desserts. My main role involved providing directions to Leila, the main character, concerning the whereabouts of the second prince in one scene.

Beyond that, I was written as a sheltered and naive count's daughter who made funny but out-of-touch remarks. To be reincarnated as the butt of a joke was disheartening, to say the least.

"Silly, Béatrice!"

"You say the most adorable things."

"It must be nice to have your head in the clouds all the time like Beatrice."

Sinking onto the soft bed once more, I rolled around in frustration. Was I truly as foolish as I seemed? It seemed inconceivable. In my past life, I had held two master's degrees, been an accomplished counselor, and had been flown all over the country to give speeches and talks attended by important people.

All this time, I was playing into the dumb girl trope, and it was something I had to change. Not that I had any right to be too hard on myself; being constantly spoiled and having little to no consequences for my actions all these years had made me soft. It had made my brain soft.

"Mira," I called out, and my maid came scuttling forward with a worried expression. "I need to go to the library."

"L-library? My Lady, are you feeling unwell?" Mira asked. "Do you want to eat something?"

"No, I'm just suddenly... in need of a reality check," I said pensively.

"A reality check? What's that?" Mira asked, her confusion evident. Of course, such terms wouldn't exist in this world. I pondered, the author must have had little to no reference material. Everything here seemed to be a mishmash of different time periods—were they torn between the medieval and Victorian eras?

What's more interesting is that in this world, people infuse gems with mana, which powers appliances and tools. Enchantments on these gems let them perform specific tasks when activated. It's fascinating, but I've taken it for granted since it's something so common.

I can't help but wonder. Why am I even here?

"I need to touch grass," I explained, my gaze distant. "At least, this world's grass."

"We have plenty of grass in the garden," Mira suggested. Her helpfulness knows no bounds, and she doesn't pry with unnecessary questions. Truly, she's the perfect handmaiden.

I shook my head. "No... I... I'm sorry, I just feel like the library is a great place for a nap," I said, forcing a smile.

As I entered the library with Mira trailing behind me, my heart skipped a beat as I spotted Adélard, engrossed in a book.

Trying to keep my composure, I walked over to him, Mira hovering hesitantly at my side. Adélard glanced up from his book, his expression a mixture of surprise and mild irritation.

"Beatrice," he greeted, his tone neutral. "What brings you to the library?" 

My brother's presence always made me uneasy, a feeling born from years of awkward interactions and strained conversations. Maybe it's because of our age gap?

I hesitated, my fingers fidgeting with the lace of my sleeve. "Oh, uh, just... browsing," I replied lamely, inwardly cursing myself for the lack of preparation.

Adélard raised an eyebrow. "Browsing?" he repeated, his voice laced with skepticism. "Is that so? You never come to the library."

I shifted uncomfortably, desperately searching for an excuse. "Well, I... um, wanted to... read," I stammered. Why am I so nervous?

Adélard's expression softened slightly. "Beatrice, you can tell me if something's bothering you," he said.

I forced a tight smile "I appreciate it, Adélard," I replied, mustering all the sincerity I could manage. "But really, I'm fine. Just... enjoying some quiet in the library."

He doesn't look convinced. "Well, I'll be going now. See you at the villa," Adelard said.

"Wait," I blurted out. Why did I do that?

He turned to me, one foot out of the door. "Yes?"

"I…" I faltered, unsure of what I was going to say. "Nothing, see you at home, Adélard."

Maybe I should ask him why he keeps scaring off my potential suitors. But that opportunity had passed, his brown hair disappearing out of the door.

I sighed. Perhaps next time I would muster the courage to confront him about it.

"You're quite close with Lord Adélard," Mira said cheerfully.

I raised an eyebrow, unable to suppress a sarcastic smile. "You call that being close?"