
Just A Girl Reincarnated As A Background Character

Beatrice Ala Mode suddenly realizes she's reincarnated as a background character among a group of high-class ladies. But navigating her new life proves more complex than expected. As she grapples with her existence, Beatrice questions her intelligence and purpose. Determined to break free, she embarks on a quest for self-improvement! Along the way, she forms unlikely friendships, dodges assassination attempts, and encounters eccentric characters. But delving deeper into her world's mysteries, Beatrice uncovers a tangled web of secrets and intrigue that threatens to upend everything. "I can't believe it's not lore!"

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17 Chs

End Scene

All eyes turned to the raised platform at the center of the room, where Prince Bernand stood, his expression resolute. Even from this distance, I could make out his tightened jaw and furrowed brows.

Everyone watched as Prince Bernand's voice rang out, cutting through the air like a sharp blade. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began. "It is with a heavy heart that I must address a matter of great importance."

A hushed murmur spread among the guests. I had a strange feeling I knew exactly what he was about to do.

Prince Bernand's gaze fell upon Lady Rosina, the notorious villainess whose cunning schemes had plagued the kingdom for far too long. Her regal facade faltered beneath the weight of his gaze, a flicker of apprehension in her eyes. Even though I'd never talked to her, I had seen her in passing, and she truly was as beautiful as people praised her for.

"Lady Rosina," the prince continued, his voice unwavering, "your treachery and deceit have been laid bare for all to see. Your attempts to manipulate and control have wrought nothing but chaos and misery upon our kingdom."

She's a high-ranking noble though. Why would she need to do those things?

A gasp swept through the room as Lady Rosina recoiled, her composure slipping further with each damning word from the prince's lips. Beside her, Leila, the prince's newfound love, stood tall. I had not had the opportunity to talk to Lady Leila, but I had an odd feeling about her.

I could practically choke from all this tension. I wasn't so sure if this was exciting or anxiety-inducing.

"And so," Prince Bernand declared, his voice ringing with authority, "I denounce you as my fiancee, Lady Rosina, and banish you! Your reign of terror ends here and now."

Banish? A collective gasp echoed through the ballroom as Lady Rosina's composure shattered, her features contorted with rage and disbelief. With a defiant glare, she turned on her heel and stormed from the banquet hall.

This was very familiar.

My heart raced with the excitement of witnessing such a pivotal scene. Amidst the clash between the second prince and the rose of high society, a peculiar thought crept into my mind.

I blinked, my gaze darting around the room as if seeing it for the first time. The opulent decorations, the elegantly dressed nobles, the flickering candlelight—all of it seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. And then it hit me like a bolt of lightning.

"I'm in a webnovel," I whispered to myself.

I glanced around nervously, half-expecting the fabric of reality to unravel before my eyes. But to my surprise, the world remained unchanged, every detail as vivid and tangible as before.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I contemplated my newfound awareness. How had I not realized until now?

I was... I was...

Scenes of the life I had before flooded my mind like a waterfall. Hastily devouring convenience store chicken with a side of instant noodles, the unfortunate misstep into a mound of dog poop, boisterous shouts echoing in dimly lit internet cafes, and the moment of impact as a ten-wheeler truck collided with me.

"I'm..." I managed to utter, my head spinning from the sudden realization.

"Are you alright, Lady Ala Mode?" A concerned voice said through the haze.

"You look quite pale," another voice chimed in with worry. "Lady Ala Mode, can you hear me?"

"Do you need someone to take you home?" Another voice offered.

The voices seemed to blur together, distant and indistinct, as I struggled to maintain my composure. But before I could say anything, the world around me dissolved into darkness.

Ala Mode?

Wow, that's a silly name.