
Hailey's POV

"What the heck!" I shouted immediately I got out of the director's office

I brought out my phone and called my driver to come pick me up. Minutes later he drove down and he picked me off heading for home. When I got home I met mum

"why are you back by this time? are you alright baby?" inquired mum

"no mum, ain't alright. I was suspended" Hailey cried out

"why were you expelled? is the director mad? why would he do such a thing?" Mrs Robinson yelled

Hailey smirked inwardly at her mum's reaction and she continued the act

"I was suspended because of a stupid classmate Khloe Michaels" I said while faking tears

"what happened?" mum asked

I explained everything to mum cause I wasn't afraid of her reaction towards me. She'll always encourage me to step on others so people will worship me. Infact she is my mentor.

"we'll teach her a lesson ok? I'll explain everything to your dad when he comes back" mum encouraged me

Then I went inside my room, pulled of my uniform and lay on the bed, soon I drifted off.

I woke up when someone knocked on my door

"Hailey baby come downstairs daddy's back home" mum said

"ok mum" I got off the bed

"welcome home dad" I hugged him and greeted sadly

"what's wrong with my baby?" he asked

Then I winked at my mum and my mum started

"darling someone bullied our baby at school. She only retaliated and the school authority got her suspended"

"Hailey can you explain how it all happened?" dad asked

I told dad that I didn't do anything to her. The next day, dad took me to school and we went to the director's office. Dad demanded an explanation and threatened to stop supporting the school if the school doesn't provide the girl who bullied me. As the show was going on, I grinned inwardly and was eager to see Khloe's face after the whole drama.

"Good morning sir you sent for me" Khloe greeted the director as she didn't even bother to greet my dad. I became angry because she treated us like air and at the same time I was happy because dad will see her as a disrespectful and troublesome girl.

"Khloe Michaels, Mr Robinson wants to talk to you." the director replied

"Good morning Mr Robinson. How may I help you?" Khloe asked calmly

"why did you bully my daughter?" dad asked her fuming because of the way she talked to him. Honestly speaking, I was enjoying the show.

"are you sure about that Mr Robinson? why don't you ask her what she did? or did she lie to you? Khloe sneered

The environment was so tensed as Khloe looked at dad in the eyes. I noticed a glint of anger flash through her eyes. I got goosebumps because of the way she looked at dad and I

"Sir anything else? I would like to go back to class" Khloe asked the director

"you may leave" the director permitted and Khloe left. I hate her guts. I admit I'm jealous of her, everything about her is so cool. Damn her!

"your daughter slandered her classmate online, she labelled Khloe Michaels a drug addict and she had no proof. According to the school rules, anyone who slander his/her classmate online will be expelled. I only suspended her because of your donations and good works to the school." the director explained

"Hailey you slandered her? why did you do such thing? you even lied to me that she bullied you when you did nothing" dad berated me

"Mr director teach your students some manners because if a student treats me like this next time you'll stop hearing from me" dad warned

"thank you for the advice Mr Robinson. I'll try my best" the director replied while standing

I was in a very bad mood not because my dad scolded me but because he scolded me in the presence of the director. I feel like tearing that Khloe into pieces. When we go back home dad climbed upstairs without speaking to me, He was obviously angry. During dinner he asked me

"her name is Khloe Michaels right?"

"yes dad"I replied enthusiastically thinking dad was going to teach the girl a lesson

"you'd better stay away from her" my mood dropped to 0° immediately dad said the next sentence

"we can't afford to offend their family" dad continued "but if you no longer want to go back to that school let me know" he concluded.

Going back to that school, my reputations are already tarnished but leaving the school isn't an option. I don't want that bitch to take Ray from me I thought. If I can't face her directly I'll look for a way to teach her a lesson. I can only blame this bitch and my dumb friend Hannah for putting me in this situation I sighed as I climbed upstairs.

A/N: unedited

I'm so sorry about that
