
Dumb Ass

**Director's Office**

"Good afternoon sir" Khloe greeted

"Good afternoon. You may sit" the director replied

"So what do you have to say about the rumor circulating about you in the school student blog?" the director inquired directly

"Sir I have nothing to say for now" Khloe replied calmly

"Like seriously? What do you mean by you have nothing to say? You can be expelled because of this rumor" the director scolded

"Yeah, thank goodness you called it a rumor. The person who who posted it doesn't have an evidence. Does he or she?" Khloe asked as she remained calm

"I'm sorry if the evidence is produced you'll be definitely expelled" the director said

"What if I find the anonymous person who posted it and the person is unable to produce an evidence then what will happen?" Khloe asked as she curled up her lips

"The person will be expelled. You may leave." the director said

"Thank you sir. Give me 12 hours I'll clear my name" Khloe curtsied and left for class

Immediately Khloe got home, she called her cousin Nathan and explained everything to him.

"Someone posted anonymously on the school student blog accusing me of being a drug addict"

"Oh my" Nathan exclaimed

"I guess you want me to track the person's IP address right or wrong?" He continued

"Yeah" I replied

"And how much pay am I receiving?" Nathan asked as he chuckled mischievously

"I'm your lil sis for crying out loud" Khloe whined

"Business is business Khloe baby" he also whined

Nathan is always like that. LOL. Asking for payment anytime I ask him for something though he's only joking. He's my favorite cousin, my paternal cousin as a matter of fact.

"Ok baby girl come online on whatsapp" He ended the call

I sent him the link of the post on whatsapp. An hour later, he sent me the anonymous person's info. I thought as much the dumb ass is Hailey she's so stupid I was even overestimating her.

Then I messaged my cousin on whatsapp

Khloe~Ice Queen: Thanks bro

Nathan Dearie: You welcome lil sis. Anything for you

Then I posted on the school blog

Khloe~Ice Queen:[It's dumb how someone posted anonymously with HER phone labelling me a drug addict. I never knew she was this dumb, sigh. Look who we have here] +photos

I posted the evidence that it was Hailey who posted anonymously and I also mentioned her to provide an evidence since she said I'm a drug addict.

Comments started flooding in...

Micah: Oh myyyy !

Praisey: @HaileyQueen provide evidence pleaseeee

Princess: The show has just begun

Clara: Lemme park my bike fess and listen to news

Josh: ...

Gabriel: Awwwn....so cool

Daniel: ...

"What the hell!" Hailey screamed as the smashed another flower vase

"That bitch made a smart move" Hailey continued

"Calm down Hailey, we need to think of something" Hannah comforted

"Shut up Hannah you advised me to do this!" Hailey snorted

"I'm sorry...I didn't know she's this smart. We need to plan a comeback" Hannah suggested though she was aggrieved due to the way Hailey berated her .

"You girls should calm down please" Hazel added

Hailey gritted her teeth in anger as she read the comments. She was mentioned by almost all the students

Nicey: @HaileyQueen provide evidence please

Peters: @HaileyQueen stop being a bitch, you only jealous of her beauty.

She never knew Khloe was this smart, she underestimated her.

**Next Day At School**

Immediately Hailey entered the class, a junior student came to inform her that she was needed by the director in the office. She went to the office and saw Khloe sitting calmly.

"Good morning sir" Hailey greeted

"Good morning. Do you have an evidence?" the director went straight to the point

"Sir I don't have an evidence but someone from her former school told me about it" Hailey stuttered

"Oh my! So you now go about investigating about my life. Didn't your civic teacher teach you it's an offence going about investigating people's life without permission? Hailey Robinson or whatever you are called this is the last warning. Anytime you repeat this, don't blame me for being harsh."

"Thank you Sir" Khloe curtsied and left the office

The director tapped the table bringing Hailey out from her oneirism

"Hailey you're hereby suspended for a month. This is the consequence of violating someone else's right. Whenever you repeat this you'll be expelled, take this as a warning. You may leave."

The news of Hailey's suspension spread like wild fire during the harmattan. Everyone stayed clear of Khloe and made a mental note to avoid her in future.