
Just a Bleach fanfic

It's just a typical story, I kind of got into the mood of writing a bleach ff, anyway don't expect me to be commited to this thing I will write as long as I want it. The story is about a guy who gets reincarnated into the bleach world, in soul society. The story starts when the mc is in the academy. The story is quite a good bit before the canon and it will take some time to catch up to it, I want this story to be somewhat fast paced but it might be longer in certain parts.

Vedhon · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Hello there, we see each other again after a few more days, right now I'm actually in the human world yay. Now the world is definitely not in the 21st century, so hey now at least I know I have time to prepare for the canon peace. Well as long as I do not get caught up in Aizen's plans in the meantime. Anyway we are about to be told our objective here, so let's listen to him in that case.

"As you know you guys have been chosen as the ones who show promise for an additional test, your task is to kill a hollow and send away two souls, do a good job and some whispers about you may reach a captains ears, and the faster you gain someone's attention the faster you get out of here. That's all, I will watch over you so do a good job"

You may think that only one person watching over us is too little, but there actually isn't that many of us. Only 3 including me, of course my little Kido friend is also here with me. And there's also one more person as well.

"Want to together? I know you aren't a bad fighter but at the end of the day you are hopeless in everything besides Kido, and it's pretty hard to utilize it in battle without experience"

I strike up a conversation with him like that.

"Ah, Igni don't worry I want to try doing it myself, besides you know I can already use up to Hado #15 chant less. I think I can take on a Hollow like that"

"Alright I will trust you, besides I think you will be in Kido Corps no matter the results you get so don't get too worked up over what will happen in this examination. Well bye now I myself need to go and get a hollow"

I smile and quickly flash step away somewhere further away, to be honest this is my first battle to the death basically so I am a bit worried. I may have fought before but I never fought before to kill something, much less a humanoid monster. Anyway locating a hollow shouldn't be that hard, I am going to use that method the author forgot about completely. I start to focus a bit and multiple strings(tbh I just forgot what word to use here) arise around me, I searched through them for a bit before I find one that belongs to a hollow. I quickly grasp it and flash step silently towards it, well at least as silently as I possibly can with my abilities. This is a situation where I might be in danger, I'd rather not risk it if I can you know.

Once I got into a good enough distance from him I quickly stop my flash stepping. I decided to ambush him and try to kill him without my zanpakuto. It's time to fight that guy. From the looks of it he is just a regular hollow, this should be quite easily doable in that case.

I flash step towards him and kick him with my right leg straight in the head, his mask cracked a little and he was pushed back a good bit. The hollow's staggering allowed me to safely land and ready myself for battle against him. I didn't manage to do anything other then that before he recovered himself, the savage hollow isn't particularly smart so he will only attack by instinct. He attacks me by swiping his right claw at me, I dodge it by going to the right, his claw digs into the ground and I counter attack by trying to kick his left side with my left leg. The hollow moves back a little and manages to avoid it. The dug into the ground claw shows signs of attacking me again, I'm not gonna lie that dodge kind of threw me of balance. However to avoid the attack I still try to flash step backwards with only one leg, I managed to do it and avoid an attack aimed straight at my neck. However the distance I covered was only a meter long and I fell right at on my butt, it would've been way easier if I just got to use my sword. Still I already steeled myself to do it without it.

The hollow won't miss such a blunder, he aims his left claw and stabs it straight in my direction, I roll away to the left to avoid it. Attacking like that left his mask right above my. I use my reiatsu to boost my physical strength and hit him with my fist straight into his face. He is pushed back 2 meters, which allows me to recover from the ground. With that I rush at him again, he nearly recovers from his staggering but I won't allow that to happen so easily this time around.

"Hado #1 Sho"

He is staggered again, I hold myself back to not push him at all and just make him falter once again. This allows me to close in on him safely and I make a hit on his neck, with my hand looking as if to chop it of. When my attack is about to hit it's neck the hollow retaliates with his own attack at me, my momentum still however caries my left hand so all I can do at that point is cover myself with my right hand from the attack.


The hollow hits me and rips off some of my clothes soon enough however he disappears from my view. He died from my attack and I'm alive still standing. As if nothing happened to me.


Once I examine myself I am left in shock, because there is no real damage. The area the hollow grazed only ripped my clothes off and left a slight red mark, as if I cut myself with a completely blunt knife a little too hard.

"That's weird"

I'm a bit shocked at that, however I cannot let myself linger on it too much, I am on a time limit and there are still 2 souls I have to send on their way. I decide to use this opportunity to practise my flash step in this kind of setting and just look for them like that. Humans die pretty often so I think I will find them quite fast.

Sure enough it didn't take me too long to actually find them, I managed to send them away without any real issues. Well one took some convincing and I nearly sent him away by force, however at the end of the day it all worked out quite nicely and I returned as the first to complete my tasks.

"Igni, I saw haw you did, you blundered your fight with the hollow a bit but you managed to do good enough for your first fight. That one was a bit above average too"

"Thank you sir"

"You never once pulled out your sword even though you are good with it, just wondering are you going to try and join the special forces?"

"Yes, that's my current plan right now"

"Well I won't judge you for that. Especially considering you are pretty good at their specialities, I will try to make them know you exist"

"Thank you"

I didn't talk with him anymore after that, and he didn't try to strike up a conversation with me as well. Since we still had some more time left I started to meditate to communicate with my zanpakuto. It may take some time before they come back and the time limit is actually pretty generous. I heard it's because we aren't in a too spiritually active area so hollows aren't that strong here and there isn't many of them as well. So it might take some time for others to come back.

Anyway I focused on my thing and simply meditated while waiting…

time passed just like that with nothing special going on, indeed that was supposed to happen however something I didn't expect to happen did.


I heard a letter that jolted me right awake, I couldn't discern whether it's a man's voice or a woman's at all. It was simply too fast and too short to deduce that. Is that what I think it is? No, no, don't get ahead of yourself, you have to make sure first before making that assumption.

"I'm sorry but did you say something?"

I ask the teacher this question.

"No, why do you ask?"

At those words I made a big grin, happiness really filled my chest at that moment. I seriously thought that my zanpakuto won't talk to me at all, I mean I don't use it nearly as much as I should've so I thought it wouldn't want to talk to me at all until I show it more respect or something. This little outing proved to be more beneficial to me then I thought.

Afterwards nothing else really happened the other people came back, and we headed back to the academy. I did brag a bit about hearing my zanpakuto's voice too. I might actually graduate even earlier than I thought if I already hear my it's voice. Anyway overall it was a fruitful day I suppose.