
Just a Bleach fanfic

It's just a typical story, I kind of got into the mood of writing a bleach ff, anyway don't expect me to be commited to this thing I will write as long as I want it. The story is about a guy who gets reincarnated into the bleach world, in soul society. The story starts when the mc is in the academy. The story is quite a good bit before the canon and it will take some time to catch up to it, I want this story to be somewhat fast paced but it might be longer in certain parts.

Vedhon · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

I take a few deep breaths to ready myself for what I am about to do, I'm in good condition and I already warmed up so I'm sure this time it will work like I want it to do. Readying myself I take a step forward and… Quickly disappear from the place I was standing at and reappear some distance later.

"Hahaha, I did it! I finally did it! It took some days of training but I managed to do it, I finally successfully performed the flash step"

I was overjoyed with my newfound success, it truly feels nice when your hard work pays off in the end, honestly I was nervous here. It's all good now, I think I will flash step whenever I can from now on. I will be proficient in it soon enough. Anyway since the moment I started my private Hoho training a few days have passed classes were going pretty normal. Since there are some required classes in Kido to take, I can now use up to Hado #4 with incantations. I can proudly say however I am willingly and diligently learning Kaido at least. I'm not bad at it if I have to say so myself. Anyway I think it's about time I start heading to my lesson. There was supposed to be something new today.

I head to the place where my class would take place, I got there pretty fast and sat down waiting for when it will start, some time passed more people came. Soon enough everyone came and the class was finally full, just as time for the lesson to start came.

"Everyone is here good" the teacher said.

"Today we will be learning how to communicate with your zanpakuto, don't worry if you don't here it takes a long time to do that and we are learning how to start doing it not how to talk to the spirit immediately. That kind of thing takes time"

And so the class begun, honestly it was pretty boring but I know how vital for a Shinigami's future. We learned how to meditate throughout the whole thing, and that's pretty much it. The instructor gave us some pointers and we all just meditated throughout the whole thing. Just like that the lesson was finished.

"Don't forget to try and communicate with your zanpakuto spirit regularly, it will take time until you can hear it's voice but it will eventually happen. You are dismissed"

Everyone leaves to eat dinner, the next lessons will be purely physical so a light meal is in order, the next class should be Hakuda training. I don't know hand to hand combat, in my previous life I took a grand totally of zero practices when it comes to it. That's why here I have to pay the utmost attention to even know how should I train outside of lessons. Now that I think about it I don't think there is anything else to do in soul society really except that. The other thing would be most likely hanging out with friends but even then you can't really do that every day. Whatever no use mopping over that.

Once I went to eat lunch I quickly ate some food and headed onto the next lesson with my classmates, The training consisted of repeating some stances and movements, a bit of practices on how to actually utilize it, and then a sparring match between ourselves to further improve upon that. Now that I think about it what I really want to train sure fits under what was her name Sui Feng? Soi Fon?'s division doesn't it. However I don't think I want to be part of that one in particular, I just don't think I am very fit for it you know. Though from what I remember their headquarters are pretty good, even if I like their captain… actually it might be future captain I don't really know at what point in time I am. I'm only 100% sure it's definitely before the blood war arc. I also don't think I heard about captains defecting. Well we will see soon.(actually please clarify her name to me as I seem to see both being used)

On the topic of divisions I think the ones I'm most interested in despite everything I said before is still the 2nd division, and the next two would be the 1st and 13th divisions. Honestly for the 13th division I just want to meet Rukia somewhat naturally, after Ichigo she is my favourite. If I'm sad about anything is that they didn't get together at the end, it's not like I dislike Renji, it's just I think Ichigo deserved better than Orihime. Sorry she is the only character I actually dislike in this series it slipped up a bit here.

Right I think I made a plan to myself of what I'm going to train during the week, my plan is 3 days of Hakuda training, 1 day of Zanjutsu training, 1 day of Hoho training, and last but not least 2 days of Kido training, Kaido specifically.

I glance at my zanpakuto for a bit.

"I wonder if it will get angry that I don't want to use it as much"

I plan to use it even less later, of course I plan to eventually switch back to mainly using my sword but I want to reach a certain mastery level in Hakuda first before switching back to it. After my first year I'm not going to practice with my sword other than making sure I'm not rusty with it, I think I will use only my fists for at least 10 years first. Wait a moment this actually gave me an idea, why don't I stay in the 2nd division for those 10 years and ask for a transfer then, yes that's a pretty good idea. I think I will do just that.

Anyway I think I should get someone to train Hakuda with, I think asking the instructor might prove beneficial to that end. I think that's a pretty good idea on it's own, I can do it for a while until I grasp on what I'm supposed to do and can train alone. Decided on what I'm supposed to do I went and asked the teacher on what I can do to improve upon my Hakudo better.