
1st day of school-10th grade

Your POV

      My alarm went off. Ugh, I have school today. I quickly got up, dressed, grabbed my black coat, and went downstairs.I didn't want to take my car out so I walked. I was walking but I stopped I heard yelling in a dark corner of the street.


     "You have to hide your identity jungkook" manager-nim kept blabbing about how I can't be myself so I could go back to school.BRUH. I don't even want to go to school but my momma kept yapping that what will I do after my singing career ends. Ugh, what a bother.


    I heard yelling, " help!" I ran quickly to see who was getting hurt. Some kids were kicking and pushing him around.

     I quickly grabbed my phone and put some siren noises. Uh, pathetic they fell for it. I quickly helped him up he was pretty tall, had light brown hair, and was pretty cute even with  wearing nerdy glasses.


      My manager made me walk to school. Suddenly some kids came behind me. They pushed me and started kicking me.

      My manager told me not to get into any problems so I pretended like I was in pain but I got used to it from all my middle school fights. Suddenly I heard sirens and the kids left running. Wow, pathetic.

  A girl suddenly came running to me, "are you ok?!" *wow she is pretty* "umm are you ok?" I turned red I had forgotten that she was talking to me. "Ya, I'm fine thanks." Then I ran away.


     HUH, did this guy just run away?! Wow how rude, oh well. Well, sh*t I'm about to be late no wonder he ran.        

I finally made it a few minutes earlier than I expected. Everyone was staring at me, was there something on my face? I heard whispers," omg she is so pretty" "that girls hot" "omg isn't she part of the rebels!" "ugh here comes a boyfriend stealer."

  Eww, the last comment was just disgusting. I ignored them and made my way to the board to see what was my first class.


       I was walking to school. Wow the rest of BTS ditched me and stayed to sleep instead of attending school with me.

      I was looking around and something caught my eye. It was the girl from earlier! How embarrassing I ran away. I went up to her, " hi" she ignored. Wow, rude.

      She said, "leave me alone" and she ran away. She must have been mad. Fine, she'll be rude I can do the same too.


     I'm exhausted thanks to the nerdy boy. I felt someone come up to me. It was a guy I could tell so I didn't even look. I just ignored him. Then I said," leave me alone" and I ran away. Way to go.

     I arrived at my class. I have Mr. Seo, he looked very calm. I always loved ELA. We had to introduce ourselves and I, of course, was first. "Anneyong asseo, my name is Kim Hyerin nice to meet you guys."


    I arrived at class and I have Mr.Seo, I'm so gonna fail. I've always been bad at ELA. The teacher started to call up people for introductions. I noticed the first name they called out was Kim Hyerin, why did it sound so familiar.

    I heard whispers, "isn't she part of 'The Rebels'?" "Dang, she is hot." She introduced herself and I was next.


   I introduced myself then they called up someone named Min-Seong. The guy from earlier came up. Wow, how come I'm still mad about him not thanking me.

    Gosh, he talked a lot about himself as if anyone cared. Then he finally sat down and we continued class.

After class


   Finally class ended so I went to my locker and suddenly someone pushed. Oh great, here we go again.

     "Sorry" it was a girl's voice. I guess she didn't mean it, "it's alright" and I left to lunch.