
Jumper Fanatic in Marvel (MCU)

Getting Wishes and going to a world not of his choice. What awaits him on his new adventure, will he finally live a life that he has always wanted to?

FallingStarssux · Movies
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4 Chs

[Chapter 2]

(A/N: This will have small POV of love interest no one else but these two will get one though..... well maybe a small one who knows. Now, Let's.... Motherfuckin'... Go!)


[Jax POV]

A week that is how long I have been training, I know I said I wasn't going to work out but it was something that I learned helped me increase my usage of my Jumping power. I was going to do this enough to help with that but it was also using the power itself that helped me make it grow stronger, with each level up I felt refreshed.

At the moment I could use the Jumper power a lot quicker if it was in small spots, like across a room was instantaneous while across the city took a minute, out of state was three minutes. It was slowly coming down but it was something that was going to help me with my plans, on the wall I already had many things that I planned to do in a while.

As for FS (Future Sight) it was a lot easier to control but still a little limited, I could now walk and look at the future but I could only split it two ways before getting a nosebleed and headache. That was fine though since it was also coming along for me to use in more situations, I no longer look like an idiot standing in one spot anymore.

My job was something I ditched a couple of days ago, my bank account could hold me over for two months but if my planned worked then it would be a lot longer than that. I didn't need the distraction to take away from training, plus I had no friends at the job so it wasn't all that bad leaving it, wow I have no friends... that hurt a little.

Shaking that off I scratched my chest, after falling asleep after my first night I had a dream about a beautiful angel and wanted to meet her but the face was always blurred. My heart was feeling empty every time I saw her in the dream which made me scratch my chest, it also was putting me in a bad mood not being able to find her.

I knew this was that beings fault, it didn't take a genius to know that he did something to me and that it was making me crazy for some girl that I didn't know. Though I was thankful that it wasn't some girl from the movies, I don't know how I knew but I knew that she had nothing to do with the Avengers.

Shaking the feeling off I checked the time and seeing that it was 2am decided that it was time to go ahead and rob the bank that I have been planning to hit for a while now. Grinning I looked at the picture I was able to get of the inside of the vault, I was going for the Safe Deposit Boxes inside since the money could be traced if it was taken from there.

Putting on the backpack that contained the lockpicks and other things to take away the boxes I jumped inside the bank. When I landed I tried to balance myself since it was a medium jump and I wasn't 100% with those landings yet, it was only small jumps that I could actually control the jump at the moment.

Walking towards the first I put a flashlight in my mouth and got to work, I had been training on how to break the lock for a week now so it wasn't that hard for me to get into it. All it took was opening my own box in the bank and I was able to learn the type of lock that was inside of the box and the one that covered them all, Stealth was now my mission.

I didn't know if there were any guards wandering so I was going to stay quite as possible, thankfully there were no cameras inside for peoples privacy so I didn't need to worry about that. "Shit! Why couldn't this be all one big vault!" I cursed after opening the 30th one, these things were starting to get annoying.

While in the middle of opening the 31st something unexpected happened, I thought a bomb was going off as the side wall exploded and the whole thing crumbled to the ground. Covering my eyes I waited until it went quite before looking over, seeing the person in front of me my eyes went wide, my heart started to beat faster as it was feeling full more than it has this entire week.

Standing there was the one person I didn't expect to see at all in this world... That being, I wanted to curse it and praise it for sending me my own version of an angel. Smiling widely I looked at her as she watched me with her blue eyes narrowed at me.

"You're taking my stuff!" She said with a small pout but there was anger in her voice, to me though it sounded like the most beautiful thing I had ever heard of though.


[Harley Quinn POV]

This week has been something of a fun adventure for me, first getting to a new world was the most badass thing that has happened, then knowing I was really free I laughed my head off. My new house was an old abandoned Amusement park that I learned was in my name, who ever sent me here was nice enough to give me the place without having to pay taxes.

"Bruce! Good news we own this whole place and don't have to worry about anyone taking it from us!" I squealed looking over at my baby who was smiling back at me, well the best he could being a Hyena and all. I was now thanking whoever sent me here for this, I was set with this of course I would need to gain money for more things but this was enough for now.

Plans started to fire off in my head one after the other about what to do with this new freedom, "A Bar!" I shouted out loud while giggling it was perfect I could make a bar here and it would cater to lowlifes since it was going to be run by one, with all the information I had I could do this.

I knew about Captain America but couldn't help but frown at him the Serum did way more than just give him muscles, or maybe that was all it increased for him since he was dumb. My mind was now way bigger than what it was back in Gotham, sure I had a PHD in Psychology but it was limited to what I learned and some plans for evil also.

Now though with the Serums help I could expand my knowledge to anything I wanted just by working on it, whose to say with all the information I know that I don't run the underworld. There was nothing for me to lose by doing this and I also gain many things from running it, "It's decided Bruce, we will make a Bar and be the dealers of all information of everyone there is to know about!" I said while kissing him on the face.

"HEHEHEHEHE!" He laughed while sticking out his tongue, my baby was always on my side. Didn't hurt that whoever sent me here gave him a higher intelligence to making him understand what I was saying, this was also information I knew.

"Now firstly we need some money, while it would be easy to get it from some of the gangs since I know where it was kept I would rather take it from the people. What have the people ever done for me to not do this to them." I said smiling. Going to my trunk I changed into some different clothes to wear, putting on my Corset with checkered patterning and some torn jeans it was time to head out.

Exploring New York was interesting, some people stared at me since Bruce was following me but I ignored them and checked out every spot that came to mind. First I need to find a new place that could make my breakfast sandwich there was no way I was going to make it without it so it was a must.

That was found at a place called Keith's who graciously gave it to me for free when Bruce growled a little at him, I like to think it was my good looks that did it for him though. Mhmm.... He put a little to much hot sauce but he would learn next time that it was going to be less needed on it, after filling my belly I went skipping around checking every place out.

A week later I found a bank to hit, I was going to do it at night so as not to draw any attention to myself while doing it. I already explored all the escape routes along with what to do if the cops came, wouldn't want them looking for me before my bar got started up now would we.

This past week I have already learned things from hacking to cooking..... though that cooking part wasn't going as well as planned somehow my food was under or overcooked it never tasted right. Ignoring that I looked to Bruce who was sitting next to me in our house, we were living in the fun house that I fixed up into an apartment it had everything.

"Alright Bruce are you ready! Tonight we get the funding for the new bar we are going to open..... though I still haven't thought of a name for the place yet." I said while tilting my head and looking at him, I picked up the baseball bat that I got from the person. It was made out of Adamantium and Vibranium it was a treasure to me since I knew how strong these metals were.

Heading out after checking my equipment over we went to the bank, I was robbing the one on the other side of town where the rich people lived it was more than a fifty minute ride. By the time I reached it was already two a.m. and there was not a person in sight, it was different from the other side of town which still had a lot of people walking around all night.

When the building came into sight I shook with excitement while looking down at Bruce, "Let's go baby we are not leaving until we have cleaned everything out of here." I said while rushing to the building I already had the layout in my head so I knew where to hit, thankfully I had the foresight to cut all the camera feeds in a two block radius.

Rushing to the side wall I slammed my bat into it with Bruce right behind me, with all my strength I took a swing and it worked out with the wall crumbling down seconds later. Grinning I like my handy work but then frowned staring at someone who was already inside, the guy was wearing all black with a flashlight in his mouth, it dropped the next second.

I froze for a second because I saw all the telltale signs that he knew me, it wasn't just a look of him seeing my beauty but like he knew me personally. Studying people I knew these little movements meant something, it had nothing to do with the wide smile he was supporting, I also saw something in his eyes that were in mine.

There was pain there but it was hidden, at the moment instead was shining admiration and a little lust shaking my head I spoke out with a glare and a little anger, "You're taking my stuff!" I said this was suppose to be all mine and he was here before me, I was shameless enough to say this.

Not giving him a moment to think or let that silly grin leave his face, that I will not admit that I like, I rushed at him with my bat raised with Bruce following me into the fray. When I took a swing he was gone the next moment and I heard a voice behind me, "Wow a swing first type of girl huh?" I could hear the smile in his voice without having to turn around.

Even if his voice was soothing I pushed that away and turned to him, no guy was going to distract me again or be the thing I made my life revolve around. "Give me back my stuff!" I shouted running at him again, I didn't make the same mistake and used some of my enhanced speed to get closer to him.


[Third Person POV]

Jax and Harley were running around the room, well Jax was jumping while Harley chased him, he refused to give up the money even if all he wanted to do was give it to her. He wasn't going to lie and say the moment he saw her that she didn't fill his heart and mind, at the moment he needed the money so that he wouldn't have to worry about working.

Although he didn't know how she got so fast making him have to Jump more often, his heart had stopped seeing her beautiful face when she first came through the wall. She was pale, so pale he could see faint blue lines of her veins on her arms a little, she also had the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen, he was wondering which Harley she was.

She didn't look like any of the actresses but more of the cartoon version of herself making her have her own face, which was heart shaped and perfect to him in every way. She was wearing a corset top that was highlighting her chest it had the checkered black and red on it matching the tattoo on her arm, her beauty stunned him almost making her hit him.

"Stay still and get hit already!" She said growling while hitting at him more, she was making so much noise that people came and saw what they were doing while calling the police. Bruce her Hyena was flanking Jax trying to bite him but it was hard since he was jumping in random spots.

"I am not crazy enough to get hit." He said but he smiled at her, "How about we spilt it 60/40 with you getting the 60."

"How about I get it all!" she said throwing the bat at him with all her strength, he knew that it would hurt seeing as she could break a wall down so he jumped. Right when he landed she was there to kick him in the chest, with a sunken chest he flew and hit the wall while coughing up a little blood that evaporated when it hit the ground.

"Now hand me the money!" She said with both her and Bruce glaring at him, the entire time his smile hadn't slipped and he was wiping the blood away.

"Fine since you were able to hit me once I will give up these earnings to you." He said with a smile not mad at all about the loss, this was just one of many banks that he was going to rob. There were even some in other states that he already had the plan to hit, but he was focusing on this one at the moment before he went to those, call it a test run.

"That is how it suppose to be." She said putting the bat on her shoulder while Bruce laughed on the side.

Jax shook his head and took out the money stuffing it into a nearby duffle bag, the place was destroyed with all the boxes already opened so he helped her collect the rest. When they finished they were already surrounded by the police but neither paid any attention to the cops that were around them, they looked at one another.

"Jax Covington." He said holding out a hand.

"Harley Quinn but I can tell you already know. Want to tell me how you know?" she said not taking his hand but glaring at him watching him for signs of lies.

"Probably because we were both brought here by the same person, though I am sure our reasons are different." He said while smiling not lying to her, "Mind telling me what you were doing before being brought."

Harley stared at him before opening her mouth to answer, "I was driving a truck into a plant to show Mr. J that me and him were no longer a thing, it was my message to the city."

"Birds of Prey." Jax said with a small smile though Harley heard his words with her new senses, "Well then seeing as we are surrounded do you need help or do you have this?" he asked pointing at the cops who have been yelling at them to freeze for the past couple of minutes, what he smiled more about was he couldn't tell the future if she was involved. The being blocked her from his sight, but that made him all the happier.

"I got this." she said before picking up the duffle bags slinging one onto Bruce, "Thanks for the offer though Darling, next time try not to get in my way though. Things might not end as they did this time." she winked before rushing towards the cops before running away, she was like a blur as she ran not fast enough to not be noticed but enough to not see her face.

Jax grinned and jumped to his apartment, when he got there he laughed his ass off like a crazy person wiping the tears away that fell as he laughed. He just met his number 1 girl in any world, there was no way this wasn't intentional and he was going to try his hardest to get her.

He knew she was still hurt at the moment but that wouldn't stop him from trying to get with her, he needed to find her first though.

Across town Harley made it back to her 'Apartment' and set down the six duffle bags grinning, luckily there were no cameras to catch her so she could start off legit. She knew though that she would be on the radar of those who watched everything in the shadows though since both her and Jax used their powers at the bank.

She was surprised to hear what he had said but didn't want to think of it, hopefully she didn't run into him any time soon the guy was all sorts of bad for her. It wasn't on the level of Mr. J but she knew that if they spent more time together then she would be in some serious trouble so she needed to keep away from him.

It was worse when she had no information on him like she did all the other big players of the world.

I am going with the guy chasing the girl, it is going to be quick to I was never one for drawing things out. Some Marvel stuff happening soon.

FallingStarssuxcreators' thoughts