Fukashi is The Last Uchiha who was born with the privilege of The Legendary Sharingan. For the first time in all recorded history The Six Eyes and The Legendary Sharingan will be active at the same time! What does this mean for Satoru Gojo, more importantly what does this mean for the world of Jujutsu Kaisen?
"You're late, again" a voice said from the corner of his living room, Akira turned with a small smile on his face.
"Did I wake you?" He asked as he took off his thin grey sweater and lazily threw it across the room onto a chair.
She shook her head in the negative "You don't even have an excuse?"
"You know why I'm lat-"
"You couldn't say it was busy or that something held you up?" She scoffed and shook her head "It was that boy again" she said accusingly.
Akira sighed "What's your problem with him, you've never even met him."
"Exactly, I've never met this boy who you spend more time with than you do with me" her voice was snide as she brushed past him.
He turned with an annoyed look on his face. "It's my job!" He shouted "What do you want woman!"
"You're always at your damn job! Akira what's more important to you? Me or the boy?" The pretty woman with short brown hair said to the tired looking man.
"You, you're the most important thing to me" He held her tear stained cheeks between his hands as he stared into her honey coloured eyes. "But he's important to me aswell, I can't-"
"I can't believe you!" She shouted as she rushed out of Akiras small home. Tears ran down her flushed face as she slammed the door behind her.
Akira appeared in a flicker next to a half asleep Fukashi, he poked the 11 year old with his toe. The boy jumped and woke up with a start.
"How many times have I told you" He grabbed the barely awake child by the ear "Don't fall asleep by the lake" He said to the still half asleep boy.
Fukashi seemed to wake up again as he swung his hand towards the older man who watched as the punch bounced off his knee.
"Ow" Fukashi said out loud while holding his knuckles "You got some strong knees Akira" The older man rolled his eyes and slowly lowered himself until he sat down next to the young boy.
"And I wasn't asleep! I was just relaxing by the lake" Fukashi tried to defend himself.
Akira gave the boy a dubious look.
Fukashi cracked with a sigh "Fiinee" he looked with a scowl forming on his face "I was asleep".
Akira sighed "Gods be good I'm going to have to keep waking you up like this aren't I" he held his head in his hands dramatically.
He heard Fukashi suppress a giggle, Akira rolled his eyes and turned to the young boy. His hair was blowing in the breeze revealing his dark eyes that looked at the shimmering lake with a smile.
Akira felt a smile of his own forming on his face.
"I WON'T ACCEPT THIS!" The shout echoed around the small group of sorcerers.
Kenjaku smiled slightly as he watched the boys eyes change, this would be interesting. The boy's fist clenched, his face bared a snarl that tried to hide the trembling lips and tear filled eyes.
Urame threw a shimmering blade of ice flying towards the teenager who didn't move. Kenjakus eyes narrowed in confusion, was the boy just going to die.
The blade went through with zero resistance.
His eyes widened as the blade left no wound, scratch or mark on the boy.
Fukashis focused switch instantly to Urame, the white haired sorcerer started to step back instinctively. Something was wrong with this boy.
But before their foot could even leave the ground they collapsed, their legs were shaking as an explosive pain emerged in their stomach. Urame coughed blood as their hand tried to put pressure onto the wound.
Kenjaku turned to the Sukunas servant with widened eyes, her stomach had a hole the size of a football before he could react, a sudden hole made itself known in his gut.
He looked down and saw a hole in his own stomach 'Wha-' he saw a spiral of something tearing into his leg and pushed with all of his strength to avoid the spiralling distortion of space.
His reverse cursed technique quickly healed the damage and he turned back to the Uchiha.
He was gone.
Kenjakus eyes widened in panic as he turned instinctively only to see the palm of the Uchiha reaching for his face.
He leaned back to avoid the space distorting palm and kicked upwards towards the Uchiha only for it to go through the boy.
Kenjaku felt himself lose balance as suddenly his foot didn't exist anymore, he briefly looked down to see anything below his left shin was now gone.
His reverse cursed technique did its best but he still fell backwards onto his back. Before the boy could take advantage he rolled to avoid the crushing stomp the Uchiha threw.
He got back to his newly healed feet and raised his guard, the Uchiha raised his own before meeting him in a clash of fists.
Kenjaku knew he was not the fastest or the strongest sorcerer alive, but when it came to martial arts he was most certainly one of the best.
He had been alive for a thousand years and learned and evolved with the dozens of styles he has mastered and perfected.
But the Uchiha read through every faint, every punch, kick, knee, elbow. Every blow Kenjaku threw was read, avoided and countered and if it wasn't blocked it would simply go through the teenager.
The Uchihas strength was extraordinary, each blow was a death sentence for a lesser sorcerer. He scowled, but was hit with a crushing knee that left him catching his body's breath. Before he could even take one of those breaths his jaw was removed from its body with a brutal tear and crack.
Dozens of cursed spirits were released from Kenjaku, he needed to buy time. The spirits were dealt with quickly, their heads going missing in spirals of distorting space and others simply distorting into a spiral and disappearing completely when the boy touched them.
Kenjaku felt an interested smile grow on his face as he watched, when the boy wasn't so focused on killing him it was rather entertaining.
But only a few spirits remained, he gestured to Urame who had healed themselves earlier in the fight and released another cursed spirit.
A whirling portal was formed in front of him and Urame, he turned back and saw the Uchiha boy dealing with the last spirits with ease.
He walked through the grey fleshy portal and closed it behind him.
His plan was just beginning.
One more review and then I get an official rating for the story :) let me know what you think and hope you enjoyed.