
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Last Uchiha

Fukashi is The Last Uchiha who was born with the privilege of The Legendary Sharingan. For the first time in all recorded history The Six Eyes and The Legendary Sharingan will be active at the same time! What does this mean for Satoru Gojo, more importantly what does this mean for the world of Jujutsu Kaisen?

Stingleese · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


"What is your dream boy" the night was silent until he spoke, they were both still overlooking the veil making sure no cursed spirits got past.


"Your dream, what is it"

"Avenging my clan"

"Your dream is to kill people?"

"Those people murdered my people, so yes my dream is to kill them"

"You need a better dream"

A snarl raised to his face "What better dream could I have?"

"At night, when you go to sleep in your deepest fantasies you are killing people?" The older man questioned

"Well no b-"

"Then your revenge is an ambition, not a dream" The older man embraced the surrounding silence before he broke it "A dream is what we humans want when we are at our most vulnerable. Boy, what do you dream about?"

The teenager snorted "I don't think you wanna know that old man" with a small grin on his face.

The older man snorted "So it's a person you dream about" the teenager's widened eyes made the older man chuckle.

"No" His answer was a bit too quick and they both knew it.

Akira rolled his eyes, "Boy, we sorcerer's don't live long lives." The teenager paid full attention to his words "only cowards live long in this world, most will die young…you will die young"

Fukashis eyes widened "What, I won't-" his words were instantly interrupted.

"You will, I will, your friends will." Akira's head dropped "it's a cruel place, this world. So you must pursue your dreams while you can"

"Well since you're so focused on my dreams, what are yours?" Fukashis asked with a peeved look on his face.

"I wish to change our world" Akira's voice had a hint of steel as he looked up into the full moon. "We will die young, but I want to change that. I know that no matter how much I dream, that truly I will never be able to change this world"

A long silence encompassed the pair until Fukashi broke it. "I guess I don't have a dream like that, I-I don't know what I want other than revenge…I like fighting, but…I don't know" Fukashis voice faded as he released a sigh.

"Well, you like that girl right?" Akira's voice interrupted Fukashis thoughts.

"What girl?" He tried to stall.

"Green hair and glasses"

"No, I mean…maybe" Fukashi sighed again "I don't even know her that well"

Akira snorted "Didn't you say she's your friend?"

"Well friends yeah, I spar with her and talk to her but…" Fukashi paused for a few seconds "I don't know her favourite food, I don't even know her birthday"

"Then ask her, just talk to her" Akira's voice was softer this time.

"I can't just ask that stuff, its weird"

Akira snorted again, "It's fine to just talk to girls Fukashi."

"One time we did just talk, she gave me an earphone, she had the other one." Fukashi looked back at the moon "She showed me music, it was good." The last Uchiha awkwardly looked down at his shoes "I think about that a lot"

He looked to Akira only to see the man grinning, Fukashis eyes narrowed "What are you grinning at?"

Akira laughed lightly and patted Fukashis shoulder, he dramatically wiped a fake tears from his tired eyes "Just happy to see my student is a romantic"

Fukashi scoffed, another silence took over the two sorcerers.

Fukashis voice was certain as he met eyes with his career. "But I won't give up my revenge Akira, nothing in this world will stop me when it comes to that."

Akira nodded slowly and let out a sad sigh "I know"

A brief silence dropped over the pair.

"You gotta lighten up old man" Fukashi said teasingly.

Akira sighed dramatically "It's hard to lighten up when I have such a helpless idiot under my care" Fukashi glared back at the man.



Fukashi saw the man covered in ice, in a burst of speed he appeared next to the older man whose eyes quickly swivelled over to him.

"Boy get out of here now!" Akira's heavily accented voice whispered to him with urgency in his tone.

Fukashis brow furrowed as he started to dig the man out the ice, he saw multiple other people nearby all looking towards a white haired woman and black haired man.


"The man with the stitched forehead" Akira winced "That is a man we do not want to see you, he revealed his previous identities, including Noritoshi Kamo"

"What does that have to do with me?" Fukashi whispered back, the last Uchiha had a feeling something was wrong.

He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and goosebumps raise on his arms.

"That man is obsessed with your clan, he had a notorious experiment to do with your eyes. Please, I'm begging you Fukashi." Akira's breathing was heavy.


Fukashi felt his eyes widen in pleasant surprise as the ice suddenly melted, he was about to grab onto Akira when the man was grabbed by a curse.

Fukashi didn't even sense it, it came from underground. In a flash Akira was trapped in a cocoon of ice only leaving his head out of the trap next to the man with the stitched forward.

Fukashi rushed forward but stopped at the voice he heard.

"A Uchiha, one with those eyes" the voice sent shivers down Fukashis spine. "Urame watch his eyes" the man whispered to the white haired person next to him.

Fukashi walked directly in front of a blonde woman and met eyes with the man with the stitched forehead. "Uchiha, don't take another step or this man dies" the voice was cold and serious so Fukashi stopped with no hesitation.

That only made the man smile, Fukashi felt like he had swallowed a ball of lead as he watched on. He briefly met Akiras eyes, he couldn't tell what the man was feeling at all.

"Now Uchiha give me a reason to spare this man," Kenjaku said with raised eyebrows. "If your reason is not suitable I will kill him"

"W-what" Fukashi was used to feeling confident and prepared for anything but this caught the teenager flat footed.

A blade of sharp ice was formed and started to poke at Akiras bared throat, Fukashi spoke quickly with emotion clouding his tone. "Pl-please I'll do anything, anything I swear to you" his voice hitched as the blade slowly raised again.

He stumbled forward and fell to his knees with his hands held together towards the man as if in prayer. "I-im begging you, please, I'll worship you I'll-"

The blade raised again ever so slightly but he heard Akira grunt in pain and Fukashis eyes filled with tears. "NO! Ple-Please I'll give you my eyes please I just-"

The blade raised again and Akira closed his eyes and grunted again. "NO, H-He's all I've got" his voice was cracking with emotion as tears fell from his red eyes.

"HES ALL I HAVE!" His words echoed around the silent as he dropped his head to the ground as tears and sobs erupted from his body.

"Perfect" the silky words were a big contrast between the previous screaming but seemed just as loud to Fukashis ears.

He looked up and saw a tear rolling down Akiras cheek, and then as the tear hit the ice entrapping his body everything went wrong.

The small blade of ice gained size and pierced straight through Akiras head, the squelch of flesh parting and cracking of bones being broken was deafening to the teen who had already looked away.

His sobs echoed through the crowd behind him, he looked back hoping he was wrong and looked back away instantly.

He half stood and stumbled over towards the corpse, he fell back to his knees as his body seemed to fail.

He felt his eyes hurting and his throat burning, his ribs ached from the sobs wracking his body.

"Boy, look me in the eyes" Fukashi grasped onto the word boy instantly and looked up at the voice hoping it was somehow Akira, it was not.

It was the man with the stitched forehead. The man who killed Akira. "Oh" the man chuckled "I haven't seen that pattern before"

Fukashi couldn't even think, he weakly stumbled to his feet. He felt as if a breeze would blow him over.

"Urame, would you?" almost a dozen ice projectiles came flying towards his still form.

His mind briefly noticed the ice flying towards him, ice…ice. His head turned towards Akari, Ice.


His jaw clenched.


His eyes burned


He looked down at his clenched fist.

The ice projectiles flew through the boy with no resistance.

"I won't accept this" it was whispered as he looked down at the ground.

"Speak up boy or el-"


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