
Jujutsu Kaisen: Save The Honored One

Warning: JJK manga spoilers A 16-year-old boy, Ken, died due to excessive rage and stress after reading the 236th chapter of the hit manga, Jujutsu Kaisen. "Are you kidding me? Now Gojo and now I'm dead?" Thankfully, he was given the privilege to resurrect and create the ending he desires in a replica world. "I can choose my cursed technique when I go there? Cool, I choose Limitless." "Wait, it's impossible? Then whatever the hell Sukuna has!" "Still impossible? Tell me I can at least get Ten Shadows." "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHAT CAN I GET?" When he woke up, he was given a cursed technique at random. "I have to stop Sukuna with this? I'm fucked" *** GEGE WHEN I CATCH YOU-

Billurigan · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Gege, when I catch you Gege

"What the hell is this piece of fucking crap?"

In a dimly lit room, a figure wrapped around a grey blanket could be seen staring into a bright screen absent-mindedly.

He had the look of a man who had lost their balls, lost their job, or found out that their favorite brand of bread was being discontinued.

A look of utter defeat.

The boy, named Ken, himself wasn't bad-looking by any means but he had a face that one would forget within five minutes.

The epitome of average.

He had short blackish hair, brown eyes, and a pale skin of being confined to his room for too long.

His body was scrawny and thin. He was relatively well fed but without proper exercise, his body couldn't develop a lot.

The room he was in was medium in size as well. There was a single bed in the corner, a table next to the bed and a shelf next.

There was a single big window but it was blocked by curtains.

On the walls, were a bunch of posters resembling fictional characters drawn neatly.

The first poster depicted a fit boy with hair colored between orange and pink. He held out his fist like a martial fighter of some sort. He was clad in a clean uniform with a button with a swirly pattern on it.

Strangely, there were lines under both of his eyes, too strange to be called birthmarks and too natural looking to be the result of makeup.

The poster had a name in the bottom left corner, "Yuji Itadori"

What was strange though, was the poster next to him. 

Unlike the previous poster, which had a cheery light background, this one had a menacing black background.

One that resembled the void.

The person depicted on that poster was also an enigma. The poster had the same boy from the previous poster, except, he didn't look quite the same.

'Yuji' wore a light-colored kimono with a black edge along with a black scarf. He wore traditional Japanese clothes, a direct contrast to the black stylish clothes he wore in the previous poster.

Strangely, he had 4 eyes. Each glowing red. Now, it was clear what the lines under the eyes were. They were an extra pair of eyes.

The name below the poster read 'Ryomen Sukuna'

There were more posters of course. Each depicting a different character.

Cool Megumi Fushiguro, An energetic girl Nobara Kugisaki, Athletic Maki Zen'in, Quite Inumaki Toge, Schizo Todo, Panda, menacing Toji and finally, honored one Gojo.

The last poster in particular was a bit different. Unlike the other characters, instead of being present in an empty white void, he was floating in the sky.

Clouds, birds, and horrifying abominations were all present on the poster. It was clear that this character was special.

Clad in a black outfit and with his glowing azure eyes, he dominated the room even as a poster.

There were multiple Gojo figurines as well. One did not need to be Sherlock to know who was the favorite character of this particular boy.

He sat still for a solid three minutes, staring at a specific manga panel with no change in expression.


The sudden outburst was, well, sudden but it was expected.

After all, his favorite character got sliced and airport'ed.



Wait, I need to regain my mind."

He sat in a meditation pose took a deep breath, and let out.

'Inner peace. Inner peace.



His veins bulged and his eyes became bloodshot, one could imagine his fury.

'Wait, I need to become sane again.

Maybe this is all a scheme to get readers back into the manga. After all, if one of the most beloved characters dies in the manga, dropped readers would pick it back up to see what the hell was going on.

Yes, this must be it. Surely, gege is a genius after all.

If not then the Gojo fan girls themselves would rip him to shreds. I won't have to do a thing.'

One could say obsessing over a fictional character was weird, freaky, and a behavior worthy of a mental illness diagnosis but what could he do?

The outside world was scary and cruel. The older generation imposed their beliefs and views upon their child, corrupting them.

If that was not enough, they also set unrealistic expectations for the kids, slowly crippling their physical and mental health, scarring them for life.

Ken was one of such kids.

He had to work hard to meet the expectations of his grandparents and achieve 120% in anything he participated in.

During his early years, he was enthusiastic, happy, and more than willing to work to make his grandparents proud.

It didn't take long for him to realize that he didn't have what it takes to achieve that though.

He was helpless even after sacrificing sleep and entertainment to devote himself to his studies.

His grandparents even carefully managed his food, calculating calories and nutrients to the finest detail to keep their grandson a healthy boy.

But they wouldn't let him go outside up until recently. According to them, his body would develop on its own after puberty so as long as he had enough nutrients, he should study.

With strict grandparents like that, it was nothing but a delusion to possess posters like this in his room.

Fortunately, a keen girl in his class noticed the abusive environment he was in and reported the grandparents, forcing them to give up Ken to his parents.

Ken was thankful for being separated from them but his parents were… not better.

They had to keep up with Ken's grandparents a lot so they were just done with everything. It was precisely why they left Ken with his grandma and grandpa.

He was given freedom in return though, as much freedom as he could imagine.

He was given unlimited access to the internet for the first time, where he encountered Jujutsu Kaisen, his first anime and manga.

In particular, one character resonated with him.

Gojo Satoru

A prodigy who had the power and talent to defy the corrupt higher-ups and do things his way.

Gojo Satoru was his ideal person.

So, him lying down on the ground, cut in half made him furious to no end.


A sharp pain assaulted his torso suddenly, causing him to kneel over on his bed.

He foamed at his mouth and started twitching.

Until he stopped moving.

This whole fanfic is gonna be my cope dump. Hopefully, I can get rid of the copium in my system after this thing.

Shower me with powerstones if you would like to read more. This is a side hobby so if people show interest in it, I might write more of it more often.

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