
Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed user in the Jujutsu world

After the monotonous life of John, who was but a simple mortal, has taken a liking to the world of Jujutsu no Kaisen due to the fight scene and philosophy they have ingrained in him, in particular the fate of a certain Jujutsu sorcerer.

Endless_ASx · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Tomfoolery

Author Notes: Help get that one done. and gone! Thank you guys for the support. I appreciate it with all my heart! :D

Thank you also for the support of you guys do in stones also appreciated.

Also, commenters for this Fic, I am glad too <3.< p>

I didn't have a good schedule sorry .-_-.



3rd POV:


"Who is he or it?" Aoi is wondering who this new being entering this place.

"It can be another youkai," Goro offered an explanation as he looked back again at the wolf, anticipating that it would move and attack them.

"It doesn't matter now. We need to get out of here and not get in between their fights," Akutami said with a serious look on his face as they got in between the two beings.

"Yeah, I agree, let's just go," Katzu said, stuttering while shaking in fear of the monster.


But as they are about to run back into the park they are suddenly met with a loud.






As Katzu runs straight, he is then slammed against some sort of barrier while running for the park.

"This, what happened to you, Katzu?" Goro questioned as he touched the air around where Katzu was bumped.

"I don't know, I just ran for it and then bam! pain," Katzu explains, rubbing his forehead and then knocking on his jaw a few times with his knuckles.

Aoi gives out the camera to Katzu in order to hold it for her while looking through for any injuries he might have sustained in giving it band aid.

Aoi: "Are we stuck in here?"

Goro: "It could be, but I don't know how it is possible."

Katzu: "Maybe we are stuck here for a while after all."

??? Maybe I needed to defeat the big bad wolf in order for this whole thing to dissipate itself? 




1st POV: Akutami


When I heard those words, like a distorted, deep voice uttering them, I was scared for my own life and the lives of my friends as I dragged them along with this investigation of mine and put them in danger of getting killed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" We all screamed out. 

As the cloaked creature stands before us, posing menancingly,.

"Wh-who are you?" asked Aoi as she stuttered, barely saying those words at the sudden appearance of the yokai. I truly don't know.

"Little curious, don't you think little monkeys?" The thing answered.

"Well, on th-the to-topic of th-this thing, if what you say is true, ca-can you defeat it, and where is it anyway?" Katzu frantically asked as he looked around for the signs of the monster.

"Well, right behind you, of course."




We all slowly looked at the wolf as its body parts were dangling from whatever wounds it suffered from the other being that was right behind us.

"FoOl i WoNt jUsT tAkE tHIs laYinG dOwN," the "Okuri Ini" said weazingly as it slowly bent down, attempting to strike our group again.

We are all prepared to stand and fight as we are backed into the corner.

But the youkai that we encountered said the word.


"You're already dead," said the mysterious Youkai.




Cried out the wolf.

As suddenly as the words were uttered, the wolf exploded in a black gooey liquid, slowly dissipating into nothingness.

And then the night dispersed as daylight returned.

Changing the frightful night into summer breeze daylight in a slowed motion as bits and pieces of it were shattered like a glass.

Along with it is the youkai.


"Man, that was intense," Goro said as he finally let out a sigh and relaxed in the grassland before him.

"Yeah," Aoi agreed as she sat down on the grass, taking in the view of some of the zoo's attractions.

"HAHAHAHA! Let's go! We live to tell a tale." Katzu excitedly jumped as he laughed out loud.

"Yeah, we did, didn't we?" Akutami said as he also sat down next to Aoi to take in the view of the park.

Akutami: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Aoi: "Yeah, it is."

Akutami: "So wanna y-you know w-waa-wanna go out with me just the two of us or something?"

Before Aoi could answer, a loud fuck was heard throughout the forest.


"Oh no, I broke the camera," Katzu exclaimed. 

"KATZUUUU! That was our budget that we put all together just to buy one camera!" Aoi shouted as she choked out the life of Katzu's body.

"Damn katzu, I don't even have the strength for this crap," Goro tiredly replied, as the adrenaline he's experiencing has run out.

'I just hoped she said something to my offer.' As I looked around the sky while Katzu and Aoi's another round of arguing continued.



1st POV: Geto


Nishi Ward Geto's Home:


'Yattaa, the experiment was a success. As I decided on how to proceed with the way things were going to go down,.

*As Geto slips back into his bed with a bed pillow for his head*

'But it was not large enough curse energy to be sustained, much less absorbed for longer periods of time.' I think of this curse energy supply deeply.

'Even though the experiment was a success, it did gather curse energy, but not enough of it to be useful. It's a good enough result as it is.'

'So I decided to cut the experiment to a premature end by de-summoning Grendel out in an exploding fashion. My man Deidara will be pleased'

'Its good that this kind of thing exists for me to use, but the others, though.'


With the sudden realization that Geto would have to contend with others, he tried to formulate plans around those individuals along their futures, but only one remained.




Geto uttered as he tried to get around the ancient beings on-going plan and tried to make counterplans against him.

But no matter how much he thought things through, he sat still, trying to gather his thoughts on how to proceed.

As the time passed and the sound slowly muted.

'Man, I leave this to future me' Geto yawned as he decided to take a nap.



3rd POV: ????


"Young master, please consider going to this "event"." Asked the butler as he tried to coax the young boy about this incoming event.


Said the boy unenthusiastic about this event.

"But why? You could meet with other people, establish connections, and prove the clan's reputation of having another." The butler said, but was cut off by the child.

"It's nothing more than a useless prattle anyway." As the child looked around the cities view.


*The child walks further*


As the child thought about it deeply, Making the busy part of the town less noisy as he focuses on thinking about it.


He said.


"Maybe I should go."


As his eyes shimmer with the blue hue of the azure sky, looking through the random buildings.


Author: Wohooo Spoopy who could this new person be?

Can you guys guess who it is?

Yow everyone! I hope you guys have a good day, thats all!. :D

Endless_ASxcreators' thoughts