
Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed user in the Jujutsu world

After the monotonous life of John, who was but a simple mortal, has taken a liking to the world of Jujutsu no Kaisen due to the fight scene and philosophy they have ingrained in him, in particular the fate of a certain Jujutsu sorcerer.

Endless_ASx · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Trolling ningens.

Author notes: Ehhh, not much to say in this one that I haven't said to the other chapter, but oh well, I might as well raise questions in regards to this.

Will Geto be able to touch infinity with the use of his cursed technique or not?






3rd POV:


Roof top of a random building:


'I've been seeing a lot of those people sneaking around my hunting grounds for a while now, huh? ' Geto said as he looked through the eye balls of curse spirit that Geto used for scouting around his hometown.




'That is mildly concerning.'

"but at the same time utterly delightful, as people with negative emotions, one of them being fear, could bear fruit a curse energy.'

He smiles as he thinks of a plan that would guarantee a passive increase of his curse energy permanently. 

'If the normal human of the world of JJK can give out curse energy with their negative emotions, it would then create an amalgamation of energy, creating a "Cursed Womb" and then final stage would be the cursed spirits.'




Narrator: A good explanation for this type of evolution would be the Warden from Minecraft. For example, if a mob dies within the vacinity of a sculk, it would consume the XP's dropped by the mob, and with it, the sculk's spread even further until it reached a momentum where it could summon "The warden" itself.

Stages for wardens: Mob's Xp> Sculk catalyst > Sculks >sculk sensor > sculk shrieker > The warden.

Stages for curses: Negative emotions > Curse energy > Curse amalgamation > Curse womb > Curse spirit.

Narration Over:




1st POV: 


'Why not make use of those amalgamating energies naturally for myself to increase my cursed and my spirit's energies instead no?'I thought about it deeply.

'Navigating through this world is much more complex than I thought of when I was a watcher during my old life, huh? '

"Let's test that theory, shall we?" I maliciously smiled as the four high school students felt a horror story that they would never forget in their lives.

"Oh shit, I forgot about the KFC mom bought for me crap. I am going to get chewed for this one again, ayayai!"




3rd POV:


With the evidence that they have gathered, along with some more pictures from the mysterious cartridge that they've gotten from the zoo during their weekends just visiting it,.

They have used every dollar they have in order to ask Mr. Takagi to give discounts for some older models of cameras that they could use for their ghost hunting.

With a disappointed look as he saw the pictures that they provided him, nevertheless with those things out of the way.

He helped them with items like an extra flashlight, lighters, and a strange telescope that Mr. Takagi gave out to them for free because he's interested in what the group will find in their search.

While being disappointed at the picture, he quoted, "Damn overgrown black dog teasing this old man with something else, cheh!". spat out Mr. Takagi.




1st POV: Akutami


Looking through the Nogeyama Zoological Gardens again, looking for more signs of the "Okuri Inu," as we have started calling it for our continued investigation regarding this mysterious dark wolf.

"Aku, I think I might've found something. Look, there is a closed-off sign in here that says off limits," Katzu said as we looked through an abandoned part of the zoo.

"I think it might be the thing we are looking for," Goro said, taking pictures along the way.

Walking through what looks to be some sort of old, dilapidated, rusty gate that has been broken down by time itself gave us an eerie feeling as we decided to traverse this dark tunnel.

Unknown to us, someone is observing our movements in the tunnels.


"Heh, time for a good show."




3rd POV: Dark Tunnels


*Goro lights up a wooden torch*

"Aku, do you know where we are going with this? It's so dark and scary in here," Aoi said as she clung to Akutami's t-shirt, looking around with her own flashlight.

"It will be ok, Aoi-chan. Today we might solve this mystery ourselves and show the people that ghosts are real," Akutami said with conviction and bravado in his voice while doing a macho pose.

Katzu: "You two are so cheesy about this whole thing, you know."

Aoi: "Well, we don't care, you killjoy; we will enjoy this whole trip, you know."

Katzu: "Who am I to judge?"

Akutami: "Come on guys, stay quiet so the mood doesn't get ruined."

Katzu: "No way Aoi started this -_-."

Aoi: "No, you started this >_<."< p>

Goro: "Quiet guys, I think I've heard something."


The group shuts up about their bickering.

As suddenly, the air shifts as the stale air is suddenly blown away, coming from the deeper parts of the tunnel. 


And with a pause, a sudden roar is echoed throughout the tunnels.




"Woahh, what was that?" cried out Katzu as the roar was still ringing in his ear while holding onto a tunnel wall.

"Aku!" Aoi said, holding onto Akutami.

"Damn, where did it come from?" Goro said with quickness as he searched for the sound coming from.


"YoU sHouLd nOt HAveE coMe hEre" Growled by something in the dark tunnels as the group looked around for the signs of a being getting in here.

Once the group lights up their flashlight in one direction,.

They found a being made of darkness in the shape of a bipedal wolf standing menacingly at the other end of the tunnel.




The group was stunned at the sheer size of this being.

As they realize that their lives could be in danger.

 There is only one thing in their minds right now.




Shoute Goro as he takes up his torch and uses his spray to blow against the "Okuri Ini," consuming it in flames as they run for the exit.

"Holy sh*t, you guys. saw that," Katzu said, panting in between his words.

"Wha-, what do you mean?" Aoi replied, shell shocked, as she tried to keep up with the group.

"Less talking, more running, everyone!" Akutami shouted as they kept on running for the exit.


"Emerge from the darkness darker than darkness, purify all that is impure."


"What was that voice?" Akutami questioned as they found a breathing room at the tunnel's exit.

"Woah, glad we are out of there." Katzu breathed heavily as he tried to recover his stamina after a long dash within the tunnels.

"Everyone wait for me!" Goro said as he took out his camera.

"We got him, I got the photos for it."

"Wait, you do?" Katzu replied as we went around him to look at the pictures the camera made after "Okuri Ini" made its appearance.

"I thought you guys would like it, so yeah," Goro smiled from ear to ear.

"Wait, why is it suddenly that a night isn't it daytime?" Aoi said as we looked at the night sky, wondering.


3rd POV:


"ToO sLow"


A growled voice rang out of the tunnel.

Standing before them is the dark wolf they have searching for.


"It's so over, Okuri Ini is here now!" Katzu said, trembling before the wolf.

While Katzu is saying those words, Goro is preparing to use the remains of the wooden stick that he had, turning it into a simple spear.

While Aoi is currently holding the camera, she takes pictures as if it were the last thing she would do.

They were losing hope as the dark wolf is preparing to lunge at them.


But at a sudden moment, a fireball went past the group as the Okuri Ini was stunned and brought it to its knees.


"Die! monster, you don't belong in this world." With a distorted shout, the group heard as they looked back behind them.

Standing in there back is a small being with black cloaks and a white mask.





Author: I am happy that I got this whole chapter done and my first ever 1K word in without the notes and all, but you got the idea still. Thank you guys for reading this <3.< p>

Thanks for reading have a good one.

Dear me, this chapter took a lot to make but was enjoyable nonetheless.

Endless_ASxcreators' thoughts