
Jujutsu Kaisen: Curse of the Curseless

In Tokyo, where curses thrive on negative emotions, Dave Li, a man battered by life’s failures, finds solace in “Jujutsu Kaisen” manga. When he intervenes in a dire situation, sacrificing himself to save a girl, Dave awakens in the body of Shin Zenin. Shin’s life is a torment—abused by a prestigious clan for his lack of curse energy. Dave, now Shin, resolves to change his fate. He seeks power and respect within the clan, fueled by the memory of a brutal beating. “Curse of Resilience” follows Shin’s journey of self-discovery and transformation in a world infested with curses. Can he rise above his past and become a force to be reckoned with?

Junjhon12 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 14: A Mother's Sacrifice

Regaining consciousness, Shin battled against a veil of disorientation that clouded his senses. With a strenuous effort, he attempted to shift his body, yet it remained unyielding, anchored to the ground by an invisible force. Yielding to this immobilization, he chose instead to pry open his heavy eyelids, allowing the ambient light to flood in and reveal his surroundings. His gaze settled upon Shoko, immersed in her world of books and parchment, seemingly oblivious to his reawakening.

A surge of relief washed over him as the realization dawned that he had survived whatever harrowing ordeal had cast him into this state. With a fervent desire to reach out to Shoko, Shin attempted to summon his voice, to call out to her. Alas, his vocal cords, strained and feeble, could only muster faint whispers, evaporating into the stillness of the room.

Determined not to succumb to the haunting silence that engulfed him, Shin persisted. Every ounce of his willpower was channeled into emitting even the faintest audible sound, anything to shatter the oppressive stillness.

"Eh! Eh! Ehh!"

Shin's strained cries bore fruit as Shoko's attention was abruptly seized. Swiftly maneuvering her wheelchair closer, she positioned herself by his side, a mosaic of concern painted across her features, mirroring the turmoil within.

"Finally, you're awake. Took you long enough. How are you feeling?" Shoko inquired, her expression laced with nonchalance, a touch of playful sarcasm dancing in her eyes.

"Ah. Eeeh. Ah. A," Shin replied in frustration, his attempts at speech tangled in his own impairment, rendering his words unintelligible.

Noticing Shin's struggle, Shoko shook her head in a mix of exasperation and amusement. "Just crash for today, okay? You've been through the wringer. And those ankle weights did a number on your legs. I'll rouse you when the time's right." With a wry smile, she returned to her work, a beacon of steadfastness amidst the room's lingering quietude.

(10 hours later)

As Shin stirred from slumber, Shoko's gentle taps roused him. "Alright, time to rise and shine. You should be as good as new now. Gojo's waiting outside, and I think you might be in some trouble," she announced with a hint of concern, her demeanor shifting subtly.

Alert at the mention of Gojo's possible irritation, Shin snapped into full consciousness. "Thank you for everything, Ms. Shoko," he expressed, his voice wavering slightly with gratitude.

Stepping out, Shin encountered Gojo, whose demeanor spoke volumes of his displeasure. 'Ah, darn it. Didn't I finish the task? And I even took down a special grade curse. Shouldn't that count for something?' Despite his internal turmoil, Shin managed a strained smile. "Hey, Gojo-sensei, I'm back in one piece. And guess what? I managed to take down a special grade curse! Pretty impressive, right?" His attempt at enthusiasm masked the apprehension lurking beneath the surface.

Gojo advanced towards Shin, his demeanor unchanged. Without a word, he swiftly flicked Shin's forehead with such force that it caused Shin to stagger backward, the resounding impact audible enough for Shoko to register and perk up.

"Ow, what the heck?! I'm here in one piece, so what's with the aggression?" Shin protested, rubbing his now-bumped forehead.

Unperturbed, Gojo continued, his tone measured. "Shin, didn't I emphasize the importance of caution? I told you to be careful out there, even if you possess strength. Remember?"

Rubbing the sore spot on his forehead, Shin regained his balance, his frustration evident. "No! You just said not to die!"

Gojo held a moment of silence before speaking. "That's something you should've figured out without me spelling it out. You're lucky I cut my firefly-catching time short to rush back and assist you."

Shin, taken aback, questioned, "Hold on. I could've died if you hadn't hurried back from catching fireflies?"

Dismissing the topic swiftly, Gojo shifted gears. "That's not the issue here. What matters is you're alive because of me. Show some gratitude for not biting the dust next time, got it?" His tone remained firm, emphasizing Shin's survival over the trivialities of his sudden return.

Shin gives Gojo a look of 'you're really going to not answer'. "Alright, fine. Thank you sensei for saving me, next time I'll be sure to be careful and cautious."

Gojo smiled upon hearing this and started walking away. "Remember you only have one life, when you die you die alone, don't forget that."

Once Gojo was gone Shin returned back to his room to find his staff and leg weights. He put both leg weights back on and headed to the track field to start running. Once there he noticed Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi running a lap, Shin then decided to join them as he ran down the hill waving and greeting each of them. 

Some time later they all decided to rest and chat, 'I wonder did anything else change on this timeline? Like Junpei, wait, isn't he dead already by this point?'

Shin takes a sip of water before asking the group. "Have you guys done any missions so far?"

Yuji beamed as he replied, "We've got a mission coming up next week. Seems we're diving into the suspects behind the movie theater incident."

Shin was taken aback. 'If that's happening now, then...'

Surprised, Shin turned to the group. "Theater incident? What's the deal?"

Fushiguro nonchalantly took a bite of his protein bar before explaining, "Three high schoolers were found horrendously disfigured by dome type of curse technique, no clear leads yet except for their classmate, Junpei Yoshino, who was in the same room at the time."

Nobara waved her hand casually. "If he's the culprit, he seems weak enough to be caught with a straw."

Seizing an opportunity, Shin pitched in. "Mind if I come along? I could get Junpei's attention while one of you does the questioning. Yuji, you're up for it."

Yuji looked puzzled by the suggestion. "Huh? Why me? Wouldn't Fushiguro or Nobara be better fitted for that?"

Shin swiftly pulled Yuji away to a secluded spot, ensuring they were out of sight and earshot of Nobara and Fushiguro. "Yuji, listen. You've got the social skills and charisma for this. Let's face it, if either of those two takes the lead, it won't likely end well, right? You're our best shot at this."

Yuji absorbed Shin's earnestness and desperation, nodding in agreement without hesitation.

Seeing Yuji's acceptance, Shin smiled. "Great. So, when does this mission kick off again?"

A week later, Yuji and Shin rendezvoused with Junpei after Yuji handled the school teacher outside his house. Observing Junpei's telltale signs of awareness, Shin noted, 'He must have known about us in advance, judging by his dilated pupils and irregular breathing. Let's keep it casual.'

Meanwhile, Fushiguro and Nobara were aiding Nanami in the hunt for the culprit responsible for the high schoolers' affliction.

Shin observed Yuji effortlessly engaging Junpei, relishing the small moments of movie discussions, particularly about Worm Humans. Engaging in a playful debate over the cooler Godzilla version - Shin Godzilla or Godzilla Minus One - Shin and Junpei found themselves in a heated argument. In a playful turn, Yuji and Shin role-played as Mike Tyson and Rocky. Their banter was interrupted by a woman who approached, smoking a cigar.

Junpei scolded her for smoking, and upon extinguishing the cigar, she turned her attention to Yuji and Shin. "Friends of yours Junpei? Why don't you both join us for dinner?"

Junpei attempted to decline the offer on their behalf. "It's a bit of a bother, and I think they're ready to leave."

Before Shin or Yuji could interject, Yuji's stomach rumbled audibly.

Junpei's mother, Nagi Yoshino, chuckled warmly before ushering them all into her home, extending a warm welcome. As they indulged in food and conversation, laughter filled the air. Yuji showcased his stand-up and Mononoke skills, creating a jovial atmosphere. Eventually, Nagi dozed off from the evening's revelry.

Suggesting they stay over due to the lateness of the hour, Shin proposed the idea. Junpei appeared surprised and puzzled. "Aren't the trains still running at this time?"

Without missing a beat, Shin offered a reason. "You see, Yuji and I are a bit scared of the dark. If it's alright with you, could we stay just for tonight?"

Reluctantly, Junpei agreed, albeit with some reservation. "Alright, you both can stay. Just don't cause any trouble for me and my mom. You can crash in my room."

'I need to prevent Nagi's death, no matter what.' Before Shin could inquire about the restroom, Yuji placed a hand on Shin's shoulder.

In a low, bewildered tone, Yuji asked, "Wait, I'm not scared of the dark? Did you use me as an excuse for your fear? And you're scared of the dark? I had no idea."

A single tear ran down Yuji's cheek as he looked at Shin, giving him a thumbs-up. "It's okay, man. I'll protect you from the dark tonight. You don't have to be afraid."

Shin felt a mix of happiness and profound sadness that his excuse had successfully fooled both Junpei and Yuji. 'I might have won this battle, but it feels like I've lost the war. Damn it, I hate this feeling.'

Inside Junpei's room, discussions on movies persisted, from the best Ghibli film to the timeless Pokemon vs. Digimon debate. As the clock struck 3 AM, everyone drifted off to sleep. However, at 3:20 AM, Shin was abruptly awakened by a repugnant odor emanating from outside Junpei's room. Silently slipping out, Shin detected a cursed spirit hovering near Nagi and swiftly struck it with enough force to dispel it without rousing her. 'Nagi's safe,' he confirmed to himself.

Despite the curse dissipating, an unpleasant stench lingered. Investigating further, Shin found something unexpected on the table where Nagi rested her head—a finger, seemingly materialized out of thin air. 'How did this appear without triggering any of my senses? No sound, no movement felt, and no unusual odor until now.'

Suddenly, Shin observed Nagi stirring from her inebriated sleep, prompting him to swiftly conceal the mysterious finger in his pocket. Nagi, now awake with a mild headache from the alcohol, stretched before noticing Shin standing nearby.

Still groggy, Nagi inquired, "What time is it? It's so late. What are you doing up?"

Seizing the moment, Shin sat down on the table. "Ms. Nagi, how old are you?"

Taken aback by the unexpected question, Nagi smiled, "Don't you know it's rude to ask a woman her age?... I'm 35. Why do you ask?"

Shin found himself momentarily at a loss for words. "I just thought you look remarkably young for a mother. Anyway, what was Junpei like when he was little?"

Nagi's smile held traces of nostalgia. "He was full of life, much more spirited and active back then. But things changed after his father and I divorced. With his father gone, I did my best to fill that void, but it wasn't enough. I'm just grateful he has friends who appreciate him. Sorry for rambling."

An idea sparked in Shin's mind. "I think I know how to bring out his best self again."

Perking up, Nagi became attentive. "How? I've tried giving him more freedom, and allowing him to skip school occasionally, but he still doesn't seem content. What can you do for him?"

Shin smiled reassuringly. "I want him to enroll at Jujutsu High. I can assure you he'll find more happiness and fulfillment there than in his current school, especially since he's facing bullying with no help from the adults."

Nagi's expression shifted from sadness to fury. "Is that true? He never mentioned anything like that to me. They did nothing? I don't know if I should believe you, since we've just met. I'll need proof. How do I know he'll be happier there and that he's being bullied?"

Shin's tone remained serious. "Have you seen his eyes beneath the bangs? Take a look and then contact me when you've made your decision. Here's my number. Goodnight."

Nagi inputted Shin's number, pondering, "What's beneath his bangs? I'll talk to him about it and take some time to think. Sleep well, Shin, and thank you for being a friend to Junpei."

Morning arrived.

Upload will be done one chapter every Sunday since College starts next week.

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