
Jujutsu Kaisen: Curse of the Curseless

In Tokyo, where curses thrive on negative emotions, Dave Li, a man battered by life’s failures, finds solace in “Jujutsu Kaisen” manga. When he intervenes in a dire situation, sacrificing himself to save a girl, Dave awakens in the body of Shin Zenin. Shin’s life is a torment—abused by a prestigious clan for his lack of curse energy. Dave, now Shin, resolves to change his fate. He seeks power and respect within the clan, fueled by the memory of a brutal beating. “Curse of Resilience” follows Shin’s journey of self-discovery and transformation in a world infested with curses. Can he rise above his past and become a force to be reckoned with?

Junjhon12 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 15: Helping Out a Friend

Shin and Toji, upon waking up, swiftly prepared to return to school. Before leaving, Shin engaged in a conversation with Nagi.

"Did you have a looked under his bangs?"

Nagi responded with a hint of hesitation, "No. No, I haven't yet. Is what you said last night true? Is my son really being bullied, and the teachers did nothing?!"

Shin, slightly taken aback by Nagi's tone and demeanor, responded, "Yes, everything I said was true, and I still believe it would greatly benefit him to attend Jujutsu High School. You do want what's best for him, don't you?"

Nagi contemplated the situation, but before she could respond, Junpei emerged from his room, appearing restless as he rubs his eyes while scratching his stomache.

Shin turned his head, looking at Junpei, which left Junpei puzzled as to why he was being stared at. Shin then seemed to have an idea.

Shin wore a friendly smile. "Morning, Junpei~ It's good to see you. Can you do me a favor and sit next to me, just for a bit?"

Junpei, initially confused about the request, decided to go along with it, finding it reasonable. As he took a seat across from his mother and Shin, Shin maintained his nonchalant smile.

"Alright, now, Junpei, do me a favor and close your eyes and keep them shut,"

Junpei confusion increase ever so upon hearing the request but do so willingly to get it over with as he closes his eyes.

Nagi wore an expression of both interest and confusion throughout, wondering about Shin's intentions. Shin stood up and positioned himself behind Junpei. Swiftly, he lifted Junpei's long bang that was covering one eye.

Nagi, instinctively defensive at Shin's actions toward her son, soon wore a horrified expression as she witnessed what Shin revealed.

Junpei, realizing what Shin had done, quickly opened his eyes and attempted to free his long bangs from Shin's grip. However, Shin's prevented him from doing so, grabbing hold of Junpei and making sure his mother see's the cigar burns clearly.

Her mood immediately shifted from shock to worry, then anger directed at the school and those who had caused this to her child. Finally, Shin released Junpei, who angrily demanded an explanation. Before Shin could respond, Nagi, in a serious and calm tone after calming down, asked Junpei.

"Is it true you're being bullied at school, dear? And all the adults are doing nothing to prevent and stop it?" Nagi inquired, her tone serious and concerned.

The room fell silent for a moment before Junpei responded, not wanting to worry his mother, "Yes, but how do you know it's because of that and not because of an accident?" Nagi looked at Junpei with a smile. "Call it mother's intuition."

Shin, who had been silently observing the situation, couldn't help but think, 'Bullshit. You only know this because I told you, liar.'

Nagi, now back to being serious, asked, "Junpei, would you like to switch schools to stop all of this from happening, I don't want you living like this? I know a school that will treat you much better."

Junpei, a bit nervous, replied, "Y-yes. I don't want to go back. What's the school name?"

Nagi smiled happily upon hearing her son's response. "The school is... uh... it's, uh..."

Shin interjected to assist/hide the embarrassed Nagi. "Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. You can still learn the materials of your current subjects."

As Junpei folded his arms and contemplated the offer, Shin decided to continue talking with Nagi about mundane topics. Finally, Junpei looked at Shin.

With a serious tone, Junpei questioned, "How can I trust you? I've only met you recently."

Shin replied nonchalantly, "And yet you let that same someone you met recently to not only enter your home, eat in your home, but to also let them sleep in your home close to you as if you trusted and knew them."

Junpei was about to state his reasons, but as he was doing so, he realized that no matter the response, Shin was right. Despite only meeting recently, he had let them sleep in his home with no hesitation or sense of danger.

Shin, seeing Junpei still deciding but slowly edging toward accepting the offer, decided to give him a strong reason. Shin smiled happily as he turned his attention to Nagi.

"Could you give us some privacy? I'll be quick," Shin requested, and Nagi agreed, heading to her room.

Shin pulled out the Sukuna finger and placed it on the table before Junpei.

Junpei, upon seeing the finger, became nervous. "What the hell is that?"

Shin nonchalantly answered, "A finger, to be more precise, a cursed finger."

Junpei, still nervous and shocked, asked, "Wh-why do you... no, where did you get it, or actually, why are you showing it to me?! If this is a joke then I'm not laughing."

Shin, with a calm tone, said, "Last night, I found it on this exact table next to your mother while heading to the restroom. Junpei, do you know what this finger is, why it was here on this table, and what could have happened if your mother found it instead of me?"

Junpei, nervously, replied, "No, I don't know anything."

Shin, still calm, continued, "This is a finger belonging to Sukuna, king of curses. I believe it was purposely placed here to cause harm or even death, but I already took care of the problem. But had I not done so, your mother would have found it, and as a result, the curses attracted to this finger would have killed her. You picking up what I'm dropping down?"

Junpei, now shocked, questioned, "But why me? Why is this happening?"

Shin, sensing an opportunity, urged Junpei, "Think hard, Junpei. Who would cause you this much trouble? Who would have the time and resource to casually drop something like this upon someone like you solely to cause harm?"

Junpei ponders before becoming agitated. "Shota… that fucker."

Shin nodded, acknowledging Junpei's anger, and decided to press further, "Junpei, do you really want to keep going to a school where Shota can make your life a living hell, or do you want a fresh start at a place where you won't have to deal with that scumbag anymore?"

Junpei too agitated to respond.

Shin, understanding Junpei's frustration, responded, "You don't have to endure it, Junpei. You can change your circumstances. I've been where you are, and I know what it's like. That cursed finger was a warning. It's a chance for you to escape that shitty environment full of trash and start fresh. What do you say?"

Junpei, fueled by his frustration and the opportunity for a fresh start, nodded with determination. "Alright, I'm in. Help me get back at Shota, and I'll transfer to your school."

Shin, with a confident grin, unfolded his plan. "We're going to turn the favor back to Shota. We'll make sure he experience true consequences for what he's done to you and others."

Junpei, intrigued, hesitated before responding. "I...I guess I can try. But what's your plan?"

Shin, still smiling, replied mysteriously. "Leave that part to me. Just make sure you arrange the meeting. We'll teach him a lesson he won't forget, remember this Junpei this is for a better future."

Next Day:

Shota, fuming with anger, finally cornered Junpei in the secluded area. "You little dog, you shoyld have just kept your head down and your mouth shut but you just had to open it."

Junpei, feigning fear, stammered, "I-I'm tired of you, man. I'm tired of the daily mistreatment from both you and your friends."

Shota, with a sinister grin, approached Junpei menacingly. "That so? I'll be sure to treat you gently."

As Shota got closer, Junpei signaled to Shin, who was lurking around the corner out of sight, ready to execute the plan.

Cornered, Junpei summoned his Shikigami, luckily, Shota can not see curses flying around Junpei ready for his order.

Shota piss. "You should have just kept your mouth shut and kept living life as a nobody but you just had to act like you and I were equal. For the next ten minutes, do not scream or resist, if you do I'll add new burns to your right eye."

Shota, with clenched fists and a menacing gaze, advanced towards Junpei, his anger manifesting as sharp fangs directed at his prey. As he closed the distance, Shota abruptly felt a sharp pain in his arm. Upon inspection, he was puzzled by the small puncture that had mysteriously appeared.

Experiencing a burning sensation and intense itchiness, Shota began scratching the affected area. As the discomfort heightened, he scratched more vigorously. Over time, Shota observed peculiar miniature markings appearing on the punctured arm, steadily spreading upwards. Frightened, he continued to scratch until he drew blood.

As the irritating sensation intensified and spread throughout his body, Shota collapsed to the ground, unable to endure the pain much longer. He was on the verge of screaming, but before a single sound escaped, something penetrated his throat, obstructing his vocal cords.

Unable to scream and immobilized, Shota thrashed around violently, desperately searching for a solution. In his panicked state, he recalled Junpei, but as he turned his attention to the last memory of seeing him, he was surprised to find Shin instead.

Desperate and in unbearable pain, Shota doesn't question Shin's presence or intentions but instead crawls toward him, seeking relief or assistance.

As Shota struggles, he signals Shin for help by holding up his infected arm. Expecting assistance, Shota manages to sit up on his knees. However, to his surprise, instead of providing aid, Shin swiftly twirls Shota's infected arm behind his back, restraining him.

Confused, Shota gazes at Shin with a face of perplexity, but Shin remains silent. Instead, he steps on Shota's back with one leg, pinning him down to the ground while still holding Shota's infected arm.

Shota struggles, wriggling under Shin's foot, desperately trying to free himself. Suddenly, Shota feels a new wave of pain as he turns his head to see Shin smiling while slowly twisting his arm. Now crying and nodding desperately to say no, Shota's pleas go unheard as Shin continues to slowly twist his arm until finally, Shin pulls it back and hears a pop.

Once Shin let him go, Shota remained on the floor, twitching in pain from both a broken arm and poison spreading throughout his body. Shin pondered as to what he should do next, but suddenly, he heard screaming from within the school. 'Huh? What's going on in there?' Shin walked to the nearby window and looked inside. To his surprise, it was Mahito. 'What the hell is he doing there? Hmmm, I can use him.'

While walking back to pick up Shota's body, Shin noticed a veil being cast down onto the school. 'Dam, I took too long.' Picking up Shota, Shin headed inside the gym where Mahito was and was surprised to see Junpei too. 'Shit.'

Junpei , "Hey, this is Mahito. He's the one who gave me this technique and the one that helped me."

Shin, unimpressed, "Junpei, come here."

Mahito smiles widely, "Who's this, Junpei? A friend? A sorcerer? I don't sense any curse energy from him, not even a tiny bit."

Junpei, "He's a friend of mine, and yes, he is a sorcerer, but he's not a bad guy. He protected my mom, so don't worry, Mahito. He's good, right Shin?"

Shin "Junpei come here, now."

Junpei, perplexed by Shin's demeanor, approached him as instructed.

As Junpei walked beside Shin, Shin suddenly propelled Shota's body at Mahito with full force. Reacting quickly, Mahito sliced the body in half. Seizing the opportunity, Shin grabbed Junpei and sprinted away from Mahito, making a swift escape towards the veil.

Shin "Junpei, try walking through the veil and see if you can leave."

Junpei attempted to walk out, but the veil prevented his exit. 'Damn, what do I do... I have an idea.'

Shin "Junpei, stay here and hide. I'll be back."

Before Junpei could respond, Shin swiftly returned to Mahito's location, where the cursed spirit was tormenting the students. Mahito remained unaware of Shin's presence, giving Shin the opportunity to strike his blind spot.

As Shin accelerated and struck, he managed to send Mahito flying, but to his dismay, it had no effect on Mahito. 'If physical attacks won't work, maybe I can try this.'

Shin, wearing a smug expression, remarked, "I've heard that special-grade spirits are supposed to be abnormally strong in both strength and technique, but you, you look pretty weak, plain, and boring."

Mahito, upon hearing this, remained silent but wore a sinister smile before responding, "You're going to be fun to play with."

Shin, with a smug expression, replied, "You think so? I don't find you too challenging. In fact, I'm confident I can land another hit with just one hand."

Mahito, smiling, "Oho~ Let's find out if you can. Come here."

Tension thickened in the air, and the only audible sound was the rhythmic breathing. Abruptly, Mahito lunged at Shin with a long blade formed from his left hand, aiming from Shin's right side.

Before Shin could react, a student grabbed his ankle, begging for help. Shin tried to free himself, but by the time he was free, the blade was already within unavoidable distance. "God damn it."